Module: Data.Ratio.Rounding
© 2018 Phil de Joux
© 2018 Block Scope Limited
License: MPL-2.0
Maintainer: Phil de Joux <phil.dejoux@blockscope.com>
Stability: experimental
Rounding rationals to significant digits and decimal places.
The 'round' function from the prelude returns an integer. The standard librarys
of C and C++ have round functions that return floating point numbers. Rounding
in this library takes and returns 'Rational's and can round to a number of
significant digits or a number of decimal places.
module Data.Ratio.Rounding
-- * About the Name
-- $name
-- * Rounding to Decimal Places
-- * Rounding to Significant Digits
, sdRound
) where
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
-- | Rounds to a non-negative number of __d__ecimal __p__laces. After rounding
-- the result would have the given number of decimal places if converted to
-- a floating point number, such as by using 'fromRational'.
-- >>> dpRound 2 (1234.56789 :: Rational)
-- 123457 % 100
-- >>> dpRound 2 (123456789 :: Rational)
-- 123456789 % 1
-- Some examples that may be easier to read using decimal point notation.
-- >>> dpRound 2 (123456789 :: Rational) == (123456789 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> dpRound 2 (1234.56789 :: Rational) == (1234.57 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> dpRound 2 (123.456789 :: Rational) == (123.46 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> dpRound 2 (12.3456789 :: Rational) == (12.35 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> dpRound 2 (1.23456789 :: Rational) == (1.23 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> dpRound 2 (0.123456789 :: Rational) == (0.12 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> dpRound 2 (0.0123456789 :: Rational) == (0.01 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> dpRound 2 (0.0000123456789 :: Rational) == (0.0 :: Rational)
-- True
-- If the required number of decimal places is less than zero it is taken to
-- be zero.
-- >>> dpRound 0 (1234.56789 :: Rational)
-- 1235 % 1
-- >>> dpRound (-1) (1234.56789 :: Rational)
-- 1235 % 1
-- >>> dpRound 0 (123456789 :: Rational)
-- 123456789 % 1
-- >>> dpRound (-1) (123456789 :: Rational)
-- 123456789 % 1
-- Rounding to the existing number of decimal places or more makes no
-- difference.
-- >>> 1234.56789 :: Rational
-- 123456789 % 100000
-- >>> dpRound 5 (1234.56789 :: Rational)
-- 123456789 % 100000
-- >>> dpRound 6 (1234.56789 :: Rational)
-- 123456789 % 100000
-- SEE: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12450501/round-number-to-specified-number-of-digits
dpRound :: Integer -> Rational -> Rational
dpRound n f
| n < 0 = dpRound 0 f
| otherwise =
fromInteger (round $ f * (10^n)) / (10.0^^n)
-- | Rounds to a non-negative number of __s__ignificant __d__igits.
-- >>> sdRound 1 (123456789 :: Rational)
-- 100000000 % 1
-- >>> sdRound 4 (123456789 :: Rational)
-- 123500000 % 1
-- >>> sdRound 8 (1234.56789 :: Rational)
-- 12345679 % 10000
-- More examples using decimal point notation.
-- >>> sdRound 4 (123456789 :: Rational) == (123500000 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> sdRound 4 (1234.56789 :: Rational) == (1235 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> sdRound 4 (123.456789 :: Rational) == (123.5 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> sdRound 4 (12.3456789 :: Rational) == (12.35 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> sdRound 4 (1.23456789 :: Rational) == (1.235 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> sdRound 4 (0.123456789 :: Rational) == (0.1235 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> sdRound 4 (0.0123456789 :: Rational) == (0.01235 :: Rational)
-- True
-- >>> sdRound 4 (0.0000123456789 :: Rational) == (0.00001235 :: Rational)
-- True
-- Rounding to the existing number of significant digits or more makes no
-- difference.
-- >>> 1234.56789 :: Rational
-- 123456789 % 100000
-- >>> sdRound 9 (1234.56789 :: Rational)
-- 123456789 % 100000
-- >>> sdRound 10 (1234.56789 :: Rational)
-- 123456789 % 100000
-- Rounding to zero significant digits is always zero.
-- >>> sdRound 0 (123456789 :: Rational)
-- 0 % 1
-- >>> sdRound 0 (1234.56789 :: Rational)
-- 0 % 1
-- >>> sdRound 0 (0.123456789 :: Rational)
-- 0 % 1
-- >>> sdRound 0 (0.0000123456789 :: Rational)
-- 0 % 1
sdRound :: Natural -> Rational -> Rational
sdRound sd' f =
if m < 0
dpRound sd gZ / 10^^pZ
case compare n 0 of
EQ -> dpRound n f
GT -> dpRound n f
LT -> 10^^p * fromInteger (round g)
sd = toInteger sd'
f' = fromRational f :: Double
m = logBase 10 f'
mZ = truncate m
n = sd - (mZ + 1)
p = negate n
pZ = negate mZ
g = f / 10^p
gZ = f * 10^pZ
-- $name
-- Rounding to decimal places is a special case of rounding significant digits.
-- When the number is split into whole and fractional parts, rounding to
-- decimal places is rounding to significant digits in the fractional part.
-- The digits that are discarded become dust and a digit when written down is
-- a char.
-- The package name is __siggy__ for significant digits and __chardust__ for
-- the digits that are discarded.