{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Main where import Control.Monad.Except import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Data.Either (fromRight) import Data.Ini (Ini, lookupValue, readIniFile) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.X509.Validation (Fingerprint (..)) import Network.Socket (HostName, ServiceName) import Options.Applicative import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String import Simplex.Messaging.Server (runSMPServer) import Simplex.Messaging.Server.Env.STM import Simplex.Messaging.Server.StoreLog (StoreLog, openReadStoreLog, storeLogFilePath) import Simplex.Messaging.Transport (ATransport (..), TLS, Transport (..), simplexMQVersion) import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Server (loadFingerprint) import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.WebSockets (WS) import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, removeDirectoryRecursive) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.FilePath (combine) import System.IO (BufferMode (..), IOMode (..), hGetLine, hSetBuffering, stderr, stdout, withFile) import System.Process (readCreateProcess, shell) import Text.Read (readMaybe) cfgDir :: FilePath cfgDir = "/etc/opt/simplex" logDir :: FilePath logDir = "/var/opt/simplex" iniFile :: FilePath iniFile = combine cfgDir "smp-server.ini" storeLogFile :: FilePath storeLogFile = combine logDir "smp-server-store.log" caKeyFile :: FilePath caKeyFile = combine cfgDir "ca.key" caCrtFile :: FilePath caCrtFile = combine cfgDir "ca.crt" serverKeyFile :: FilePath serverKeyFile = combine cfgDir "server.key" serverCrtFile :: FilePath serverCrtFile = combine cfgDir "server.crt" fingerprintFile :: FilePath fingerprintFile = combine cfgDir "fingerprint" main :: IO () main = do getCliCommand >>= \case Init opts -> doesFileExist iniFile >>= \case True -> exitError $ "Error: server is already initialized (" <> iniFile <> " exists).\nRun `smp-server start`." _ -> initializeServer opts Start -> doesFileExist iniFile >>= \case True -> readIniFile iniFile >>= either exitError (runServer . mkIniOptions) _ -> exitError $ "Error: server is not initialized (" <> iniFile <> " does not exist).\nRun `smp-server init`." Delete -> cleanup >> putStrLn "Deleted configuration and log files" exitError :: String -> IO () exitError msg = putStrLn msg >> exitFailure data CliCommand = Init InitOptions | Start | Delete data InitOptions = InitOptions { enableStoreLog :: Bool, signAlgorithm :: SignAlgorithm, ip :: HostName, fqdn :: Maybe HostName } deriving (Show) data SignAlgorithm = ED448 | ED25519 deriving (Read, Show) getCliCommand :: IO CliCommand getCliCommand = customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) ( info (helper <*> versionOption <*> cliCommandP) (header version <> fullDesc) ) where versionOption = infoOption version (long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "Show version") cliCommandP :: Parser CliCommand cliCommandP = hsubparser ( command "init" (info initP (progDesc $ "Initialize server - creates " <> cfgDir <> " and " <> logDir <> " directories and configuration files")) <> command "start" (info (pure Start) (progDesc $ "Start server (configuration: " <> iniFile <> ")")) <> command "delete" (info (pure Delete) (progDesc "Delete configuration and log files")) ) where initP :: Parser CliCommand initP = Init <$> ( InitOptions <$> switch ( long "store-log" <> short 'l' <> help "Enable store log for SMP queues persistence" ) <*> option (maybeReader readMaybe) ( long "sign-algorithm" <> short 'a' <> help "Signature algorithm used for TLS certificates: ED25519, ED448" <> value ED448 <> showDefault <> metavar "ALG" ) <*> strOption ( long "ip" <> help "Server IP address, used as Common Name for TLS online certificate if FQDN is not supplied" <> value "" <> showDefault <> metavar "IP" ) <*> (optional . strOption) ( long "fqdn" <> short 'n' <> help "Server FQDN used as Common Name for TLS online certificate" <> showDefault <> metavar "FQDN" ) ) initializeServer :: InitOptions -> IO () initializeServer InitOptions {enableStoreLog, signAlgorithm, ip, fqdn} = do cleanup createDirectoryIfMissing True cfgDir createDirectoryIfMissing True logDir createX509 fp <- saveFingerprint createIni putStrLn $ "Server initialized, you can modify configuration in " <> iniFile <> ".\nRun `smp-server start` to start server." printServiceInfo fp warnCAPrivateKeyFile where createX509 = do createOpensslCaConf createOpensslServerConf -- CA certificate (identity/offline) run $ "openssl genpkey -algorithm " <> show signAlgorithm <> " -out " <> caKeyFile run $ "openssl req -new -x509 -days 999999 -config " <> opensslCaConfFile <> " -extensions v3 -key " <> caKeyFile <> " -out " <> caCrtFile -- server certificate (online) run $ "openssl genpkey -algorithm " <> show signAlgorithm <> " -out " <> serverKeyFile run $ "openssl req -new -config " <> opensslServerConfFile <> " -reqexts v3 -key " <> serverKeyFile <> " -out " <> serverCsrFile run $ "openssl x509 -req -days 999999 -extfile " <> opensslServerConfFile <> " -extensions v3 -in " <> serverCsrFile <> " -CA " <> caCrtFile <> " -CAkey " <> caKeyFile <> " -CAcreateserial -out " <> serverCrtFile where run cmd = void $ readCreateProcess (shell cmd) "" opensslCaConfFile = combine cfgDir "openssl_ca.conf" opensslServerConfFile = combine cfgDir "openssl_server.conf" serverCsrFile = combine cfgDir "server.csr" createOpensslCaConf = writeFile opensslCaConfFile "[req]\n\ \distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name\n\ \prompt = no\n\n\ \[req_distinguished_name]\n\ \CN = SMP server CA\n\ \O = SimpleX\n\n\ \[v3]\n\ \subjectKeyIdentifier = hash\n\ \authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always\n\ \basicConstraints = critical,CA:true\n" -- TODO revise https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5280#section-, https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3279#section-2.3.5 -- IP and FQDN can't both be used as server address interchangeably even if IP is added -- as Subject Alternative Name, unless the following validation hook is disabled: -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/x509-validation-1.6.10/docs/src/Data-X509-Validation.html#validateCertificateName createOpensslServerConf = writeFile opensslServerConfFile ( "[req]\n\ \distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name\n\ \prompt = no\n\n\ \[req_distinguished_name]\n" <> ("CN = " <> cn <> "\n\n") <> "[v3]\n\ \basicConstraints = CA:FALSE\n\ \keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyAgreement\n\ \extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth\n" ) where cn = fromMaybe ip fqdn saveFingerprint = do Fingerprint fp <- loadFingerprint caCrtFile withFile fingerprintFile WriteMode (`B.hPutStrLn` strEncode fp) pure fp createIni = do writeFile iniFile $ "[STORE_LOG]\n\ \# The server uses STM memory to store SMP queues and messages,\n\ \# that will be lost on restart (e.g., as with redis).\n\ \# This option enables saving SMP queues to append only log,\n\ \# and restoring them when the server is started.\n\ \# Log is compacted on start (deleted queues are removed).\n\ \# The messages in the queues are not logged.\n" <> ("enable: " <> (if enableStoreLog then "on" else "off # on") <> "\n\n") <> "[TRANSPORT]\n\ \port: 5223\n\ \websockets: off\n" warnCAPrivateKeyFile = putStrLn $ "----------\n\ \You should store CA private key securely and delete it from the server.\n\ \If server TLS credential is compromised this key can be used to sign a new one, \ \keeping the same server identity and established connections.\n\ \CA private key location:\n" <> caKeyFile <> "\n----------" data IniOptions = IniOptions { enableStoreLog :: Bool, port :: ServiceName, enableWebsockets :: Bool } -- TODO ? properly parse ini as a whole mkIniOptions :: Ini -> IniOptions mkIniOptions ini = IniOptions { enableStoreLog = (== "on") $ strict "STORE_LOG" "enable", port = T.unpack $ strict "TRANSPORT" "port", enableWebsockets = (== "on") $ strict "TRANSPORT" "websockets" } where strict :: String -> String -> T.Text strict section key = fromRight (error ("no key " <> key <> " in section " <> section)) $ lookupValue (T.pack section) (T.pack key) ini runServer :: IniOptions -> IO () runServer IniOptions {enableStoreLog, port, enableWebsockets} = do hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering fp <- checkSavedFingerprint printServiceInfo fp storeLog <- openStoreLog let cfg = mkServerConfig storeLog printServerConfig cfg runSMPServer cfg where checkSavedFingerprint = do savedFingerprint <- loadSavedFingerprint Fingerprint fp <- loadFingerprint caCrtFile when (B.pack savedFingerprint /= strEncode fp) $ exitError "Stored fingerprint is invalid." pure fp mkServerConfig storeLog = ServerConfig { transports = (port, transport @TLS) : [("80", transport @WS) | enableWebsockets], tbqSize = 16, serverTbqSize = 64, msgQueueQuota = 128, queueIdBytes = 24, msgIdBytes = 24, -- must be at least 24 bytes, it is used as 192-bit nonce for XSalsa20 caCertificateFile = caCrtFile, privateKeyFile = serverKeyFile, certificateFile = serverCrtFile, storeLog, allowNewQueues = True, messageTTL = Just $ 7 * 86400, -- 7 days expireMessagesInterval = Just 21600_000000 -- microseconds, 6 hours } openStoreLog :: IO (Maybe (StoreLog 'ReadMode)) openStoreLog = if enableStoreLog then Just <$> openReadStoreLog storeLogFile else pure Nothing printServerConfig ServerConfig {storeLog, transports} = do putStrLn $ case storeLog of Just s -> "Store log: " <> storeLogFilePath s Nothing -> "Store log disabled." forM_ transports $ \(p, ATransport t) -> putStrLn $ "Listening on port " <> p <> " (" <> transportName t <> ")..." cleanup :: IO () cleanup = do deleteDirIfExists cfgDir deleteDirIfExists logDir where deleteDirIfExists path = doesDirectoryExist path >>= (`when` removeDirectoryRecursive path) printServiceInfo :: ByteString -> IO () printServiceInfo fpStr = do putStrLn version B.putStrLn $ "Fingerprint: " <> strEncode fpStr version :: String version = "SMP server v" <> simplexMQVersion loadSavedFingerprint :: IO String loadSavedFingerprint = withFile fingerprintFile ReadMode hGetLine