{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-do-bind #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module Focusers where import Common (Comparison (..), Evaluatable (..), Focus (..), Focuser (..), IfExpr (..), Mapping, Oper (..), Parser, Quantor (..), Range (RangeSingle), _toListUnsafe, composeFocusers, fromIndexes, getIndexes, lexeme, makeFilteredText, mapText, readMaybeRational, showRational, symbol, toListUnsafe, toTextUnsafe, unsort, ws) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens (lens, partsOf, (^..)) import Control.Monad (void, when, zipWithM) import Data.Char (isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isDigit, isLower, isSpace, isUpper) import Data.Data.Lens (biplate) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Functor ((<&>)) import Data.List (sortBy, transpose) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Ratio (denominator) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Text.Megaparsec (anySingle, anySingleBut, between, choice, empty, getOffset, many, optional, parseMaybe, satisfy, sepBy, some, try) import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Text.Regex.PCRE (AllMatches (getAllMatches), (=~)) import Text.Regex.PCRE.Text () focusId :: Focuser focusId = FTrav id focusEach :: Focuser focusEach = FTrav traverseFocus traverseFocus :: Applicative f => (Focus -> f Focus) -> (Focus -> f Focus) traverseFocus f focus = case focus of FText str -> FText . T.concat . map toTextUnsafe <$> traverse f (mapText (FText . T.singleton) str) FList lst -> FList <$> traverse f lst focusCollect :: Focuser -> Focuser focusCollect (FTrav innerTrav) = FTrav $ partsOf innerTrav . _toListUnsafe focusWords :: Focuser focusWords = FTrav wordsTrav wordsTrav :: Applicative f => (Focus -> f Focus) -> (Focus -> f Focus) wordsTrav _ flst@(FList _) = pure flst wordsTrav f (FText str) = let (str_ws, str_words) = myWords str new_words = map toTextUnsafe <$> traverse (f . FText) str_words new_str = T.concat . interleave str_ws <$> new_words in FText <$> new_str myWords :: Text -> ([Text], [Text]) myWords "" = ([], []) myWords str = let (ws, str') = T.span isSpace str (word, str'') = T.break isSpace str' (str_ws, str_words) = myWords str'' in (ws : str_ws, if not (T.null word) then word : str_words else str_words) focusSpace :: Focuser focusSpace = FTrav spaceTrav spaceTrav :: Applicative f => (Focus -> f Focus) -> (Focus -> f Focus) spaceTrav _ flst@(FList _) = pure flst spaceTrav f (FText str) = let (str_nonspace, str_space) = mySpace str new_space = map toTextUnsafe <$> traverse (f . FText) str_space new_str = T.concat . interleave str_nonspace <$> new_space in FText <$> new_str mySpace :: Text -> ([Text], [Text]) mySpace "" = ([], []) mySpace str = let (nonspace, str') = T.break isSpace str (space, str'') = T.span isSpace str' (str_nonspace, str_space) = mySpace str'' in (nonspace : str_nonspace, if not (T.null space) then space : str_space else str_space) interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] interleave [] a2s = a2s interleave a1s [] = a1s interleave (a1 : a1s) (a2 : a2s) = a1 : a2 : interleave a1s a2s focusLines :: Focuser focusLines = FTrav linesTrav linesTrav :: Applicative f => (Focus -> f Focus) -> (Focus -> f Focus) linesTrav _ flst@(FList _) = pure flst linesTrav f (FText str) = FText . T.concat . map ((`T.append` "\n") . toTextUnsafe) <$> traverse (f . FText) (T.lines str) transposeTravUnsafe :: Applicative f => (Focus -> f Focus) -> (Focus -> f Focus) transposeTravUnsafe f flist = transposeFListUnsafe <$> f (transposeFListUnsafe flist) transposeFListUnsafe :: Focus -> Focus transposeFListUnsafe (FList lst) = FList . map FList $ transpose (toListUnsafe <$> lst) transposeFListUnsafe _ = error "smh: transposeFListUnsafe called on a non-FList. Please, report this bug." focusCols :: Focuser focusCols = focusCollect (focusLines `composeFocusers` focusCollect focusWords) `composeFocusers` FTrav transposeTravUnsafe `composeFocusers` focusEach focusSlice :: [Range] -> Focuser focusSlice ranges = FTrav $ \f focus -> case focus of FText str -> FText <$> new_str where str_length = T.length str is = getIndexes ranges str_length filtered_str = makeFilteredText str_length is str new_filtered_str = toTextUnsafe <$> (f . FText $ filtered_str) new_str = updateText str is <$> new_filtered_str FList lst -> FList <$> new_lst where is = getIndexes ranges (length lst) filtered_lst = makeFilteredList is 0 lst new_filtered_list = toListUnsafe <$> (f . FList $ filtered_lst) new_lst = updateList lst . zip is <$> new_filtered_list where makeFilteredList [] _ _ = [] makeFilteredList _ _ [] = [] makeFilteredList (i : is) idx (c : str) | idx == i = c : makeFilteredList is (idx + 1) str | otherwise = makeFilteredList (i : is) (idx + 1) str updateList :: [a] -> [(Int, a)] -> [a] updateList as updates = aux (zip [0..] as) updates where aux old [] = map snd old aux [] _ = [] aux ((i, a) : old) ((j, a') : updates) | i == j = a' : aux old updates | otherwise = a : aux old ((j, a') : updates) updateText :: Text -> [Int] -> Text -> Text updateText old is new = T.unfoldrN (oldLen + newLen) builder (0, 0, is) where newLen = T.length new oldLen = T.length old builder :: (Int, Int, [Int]) -> Maybe (Char, (Int, Int, [Int])) builder (oldI, newI, []) | newI < newLen = Just (T.index new newI, (oldI, newI + 1, [])) | oldI < oldLen = Just (T.index old oldI, (oldI + 1, newI, [])) | otherwise = Nothing builder (oldI, newI, i : is) | oldI == i = if newI < newLen then Just (T.index new newI, (oldI + 1, newI + 1, is)) else builder (oldI + 1, newI + 1, is) | otherwise = Just (T.index old oldI, (oldI + 1, newI, i : is)) focusSortedBy :: Focuser -> Focuser focusSortedBy (FTrav trav) = FTrav $ \f focus -> case focus of FText str -> let str_length = T.length str (is, sorted_str) = unzip $ sortBy (cmp `on` (FText . T.singleton . snd)) $ zip [0..] $ T.unpack str new_sorted_str = toTextUnsafe <$> (f . FText) ( T.pack sorted_str) unsort_is = unsort is str_length new_str = unsortText unsort_is str_length <$> new_sorted_str in FText <$> new_str FList lst -> let (is, sorted_lst) = unzip $ sortBy (cmp `on` snd) $ zip [0..] lst new_sorted_lst = toListUnsafe <$> (f . FList) sorted_lst new_lst = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . zip is <$> new_sorted_lst in FList <$> new_lst where cmp f1 f2 = let f1' = f1 ^.. trav f2' = f2 ^.. trav in case (f1', f2') of ([FText s1], [FText s2]) -> case (readMDouble s1, readMDouble s2) of (Just n1, Just n2) -> compare n1 n2 _ -> EQ _ -> EQ unsortText :: [Int] -> Int -> Text -> Text unsortText is strLen str = T.unfoldrN strLen builder is where builder :: [Int] -> Maybe (Char, [Int]) builder [] = Nothing builder (i : is) = Just (T.index str i, is) readMDouble :: Text -> Maybe Double readMDouble = readMaybe . T.unpack focusIndex :: Int -> Focuser focusIndex n_ = FTrav $ \f focus -> case focus of FText str -> if n < 0 || n >= T.length str then pure focus else (f . FText . T.singleton) (T.index str n) <&> \new_str -> case toTextUnsafe new_str of "" -> FText str text -> FText $ updateTextAt str_length str n (T.head text) where str_length = T.length str n = if n_ < 0 then str_length + n_ else n_ FList lst -> if n < 0 || n >= length lst then pure focus else let new_focus = f (lst !! n) in FList . updateListAt lst n <$> new_focus where n = if n_ < 0 then length lst + n_ else n_ where updateListAt :: [a] -> Int -> a -> [a] updateListAt [] _ _ = [] updateListAt (_ : olds) 0 a = a : olds updateListAt (o : olds) n a = o : updateListAt olds (n - 1) a updateTextAt :: Int -> Text -> Int -> Char -> Text updateTextAt strLen str i newC = T.unfoldrN strLen builder 0 where builder :: Int -> Maybe (Char, Int) builder n | n >= strLen = Nothing | n == i = Just (newC, n + 1) | otherwise = Just (T.index str n, n + 1) focusMinBy :: Focuser -> Focuser focusMinBy f = focusSortedBy f `composeFocusers` focusIndex 0 focusMaxBy :: Focuser -> Focuser focusMaxBy f = focusSortedBy f `composeFocusers` focusIndex (-1) focusSortedLexBy :: Focuser -> Focuser focusSortedLexBy (FTrav trav) = FTrav $ \f focus -> case focus of FText str -> let (is, sorted_str) = unzip $ sortBy (cmp `on` (FText . T.singleton . snd)) $ zip [0..] $ T.unpack str str_length = T.length str new_sorted_str = toTextUnsafe <$> (f . FText . T.pack) sorted_str unsort_is = unsort is str_length new_str = unsortText unsort_is str_length <$> new_sorted_str in FText <$> new_str FList lst -> let (is, sorted_lst) = unzip $ sortBy (cmp `on` snd) $ zip [0..] lst new_sorted_lst = toListUnsafe <$> (f . FList) sorted_lst new_lst = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . zip is <$> new_sorted_lst in FList <$> new_lst where cmp f1 f2 = let f1' = f1 ^.. trav f2' = f2 ^.. trav in case (f1', f2') of ([FText s1], [FText s2]) -> compare s1 s2 _ -> EQ unsortText :: [Int] -> Int -> Text -> Text unsortText is strLen str = T.unfoldrN strLen builder is where builder :: [Int] -> Maybe (Char, [Int]) builder [] = Nothing builder (i : is) = Just (T.index str i, is) focusMinLexBy :: Focuser -> Focuser focusMinLexBy f = focusSortedLexBy f `composeFocusers` focusIndex 0 focusMaxLexBy :: Focuser -> Focuser focusMaxLexBy f = focusSortedLexBy f `composeFocusers` focusIndex (-1) focusSum :: Focuser focusSum = FTrav $ lens getSum const getSum :: Focus -> Focus getSum focus = case focus of FList _ -> FText $ showRational $ sum $ mapMaybe readMaybeRational $ focus ^.. biplate FText s -> FText $ showRational $ sum $ mapMaybe (readMaybeRational . T.singleton) $ T.unpack s focusProduct :: Focuser focusProduct = FTrav $ lens getProduct const getProduct :: Focus -> Focus getProduct focus = case focus of FList _ -> FText $ showRational $ product $ mapMaybe readMaybeRational $ focus ^.. biplate FText s -> FText $ showRational $ product $ mapMaybe (readMaybeRational . T.singleton) $ T.unpack s focusAverage :: Rational -> Focuser focusAverage n = FTrav $ lens (getAverage n) const getAverage :: Rational -> Focus -> Focus getAverage n focus = case focus of FList _ -> FText $ showRational $ average n $ mapMaybe readMaybeRational $ focus ^.. biplate FText s -> FText $ showRational $ average n $ mapMaybe (readMaybeRational . T.singleton) $ T.unpack s average :: Rational -> [Rational] -> Rational average n [] = n average _ xs = sum xs / fromIntegral (length xs) focusIf :: IfExpr -> Focuser focusIf ifexpr = FTrav $ \f focus -> if focus `passesIf` ifexpr then f focus else pure focus where passesIf :: Focus -> IfExpr -> Bool passesIf focus (IfAnd ifexprs) = all (passesIf focus) ifexprs passesIf focus (IfOr ifexprs) = any (passesIf focus) ifexprs passesIf focus (IfSingle comp) = let op = cmpOp comp q1 = fst $ cmpLHS comp q2 = fst $ cmpRHS comp f1s = evaluateEval focus $ snd $ cmpLHS comp f2s = evaluateEval focus $ snd $ cmpRHS comp results = [[applyOp op f1 f2 | f2 <- f2s] | f1 <- f1s] in case (q1, q2) of (QAll, QAll) -> all and results (QAll, QAny) -> all or results (QAny, QAll) -> any and results (QAny, QAny) -> any or results evaluateEval :: Focus -> Evaluatable -> [Either Rational Focus] evaluateEval focus eval = case eval of EText s -> [Right $ FText s] ENumber n -> [Left n] EFocuser (FTrav trav) -> Right <$> focus ^.. trav applyOp :: Oper -> Either Rational Focus -> Either Rational Focus -> Bool applyOp OpEq (Left n1) (Left n2) = n1 == n2 applyOp OpEq (Right f1) (Right f2) = f1 == f2 applyOp OpEq (Left n1) (Right (FText s2)) = Just n1 == readMaybeRational s2 applyOp OpEq (Right (FText s1)) (Left n2) = readMaybeRational s1 == Just n2 applyOp OpNe (Left n1) (Left n2) = n1 /= n2 applyOp OpNe (Left n1) (Right (FText s2)) = case readMaybeRational s2 of Just n2 -> n1 /= n2 Nothing -> False applyOp OpNe (Right (FText s1)) (Left n2) = case readMaybeRational s1 of Just n1 -> n1 /= n2 Nothing -> False applyOp OpNe (Right f1) (Right f2) = f1 /= f2 applyOp op e1 e2 = case op of OpLt -> applyOpOrd (<) e1 e2 OpGt -> applyOpOrd (>) e1 e2 OpLe -> applyOpOrd (<=) e1 e2 OpGe -> applyOpOrd (>=) e1 e2 _ -> False where applyOpOrd :: (forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool) -> Either Rational Focus -> Either Rational Focus -> Bool applyOpOrd f (Left n1) (Left n2) = f n1 n2 applyOpOrd f (Left n1) (Right (FText s2)) = case readMaybeRational s2 of Just n2 -> f n1 n2 Nothing -> False applyOpOrd f (Right (FText s1)) (Left n2) = case readMaybeRational s1 of Just n1 -> f n1 n2 Nothing -> False applyOpOrd f (Right (FText s1)) (Right (FText s2)) = case (readMaybeRational s1, readMaybeRational s2) of (Just n1, Just n2) -> f n1 n2 _ -> f s1 s2 applyOpOrd _ _ _ = False logicFocuser :: (Focus -> Bool) -> Focuser logicFocuser pred = FTrav $ lens (\focus -> if pred focus then FText "1" else FText "0") const focusIsUpper :: Focuser focusIsUpper = logicFocuser (\case FText s -> T.all isUpper s _ -> False) focusIsLower :: Focuser focusIsLower = logicFocuser (\case FText s -> T.all isLower s _ -> False) focusIsAlpha :: Focuser focusIsAlpha = logicFocuser (\case FText s -> T.all isAlpha s _ -> False) focusIsAlphaNum :: Focuser focusIsAlphaNum = logicFocuser (\case FText s -> T.all isAlphaNum s _ -> False) focusIsDigit :: Focuser focusIsDigit = logicFocuser (\case FText s -> T.all isDigit s _ -> False) focusIsSpace :: Focuser focusIsSpace = logicFocuser (\case FText s -> T.all isSpace s _ -> False) focusRegex :: Text -> Focuser focusRegex regex = FTrav $ \f focus -> case focus of FText s -> let matchIdxs = getAllMatches (s =~ regex) (nonMatches, matches) = fromIndexes 0 s matchIdxs newMatches = map toTextUnsafe <$> traverse (f . FText) matches in FText . T.concat . interleave nonMatches <$> newMatches _ -> pure focus focusFilter :: IfExpr -> Focuser focusFilter pred = focusCollect $ focusEach `composeFocusers` focusIf pred focusContains :: Text -> Focuser focusContains text = FTrav $ lens contains const where contains focus = case focus of FText s -> FText $ if T.isInfixOf text s then "1" else "0" FList lst -> FText $ if any check lst then "1" else "0" check focus = case focus of FText s -> text == s _ -> False focusStartsWith :: Text -> Focuser focusStartsWith text = FTrav $ lens starts const where starts focus = case focus of FText s -> FText $ if T.isPrefixOf text s then "1" else "0" _ -> FText "0" focusEndsWith :: Text -> Focuser focusEndsWith text = FTrav $ lens ends const where ends focus = case focus of FText s -> FText $ if T.isSuffixOf text s then "1" else "0" _ -> FText "0" focusLength :: Focuser focusLength = FTrav $ \f focus -> case focus of fs@(FText s) -> fs <$ f (FText . T.pack . show . T.length $ s) flst@(FList lst) -> flst <$ f (FText . T.pack . show . length $ lst) parseListElemIdxs :: Parser [(Int, Int)] parseListElemIdxs = do symbol "[" idxs <- parseElemIdxs `sepBy` symbol "," symbol "]" pure idxs parseElemIdxs :: Parser (Int, Int) parseElemIdxs = lexeme $ do idx1 <- getOffset skipListElem idx2 <- getOffset pure (idx1, idx2 - idx1) skipListElem :: Parser () skipListElem = choice [ inQuotes , inDoubleQuotes , inSquareBraces , inParens , inCurlyBraces , escapingCommaSquareBrace] >> void (optional (try $ ws >> skipListElem)) inQuotes = char '\'' >> escaping '\'' '\'' 1 inDoubleQuotes = char '"' >> escaping '"' '"' 1 inSquareBraces = char '[' >> escaping '[' ']' 1 inParens = char '(' >> escaping '(' ')' 1 inCurlyBraces = char '{' >> escaping '{' '}' 1 escapingCommaSquareBrace = void $ some $ satisfy (\c -> c /= ',' && c /= ']' && not (isSpace c)) escaping :: Char -> Char -> Int -> Parser () escaping start end depth = choice [ char end >> if depth == 1 then return () else void (optional $ escaping start end (depth - 1)) , char start >> void (optional $ escaping start end (depth + 1)) , char '\\' >> anySingle >> void (optional $ escaping start end depth) , anySingle >> void (optional $ escaping start end depth) ] focusEl :: Focuser focusEl = FTrav $ \f focus -> case focus of FText s -> case parseMaybe parseListElemIdxs s of Just idxs -> let (nonMatches, matches) = fromIndexes 0 s idxs newMatches = map toTextUnsafe <$> traverse (f . FText) matches in FText . T.concat . interleave nonMatches <$> newMatches Nothing -> pure focus FList _ -> pure focus parseObjKVIdxs :: Parser [((Int, Int), (Int, Int))] parseObjKVIdxs = do symbol "{" idxs <- parseKVIdxs `sepBy` symbol "," symbol "}" pure idxs parseKVIdxs :: Parser ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) parseKVIdxs = do keyIdxs <- parseKeyIdxs symbol ":" valIdxs <- parseValIdxs pure (keyIdxs, valIdxs) parseKeyIdxs :: Parser (Int, Int) parseKeyIdxs = lexeme $ do idx1 <- getOffset skipKey idx2 <- getOffset pure (idx1, idx2 - idx1) skipKey :: Parser () skipKey = choice [ inQuotes , inDoubleQuotes , inSquareBraces , inParens , inCurlyBraces , escapingColonCurlyBrace] >> void (optional (try $ ws >> skipKey)) escapingColonCurlyBrace = void $ some $ satisfy (\c -> c /= ':' && c /= '}' && not (isSpace c)) parseValIdxs :: Parser (Int, Int) parseValIdxs = lexeme $ do idx1 <- getOffset skipVal idx2 <- getOffset pure (idx1, idx2 - idx1) skipVal :: Parser () skipVal = choice [ inQuotes , inDoubleQuotes , inSquareBraces , inParens , inCurlyBraces , escapingCommaCurlyBrace] >> void (optional (try $ ws >> skipVal)) escapingCommaCurlyBrace = void $ some $ satisfy (\c -> c /= ',' && c /= '}' && not (isSpace c)) focusKV :: Focuser focusKV = FTrav $ \f focus -> case focus of FText s -> case parseMaybe parseObjKVIdxs s of Just idxs -> let idxs_ = concatMap (\(a, b) -> [a, b]) idxs (nonMatches, matches) = fromIndexes 0 s idxs_ matches_ = pairUp $ map FText matches newMatches_ = map toListUnsafe <$> traverse (f . FList) matches_ newMatches = map toTextUnsafe . concat <$> newMatches_ in FText . T.concat . interleave nonMatches <$> newMatches Nothing -> pure focus FList _ -> pure focus where pairUp :: [a] -> [[a]] pairUp [] = [] pairUp (a1 : a2 : as) = [a1, a2] : pairUp as pairUp _ = error "pairUp: list too short" data KeyType = InQuotes Text | InDoubleQuotes Text | Default focusKey :: Focuser focusKey = FTrav $ \f focus -> case focus of FList [FText key, FText val] -> case stripKey key of InQuotes key_ -> setKey val . (\k -> "'" <> k <> "'") . toTextUnsafe <$> f (FText key_) InDoubleQuotes key_ -> setKey val . (\k -> "\"" <> k <> "\"") . toTextUnsafe <$> f (FText key_) Default -> setKey val . toTextUnsafe <$> f (FText key) FText _ -> let FTrav trav = focusKV `composeFocusers` focusKey in trav f focus stripKey :: Text -> KeyType stripKey s | T.index s 0 == '"' && T.index s (T.length s - 1) == '"' = InDoubleQuotes $ T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 1 s | T.index s 0 == '\'' && T.index s (T.length s - 1) == '\''= InQuotes $ T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 1 s | otherwise = Default setKey :: Text -> Text -> Focus setKey val key = FList [FText key, FText val] focusVal :: Focuser focusVal = FTrav $ \f focus -> case focus of FList _ -> let FTrav trav = focusIndex 1 in trav f focus FText _ -> let FTrav trav = focusKV `composeFocusers` focusVal in trav f focus focusAtKey :: Text -> Focuser focusAtKey key = focusKV `composeFocusers` focusIf (IfSingle $ Comparison (QAll, EFocuser focusKey) OpEq (QAll, EText key)) `composeFocusers` focusVal focusAtIdx :: Int -> Focuser focusAtIdx i = focusCollect focusEl `composeFocusers` focusIndex i