module Control.Enumerable
( Enumerable(..)
, datatype, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7
, global, local
, deriveEnumerable
, dAll, dExcluding, dExcept, ConstructorDeriv, deriveEnumerable'
, access, share, Shared, Shareable, Typeable, module Control.Sized
, function, CoEnumerable(..)
, Infinite
import Control.Sized
import Data.ClassSharing
import Data.Modifiers
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Data.Ratio
import Control.Enumerable.Derive hiding (global)
instance (Typeable f, Sized f) => Sized (Shareable f) where
pay = Shareable . fmap pay . run
fin = Shareable . const . fin
pair x y = Shareable $ \r -> pair (run x r) (run y r)
class Typeable a => Enumerable a where
enumerate :: (Typeable f, Sized f) => Shared f a
access :: (Enumerable a, Sized f, Typeable f) => Shareable f a
access = unsafeAccess enumerate
local :: (Typeable f, Sized f, Enumerable a) => f a
local = run access (unsafeNewRef ())
gref :: Ref
gref = unsafeNewRef ()
global :: (Typeable f, Sized f, Enumerable a) => f a
global = run access gref
datatype :: (Typeable a, Sized f, Typeable f) => [Shareable f a] -> Shared f a
datatype = share . pay . aconcat
c0 :: Sized f => a -> Shareable f a
c0 = pure
c1 :: (Enumerable a, Sized f, Typeable f) => (a -> x) -> Shareable f x
c1 f = fmap f access
c2 :: (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Sized f, Typeable f) => (a -> b -> x) -> Shareable f x
c2 f = c1 (uncurry f)
c3 :: (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c, Sized f, Typeable f) => (a -> b -> c -> x) -> Shareable f x
c3 f = c2 (uncurry f)
c4 :: (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c, Enumerable d, Sized f, Typeable f) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> x) -> Shareable f x
c4 f = c3 (uncurry f)
c5 :: (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c, Enumerable d, Enumerable e, Sized f, Typeable f) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> x) -> Shareable f x
c5 f = c4 (uncurry f)
c6 :: (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c, Enumerable d, Enumerable e, Enumerable g, Sized f, Typeable f) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> g -> x) -> Shareable f x
c6 f = c5 (uncurry f)
c7 :: (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c, Enumerable d, Enumerable e, Enumerable g, Enumerable h, Sized f, Typeable f) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> g -> h -> x) -> Shareable f x
c7 f = c6 (uncurry f)
instance Enumerable () where
enumerate = share (pure ())
instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b) => Enumerable (a,b) where
enumerate = share $ pair access access
instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c) => Enumerable (a,b,c) where
enumerate = share $ c1 $ \(a,(b,c)) -> (a,b,c)
instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c, Enumerable d)
=> Enumerable (a,b,c,d) where
enumerate = share $ c1 $ \(a,(b,(c,d))) -> (a,b,c,d)
instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b, Enumerable c, Enumerable d, Enumerable e)
=> Enumerable (a,b,c,d,e) where
enumerate = share $ c1 $ \(a,(b,(c,(d,e)))) -> (a,b,c,d,e)
instance Enumerable Bool where
enumerate = datatype [pure False, pure True]
instance (Enumerable a, Enumerable b) => Enumerable (Either a b) where
enumerate = datatype [c1 Left, c1 Right]
instance Enumerable a => Enumerable [a] where
enumerate = datatype [pure [], c2 (:)]
instance Enumerable a => Enumerable (Maybe a) where
enumerate = datatype [pure Nothing, c1 Just]
instance Enumerable Ordering where
enumerate = datatype [pure LT, pure EQ, pure GT]
instance Enumerable Integer where
enumerate = share $ c1 nat <|> c1 (\(Nat n) -> n1)
instance Enumerable Word where enumerate = share word
instance Enumerable Word8 where enumerate = share word
instance Enumerable Word16 where enumerate = share word
instance Enumerable Word32 where enumerate = share word
instance Enumerable Word64 where enumerate = share word
instance Enumerable Int where enumerate = share int
instance Enumerable Int8 where enumerate = share int
instance Enumerable Int16 where enumerate = share int
instance Enumerable Int32 where enumerate = share int
instance Enumerable Int64 where enumerate = share int
instance Enumerable Char where
enumerate = share $ (toEnum . fromIntegral) <$> kbits 7
instance Enumerable Float where
enumerate = share $ c2 $ \b a -> encodeFloat a (fromIntegral (b :: Int8))
instance Enumerable Double where
enumerate = share $ encodeFloat <$> access <*> e where
e = negate <$> enumerateBounded (1) (lo) <|> enumerateBounded 0 hi
(lo,hi) = floatRange (0 :: Double)
class (Typeable a, Integral a) => Infinite a
instance Infinite Integer
instance Infinite a => Enumerable (Ratio a) where
enumerate = share (c1 $ rat . nat)
rat :: Integral a => Integer -> Ratio a
rat i | i < 0 = error "Index out of bounds"
rat i = go 1 1 i where
go a b 0 = a % b
go a b i = let (i',m) = i `divMod` 2 in if m == 1 then go (a+b) b i' else go a (a +b) i'
instance Enumerable Unicode where
enumerate = datatype [fmap Unicode $ enumerateBounded
(fromEnum (minBound :: Char))
(fromEnum (maxBound :: Char))]
instance Enumerable Printable where
enumerate = share $ fmap Printable $ enumerateBounded 32 126
enumerateBounded :: (Sized f, Enum a) => Int -> Int -> f a
enumerateBounded lo hi = trans <$> finSized (toInteger (hi lo)) where
trans i = toEnum $ fromInteger (toInteger lo + i)
instance Infinite integer => Enumerable (Nat integer) where
enumerate = share (Nat . fromInteger <$> naturals)
instance Enumerable a => Enumerable (NonEmpty a) where
enumerate = datatype [c2 $ mkNonEmpty]
word :: (FiniteBits a, Integral a, Sized f) => f a
word = let e = fromInteger <$> kbits (bitSize' e) in e
int :: (FiniteBits a, Integral a, Sized f) => f a
int = let e = fromInteger <$> kbs <|> (\n -> fromInteger (n1)) <$> kbs
kbs = finSized (2^(bitSize' e 1))
in e
bitSize' :: FiniteBits a => f a -> Int
bitSize' f = hlp (error "Enumerable: This is not supposed to be inspected") f where
hlp :: FiniteBits a => a -> f a -> Int
hlp a _ = finiteBitSize a
class Typeable a => CoEnumerable a where
coEnumerate :: (Enumerable b,Sized f, Typeable f) => Shared f (a -> b)
function :: (Typeable a, Enumerable b, Sized f, Typeable f) => Shareable f (a -> b) -> Shared f (a -> b)
function f = datatype [ c1 const, f]
instance (CoEnumerable a, Enumerable b) => Enumerable (a -> b) where
enumerate = coEnumerate
instance CoEnumerable Bool where
coEnumerate = function $ c2 $ \x y b -> if b then x else y
instance CoEnumerable a => CoEnumerable [a] where
coEnumerate = function $ c2 $
\uf cf xs -> case xs of
[] -> uf
(x:xs) -> cf x xs
deriveEnumerable :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveEnumerable = deriveEnumerable' . dAll
type ConstructorDeriv = (Name, [(Name, ExpQ)])
dAll :: Name -> ConstructorDeriv
dAll n = (n,[])
dExcluding :: Name -> ConstructorDeriv -> ConstructorDeriv
dExcluding n (t,nrs) = (t,(n,[|empty|]):nrs)
dExcept :: Name -> ExpQ -> ConstructorDeriv -> ConstructorDeriv
dExcept n e (t,nrs) = (t,(n,e):nrs)
deriveEnumerable' :: ConstructorDeriv -> Q [Dec]
deriveEnumerable' (n,cse) =
fmap return $ instanceFor ''Enumerable [enumDef] n
enumDef :: [(Name,[Type])] -> Q Dec
enumDef cons = do
fmap mk_freqs_binding [|datatype $ex |]
ex = listE $ map cone cons
cone xs@(n,_) = maybe (cone' xs) id $ lookup n cse
cone' (n,[]) = [|c0 $(conE n)|]
cone' (n,_:vs) =
[|c1 $(foldr appE (conE n) (map (const [|uncurry|] ) vs) )|]
mk_freqs_binding :: Exp -> Dec
mk_freqs_binding e = ValD (VarP 'enumerate ) (NormalB e) []
sanityCheck = case filter (`notElem` map fst cons) (map fst cse) of
[] -> return ()
xs -> error $ "Invalid constructors for "++show n++": "++show xs