Sifflet -- README -- Sifflet Rights ------ Copyright (C) 2010 Gregory D. Weber BSD3 license -- see the file "LICENSE" for details Installation ------------ A. In a Cabal sandbox (bracketed parts are optional) (with the source distribution unpacked) $ cabal sandbox init $ cabal update You will need this to build the Haskell gtk library if it is not already installed: $ cabal install gtk2hs-buildtools Continue: $ cabal install --only-dependencies [--enable-tests] $ cabal configure [--enable-tests] $ cabal build [-j4] $ cabal install B. In a Cabal sandbox, directly installing from Hackage: $ cabal sandbox init $ cabal update $ cabal install sifflet 1. Configure, either for system-wide installation: $ runghc Setup configure or for installation in a user directory: $ runghc Setup configure --user --prefix=~/where/to/install/ 2. Build and install: $ runghc Setup build $ runghc Setup install Documentation ------------- Please see the Sifflet home page for documentation: and especially the tutorial: