{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- | Please see the project README for more details:
--   https://github.com/jwiegley/simple-conduit/blob/master/README.md
--   Also see this blog article:
--   https://www.newartisans.com/2014/06/simpler-conduit-library

module Conduit.Simple
    ( Source(..), Conduit, Sink
    , runSource, lowerSource, source, conduit, conduitWith, sink
    , returnC, close, skip, awaitForever
    , yieldMany, sourceList
    , unfoldC
    , enumFromToC
    , iterateC
    , repeatC
    , replicateC
    , sourceLazy
    , repeatMC
    , repeatWhileMC
    , replicateMC
    , sourceHandle
    , sourceFile
    , sourceIOHandle
    , stdinC
    , initRepeat
    , initReplicate
    , sourceRandom
    , sourceRandomN
    , sourceRandomGen
    , sourceRandomNGen
    , sourceDirectory
    , sourceDirectoryDeep
    , dropC
    , dropCE
    , dropWhileC
    , dropWhileCE
    , foldC
    , foldCE
    , foldlC
    , foldlCE
    , foldMapC
    , foldMapCE
    , allC
    , allCE
    , anyC
    , anyCE
    , andC
    , andCE
    , orC
    , orCE
    , elemC
    , elemCE
    , notElemC
    , notElemCE
    , sinkLazy
    , sinkList
    , sinkVector
    , sinkBuilder
    , sinkLazyBuilder
    , sinkNull
    , awaitNonNull
    , headCE
    , lastC
    , lastCE
    , lengthC
    , lengthCE
    , lengthIfC
    , lengthIfCE
    , maximumC
    , maximumCE
    , minimumC
    , minimumCE
    , sumC
    , sumCE
    , productC
    , productCE
    , findC
    , mapM_C
    , mapM_CE
    , foldMC
    , foldMCE
    , foldMapMC
    , foldMapMCE
    , sinkFile
    , sinkHandle
    , sinkIOHandle
    , printC
    , stdoutC
    , stderrC
    , mapC
    , mapCE
    , omapCE
    , concatMapC
    , concatMapCE
    , takeC
    , takeCE
    , takeWhileC
    , takeWhileCE
    , takeExactlyC
    , takeExactlyCE
    , concatC
    , filterC
    , filterCE
    , mapWhileC
    , conduitVector
    , scanlC
    , concatMapAccumC
    , intersperseC
    , encodeBase64C
    , decodeBase64C
    , encodeBase64URLC
    , decodeBase64URLC
    , encodeBase16C
    , decodeBase16C
    , mapMC
    , mapMCE
    , omapMCE
    , concatMapMC
    , filterMC
    , filterMCE
    , iterMC
    , scanlMC
    , concatMapAccumMC
    , encodeUtf8C
    , decodeUtf8C
    , lineC
    , lineAsciiC
    , unlinesC
    , unlinesAsciiC
    , linesUnboundedC_
    , linesUnboundedC, linesC
    , linesUnboundedAsciiC, linesAsciiC
    , sourceMaybeMVar
    , sourceMaybeTMVar
    , asyncC
    , sourceTChan
    , sourceTQueue
    , sourceTBQueue
    , untilMC
    , whileMC
    , zipSinks

    , ($=), (=$), (=$=), ($$)
    , sequenceSources
    ) where

import           Conduit.Simple.Compat
import           Conduit.Simple.Core
import           Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import           Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted
import           Control.Concurrent.Lifted hiding (yield)
import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import           Control.Exception.Lifted (bracket)
import           Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase(..))
import           Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
import           Control.Monad.Cont
import           Control.Monad.Primitive
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Either (EitherT(..), left)
import           Data.Builder (Builder(builderToLazy), ToBuilder(..))
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import           Data.IOData (IOData(hGetChunk, hPut))
import           Data.List (unfoldr)
import           Data.MonoTraversable (MonoTraversable, MonoFunctor, Element,
                                       MonoFoldable(oall, oany, ofoldMap,
                                                    ofoldl', ofoldlM, olength,
import           Data.NonNull as NonNull (NonNull, fromNullable)
import           Data.Semigroup (Any(..), All(..), Monoid(..), Semigroup((<>)))
import           Data.Sequences as Seq (OrdSequence, EqSequence(elem, notElem),
                                        SemiSequence(..), singleton,
                                        IsSequence(break, drop, dropWhile,
                                                   fromList, splitAt))
import           Data.Sequences.Lazy (LazySequence(fromChunks, toChunks))
import qualified Data.Streaming.Filesystem as F
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Data.Textual.Encoding (Utf8(encodeUtf8))
import           Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as VM
import           Data.Word (Word8)
import           System.FilePath ((</>))
import           System.IO (stdout, stdin, stderr, openFile, hClose,
                            Handle, IOMode(ReadMode, WriteMode))
import           System.Random.MWC as MWC (Gen, Variate(uniform),

yieldMany :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono) => mono -> Source m (Element mono)
yieldMany xs = source $ \z yield -> ofoldlM yield z xs

sourceList :: Monad m => [a] -> Source m a
sourceList xs = source $ \z yield -> foldM yield z xs

unfoldC :: forall m a b. Monad m => (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> Source m a
unfoldC = (sourceList .) . Data.List.unfoldr

enumFromToC :: forall m a. (Monad m, Enum a, Eq a) => a -> a -> Source m a
enumFromToC = (sourceList .) . enumFromTo

iterateC :: forall m a. Monad m => (a -> a) -> a -> Source m a
iterateC = (sourceList .) . iterate

repeatC :: forall m a. Monad m => a -> Source m a
repeatC = sourceList . Prelude.repeat

replicateC :: forall m a. Monad m => Int -> a -> Source m a
replicateC = (sourceList .) . Prelude.replicate

sourceLazy :: (Monad m, LazySequence lazy strict) => lazy -> Source m strict
sourceLazy = sourceList . toChunks

repeatMC :: forall m a. Monad m => m a -> Source m a
repeatMC x = source go
    go :: r -> (r -> a -> EitherT r m r) -> EitherT r m r
    go z yield = loop z
        loop r = loop =<< yield r =<< lift x

repeatWhileMC :: forall m a. Monad m => m a -> (a -> Bool) -> Source m a
repeatWhileMC m f = source go
    go :: r -> (r -> a -> EitherT r m r) -> EitherT r m r
    go z yield = loop z
        loop r = do
            x <- lift m
            if f x
                then loop =<< yield r x
                else return r

replicateMC :: forall m a. Monad m => Int -> m a -> Source m a
replicateMC n m = source $ go n
    go :: Int -> r -> (r -> a -> EitherT r m r) -> EitherT r m r
    go i z yield = loop i z
        loop n' r | n' > 0 = loop (n' - 1) =<< yield r =<< lift m
        loop _ r = return r

sourceHandle :: forall m a. (MonadIO m, IOData a) => Handle -> Source m a
sourceHandle h = source go
    go :: r -> (r -> a -> EitherT r m r) -> EitherT r m r
    go z yield = loop z
        loop y = do
            x <- liftIO $ hGetChunk h
            if onull x
                then return y
                else loop =<< yield y x
{-# SPECIALIZE sourceHandle :: IOData a => Handle -> Source IO a #-}

sourceFile :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, IOData a)
           => FilePath -> Source m a
sourceFile path = source $ \z yield ->
    liftBaseOp (bracket (openFile path ReadMode) hClose)
        (\h -> runSource (sourceHandle h) z yield)
{-# SPECIALIZE sourceFile :: IOData a => FilePath -> Source IO a #-}

sourceIOHandle :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, IOData a)
               => IO Handle -> Source m a
sourceIOHandle f = source $ \z yield ->
    liftBaseOp (bracket f hClose) $ \h ->
        runSource (sourceHandle h) z yield
{-# SPECIALIZE sourceIOHandle :: IOData a => IO Handle -> Source IO a #-}

stdinC :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, IOData a) => Source m a
stdinC = sourceHandle stdin
{-# SPECIALIZE stdinC :: IOData a => Source IO a #-}

initRepeat :: Monad m => m seed -> (seed -> m a) -> Source m a
initRepeat mseed f = source $ \z yield ->
    lift mseed >>= \seed -> runSource (repeatMC (f seed)) z yield

initReplicate :: Monad m => m seed -> (seed -> m a) -> Int -> Source m a
initReplicate mseed f n = source $ \z yield ->
    lift mseed >>= \seed -> runSource (replicateMC n (f seed)) z yield

sourceRandom :: (Variate a, MonadIO m) => Source m a
sourceRandom =
    initRepeat (liftIO MWC.createSystemRandom) (liftIO . MWC.uniform)

sourceRandomN :: (Variate a, MonadIO m) => Int -> Source m a
sourceRandomN =
    initReplicate (liftIO MWC.createSystemRandom) (liftIO . MWC.uniform)

sourceRandomGen :: (Variate a, MonadBase base m, PrimMonad base)
                => Gen (PrimState base) -> Source m a
sourceRandomGen gen = initRepeat (return gen) (liftBase . MWC.uniform)

sourceRandomNGen :: (Variate a, MonadBase base m, PrimMonad base)
                 => Gen (PrimState base) -> Int -> Source m a
sourceRandomNGen gen = initReplicate (return gen) (liftBase . MWC.uniform)

sourceDirectory :: forall m. MonadBaseControl IO m
                => FilePath -> Source m FilePath
sourceDirectory dir = source $ \z yield ->
    liftBaseOp (bracket (F.openDirStream dir) F.closeDirStream)
        (go z yield)
    go :: r -> (r -> FilePath -> EitherT r m r) -> F.DirStream -> EitherT r m r
    go z yield ds = loop z
        loop r = do
            mfp <- liftBase $ F.readDirStream ds
            case mfp of
                Nothing -> return r
                Just fp -> loop =<< yield r (dir </> fp)
{-# SPECIALIZE sourceDirectory :: FilePath -> Source IO FilePath #-}

sourceDirectoryDeep :: forall m. MonadBaseControl IO m
                    => Bool -> FilePath -> Source m FilePath
sourceDirectoryDeep followSymlinks startDir = source go
    go :: r -> (r -> FilePath -> EitherT r m r) -> EitherT r m r
    go z yield = start startDir z
        start dir r = runSource (sourceDirectory dir) r entry
        entry r fp = do
            ft <- liftBase $ F.getFileType fp
            case ft of
                F.FTFile -> yield r fp
                F.FTFileSym -> yield r fp
                F.FTDirectory -> start fp r
                    | followSymlinks -> start fp r
                    | otherwise -> return r
                F.FTOther -> return r
{-# SPECIALIZE sourceDirectoryDeep :: Bool -> FilePath -> Source IO FilePath #-}

dropC :: Monad m => Int -> Conduit a m a
dropC n = conduitWith n go
    go (r, n') _ _ | n' > 0 = return (r, n' - 1)
    go (r, _) yield x       = yield r x

dropCE :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq) => Index seq -> Conduit seq m seq
dropCE n = conduitWith n go
    go (r, n') yield s
        | onull y   = return (r, n' - xn)
        | otherwise = yield r y
        (x, y) = Seq.splitAt n' s
        xn = n' - fromIntegral (olength x)

dropWhileC :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Conduit a m a
dropWhileC f = conduitWith f go
    go (r, k) _ x | k x = return (r, k)
    -- Change out the predicate for one that always fails
    go (r, _) yield x = fmap (const (const False)) <$> yield r x

dropWhileCE :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq)
            => (Element seq -> Bool)
            -> Conduit seq m seq
dropWhileCE f = conduitWith f go
    go (r, k) yield s
        | onull x   = return (r, k)
        | otherwise = fmap (const (const False)) <$> yield r s
        x = Seq.dropWhile k s

foldC :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => Sink a m a
foldC = foldMapC id

foldCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, Monoid (Element mono))
       => Sink mono m (Element mono)
foldCE = foldlC (\acc mono -> acc `mappend` ofoldMap id mono) mempty

foldlC :: Monad m => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Sink b m a
foldlC f z = sink z ((return .) . f)

foldlCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono)
        => (a -> Element mono -> a) -> a -> Sink mono m a
foldlCE f = foldlC (ofoldl' f)

foldMapC :: (Monad m, Monoid b) => (a -> b) -> Sink a m b
foldMapC f = foldlC (\acc x -> acc `mappend` f x) mempty

foldMapCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, Monoid w)
          => (Element mono -> w) -> Sink mono m w
foldMapCE = foldMapC . ofoldMap

allC :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Sink a m Bool
allC f = liftM getAll `liftM` foldMapC (All . f)

allCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono)
      => (Element mono -> Bool) -> Sink mono m Bool
allCE = allC . oall

anyC :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Sink a m Bool
anyC f = liftM getAny `liftM` foldMapC (Any . f)

anyCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono)
      => (Element mono -> Bool) -> Sink mono m Bool
anyCE = anyC . oany

andC :: Monad m => Sink Bool m Bool
andC = allC id

andCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ Bool)
      => Sink mono m Bool
andCE = allCE id

orC :: Monad m => Sink Bool m Bool
orC = anyC id

orCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ Bool)
     => Sink mono m Bool
orCE = anyCE id

elemC :: (Monad m, Eq a) => a -> Sink a m Bool
elemC x = anyC (== x)

elemCE :: (Monad m, EqSequence seq) => Element seq -> Sink seq m Bool
elemCE = anyC . Seq.elem

notElemC :: (Monad m, Eq a) => a -> Sink a m Bool
notElemC x = allC (/= x)

notElemCE :: (Monad m, EqSequence seq) => Element seq -> Sink seq m Bool
notElemCE = allC . Seq.notElem

produceList :: Monad m => ([a] -> b) -> Sink a m b
produceList f =
    liftM (f . ($ [])) . sink id (\front x -> return (front . (x:)))

sinkLazy :: (Monad m, LazySequence lazy strict) => Sink strict m lazy
sinkLazy = produceList fromChunks

sinkList :: Monad m => Sink a m [a]
sinkList = produceList id

sinkVector :: (MonadBase base m, V.Vector v a, PrimMonad base)
           => Sink a m (v a)
sinkVector = undefined

sinkBuilder :: (Monad m, Monoid builder, ToBuilder a builder)
            => Sink a m builder
sinkBuilder = foldMapC toBuilder

sinkLazyBuilder :: (Monad m, Monoid builder, ToBuilder a builder,
                    Builder builder lazy)
                => Sink a m lazy
sinkLazyBuilder = liftM builderToLazy . foldMapC toBuilder

sinkNull :: Monad m => Sink a m ()
sinkNull _ = return ()

awaitNonNull :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable a) => Conduit a m (Maybe (NonNull a))
awaitNonNull = conduit $ \r yield x ->
    maybe (return r) (yield r . Just) (NonNull.fromNullable x)

headCE :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq) => Sink seq m (Maybe (Element seq))
headCE = undefined

-- jww (2014-06-07): These two cannot be implemented without leftover support.
-- peekC :: Monad m => Sink a m (Maybe a)
-- peekC = undefined

-- peekCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono) => Sink mono m (Maybe (Element mono))
-- peekCE = undefined

lastC :: Monad m => Sink a m (Maybe a)
lastC = sink Nothing (const (return . Just))

lastCE :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq) => Sink seq m (Maybe (Element seq))
lastCE = undefined

lengthC :: (Monad m, Num len) => Sink a m len
lengthC = foldlC (\x _ -> x + 1) 0

lengthCE :: (Monad m, Num len, MonoFoldable mono) => Sink mono m len
lengthCE = foldlC (\x y -> x + fromIntegral (olength y)) 0

lengthIfC :: (Monad m, Num len) => (a -> Bool) -> Sink a m len
lengthIfC f = foldlC (\cnt a -> if f a then cnt + 1 else cnt) 0

lengthIfCE :: (Monad m, Num len, MonoFoldable mono)
           => (Element mono -> Bool) -> Sink mono m len
lengthIfCE f = foldlCE (\cnt a -> if f a then cnt + 1 else cnt) 0

maximumC :: (Monad m, Ord a) => Sink a m (Maybe a)
maximumC = sink Nothing $ \r y -> return $ Just $ maybe y (max y) r

maximumCE :: (Monad m, OrdSequence seq) => Sink seq m (Maybe (Element seq))
maximumCE = undefined

minimumC :: (Monad m, Ord a) => Sink a m (Maybe a)
minimumC = sink Nothing $ \r y -> return $ Just $ maybe y (min y) r

minimumCE :: (Monad m, OrdSequence seq) => Sink seq m (Maybe (Element seq))
minimumCE = undefined

-- jww (2014-06-07): These two cannot be implemented without leftover support.
-- nullC :: Monad m => Sink a m Bool
-- nullC = undefined

-- nullCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono) => Sink mono m Bool
-- nullCE = undefined

sumC :: (Monad m, Num a) => Sink a m a
sumC = foldlC (+) 0

sumCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, Num (Element mono))
      => Sink mono m (Element mono)
sumCE = undefined

productC :: (Monad m, Num a) => Sink a m a
productC = foldlC (*) 1

productCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, Num (Element mono))
          => Sink mono m (Element mono)
productCE = undefined

findC :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Sink a m (Maybe a)
findC f = sink Nothing $ \r x -> if f x then left (Just x) else return r

mapM_C :: Monad m => (a -> m ()) -> Sink a m ()
mapM_C f = sink () (const $ lift . f)

mapM_CE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono)
        => (Element mono -> m ()) -> Sink mono m ()
mapM_CE = undefined

foldMC :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Sink b m a
foldMC f = flip sink ((lift .) . f)

foldMCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono)
        => (a -> Element mono -> m a) -> a -> Sink mono m a
foldMCE = undefined

foldMapMC :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => (a -> m w) -> Sink a m w
foldMapMC f = foldMC (\acc x -> (acc `mappend`) `liftM` f x) mempty

foldMapMCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, Monoid w)
           => (Element mono -> m w) -> Sink mono m w
foldMapMCE = undefined

sinkFile :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, IOData a)
         => FilePath -> Sink a m ()
sinkFile fp = sinkIOHandle (liftIO $ openFile fp WriteMode)

sinkHandle :: (MonadIO m, IOData a) => Handle -> Sink a m ()
sinkHandle = mapM_C . hPut

sinkIOHandle :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, IOData a)
             => IO Handle -> Sink a m ()
sinkIOHandle alloc = liftBaseOp (bracket alloc hClose) . flip sinkHandle

printC :: (Show a, MonadIO m) => Sink a m ()
printC = mapM_C (liftIO . print)

stdoutC :: (MonadIO m, IOData a) => Sink a m ()
stdoutC = sinkHandle stdout

stderrC :: (MonadIO m, IOData a) => Sink a m ()
stderrC = sinkHandle stderr

mapC :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> Conduit a m b
mapC = fmap

mapCE :: (Monad m, Functor f) => (a -> b) -> Conduit (f a) m (f b)
mapCE = undefined

omapCE :: (Monad m, MonoFunctor mono)
       => (Element mono -> Element mono) -> Conduit mono m mono
omapCE = undefined

concatMapC :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono)
           => (a -> mono) -> Conduit a m (Element mono)
concatMapC f = conduit $ \r yield -> ofoldlM yield r . f

concatMapCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, Monoid w)
            => (Element mono -> w) -> Conduit mono m w
concatMapCE = undefined

takeC :: Monad m => Int -> Conduit a m a
takeC n = conduitWith n go
    go (z', n') yield x
        | n' > 1    = next
        | n' > 0    = left =<< next
        | otherwise = left (z', 0)
        next = fmap pred <$> yield z' x

takeCE :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq) => Index seq -> Conduit seq m seq
takeCE = undefined

-- | This function reads one more element than it yields, which would be a
--   problem if Sinks were monadic, as they are in conduit or pipes.  There is
--   no such concept as "resuming where the last conduit left off" in this
--   library.
takeWhileC :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Conduit a m a
takeWhileC f = conduitWith f go
    go (z', k) yield x | k x = yield z' x
    go (z', _) _ _           = left (z', const False)

takeWhileCE :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq)
            => (Element seq -> Bool) -> Conduit seq m seq
takeWhileCE = undefined

takeExactlyC :: Monad m => Int -> Conduit a m b -> Conduit a m b
takeExactlyC = undefined

takeExactlyCE :: (Monad m, IsSequence a)
              => Index a -> Conduit a m b -> Conduit a m b
takeExactlyCE = undefined

concatC :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono) => Conduit mono m (Element mono)
concatC = awaitForever yieldMany

filterC :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Conduit a m a
filterC f = awaitForever $ \x -> if f x then return x else skip

filterCE :: (IsSequence seq, Monad m)
         => (Element seq -> Bool) -> Conduit seq m seq
filterCE = undefined

mapWhileC :: Monad m => (a -> Maybe b) -> Conduit a m b
mapWhileC f = awaitForever $ \x -> case f x of Just y -> return y; _ -> close

-- | Collect elements into a vector until the size @maxSize@ is reached, then
--   yield that vector downstream.
conduitVector :: (MonadBase base m, V.Vector v a, PrimMonad base)
              => Int -> Conduit a m (v a)
conduitVector maxSize src = source $ \z yield -> do
    mv <- liftBase $ VM.new maxSize
    EitherT $ do
        eres <- runEitherT $ runSource src (z, 0) $ \(r, i :: Int) x -> EitherT $
            if i >= maxSize
            then do
                v <- liftBase $ V.unsafeFreeze mv
                runEitherT $ rewrap (, 0) $ yield r v
            else do
                liftBase $ VM.write mv i x
                return $ Right (r, i + 1)
        case eres of
            Left (z', _) -> return $ Left z'
            Right (z', i)
                | i > 0 -> do
                    v <- V.slice 0 i <$> liftBase (V.unsafeFreeze mv)
                    runEitherT $ yield z' v
                | otherwise -> return $ Right z'
{-# SPECIALIZE conduitVector :: (V.Vector v a) => Int -> Conduit a IO (v a) #-}

scanlC :: Monad m => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Conduit b m a
scanlC = undefined

concatMapAccumC :: Monad m => (a -> accum -> (accum, [b])) -> accum -> Conduit a m b
concatMapAccumC = undefined

intersperseC :: Monad m => a -> Source m a -> Source m a
intersperseC s src = source $ \z yield -> EitherT $ do
    eres <- runEitherT $ runSource src (Nothing, z) $ \(my, r) x ->
        case my of
            Nothing -> return (Just x, r)
            Just y  -> do
                r' <- rewrap (Nothing,) $ yield r y
                rewrap (Just x,) $ yield (snd r') s
    case eres of
        Left (_, r)        -> return $ Left r
        Right (Nothing, r) -> return $ Right r
        Right (Just x, r)  -> runEitherT $ yield r x

encodeBase64C :: Monad m => Conduit ByteString m ByteString
encodeBase64C = undefined

decodeBase64C :: Monad m => Conduit ByteString m ByteString
decodeBase64C = undefined

encodeBase64URLC :: Monad m => Conduit ByteString m ByteString
encodeBase64URLC = undefined

decodeBase64URLC :: Monad m => Conduit ByteString m ByteString
decodeBase64URLC = undefined

encodeBase16C :: Monad m => Conduit ByteString m ByteString
encodeBase16C = undefined

decodeBase16C :: Monad m => Conduit ByteString m ByteString
decodeBase16C = undefined

mapMC :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Conduit a m b
mapMC f = (>>= lift . f)

mapMCE :: (Monad m, Traversable f) => (a -> m b) -> Conduit (f a) m (f b)
mapMCE = undefined

omapMCE :: (Monad m, MonoTraversable mono)
        => (Element mono -> m (Element mono)) -> Conduit mono m mono
omapMCE = undefined

concatMapMC :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono)
            => (a -> m mono) -> Conduit a m (Element mono)
concatMapMC f = awaitForever $ yieldMany <=< lift . f

filterMC :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> Conduit a m a
filterMC f = awaitForever $ \x -> do
    res <- lift $ f x
    if res
        then return x
        else skip

filterMCE :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq)
          => (Element seq -> m Bool) -> Conduit seq m seq
filterMCE = undefined

iterMC :: Monad m => (a -> m ()) -> Conduit a m a
iterMC = undefined

scanlMC :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Conduit b m a
scanlMC = undefined

concatMapAccumMC :: Monad m
                 => (a -> accum -> m (accum, [b])) -> accum -> Conduit a m b
concatMapAccumMC = undefined

encodeUtf8C :: (Monad m, Utf8 text binary) => Conduit text m binary
encodeUtf8C = mapC encodeUtf8

decodeUtf8C :: MonadThrow m => Conduit ByteString m Text
decodeUtf8C = undefined

lineC :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Char)
      => Conduit seq m o -> Conduit seq m o
lineC = undefined

lineAsciiC :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Word8)
           => Conduit seq m o -> Conduit seq m o
lineAsciiC = undefined

unlinesC :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Char)
         => Conduit seq m seq
unlinesC = concatMapC (: [Seq.singleton '\n'])

unlinesAsciiC :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Word8)
              => Conduit seq m seq
unlinesAsciiC = concatMapC (: [Seq.singleton 10])

linesUnboundedC_ :: forall m seq. (Monad m, IsSequence seq, Eq (Element seq))
                 => Element seq -> Conduit seq m seq
linesUnboundedC_ sep src = source $ \z yield -> EitherT $ do
    eres <- runEitherT $ runSource src (z, n) (go yield)
    case eres of
        Left (r, _)  -> return $ Left r
        Right (r, t)
            | onull t   -> return $ Right r
            | otherwise -> runEitherT $ yield r t
    n = Seq.fromList []

    go :: (r -> seq -> EitherT r m r) -> (r, seq) -> seq
       -> EitherT (r, seq) m (r, seq)
    go yield = loop
        loop (r, t') t
            | onull y = return (r, t <> t')
            | otherwise = do
                r' <- rewrap (, n) $ yield r (t' <> x)
                loop r' (Seq.drop 1 y)
            (x, y) = Seq.break (== sep) t

linesUnboundedC :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Char)
                => Conduit seq m seq
linesUnboundedC = linesUnboundedC_ '\n'

linesUnboundedAsciiC :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Word8)
                     => Conduit seq m seq
linesUnboundedAsciiC = linesUnboundedC_ 10

linesC :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Char)
                => Conduit seq m seq
linesC = linesUnboundedC

linesAsciiC :: (Monad m, IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Word8)
                     => Conduit seq m seq
linesAsciiC = linesUnboundedAsciiC

-- | Keep taking from an @MVar (Maybe a)@ until it yields 'Nothing'.
sourceMaybeMVar :: forall m a. MonadIO m => MVar (Maybe a) -> Source m a
sourceMaybeMVar var = source go
    go :: r -> (r -> a -> EitherT r m r) -> EitherT r m r
    go z yield = loop z
        loop r = do
            mx <- liftIO $ takeMVar var
            case mx of
                Nothing -> return r
                Just x  -> loop =<< yield r x

-- | Keep taking from an @TMVar (Maybe a)@ until it yields 'Nothing'.
sourceMaybeTMVar :: forall a. TMVar (Maybe a) -> Source STM a
sourceMaybeTMVar var = source go
    go :: r -> (r -> a -> EitherT r STM r) -> EitherT r STM r
    go z yield = loop z
        loop r = do
            mx <- lift $ takeTMVar var
            case mx of
                Nothing -> return r
                Just x  -> loop =<< yield r x

asyncC :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, Monad m)
       => (a -> m b) -> Conduit a m (Async (StM m b))
asyncC f = awaitForever $ lift . async . f

sourceSTM :: forall container a. (container a -> STM a)
          -> (container a -> STM Bool)
          -> container a
          -> Source STM a
sourceSTM getter tester chan = source go
    go :: r -> (r -> a -> EitherT r STM r) -> EitherT r STM r
    go z yield = loop z
        loop r = do
            x  <- lift $ getter chan
            r' <- yield r x
            mt <- lift $ tester chan
            if mt
                then return r'
                else loop r'

-- | A Source for exhausting a TChan, but blocks if it is initially empty.
sourceTChan :: forall a. TChan a -> Source STM a
sourceTChan = sourceSTM readTChan isEmptyTChan

sourceTQueue :: forall a. TQueue a -> Source STM a
sourceTQueue = sourceSTM readTQueue isEmptyTQueue

sourceTBQueue :: forall a. TBQueue a -> Source STM a
sourceTBQueue = sourceSTM readTBQueue isEmptyTBQueue

untilMC :: forall m a. Monad m => m a -> m Bool -> Source m a
untilMC m f = source go
    go :: r -> (r -> a -> EitherT r m r) -> EitherT r m r
    go z yield = loop z
        loop r = do
            x  <- lift m
            r' <- yield r x
            c  <- lift f
            if c then loop r' else return r'

whileMC :: forall m a. Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> Source m a
whileMC f m = source go
    go :: r -> (r -> a -> EitherT r m r) -> EitherT r m r
    go z yield = loop z
        loop r = do
            c <- lift f
            if c
                then lift m >>= yield r >>= loop
                else return r

zipSinks :: forall a m r r'. (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
         => Sink a m r -> Sink a m r' -> Sink a m (r, r')
zipSinks sink1 sink2 src = do
    x <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
    y <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
    withAsync (sink1 $ sourceMaybeMVar x) $ \a ->
        withAsync (sink2 $ sourceMaybeMVar y) $ \b -> do
            _ <- runEitherT $ runSource src () $ \() val -> do
                liftIO $ putMVar x (Just val)
                liftIO $ putMVar y (Just val)
            liftIO $ putMVar x Nothing
            liftIO $ putMVar y Nothing
            waitBoth a b
{-# SPECIALIZE zipSinks :: Sink a IO r -> Sink a IO r' -> Sink a IO (r, r') #-}