Singletons/T54.hs:(0,0)-(0,0): Splicing declarations singletons [d| g :: Bool -> Bool g e = (case [not] of [_] -> not) e |] ======> g :: Bool -> Bool g e = (case [not] of [_] -> not) e data Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym0 e0123456789876543210 where Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference :: SameKind (Apply Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym0 arg) (Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym1 arg) => Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym0 e0123456789876543210 type instance Apply Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym0 e0123456789876543210 = Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210 e0123456789876543210 instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd ((,) Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference ()) type family Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym1 e0123456789876543210 where Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym1 e0123456789876543210 = Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210 e0123456789876543210 type family Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210 e0123456789876543210 where Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210 e = Apply (Apply (:@#@$) NotSym0) NilSym0 type family Case_0123456789876543210 e0123456789876543210 t where Case_0123456789876543210 e '[_] = NotSym0 type GSym0 :: (~>) Bool Bool data GSym0 :: (~>) Bool Bool where GSym0KindInference :: SameKind (Apply GSym0 arg) (GSym1 arg) => GSym0 a0123456789876543210 type instance Apply GSym0 a0123456789876543210 = G a0123456789876543210 instance SuppressUnusedWarnings GSym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd ((,) GSym0KindInference ()) type GSym1 :: Bool -> Bool type family GSym1 (a0123456789876543210 :: Bool) :: Bool where GSym1 a0123456789876543210 = G a0123456789876543210 type G :: Bool -> Bool type family G (a :: Bool) :: Bool where G e = Apply (Case_0123456789876543210 e (Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym1 e)) e sG :: (forall (t :: Bool). Sing t -> Sing (Apply GSym0 t :: Bool) :: Type) sG (sE :: Sing e) = applySing (let sScrutinee_0123456789876543210 :: Sing @_ (Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym1 e) sScrutinee_0123456789876543210 = applySing (applySing (singFun2 @(:@#@$) SCons) (singFun1 @NotSym0 sNot)) SNil in id @(Sing (Case_0123456789876543210 e (Let0123456789876543210Scrutinee_0123456789876543210Sym1 e))) (case sScrutinee_0123456789876543210 of SCons _ SNil -> singFun1 @NotSym0 sNot)) sE instance SingI (GSym0 :: (~>) Bool Bool) where sing = singFun1 @GSym0 sG