-- vim:fdm=marker:foldtext=foldtext() -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Test.SmallCheck.Property -- Copyright : (c) Colin Runciman et al. -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer: Roman Cheplyaka -- -- Properties and tools to construct them. -------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- Are we using new, polykinded and derivable Typeable yet? #define NEWTYPEABLE MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0) #if NEWTYPEABLE {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} #else -- Trustworthy is needed because of the hand-written Typeable instance #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704 {-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} #endif #endif module Test.SmallCheck.Property ( -- * Constructors forAll, exists, existsUnique, over, (==>), monadic, changeDepth, changeDepth1, -- * Property's entrails Property, PropertySuccess(..), PropertyFailure(..), runProperty, TestQuality(..), Argument, Reason, Depth, Testable(..), ) where import Test.SmallCheck.Series import Test.SmallCheck.SeriesMonad import Test.SmallCheck.Property.Result import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Monad (liftM, mzero) import Control.Monad.Logic (MonadLogic, runLogicT, ifte, once, msplit, lnot) import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, lift, ask, local, reader) import Control.Applicative (pure, (<$>), (<$)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable(..)) #if !NEWTYPEABLE import Data.Typeable (Typeable1, mkTyConApp, typeOf) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0) import Data.Typeable (mkTyCon3) #else import Data.Typeable (mkTyCon) #endif #endif ------------------------------ -- Property-related types ------------------------------ --{{{ -- | The type of properties over the monad @m@. newtype Property m = Property { unProperty :: Reader (Env m) (PropertySeries m) } #if NEWTYPEABLE deriving Typeable #endif data PropertySeries m = PropertySeries { searchExamples :: Series m PropertySuccess , searchCounterExamples :: Series m PropertyFailure , searchClosest :: Series m (Property m, [Argument]) } data Env m = Env { quantification :: Quantification , testHook :: TestQuality -> m () } data Quantification = Forall | Exists | ExistsUnique data TestQuality = GoodTest | BadTest deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show) #if !NEWTYPEABLE -- Typeable here is not polykinded yet, and also GHC doesn't know how to -- derive this. instance Typeable1 m => Typeable (Property m) where typeOf _ = mkTyConApp #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0) (mkTyCon3 "smallcheck" "Test.SmallCheck.Property" "Property") #else (mkTyCon "smallcheck Test.SmallCheck.Property Property") #endif [typeOf (undefined :: m ())] #endif -- }}} ------------------------------------ -- Property runners and constructors ------------------------------------ --{{{ unProp :: Env t -> Property t -> PropertySeries t unProp q (Property p) = runReader p q runProperty :: Monad m => Depth -> (TestQuality -> m ()) -> Property m -> m (Maybe PropertyFailure) runProperty depth hook prop = (\l -> runLogicT l (\x _ -> return $ Just x) (return Nothing)) $ runSeries depth $ searchCounterExamples $ flip runReader (Env Forall hook) $ unProperty prop atomicProperty :: Series m PropertySuccess -> Series m PropertyFailure -> PropertySeries m atomicProperty s f = let prop = PropertySeries s f (pure (Property $ pure prop, [])) in prop makeAtomic :: Property m -> Property m makeAtomic (Property prop) = Property $ flip fmap prop $ \ps -> atomicProperty (searchExamples ps) (searchCounterExamples ps) -- | @'over' s $ \\x -> p x@ makes @x@ range over the 'Series' @s@ (by -- default, all variables range over the 'series' for their types). -- -- Note that, unlike the quantification operators, this affects only the -- variable following the operator and not subsequent variables. -- -- 'over' does not affect the quantification context. over :: (Show a, Testable m b) => Series m a -> (a -> b) -> Property m over = testFunction -- | Execute a monadic test. monadic :: Testable m a => m a -> Property m monadic a = Property $ reader $ \env -> let pair = unProp env . freshContext <$> lift a in atomicProperty (searchExamples =<< pair) (searchCounterExamples =<< pair) -- }}} ------------------------------- -- Testable class and instances ------------------------------- -- {{{ -- | Class of tests that can be run in a monad. For pure tests, it is -- recommended to keep their types polymorphic in @m@ rather than -- specialising it to 'Data.Functor.Identity'. class Monad m => Testable m a where test :: a -> Property m instance Monad m => Testable m Bool where test b = Property $ reader $ \env -> let success = do lift $ testHook env GoodTest if b then return $ PropertyTrue Nothing else mzero failure = PropertyFalse Nothing <$ lnot success in atomicProperty success failure -- | Works like the 'Bool' instance, but includes an explanation of the result. -- -- 'Left' and 'Right' correspond to test failure and success -- respectively. instance Monad m => Testable m (Either Reason Reason) where test r = Property $ reader $ \env -> let success = do lift $ testHook env GoodTest either (const mzero) (pure . PropertyTrue . Just) r failure = do lift $ testHook env GoodTest either (pure . PropertyFalse . Just) (const mzero) r in atomicProperty success failure instance (Serial m a, Show a, Testable m b) => Testable m (a->b) where test = testFunction series instance (Monad m, m ~ n) => Testable n (Property m) where test = id testFunction :: (Show a, Testable m b) => Series m a -> (a -> b) -> Property m testFunction s f = Property $ reader $ \env -> let closest = do x <- s (p, args) <- searchClosest $ unProp env $ test $ f x return (p, show x : args) in case quantification env of Forall -> PropertySeries success failure closest -- {{{ where failure = do x <- s failure <- searchCounterExamples $ unProp env $ test $ f x let arg = show x return $ case failure of CounterExample args etc -> CounterExample (arg:args) etc _ -> CounterExample [arg] failure success = PropertyTrue Nothing <$ lnot failure -- }}} Exists -> PropertySeries success failure closest -- {{{ where success = do x <- s s <- searchExamples $ unProp env $ test $ f x let arg = show x return $ case s of Exist args etc -> Exist (arg:args) etc _ -> Exist [arg] s failure = NotExist <$ lnot success -- }}} ExistsUnique -> PropertySeries success failure closest -- {{{ where search = atMost 2 $ do (prop, args) <- closest ex <- once $ searchExamples $ unProp env $ test prop return (args, ex) success = search >>= \examples -> case examples of [(x,s)] -> return $ ExistUnique x s _ -> mzero failure = search >>= \examples -> case examples of [] -> return NotExist (x1,s1):(x2,s2):_ -> return $ AtLeastTwo x1 s1 x2 s2 _ -> mzero -- }}} atMost :: MonadLogic m => Int -> m a -> m [a] atMost n m | n <= 0 = return [] | otherwise = do m' <- msplit m case m' of Nothing -> return [] Just (x,rest) -> (x:) `liftM` atMost (n-1) rest -- }}} ------------------------------ -- Test constructors ------------------------------ -- {{{ quantify :: Quantification -> Property m -> Property m quantify q (Property a) = makeAtomic $ Property $ local (\env -> env { quantification = q }) a freshContext :: Testable m a => a -> Property m freshContext = forAll -- | Set the universal quantification context. forAll :: Testable m a => a -> Property m forAll = quantify Forall . test -- | Set the existential quantification context. exists :: Testable m a => a -> Property m exists = quantify Exists . test -- | Set the uniqueness quantification context. -- -- Bear in mind that \( \exists! x, y\colon p\, x \, y \) -- is not the same as \( \exists! x \colon \exists! y \colon p \, x \, y \). -- -- For example, \( \exists! x \colon \exists! y \colon |x| = |y| \) -- is true (it holds only when \(x=y=0\)), -- but \( \exists! x, y \colon |x| = |y| \) is false -- (there are many such pairs). -- -- As is customary in mathematics, -- @'existsUnique' $ \\x y -> p x y@ is equivalent to -- @'existsUnique' $ \\(x, y) -> p x y@ and not to -- @'existsUnique' $ \\x -> 'existsUnique' $ \\y -> p x y@ -- (the latter, of course, may be explicitly written when desired). -- -- That is, all the variables affected by the same uniqueness context are -- quantified simultaneously as a tuple. existsUnique :: Testable m a => a -> Property m existsUnique = quantify ExistsUnique . test -- | The '==>' operator can be used to express a restricting condition -- under which a property should hold. It corresponds to implication in the -- classical logic. -- -- Note that '==>' resets the quantification context for its operands to -- the default (universal). infixr 0 ==> (==>) :: (Testable m c, Testable m a) => c -> a -> Property m cond ==> prop = Property $ do env <- ask let counterExample = once $ searchCounterExamples $ unProp env' $ freshContext cond -- NB: we do not invoke the test hook in the antecedent where env' = env { testHook = const $ return () } consequent = unProp env $ freshContext prop badTestHook = lift $ testHook env BadTest success = ifte counterExample -- then (\ex -> do badTestHook return $ Vacuously ex ) -- else (searchExamples consequent) failure = ifte counterExample -- then (const $ do lift $ testHook env BadTest mzero ) -- else (searchCounterExamples consequent) return $ atomicProperty success failure -- | Run property with a modified depth. Affects all quantified variables -- in the property. changeDepth :: Testable m a => (Depth -> Depth) -> a -> Property m changeDepth modifyDepth a = Property (changeDepthPS <$> unProperty (test a)) where changeDepthPS (PropertySeries ss sf sc) = PropertySeries (localDepth modifyDepth ss) (localDepth modifyDepth sf) (first (changeDepth modifyDepth) <$> localDepth modifyDepth sc) -- | Quantify the function's argument over its 'series', but adjust the -- depth. This doesn't affect any subsequent variables. changeDepth1 :: (Show a, Serial m a, Testable m b) => (Depth -> Depth) -> (a -> b) -> Property m changeDepth1 modifyDepth = over $ localDepth modifyDepth series -- }}}