Changelog for the `singletons-th` project ========================================= 3.1 [2021.10.30] ---------------- * Require building with GHC 9.2. * Allow promoting and singling type applications in data constructor patterns. * Make the Template Haskell machinery generate `SingI1` and `SingI2` instances when possible. * Make `genDefunSymbols` and related functions less likely to trigger [GHC#19743]( 3.0 [2021.03.12] ---------------- * The `singletons` library has been split into three libraries: * The new `singletons` library is now a minimal library that only provides `Data.Singletons`, `Data.Singletons.Decide`, `Data.Singletons.Sigma`, and `Data.Singletons.ShowSing` (if compiled with GHC 8.6 or later). `singletons` now supports building GHCs back to GHC 8.0, as well as GHCJS. * The `singletons-th` library defines Template Haskell functionality for promoting and singling term-level definitions, but but nothing else. This library continues to require the latest stable release of GHC. * The `singletons-base` library defines promoted and singled versions of definitions from the `base` library, including the `Prelude`. This library continues to require the latest stable release of GHC. Consult the changelogs for `singletons` and `singletons-base` for changes specific to those libraries. For more information on this split, see the [relevant GitHub discussion]( * Require building with GHC 9.0. * `Data.Singletons.CustomStar` and `Data.Singletons.SuppressUnusedWarnings` have been renamed to `Data.Singletons.TH.CustomStar` and `Data.Singletons.SuppressUnusedWarnings`, respectively, to give every module in `singletons-th` a consistent module prefix. * Due to the `singletons` package split, the `singletons-th` modules `Data.Singletons.TH` and `Data.Singletons.TH.CustomStar` (formerly known as `Data.Singletons.CustomStar`) no longer re-export any definitions from the `singletons-base` module `Prelude.Singletons` (formerly known as `Data.Singletons.Prelude`). The `singletons-base` library now provides versions of these modules—`Data.Singletons.Base.CustomStar` and `Data.Singletons.Base.TH`, respectively—that do re-export definitions from `Prelude.Singletons`. * "Fully saturated" defunctionalization symbols (e.g., `IdSym1`) are now defined as type families instead of type synonyms. This has two notable benefits: * Fully saturated defunctionalization symbols can now be given standalone kind signatures, which ensures that the order of kind variables is the same as the user originally declared them. * This fixes a minor regression in `singletons-2.7` in which the quality of `:kind!` output in GHCi would become worse when using promoted type families generated by Template Haskell. Under certain circumstances, this can be a breaking change: * Since more TH-generated promoted functions now have type families on their right-hand sides, some programs will now require `UndecidableInstances` where they didn't before. * Certain definitions that made use of overlapping patterns, such as `natMinus` below, will no longer typecheck: ```hs $(singletons [d| data Nat = Z | S Nat natMinus :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat natMinus Z _ = Z natMinus (S a) (S b) = natMinus a b natMinus a Z = a |]) ``` This can be worked around by avoiding the use of overlapping patterns. In the case of `natMinus`, this amounts to changing the third equation to match on its first argument: ```hs $(singletons [d| natMinus :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat natMinus Z _ = Z natMinus (S a) (S b) = natMinus a b natMinus a@(S _) Z = a |]) ``` * The specification for how `singletons` deals with record selectors has been simplified. Previously, `singletons` would try to avoid promoting so-called "naughty" selectors (those whose types mention existential type variables that do not appear in the constructor's return type) to top-level functions. Determing if a selector is naughty is quite challenging in practice, as determining if a type variable is existential or not in the context of Template Haskell is difficult in the general case. As a result, `singletons` now adopts the dumb-but-predictable approach of always promoting record selectors to top-level functions, naughty or not. This means that attempting to promote code with a naughty record selector, like in the example below, will no longer work: ```hs $(promote [d| data Some :: (Type -> Type) -> Type where MkSome :: { getSome :: f a } -> Some f -- getSome is naughty due to mentioning the type variable `a` |]) ``` Please open an issue if you find this restriction burdensome in practice. * The `singEqInstanceOnly` and `singEqInstancesOnly` functions, which generate `SEq` (but not `PEq`) instances, have been removed. There is not much point in keeping these functions around now that `PEq` now longer has a special default implementation. Use `singEqInstance{s}` instead. * The Template Haskell machinery will no longer promote `TypeRep` to `Type`, as this special case never worked properly in the first place. * The Template Haskell machinery will now preserve strict fields in data types when generating their singled counterparts. * Introduce a new `promotedDataTypeOrConName` option to `Data.Singletons.TH.Options`. Overriding this option can be useful in situations where one wishes to promote types such as `Nat`, `Symbol`, or data types built on top of them. See the "Arrows, `Nat`, `Symbol`, and literals" section of the `README` for more information. * Define a `Quote` instance for `OptionsM`. A notable benefit of this instance is that it avoids the need to explicitly `lift` TH quotes into `OptionsM`. Before, you would have to do this: ```hs import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) withOptions defaultOptions $ singletons $ lift [d| data T = MkT |] ``` But now, it suffices to simply do this: ```hs withOptions defaultOptions $ singletons [d| data T = MkT |] ```