module Data.Singletons.Promote where
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding ( Q, cxt )
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax ( Quasi(..) )
import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar
import Data.Singletons.Names
import Data.Singletons.Promote.Monad
import Data.Singletons.Promote.Eq
import Data.Singletons.Promote.Defun
import Data.Singletons.Promote.Type
import Data.Singletons.Deriving.Ord
import Data.Singletons.Deriving.Bounded
import Data.Singletons.Deriving.Enum
import Data.Singletons.Partition
import Data.Singletons.Util
import Data.Singletons.Syntax
import Prelude hiding (exp)
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Map.Strict ( Map )
import Data.Maybe
genPromotions :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> q [Dec]
genPromotions names = do
checkForRep names
infos <- mapM reifyWithWarning names
dinfos <- mapM dsInfo infos
ddecs <- promoteM_ [] $ mapM_ promoteInfo dinfos
return $ decsToTH ddecs
promote :: DsMonad q => q [Dec] -> q [Dec]
promote qdec = do
decls <- qdec
ddecls <- withLocalDeclarations decls $ dsDecs decls
promDecls <- promoteM_ decls $ promoteDecs ddecls
return $ decls ++ decsToTH promDecls
promoteOnly :: DsMonad q => q [Dec] -> q [Dec]
promoteOnly qdec = do
decls <- qdec
ddecls <- dsDecs decls
promDecls <- promoteM_ decls $ promoteDecs ddecls
return $ decsToTH promDecls
genDefunSymbols :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> q [Dec]
genDefunSymbols names = do
checkForRep names
infos <- mapM (dsInfo <=< reifyWithWarning) names
decs <- promoteMDecs [] $ concatMapM defunInfo infos
return $ decsToTH decs
promoteEqInstances :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> q [Dec]
promoteEqInstances = concatMapM promoteEqInstance
promoteOrdInstances :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> q [Dec]
promoteOrdInstances = concatMapM promoteOrdInstance
promoteOrdInstance :: DsMonad q => Name -> q [Dec]
promoteOrdInstance = promoteInstance mkOrdInstance "Ord"
promoteBoundedInstances :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> q [Dec]
promoteBoundedInstances = concatMapM promoteBoundedInstance
promoteBoundedInstance :: DsMonad q => Name -> q [Dec]
promoteBoundedInstance = promoteInstance mkBoundedInstance "Bounded"
promoteEnumInstances :: DsMonad q => [Name] -> q [Dec]
promoteEnumInstances = concatMapM promoteEnumInstance
promoteEnumInstance :: DsMonad q => Name -> q [Dec]
promoteEnumInstance = promoteInstance mkEnumInstance "Enum"
promoteEqInstance :: DsMonad q => Name -> q [Dec]
promoteEqInstance name = do
(_tvbs, cons) <- getDataD "I cannot make an instance of (:==) for it." name
cons' <- mapM dsCon cons
vars <- replicateM (length _tvbs) (qNewName "k")
kind <- promoteType (foldType (DConT name) (map DVarT vars))
inst_decs <- mkEqTypeInstance kind cons'
return $ decsToTH inst_decs
promoteInstance :: DsMonad q => (DType -> [DCon] -> q UInstDecl)
-> String -> Name -> q [Dec]
promoteInstance mk_inst class_name name = do
(tvbs, cons) <- getDataD ("I cannot make an instance of " ++ class_name
++ " for it.") name
cons' <- mapM dsCon cons
tvbs' <- mapM dsTvb tvbs
raw_inst <- mk_inst (foldType (DConT name) (map tvbToType tvbs')) cons'
decs <- promoteM_ [] $ void $ promoteInstanceDec Map.empty raw_inst
return $ decsToTH decs
promoteInfo :: DInfo -> PrM ()
promoteInfo (DTyConI dec _instances) = promoteDecs [dec]
promoteInfo (DPrimTyConI _name _numArgs _unlifted) =
fail "Promotion of primitive type constructors not supported"
promoteInfo (DVarI _name _ty _mdec _fixity) =
fail "Promotion of individual values not supported"
promoteInfo (DTyVarI _name _ty) =
fail "Promotion of individual type variables not supported"
promoteDecs :: [DDec] -> PrM ()
promoteDecs raw_decls = do
decls <- expand raw_decls
checkForRepInDecls decls
PDecs { pd_let_decs = let_decs
, pd_class_decs = classes
, pd_instance_decs = insts
, pd_data_decs = datas } <- partitionDecs decls
_ <- promoteLetDecs noPrefix let_decs
mapM_ promoteClassDec classes
let all_meth_sigs = foldMap (lde_types . cd_lde) classes
mapM_ (promoteInstanceDec all_meth_sigs) insts
promoteDataDecs datas
promoteDataDecs :: [DataDecl] -> PrM ()
promoteDataDecs data_decs = do
rec_selectors <- concatMapM extract_rec_selectors data_decs
_ <- promoteLetDecs noPrefix rec_selectors
mapM_ promoteDataDec data_decs
extract_rec_selectors :: DataDecl -> PrM [DLetDec]
extract_rec_selectors (DataDecl _nd data_name tvbs cons _derivings) =
let arg_ty = foldType (DConT data_name)
(map tvbToType tvbs)
concatMapM (getRecordSelectors arg_ty) cons
promoteLetDecs :: (String, String)
-> [DLetDec] -> PrM ([LetBind], ALetDecEnv)
promoteLetDecs prefixes decls = do
let_dec_env <- buildLetDecEnv decls
all_locals <- allLocals
let binds = [ (name, foldType (DConT sym) (map DVarT all_locals))
| name <- Map.keys $ lde_defns let_dec_env
, let proName = promoteValNameLhsPrefix prefixes name
sym = promoteTySym proName (length all_locals) ]
(decs, let_dec_env') <- letBind binds $ promoteLetDecEnv prefixes let_dec_env
emitDecs decs
return (binds, let_dec_env' { lde_proms = Map.fromList binds })
promoteDataDec :: DataDecl -> PrM ()
promoteDataDec (DataDecl _nd name tvbs ctors derivings) = do
kvs <- replicateM (length tvbs) (qNewName "k")
kind <- promoteType (foldType (DConT name) (map DVarT kvs))
when (elem eqName derivings) $ do
eq_decs <- mkEqTypeInstance kind ctors
emitDecs eq_decs
ctorSyms <- buildDefunSymsDataD name tvbs ctors
emitDecs ctorSyms
promoteClassDec :: UClassDecl
-> PrM AClassDecl
promoteClassDec decl@(ClassDecl { cd_cxt = cxt
, cd_name = cls_name
, cd_tvbs = tvbs
, cd_fds = fundeps
, cd_lde = lde@LetDecEnv
{ lde_defns = defaults
, lde_types = meth_sigs
, lde_infix = infix_decls } }) = do
let pClsName = promoteClassName cls_name
(ptvbs, proxyCxt) <- mkKProxies (map extractTvbName tvbs)
pCxt <- mapM promote_superclass_pred cxt
let cxt' = pCxt ++ proxyCxt
sig_decs <- mapM (uncurry promote_sig) (Map.toList meth_sigs)
let defaults_list = Map.toList defaults
defaults_names = map fst defaults_list
(default_decs, ann_rhss, prom_rhss)
<- mapAndUnzip3M (promoteMethod Map.empty meth_sigs) defaults_list
let infix_decls' = catMaybes $ map (uncurry promoteInfixDecl) infix_decls
emitDecs [DClassD cxt' pClsName ptvbs fundeps
(sig_decs ++ default_decs ++ infix_decls')]
let defaults_list' = zip defaults_names ann_rhss
proms = zip defaults_names prom_rhss
return (decl { cd_lde = lde { lde_defns = Map.fromList defaults_list'
, lde_proms = Map.fromList proms } })
promote_sig :: Name -> DType -> PrM DDec
promote_sig name ty = do
let proName = promoteValNameLhs name
(argKs, resK) <- promoteUnraveled ty
args <- mapM (const $ qNewName "arg") argKs
emitDecsM $ defunctionalize proName (map Just argKs) (Just resK)
return $ DFamilyD TypeFam proName
(zipWith DKindedTV args argKs)
(Just resK)
promote_superclass_pred :: DPred -> PrM DPred
promote_superclass_pred = go
go (DAppPr pr ty) = DAppPr <$> go pr <*> fmap kindParam (promoteType ty)
go (DSigPr pr _k) = go pr
go (DVarPr name) = fail $ "Cannot promote ConstraintKinds variables like "
++ show name
go (DConPr name) = return $ DConPr (promoteClassName name)
promoteInstanceDec :: Map Name DType -> UInstDecl -> PrM AInstDecl
promoteInstanceDec meth_sigs
decl@(InstDecl { id_name = cls_name
, id_arg_tys = inst_tys
, id_meths = meths }) = do
cls_tvb_names <- lookup_cls_tvb_names
inst_kis <- mapM promoteType inst_tys
let subst = Map.fromList $ zip cls_tvb_names inst_kis
(meths', ann_rhss, _) <- mapAndUnzip3M (promoteMethod subst meth_sigs) meths
emitDecs [DInstanceD [] (foldType (DConT pClsName)
(map kindParam inst_kis)) meths']
return (decl { id_meths = zip (map fst meths) ann_rhss })
pClsName = promoteClassName cls_name
lookup_cls_tvb_names :: PrM [Name]
lookup_cls_tvb_names = do
mb_info <- dsReify pClsName
case mb_info of
Just (DTyConI (DClassD _ _ tvbs _ _) _) -> return (map extract_kv_name tvbs)
_ -> do
mb_info' <- dsReify cls_name
case mb_info' of
Just (DTyConI (DClassD _ _ tvbs _ _) _) -> return (map extractTvbName tvbs)
_ -> fail $ "Cannot find class declaration annotation for " ++ show cls_name
extract_kv_name :: DTyVarBndr -> Name
extract_kv_name (DKindedTV _ (DConK _kproxy [DVarK kv_name])) = kv_name
extract_kv_name tvb = error $ "Internal error: extract_kv_name\n" ++ show tvb
promoteMethod :: Map Name DKind
-> Map Name DType
-> (Name, ULetDecRHS)
-> PrM (DDec, ALetDecRHS, DType)
promoteMethod subst sigs_map (meth_name, meth_rhs) = do
((_, _, _, eqns), _defuns, ann_rhs)
<- promoteLetDecRHS sigs_map noPrefix meth_name meth_rhs
(arg_kis, res_ki) <- lookup_meth_ty
meth_arg_tvs <- mapM (const $ qNewName "a") arg_kis
let meth_arg_kis' = map (substKind subst) arg_kis
meth_res_ki' = substKind subst res_ki
helperNameBase = case nameBase proName of
first:_ | not (isHsLetter first) -> "TFHelper"
alpha -> alpha
helperName <- newUniqueName helperNameBase
emitDecs [DClosedTypeFamilyD helperName
(zipWith DKindedTV meth_arg_tvs meth_arg_kis')
(Just meth_res_ki') eqns]
emitDecsM (defunctionalize helperName (map Just meth_arg_kis') (Just meth_res_ki'))
return ( DTySynInstD
(DTySynEqn (zipWith (DSigT . DVarT) meth_arg_tvs meth_arg_kis')
(foldApply (promoteValRhs helperName) (map DVarT meth_arg_tvs)))
, ann_rhs
, DConT (promoteTySym helperName 0) )
proName = promoteValNameLhs meth_name
lookup_meth_ty :: PrM ([DKind], DKind)
lookup_meth_ty = case Map.lookup meth_name sigs_map of
Nothing -> do
mb_info <- dsReify proName
case mb_info of
Just (DTyConI (DFamilyD _ _ tvbs mb_res_ki) _)
-> return ( map (default_to_star . extractTvbKind) tvbs
, default_to_star mb_res_ki )
_ -> fail $ "Cannot find type annotation for " ++ show proName
Just ty -> promoteUnraveled ty
default_to_star Nothing = DStarK
default_to_star (Just k) = k
promoteLetDecEnv :: (String, String) -> ULetDecEnv -> PrM ([DDec], ALetDecEnv)
promoteLetDecEnv prefixes (LetDecEnv { lde_defns = value_env
, lde_types = type_env
, lde_infix = infix_decls }) = do
let infix_decls' = catMaybes $ map (uncurry promoteInfixDecl) infix_decls
let (names, rhss) = unzip $ Map.toList value_env
(payloads, defun_decss, ann_rhss)
<- fmap unzip3 $ zipWithM (promoteLetDecRHS type_env prefixes) names rhss
emitDecs $ concat defun_decss
let decs = map payload_to_dec payloads ++ infix_decls'
let let_dec_env' = LetDecEnv { lde_defns = Map.fromList $ zip names ann_rhss
, lde_types = type_env
, lde_infix = infix_decls
, lde_proms = Map.empty }
return (decs, let_dec_env')
payload_to_dec (name, tvbs, m_ki, eqns) = DClosedTypeFamilyD name tvbs m_ki eqns
promoteInfixDecl :: Fixity -> Name -> Maybe DDec
promoteInfixDecl fixity name
| isUpcase name = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ DLetDec $ DInfixD fixity (promoteValNameLhs name)
promoteLetDecRHS :: Map Name DType
-> (String, String)
-> Name
-> ULetDecRHS
-> PrM ( (Name, [DTyVarBndr], Maybe DKind, [DTySynEqn])
, [DDec]
, ALetDecRHS )
promoteLetDecRHS type_env prefixes name (UValue exp) = do
(res_kind, num_arrows)
<- case Map.lookup name type_env of
Nothing -> return (Nothing, 0)
Just ty -> do
ki <- promoteType ty
return (Just ki, countArgs ty)
case num_arrows of
0 -> do
all_locals <- allLocals
(exp', ann_exp) <- promoteExp exp
let proName = promoteValNameLhsPrefix prefixes name
defuns <- defunctionalize proName (map (const Nothing) all_locals) res_kind
return ( ( proName, map DPlainTV all_locals, res_kind
, [DTySynEqn (map DVarT all_locals) exp'] )
, defuns
, AValue (foldType (DConT proName) (map DVarT all_locals))
num_arrows ann_exp )
_ -> do
names <- replicateM num_arrows (newUniqueName "a")
let pats = map DVarPa names
newArgs = map DVarE names
promoteLetDecRHS type_env prefixes name
(UFunction [DClause pats (foldExp exp newArgs)])
promoteLetDecRHS type_env prefixes name (UFunction clauses) = do
numArgs <- count_args clauses
(m_argKs, m_resK, ty_num_args) <- case Map.lookup name type_env of
Nothing -> return (replicate numArgs Nothing, Nothing, numArgs)
Just ty -> do
(argKs, resultK) <- promoteUnraveled ty
return (map Just argKs, Just resultK, length argKs)
let proName = promoteValNameLhsPrefix prefixes name
all_locals <- allLocals
defun_decs <- defunctionalize proName
(map (const Nothing) all_locals ++ m_argKs) m_resK
let local_tvbs = map DPlainTV all_locals
tyvarNames <- mapM (const $ qNewName "a") m_argKs
expClauses <- mapM (etaExpand (ty_num_args numArgs)) clauses
(eqns, ann_clauses) <- mapAndUnzipM promoteClause expClauses
prom_fun <- lookupVarE name
let args = zipWith inferMaybeKindTV tyvarNames m_argKs
all_args = local_tvbs ++ args
return ( (proName, all_args, m_resK, eqns)
, defun_decs
, AFunction prom_fun ty_num_args ann_clauses )
etaExpand :: Int -> DClause -> PrM DClause
etaExpand n (DClause pats exp) = do
names <- replicateM n (newUniqueName "a")
let newPats = map DVarPa names
newArgs = map DVarE names
return $ DClause (pats ++ newPats) (foldExp exp newArgs)
count_args (DClause pats _ : _) = return $ length pats
count_args _ = fail $ "Impossible! A function without clauses."
promoteClause :: DClause -> PrM (DTySynEqn, ADClause)
promoteClause (DClause pats exp) = do
((types, pats'), new_vars) <- evalForPair $ mapAndUnzipM promotePat pats
(ty, ann_exp) <- lambdaBind new_vars $ promoteExp exp
all_locals <- allLocals
return ( DTySynEqn (map DVarT all_locals ++ types) ty
, ADClause new_vars pats' ann_exp )
promoteMatch :: DType -> DMatch -> PrM (DTySynEqn, ADMatch)
promoteMatch prom_case (DMatch pat exp) = do
((ty, pat'), new_vars) <- evalForPair $ promotePat pat
(rhs, ann_exp) <- lambdaBind new_vars $ promoteExp exp
all_locals <- allLocals
return $ ( DTySynEqn (map DVarT all_locals ++ [ty]) rhs
, ADMatch new_vars prom_case pat' ann_exp)
promotePat :: DPat -> QWithAux VarPromotions PrM (DType, DPat)
promotePat (DLitPa lit) = do
lit' <- promoteLitPat lit
return (lit', DLitPa lit)
promotePat (DVarPa name) = do
tyName <- mkTyName name
addElement (name, tyName)
return (DVarT tyName, DVarPa name)
promotePat (DConPa name pats) = do
(types, pats') <- mapAndUnzipM promotePat pats
let name' = unboxed_tuple_to_tuple name
return (foldType (DConT name') types, DConPa name pats')
unboxed_tuple_to_tuple n
| Just deg <- unboxedTupleNameDegree_maybe n = tupleDataName deg
| otherwise = n
promotePat (DTildePa pat) = do
qReportWarning "Lazy pattern converted into regular pattern in promotion"
(ty, pat') <- promotePat pat
return (ty, DTildePa pat')
promotePat (DBangPa pat) = do
qReportWarning "Strict pattern converted into regular pattern in promotion"
(ty, pat') <- promotePat pat
return (ty, DBangPa pat')
promotePat DWildPa = do
name <- newUniqueName "_z"
tyName <- mkTyName name
addElement (name, tyName)
return (DVarT tyName, DVarPa name)
promoteExp :: DExp -> PrM (DType, ADExp)
promoteExp (DVarE name) = fmap (, ADVarE name) $ lookupVarE name
promoteExp (DConE name) = return $ (promoteValRhs name, ADConE name)
promoteExp (DLitE lit) = fmap (, ADLitE lit) $ promoteLitExp lit
promoteExp (DAppE exp1 exp2) = do
(exp1', ann_exp1) <- promoteExp exp1
(exp2', ann_exp2) <- promoteExp exp2
return (apply exp1' exp2', ADAppE ann_exp1 ann_exp2)
promoteExp (DLamE names exp) = do
lambdaName <- newUniqueName "Lambda"
tyNames <- mapM mkTyName names
let var_proms = zip names tyNames
(rhs, ann_exp) <- lambdaBind var_proms $ promoteExp exp
tyFamLamTypes <- mapM (const $ qNewName "t") names
all_locals <- allLocals
let all_args = all_locals ++ tyFamLamTypes
tvbs = map DPlainTV all_args
emitDecs [DClosedTypeFamilyD lambdaName
[DTySynEqn (map DVarT (all_locals ++ tyNames))
emitDecsM $ defunctionalize lambdaName (map (const Nothing) all_args) Nothing
let promLambda = foldl apply (DConT (promoteTySym lambdaName 0))
(map DVarT all_locals)
return (promLambda, ADLamE var_proms promLambda names ann_exp)
promoteExp (DCaseE exp matches) = do
caseTFName <- newUniqueName "Case"
all_locals <- allLocals
let prom_case = foldType (DConT caseTFName) (map DVarT all_locals)
(exp', ann_exp) <- promoteExp exp
(eqns, ann_matches) <- mapAndUnzipM (promoteMatch prom_case) matches
tyvarName <- qNewName "t"
let all_args = all_locals ++ [tyvarName]
tvbs = map DPlainTV all_args
emitDecs [DClosedTypeFamilyD caseTFName tvbs Nothing eqns]
let applied_case = prom_case `DAppT` exp'
return ( applied_case
, ADCaseE ann_exp exp' ann_matches applied_case )
promoteExp (DLetE decs exp) = do
unique <- qNewUnique
let letPrefixes = uniquePrefixes "Let" ":<<<" unique
(binds, ann_env) <- promoteLetDecs letPrefixes decs
(exp', ann_exp) <- letBind binds $ promoteExp exp
return (exp', ADLetE ann_env ann_exp)
promoteExp (DSigE exp ty) = do
(exp', ann_exp) <- promoteExp exp
ty' <- promoteType ty
return (DSigT exp' ty', ADSigE ann_exp ty)
promoteExp e@(DStaticE _) = fail ("Static expressions cannot be promoted: " ++ show e)
promoteLitExp :: Monad m => Lit -> m DType
promoteLitExp (IntegerL n)
| n >= 0 = return $ (DConT tyFromIntegerName `DAppT` DLitT (NumTyLit n))
| otherwise = return $ (DConT tyNegateName `DAppT`
(DConT tyFromIntegerName `DAppT` DLitT (NumTyLit (n))))
promoteLitExp (StringL str) = return $ DLitT (StrTyLit str)
promoteLitExp lit =
fail ("Only string and natural number literals can be promoted: " ++ show lit)
promoteLitPat :: Monad m => Lit -> m DType
promoteLitPat (IntegerL n)
| n >= 0 = return $ (DLitT (NumTyLit n))
| otherwise =
fail $ "Negative literal patterns are not allowed,\n" ++
"because literal patterns are promoted to natural numbers."
promoteLitPat (StringL str) = return $ DLitT (StrTyLit str)
promoteLitPat lit =
fail ("Only string and natural number literals can be promoted: " ++ show lit)