Singletons/T136.hs:(0,0)-(0,0): Splicing declarations singletons [d| instance Enum BiNat where succ [] = [True] succ (False : as) = True : as succ (True : as) = False : succ as pred [] = error "pred 0" pred (False : as) = True : pred as pred (True : as) = False : as toEnum i | i < 0 = error "negative toEnum" | i == 0 = [] | otherwise = succ (toEnum (pred i)) fromEnum [] = 0 fromEnum (False : as) = 2 * fromEnum as fromEnum (True : as) = 1 + 2 * fromEnum as |] ======> instance Enum BiNat where succ [] = [True] succ (False : as) = (True : as) succ (True : as) = (False : succ as) pred [] = error "pred 0" pred (False : as) = (True : pred as) pred (True : as) = (False : as) toEnum i | (i < 0) = error "negative toEnum" | (i == 0) = [] | otherwise = succ (toEnum (pred i)) fromEnum [] = 0 fromEnum (False : as) = (2 * fromEnum as) fromEnum (True : as) = (1 + (2 * fromEnum as)) type family Succ_0123456789876543210 (a :: [Bool]) :: [Bool] where Succ_0123456789876543210 '[] = Apply (Apply (:@#@$) TrueSym0) '[] Succ_0123456789876543210 ('(:) 'False as) = Apply (Apply (:@#@$) TrueSym0) as Succ_0123456789876543210 ('(:) 'True as) = Apply (Apply (:@#@$) FalseSym0) (Apply SuccSym0 as) type Succ_0123456789876543210Sym1 (a0123456789876543210 :: [Bool]) = Succ_0123456789876543210 a0123456789876543210 instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Succ_0123456789876543210Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd (((,) Succ_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference) ()) data Succ_0123456789876543210Sym0 :: (~>) [Bool] [Bool] where Succ_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference :: forall a0123456789876543210 arg. SameKind (Apply Succ_0123456789876543210Sym0 arg) (Succ_0123456789876543210Sym1 arg) => Succ_0123456789876543210Sym0 a0123456789876543210 type instance Apply Succ_0123456789876543210Sym0 a0123456789876543210 = Succ_0123456789876543210 a0123456789876543210 type family Pred_0123456789876543210 (a :: [Bool]) :: [Bool] where Pred_0123456789876543210 '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "pred 0" Pred_0123456789876543210 ('(:) 'False as) = Apply (Apply (:@#@$) TrueSym0) (Apply PredSym0 as) Pred_0123456789876543210 ('(:) 'True as) = Apply (Apply (:@#@$) FalseSym0) as type Pred_0123456789876543210Sym1 (a0123456789876543210 :: [Bool]) = Pred_0123456789876543210 a0123456789876543210 instance SuppressUnusedWarnings Pred_0123456789876543210Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd (((,) Pred_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference) ()) data Pred_0123456789876543210Sym0 :: (~>) [Bool] [Bool] where Pred_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference :: forall a0123456789876543210 arg. SameKind (Apply Pred_0123456789876543210Sym0 arg) (Pred_0123456789876543210Sym1 arg) => Pred_0123456789876543210Sym0 a0123456789876543210 type instance Apply Pred_0123456789876543210Sym0 a0123456789876543210 = Pred_0123456789876543210 a0123456789876543210 type family Case_0123456789876543210 i arg_0123456789876543210 t where Case_0123456789876543210 i arg_0123456789876543210 'True = '[] Case_0123456789876543210 i arg_0123456789876543210 'False = Apply SuccSym0 (Apply ToEnumSym0 (Apply PredSym0 i)) type family Case_0123456789876543210 i arg_0123456789876543210 t where Case_0123456789876543210 i arg_0123456789876543210 'True = Apply ErrorSym0 "negative toEnum" Case_0123456789876543210 i arg_0123456789876543210 'False = Case_0123456789876543210 i arg_0123456789876543210 (Apply (Apply (==@#@$) i) (FromInteger 0)) type family Case_0123456789876543210 arg_0123456789876543210 t where Case_0123456789876543210 arg_0123456789876543210 i = Case_0123456789876543210 i arg_0123456789876543210 (Apply (Apply (<@#@$) i) (FromInteger 0)) type family ToEnum_0123456789876543210 (a :: GHC.Types.Nat) :: [Bool] where ToEnum_0123456789876543210 arg_0123456789876543210 = Case_0123456789876543210 arg_0123456789876543210 arg_0123456789876543210 type ToEnum_0123456789876543210Sym1 (a0123456789876543210 :: GHC.Types.Nat) = ToEnum_0123456789876543210 a0123456789876543210 instance SuppressUnusedWarnings ToEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd (((,) ToEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference) ()) data ToEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0 :: (~>) GHC.Types.Nat [Bool] where ToEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference :: forall a0123456789876543210 arg. SameKind (Apply ToEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0 arg) (ToEnum_0123456789876543210Sym1 arg) => ToEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0 a0123456789876543210 type instance Apply ToEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0 a0123456789876543210 = ToEnum_0123456789876543210 a0123456789876543210 type family FromEnum_0123456789876543210 (a :: [Bool]) :: GHC.Types.Nat where FromEnum_0123456789876543210 '[] = FromInteger 0 FromEnum_0123456789876543210 ('(:) 'False as) = Apply (Apply (*@#@$) (FromInteger 2)) (Apply FromEnumSym0 as) FromEnum_0123456789876543210 ('(:) 'True as) = Apply (Apply (+@#@$) (FromInteger 1)) (Apply (Apply (*@#@$) (FromInteger 2)) (Apply FromEnumSym0 as)) type FromEnum_0123456789876543210Sym1 (a0123456789876543210 :: [Bool]) = FromEnum_0123456789876543210 a0123456789876543210 instance SuppressUnusedWarnings FromEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0 where suppressUnusedWarnings = snd (((,) FromEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference) ()) data FromEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0 :: (~>) [Bool] GHC.Types.Nat where FromEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0KindInference :: forall a0123456789876543210 arg. SameKind (Apply FromEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0 arg) (FromEnum_0123456789876543210Sym1 arg) => FromEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0 a0123456789876543210 type instance Apply FromEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0 a0123456789876543210 = FromEnum_0123456789876543210 a0123456789876543210 instance PEnum [Bool] where type Succ a = Apply Succ_0123456789876543210Sym0 a type Pred a = Apply Pred_0123456789876543210Sym0 a type ToEnum a = Apply ToEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0 a type FromEnum a = Apply FromEnum_0123456789876543210Sym0 a instance SEnum [Bool] where sSucc :: forall (t :: [Bool]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply (SuccSym0 :: TyFun [Bool] [Bool] -> GHC.Types.Type) t) sPred :: forall (t :: [Bool]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply (PredSym0 :: TyFun [Bool] [Bool] -> GHC.Types.Type) t) sToEnum :: forall (t :: GHC.Types.Nat). Sing t -> Sing (Apply (ToEnumSym0 :: TyFun GHC.Types.Nat [Bool] -> GHC.Types.Type) t) sFromEnum :: forall (t :: [Bool]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply (FromEnumSym0 :: TyFun [Bool] GHC.Types.Nat -> GHC.Types.Type) t) sSucc SNil = (applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @(:@#@$)) SCons)) STrue)) SNil sSucc (SCons SFalse (sAs :: Sing as)) = (applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @(:@#@$)) SCons)) STrue)) sAs sSucc (SCons STrue (sAs :: Sing as)) = (applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @(:@#@$)) SCons)) SFalse)) ((applySing ((singFun1 @SuccSym0) sSucc)) sAs) sPred SNil = sError (sing :: Sing "pred 0") sPred (SCons SFalse (sAs :: Sing as)) = (applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @(:@#@$)) SCons)) STrue)) ((applySing ((singFun1 @PredSym0) sPred)) sAs) sPred (SCons STrue (sAs :: Sing as)) = (applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @(:@#@$)) SCons)) SFalse)) sAs sToEnum (sArg_0123456789876543210 :: Sing arg_0123456789876543210) = (id @(Sing (Case_0123456789876543210 arg_0123456789876543210 arg_0123456789876543210))) (case sArg_0123456789876543210 of { (sI :: Sing i) -> (id @(Sing (Case_0123456789876543210 i arg_0123456789876543210 (Apply (Apply (<@#@$) i) (FromInteger 0))))) (case (applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @(<@#@$)) (%<))) sI)) (sFromInteger (sing :: Sing 0)) of STrue -> sError (sing :: Sing "negative toEnum") SFalse -> (id @(Sing (Case_0123456789876543210 i arg_0123456789876543210 (Apply (Apply (==@#@$) i) (FromInteger 0))))) (case (applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @(==@#@$)) (%==))) sI)) (sFromInteger (sing :: Sing 0)) of STrue -> SNil SFalse -> (applySing ((singFun1 @SuccSym0) sSucc)) ((applySing ((singFun1 @ToEnumSym0) sToEnum)) ((applySing ((singFun1 @PredSym0) sPred)) sI)))) }) sFromEnum SNil = sFromInteger (sing :: Sing 0) sFromEnum (SCons SFalse (sAs :: Sing as)) = (applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @(*@#@$)) (%*))) (sFromInteger (sing :: Sing 2)))) ((applySing ((singFun1 @FromEnumSym0) sFromEnum)) sAs) sFromEnum (SCons STrue (sAs :: Sing as)) = (applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @(+@#@$)) (%+))) (sFromInteger (sing :: Sing 1)))) ((applySing ((applySing ((singFun2 @(*@#@$)) (%*))) (sFromInteger (sing :: Sing 2)))) ((applySing ((singFun1 @FromEnumSym0) sFromEnum)) sAs))