{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where -- jww (2013-08-23): Still need to deal with hard-links. import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Exception import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Data.DList (DList) import qualified Data.DList as DL import Data.Function import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Monoid import Data.Text as T hiding (filter, map, chunksOf) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E import Debug.Trace import Filesystem (listDirectory, isFile) import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS import GHC.Conc import Prelude hiding (FilePath, sequence, catch) import Stat import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Environment (getArgs, withArgs) import System.Posix.Files import Text.Printf import Text.Regex.Posix import Unsafe.Coerce default (Integer, Text) version :: String version = "2.3.1" copyright :: String copyright = "2014" sizesSummary :: String sizesSummary = "sizes v" ++ version ++ ", (C) John Wiegley " ++ copyright data SizesOpts = SizesOpts { jobs :: Int , byCount :: Bool , annex :: Bool , apparent :: Bool , baseTen :: Bool , exclude :: String , minSize :: Int , minCount :: Int , blockSize :: Int , smalls :: Bool -- , dirsOnly :: Bool , depth :: Int , dirs :: [String] } deriving (Data, Typeable, Show, Eq) sizesOpts :: SizesOpts sizesOpts = SizesOpts { jobs = def &= name "j" &= typ "INT" &= help "Run INT concurrent finds at once (default: 2)" , byCount = def &= name "c" &= typ "BOOL" &= help "Sort output by count (default: by size)" , annex = def &= name "A" &= typ "BOOL" &= help "Be mindful of how git-annex stores files" , apparent = def &= typ "BOOL" &= help "Print apparent sizes, rather than disk usage" , baseTen = def &= name "H" &= typ "BOOL" &= help "Print amounts divided by 1000 rather than 1024" , exclude = def &= name "x" &= typ "REGEX" &= help "Sort output by count (default: by size)" , minSize = def &= name "m" &= typ "INT" &= help "Smallest size to show, in MB (default: 10)" , minCount = def &= name "M" &= typ "INT" &= help "Smallest count to show (default: 100)" , blockSize = def &= name "B" &= typ "INT" &= help "Size of blocks on disk (default: 512)" , smalls = def &= name "s" &= typ "BOOL" &= help "Also show small (<1M && <100 files) entries" -- , dirsOnly = def &= typ "BOOL" -- &= help "Show directories only" , depth = def &= typ "INT" &= help "Report entries to a depth of INT (default: 1)" , dirs = def &= args &= typ "DIRS..." } &= summary sizesSummary &= program "sizes" &= help "Calculate amount of disk used by the given directories" data EntryInfo = EntryInfo { _entryPath :: FilePath , _entryCount :: Int , _entryAllocSize :: Int , _entryIsDir :: Bool } deriving Show makeLenses ''EntryInfo newEntry :: FilePath -> Bool -> EntryInfo newEntry p = EntryInfo p 0 0 instance Monoid EntryInfo where mempty = newEntry "" False x `mappend` y = seq x $ seq y $ entryCount +~ y^.entryCount $ entryAllocSize +~ y^.entryAllocSize $ x instance NFData EntryInfo where rnf a = a `seq` () main :: IO () main = do mainArgs <- getArgs opts <- withArgs (if L.null mainArgs then [] else mainArgs) (cmdArgs sizesOpts) _ <- GHC.Conc.setNumCapabilities $ case jobs opts of 0 -> 2; x -> x runSizes $ case depth opts of 0 -> opts { depth = 1 }; _ -> opts runSizes :: SizesOpts -> IO () runSizes opts = do let dirsOpt = dirs opts directories = if L.null dirsOpt then ["."] else dirsOpt reportSizes opts $ map (fromText . pack) directories stopGlobalPool reportEntryP :: SizesOpts -> EntryInfo -> Bool reportEntryP opts entry = smalls opts || entry^.entryAllocSize >= minSize' || entry^.entryCount >= minCount' where minSize' = (if minSize opts == 0 then 10 else minSize opts) * (if baseTen opts then 1000 else 1024)^2 minCount' = if minCount opts == 0 then 100 else minCount opts reportSizes :: SizesOpts -> [FilePath] -> IO () reportSizes opts xs = do entryInfos <- parallel $ map reportSizesForDir xs let infos = map fst entryInfos ++ DL.toList (DL.concat (map snd entryInfos)) sorted = L.sortBy ((compare `on`) $ if byCount opts then (^. entryCount) else (^. entryAllocSize)) infos mapM_ (reportEntry (baseTen opts)) (filter (reportEntryP opts) sorted) where reportSizesForDir = -- fsStatus <- getFilesystemStatus (E.encodeUtf8 (toTextIgnore dir)) let fsBlkSize = statBlockSize -- filesystemBlockSize fsStatus opts' = if blockSize opts == 0 then opts { blockSize = fromIntegral fsBlkSize } else opts in gatherSizes opts' 0 humanReadable :: Int -> Int -> String humanReadable x div | x < div = printf "%db" x | x < div^2 = printf "%.0fK" (fromIntegral x / (fromIntegral div :: Double)) | x < div^3 = printf "%.1fM" (fromIntegral x / (fromIntegral div^2 :: Double)) | x < div^4 = printf "%.2fG" (fromIntegral x / (fromIntegral div^3 :: Double)) | x < div^5 = printf "%.3fT" (fromIntegral x / (fromIntegral div^4 :: Double)) | x < div^6 = printf "%.3fP" (fromIntegral x / (fromIntegral div^5 :: Double)) | x < div^7 = printf "%.3fX" (fromIntegral x / (fromIntegral div^6 :: Double)) | otherwise = printf "%db" x reportEntry :: Bool -> EntryInfo -> IO () reportEntry bTen entry = let path = unpack (toTextIgnore (entry^.entryPath)) in printf (unpack "%10s %10d %s%s\n") (humanReadable (entry^.entryAllocSize) (if bTen then 1000 else 1024)) (entry^.entryCount) path (unpack $ if entry^.entryIsDir && L.last path /= '/' then "/" else "") toTextIgnore :: FilePath -> Text toTextIgnore = either id id . toText returnEmpty :: FilePath -> IO (EntryInfo, DList EntryInfo) returnEmpty path = return (newEntry path False, DL.empty) gatherSizes :: SizesOpts -> Int -> FilePath -> IO (EntryInfo, DList EntryInfo) gatherSizes opts curDepth path = do excl <- if L.null (exclude opts) then return $ Right False else try $ return $ path' =~ exclude opts -- jww (2013-08-15): poor case excl of Left (_ :: SomeException) -> returnEmpty path Right True -> returnEmpty path _ -> catch (go =<< if curDepth == 0 then getFileStatus path' else getSymbolicLinkStatus path') (\e -> do putStrLn $ path' ++ ": " ++ show (e :: IOException) returnEmpty path) where pathT = toTextIgnore path path' = unpack pathT go status | isDirectory status = foldM (\(y, ys) x -> do (x',xs') <- gatherSizes opts (curDepth + 1) (collapse x) let x'' = y <> x' xs'' = if curDepth < depth opts then ys <> DL.singleton x' <> xs' else DL.empty return $! x'' `seq` xs'' `seq` (x'', xs'')) (newEntry path True, DL.empty) =<< listDirectory path | (isRegularFile status && not (annex opts && ".git/annex/" `isInfixOf` pathT)) || (annex opts && isSymbolicLink status) = do status' <- -- If status is for a symbolic link, it must be a Git-annex'd file if isSymbolicLink status then do destPath <- readSymbolicLink path' if ".git/annex/" `L.isInfixOf` destPath then do let destFilePath = fromText (T.pack destPath) destPath' = if relative destFilePath then T.unpack . toTextIgnore $ parent path destFilePath else destPath destFilePath' = fromText (T.pack destPath') exists <- isFile destFilePath' if exists then getFileStatus destPath' else return status else return status else return status let fsize = fileSize status' blksize = fileBlockSize (unsafeCoerce status') allocSize = if apparent opts then fromIntegral fsize else fromIntegral blksize * blockSize opts return (EntryInfo { _entryPath = path , _entryCount = 1 , _entryAllocSize = allocSize , _entryIsDir = False }, DL.empty) | otherwise = returnEmpty path -- Main.hs (sizes) ends here