{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-}


-- |

-- Module      :  Prelude.Singletons

-- Copyright   :  (C) 2013 Richard Eisenberg

-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)

-- Maintainer  :  Ryan Scott

-- Stability   :  experimental

-- Portability :  non-portable


-- Mimics the Haskell Prelude, but with singleton types. Includes the basic

-- singleton definitions. Note: This is currently very incomplete!


-- Because many of these definitions are produced by Template Haskell, it is

-- not possible to create proper Haddock documentation. Also, please excuse

-- the apparent repeated variable names. This is due to an interaction between

-- Template Haskell and Haddock.



module Prelude.Singletons (
  -- * Basic singleton definitions

  module Data.Singletons,

  -- * Promoted and singled types, classes, and related functions

  -- ** Basic data types

  SBool(SFalse, STrue),
  If, sIf,
  type (&&), (%&&), type (||), (%||), Not, sNot, Otherwise, sOtherwise,

  SMaybe(SNothing, SJust),
  -- | 'maybe_' is a reimplementation of the 'maybe' function with a different

  -- name to avoid clashing with the 'Maybe' data type when promoted.

  maybe_, Maybe_, sMaybe_,

  SEither(SLeft, SRight),
  -- | 'either_' is a reimplementation of the 'either' function with a different

  -- name to avoid clashing with the 'Either' data type when promoted.

  either_, Either_, sEither_,

  SOrdering(SLT, SEQ, SGT),
  SChar, Symbol, -- The closest things we have to Char and String


  -- *** Tuples

  STuple0(..), STuple2(..), STuple3(..), STuple4(..),
  STuple5(..), STuple6(..), STuple7(..),
  Fst, sFst, Snd, sSnd, Curry, sCurry, Uncurry, sUncurry,

  -- ** Basic type classes

  PEq(type (==), type (/=)), SEq((%==), (%/=)),
  POrd(Compare, type (<), type (<=), type (>=), type (>), Max, Min),
  SOrd(sCompare, (%<), (%<=), (%>=), (%>), sMax, sMin),
  -- | As a matter of convenience, the "Prelude.Singletons" does /not/ export

  -- promoted/singletonized @succ@ and @pred@, due to likely conflicts with

  -- unary numbers. Please import "Data.Singletons.Base.Enum" directly if

  -- you want these.

  PEnum( -- Succ, Pred,

         ToEnum, FromEnum,
         See the comments in Data.Singletons.Base.Enum for why these are not defined.
         -- EnumFrom, EnumFromThen,

         EnumFromTo, EnumFromThenTo),
  SEnum( -- sSucc, sPred,

         sToEnum, sFromEnum,
         See the comments in Data.Singletons.Base.Enum for why these are not defined.
         -- sEnumFrom, sEnumFromThen,

         sEnumFromTo, sEnumFromThenTo),
  PBounded(MinBound, MaxBound), SBounded(sMinBound, sMaxBound),

  -- ** Numbers

  There are no singled counterparts to any of the following numeric types. The
  closest thing is Nat, which we deliberately do not export to avoid clashing
  with unary natural number data types.

  -- *** Numeric types
  Int, Integer, Float, Double,
  Rational, Word,

  -- *** Numeric type classes

  PNum(type (+), type (-), type (*), Negate, Abs, Signum, FromInteger),
  SNum((%+), (%-), (%*), sNegate, sAbs, sSignum, sFromInteger),
  We currently do not promote or single any of the following classes. Some
  of these functions have Nat-specialized versions in GHC.TypeLits.Singletons,
  however (e.g., Div and Mod).
  -- Real(toRational),

  -- Integral(quot, rem, div, mod, quotRem, divMod, toInteger),

  -- Fractional((/), recip, fromRational),

  -- Floating(pi, exp, log, sqrt, (**), logBase, sin, cos, tan,

  --          asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh),

  -- RealFrac(properFraction, truncate, round, ceiling, floor),

  -- RealFloat(floatRadix, floatDigits, floatRange, decodeFloat,

  --           encodeFloat, exponent, significand, scaleFloat, isNaN,

  --           isInfinite, isDenormalized, isIEEE, isNegativeZero, atan2),

  -- *** Numeric functions

  Subtract, sSubtract,
  The following functions require classes such as Integral, Real, and
  Fractional, which we do not promote or single. Some of these functions have
  Nat-specialized versions in GHC.TypeLits.Singletons, however (e.g., (^)).
  -- even, odd, gcd, lcm, (^), (^^),

  -- fromIntegral, realToFrac,

  -- ** Semigroups and Monoids

  PSemigroup(type (<>)), SSemigroup((%<>)),
  PMonoid(Mempty, Mappend, Mconcat), SMonoid(sMempty, sMappend, sMconcat),

  -- ** Monads and functors

  PFunctor(Fmap, type (<$)), SFunctor(sFmap, (%<$)), type (<$>), (%<$>),
  PApplicative(Pure, type (<*>), type (*>), type (<*), LiftA2),
  SApplicative(sPure, (%<*>), (%*>), (%<*), sLiftA2),
  PMonad(type (>>=), type (>>), Return),
  SMonad((%>>=), (%>>), sReturn),
  PMonadFail(Fail), SMonadFail(sFail),
  MapM_, sMapM_, Sequence_, sSequence_, type (=<<), (%=<<),

  -- ** Folds and traversals

  PFoldable(Elem, FoldMap, Foldr, Foldl, Foldr1, Foldl1,
            Maximum, Minimum, Product, Sum),
  SFoldable(sElem, sFoldMap, sFoldr, sFoldl, sFoldr1, sFoldl1,
            sMaximum, sMinimum, sProduct, sSum),
  PTraversable(Traverse, SequenceA, MapM, Sequence),
  STraversable(sTraverse, sSequenceA, sMapM, sSequence),

  -- ** Miscellaneous functions

  Id, sId, Const, sConst, type (.), (%.), Flip, sFlip, type ($), (%$), Until, sUntil,
  AsTypeOf, sAsTypeOf,
  Error, sError, ErrorWithoutStackTrace, sErrorWithoutStackTrace,
  Undefined, sUndefined,
  Seq, sSeq, type ($!), (%$!),

  -- * List operations

  Map, sMap, type (++), (%++), Filter, sFilter,
  Head, sHead, Last, sLast, Tail, sTail, Init, sInit, type (!!), (%!!),
  Null, sNull, Length, sLength,
  Reverse, sReverse,
  -- *** Special folds

  And, sAnd, Or, sOr, Any, sAny, All, sAll,
  Concat, sConcat, ConcatMap, sConcatMap,
  -- ** Building lists

  -- *** Scans

  Scanl, sScanl, Scanl1, sScanl1, Scanr, sScanr, Scanr1, sScanr1,
  -- *** Infinite lists

  Unsurprisingly, most operations on infinite lists won't promote.
  The `replicate` function is the lone exception.
  -- iterate, repeat,

  Replicate, sReplicate,
  -- cycle,

  -- ** Sublists

  Take, sTake, Drop, sDrop,
  TakeWhile, sTakeWhile, DropWhile, sDropWhile,
  Span, sSpan, Break, sBreak,
  SplitAt, sSplitAt,
  -- ** Searching lists

  NotElem, sNotElem,
  Lookup, sLookup,
  -- ** Zipping and unzipping lists

  Zip, sZip, Zip3, sZip3,
  ZipWith, sZipWith, ZipWith3, sZipWith3,
  Unzip, sUnzip, Unzip3, sUnzip3,
  -- ** Functions on @Symbol@s

  The `lines` and `words` functions cannot yet be promoted.
  See the comments in `Data.List.Singletons.Internal`.
  -- lines, words,

  Unlines, sUnlines, Unwords, sUnwords,

  -- * Converting to and from @Symbol@

  -- ** Converting to @Symbol@

  PShow(ShowsPrec, ShowList, Show_), SShow(sShowsPrec, sShowList, sShow_),
  Shows, sShows,
  ShowChar, sShowChar, ShowString, sShowString, ShowParen, sShowParen,
  We do not currently promote or single the Read class.

  -- ** Converting from @Symbol@
  Read(readsPrec, readList),
  reads, readParen, read, lex,

  We do not promote or single anything involving IO.

  -- * Basic Input and output
  -- ** Simple I\/O operations
  -- All I/O functions defined here are character oriented.  The
  -- treatment of the newline character will vary on different systems.
  -- For example, two characters of input, return and linefeed, may
  -- read as a single newline character.  These functions cannot be
  -- used portably for binary I/O.
  -- *** Output functions
  putStr, putStrLn, print,
  -- *** Input functions
  getLine, getContents, interact,
  -- *** Files
  readFile, writeFile, appendFile, readIO, readLn,
  -- ** Exception handling in the I\/O monad
  IOError, ioError, userError,

  -- * Defunctionalization symbols

  -- ** Basic data types

  FalseSym0, TrueSym0,
  IfSym0, IfSym1, IfSym2, IfSym3,
  type (&&@#@$), type (&&@#@$$), type (&&@#@$$$),
  type (||@#@$), type (||@#@$$), type (||@#@$$$),
  NotSym0, NotSym1,

  NothingSym0, JustSym0, JustSym1,
  Maybe_Sym0, Maybe_Sym1, Maybe_Sym2, Maybe_Sym3,

  LeftSym0, LeftSym1, RightSym0, RightSym1,
  Either_Sym0, Either_Sym1, Either_Sym2, Either_Sym3,

  LTSym0, EQSym0, GTSym0,
  (:@#@$), (:@#@$$), (:@#@$$$), NilSym0,

  -- *** Tuples

  Tuple2Sym0, Tuple2Sym1, Tuple2Sym2,
  Tuple3Sym0, Tuple3Sym1, Tuple3Sym2, Tuple3Sym3,
  Tuple4Sym0, Tuple4Sym1, Tuple4Sym2, Tuple4Sym3, Tuple4Sym4,
  Tuple5Sym0, Tuple5Sym1, Tuple5Sym2, Tuple5Sym3, Tuple5Sym4, Tuple5Sym5,
  Tuple6Sym0, Tuple6Sym1, Tuple6Sym2, Tuple6Sym3, Tuple6Sym4, Tuple6Sym5, Tuple6Sym6,
  Tuple7Sym0, Tuple7Sym1, Tuple7Sym2, Tuple7Sym3, Tuple7Sym4, Tuple7Sym5, Tuple7Sym6, Tuple7Sym7,
  FstSym0, FstSym1, SndSym0, SndSym1,
  CurrySym0, CurrySym1, CurrySym2, CurrySym3,
  UncurrySym0, UncurrySym1, UncurrySym2,

  -- ** Basic type classes

  type (==@#@$), type (==@#@$$), type (==@#@$$$),
  type (/=@#@$), type (/=@#@$$), type (/=@#@$$$),

  CompareSym0, CompareSym1, CompareSym2,
  type (<@#@$),  type (<@#@$$),  type (<@#@$$$),
  type (<=@#@$), type (<=@#@$$), type (<=@#@$$$),
  type (>@#@$),  type (>@#@$$),  type (>@#@$$$),
  type (>=@#@$), type (>=@#@$$), type (>=@#@$$$),
  MaxSym0, MaxSym1, MaxSym2,
  MinSym0, MinSym1, MinSym2,

  ToEnumSym0, ToEnumSym1,
  FromEnumSym0, FromEnumSym1,
  EnumFromToSym0, EnumFromToSym1, EnumFromToSym2,
  EnumFromThenToSym0, EnumFromThenToSym1, EnumFromThenToSym2, EnumFromThenToSym3,

  MinBoundSym0, MaxBoundSym0,

  -- ** Numbers

  -- *** Numeric type classes

  type (+@#@$), type (+@#@$$), type (+@#@$$$),
  type (-@#@$), type (-@#@$$), type (-@#@$$$),
  type (*@#@$), type (*@#@$$), type (*@#@$$$),
  NegateSym0, NegateSym1,
  AbsSym0, AbsSym1,
  SignumSym0, SignumSym1,
  FromIntegerSym0, FromIntegerSym1,

  -- *** Numeric functions

  SubtractSym0, SubtractSym1, SubtractSym2,

  -- ** Semigroups and Monoids

  type (<>@#@$), type (<>@#@$$), type (<>@#@$$$),
  MappendSym0, MappendSym1, MappendSym2,
  MconcatSym0, MconcatSym1,

  -- ** Monads and functors

  FmapSym0, FmapSym1, FmapSym2,
  type (<$@#@$),  type (<$@#@$$),  type (<$@#@$$$),
  type (<$>@#@$), type (<$>@#@$$), type (<$>@#@$$$),
  PureSym0, PureSym1,
  type (<*>@#@$), type (<*>@#@$$), type (<*>@#@$$$),
  type (*>@#@$),  type (*>@#@$$),  type (*>@#@$$$),
  type (<*@#@$),  type (<*@#@$$),  type (<*@#@$$$),
  LiftA2Sym0, LiftA2Sym1, LiftA2Sym2, LiftA2Sym3,
  type (>>=@#@$), type (>>=@#@$$), type (>>=@#@$$$),
  type (>>@#@$),  type (>>@#@$$),  type (>>@#@$$$),
  ReturnSym0, ReturnSym1, FailSym0, FailSym1,
  MapM_Sym0, MapM_Sym1, MapM_Sym2,
  Sequence_Sym0, Sequence_Sym1,
  type (=<<@#@$), type (=<<@#@$$), type (=<<@#@$$$),

  -- ** Folds and traversals

  ElemSym0, ElemSym1, ElemSym2,
  FoldMapSym0, FoldMapSym1, FoldMapSym2,
  FoldrSym0, FoldrSym1, FoldrSym2, FoldrSym3,
  FoldlSym0, FoldlSym1, FoldlSym2, FoldlSym3,
  Foldr1Sym0, Foldr1Sym1, Foldr1Sym2,
  Foldl1Sym0, Foldl1Sym1, Foldl1Sym2,
  MaximumSym0, MaximumSym1,
  MinimumSym0, MinimumSym1,
  ProductSym0, ProductSym1,
  SumSym0, SumSym1,

  TraverseSym0, TraverseSym1, TraverseSym2,
  SequenceASym0, SequenceASym1,
  MapMSym0, MapMSym1, MapMSym2,
  SequenceSym0, SequenceSym1,

  -- ** Miscellaneous functions

  IdSym0, IdSym1, ConstSym0, ConstSym1, ConstSym2,
  type (.@#@$),  type (.@#@$$),  type (.@#@$$$), type (.@#@$$$$),
  FlipSym0, FlipSym1, FlipSym2, FlipSym3,
  type ($@#@$),  type ($@#@$$),  type ($@#@$$$),
  UntilSym0, UntilSym1, UntilSym2, UntilSym3,
  AsTypeOfSym0, AsTypeOfSym1, AsTypeOfSym2,
  ErrorSym0, ErrorSym1,
  ErrorWithoutStackTraceSym0, ErrorWithoutStackTraceSym1,
  SeqSym0, SeqSym1, SeqSym2,
  type ($!@#@$), type ($!@#@$$), type ($!@#@$$$),

  -- * List operations

  MapSym0, MapSym1, MapSym2,
  type (++@#@$), type (++@#@$$), type (++@#@$$$),
  FilterSym0, FilterSym1, FilterSym2,
  HeadSym0, HeadSym1, LastSym0, LastSym1,
  TailSym0, TailSym1, InitSym0, InitSym1,
  type (!!@#@$), type (!!@#@$$), type (!!@#@$$$),
  NullSym0, NullSym1,
  LengthSym0, LengthSym1,
  ReverseSym0, ReverseSym1,
  -- *** Special folds

  AndSym0, AndSym1, OrSym0, OrSym1,
  AnySym0, AnySym1, AnySym2,
  AllSym0, AllSym1, AllSym2,
  ConcatSym0, ConcatSym1,
  ConcatMapSym0, ConcatMapSym1, ConcatMapSym2,
  -- ** Building lists

  -- *** Scans

  ScanlSym0, ScanlSym1, ScanlSym2, ScanlSym3,
  Scanl1Sym0, Scanl1Sym1, Scanl1Sym2,
  ScanrSym0, ScanrSym1, ScanrSym2, ScanrSym3,
  Scanr1Sym0, Scanr1Sym1, Scanr1Sym2,
  -- *** Infinite lists

  ReplicateSym0, ReplicateSym1, ReplicateSym2,
  -- ** Sublists

  TakeSym0, TakeSym1, TakeSym2,
  DropSym0, DropSym1, DropSym2,
  TakeWhileSym0, TakeWhileSym1, TakeWhileSym2,
  DropWhileSym0, DropWhileSym1, DropWhileSym2,
  DropWhileEndSym0, DropWhileEndSym1, DropWhileEndSym2,
  SpanSym0, SpanSym1, SpanSym2,
  BreakSym0, BreakSym1, BreakSym2,
  SplitAtSym0, SplitAtSym1, SplitAtSym2,
  -- ** Searching lists

  NotElemSym0, NotElemSym1, NotElemSym2,
  LookupSym0, LookupSym1, LookupSym2,
  -- ** Zipping and unzipping lists

  ZipSym0, ZipSym1, ZipSym2,
  Zip3Sym0, Zip3Sym1, Zip3Sym2, Zip3Sym3,
  ZipWithSym0, ZipWithSym1, ZipWithSym2, ZipWithSym3,
  ZipWith3Sym0, ZipWith3Sym1, ZipWith3Sym2, ZipWith3Sym3,
  UnzipSym0, UnzipSym1, Unzip3Sym0, Unzip3Sym1,
  -- ** Functions on @Symbol@s

  UnlinesSym0, UnlinesSym1, UnwordsSym0, UnwordsSym1,

  -- * Converting to and from @Symbol@

  -- ** Converting to @Symbol@

  ShowsPrecSym0, ShowsPrecSym1, ShowsPrecSym2, ShowsPrecSym3,
  ShowListSym0, ShowListSym1, ShowListSym2,
  Show_Sym0, Show_Sym1,
  ShowsSym0, ShowsSym1, ShowsSym2,
  ShowCharSym0, ShowCharSym1, ShowCharSym2,
  ShowStringSym0, ShowStringSym1, ShowStringSym2,
  ShowParenSym0, ShowParenSym1, ShowParenSym2
  ) where

import Control.Applicative.Singletons
  hiding (Const, ConstSym0, ConstSym1)
import Control.Monad.Singletons
import Data.Bool.Singletons
import Data.Either.Singletons
import Data.Eq.Singletons
import Data.Foldable.Singletons
import Data.List.Singletons
import Data.Maybe.Singletons
import Data.Monoid.Singletons
       ( PMonoid(..), SMonoid(..), MemptySym0, MappendSym0
       , MappendSym1, MappendSym2, MconcatSym0, MconcatSym1 )
import Data.Ord.Singletons
import Data.Semigroup.Singletons
       ( PSemigroup(..), SSemigroup(..)
       , type (<>@#@$), type (<>@#@$$), type (<>@#@$$$) )
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.Base.Enum
  hiding (Succ, Pred, SuccSym0, SuccSym1, PredSym0, PredSym1, sSucc, sPred)
import Data.Traversable.Singletons
import Data.Tuple.Singletons
import GHC.Base.Singletons
  hiding (Foldr, FoldrSym0, FoldrSym1, FoldrSym2, FoldrSym3, sFoldr)
import GHC.Num.Singletons
import GHC.TypeLits.Singletons
import Text.Show.Singletons