module Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Canvas
, cfContext
, connect
, defaultFileSaveClipBox
, disconnect
, drawCanvas
, editFunction
, frameChanged
, nodeContainerFrame
, pointSelection
, renderCanvas
, vcAddFrame
, vcClearSelection
, vcClearFrame
, vcCloseFrame
, vcEvalDialog
, vcFrameAddFunctoidNode
, vcFrameAddNode
, vcFrameDeleteNode
, vcFrameDeleteTree
, vcFrameSubframes
, vcGetFrame
, vcInvalidateFrameWithParent
, vcInvalidateBox
, vcUpdateFrameAndGraph
, vcanvasNew
, vcanvasNodeAt
, vcanvasNodeRect
, whichFrame
, callFrames
import Control.Monad
import Data.List as List
import Data.Graph.Inductive as G
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo hiding (translate)
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as Cairo
import Data.Sifflet.Functoid
import Data.Sifflet.Geometry as Geometry
import Data.Sifflet.Tree as T
import Data.Sifflet.TreeGraph
import Data.Sifflet.TreeLayout
import Data.Sifflet.WGraph
import Language.Sifflet.Expr
import Language.Sifflet.ExprTree
import Language.Sifflet.Parser
import Graphics.Rendering.Sifflet.Draw
import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Frame
import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.GtkUtil
import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.LittleGtk
import Graphics.UI.Sifflet.Types
import Language.Sifflet.Util
enableDoubleBuffering :: Bool
enableDoubleBuffering = True
vcanvasNew :: Style -> Double -> Double -> IO VCanvas
vcanvasNew style width height = do
gtkLayout <- layoutNew Nothing Nothing
widgetSetDoubleBuffered gtkLayout enableDoubleBuffering
let vCanvas = VCanvas {vcLayout = gtkLayout, vcStyle = style,
vcGraph = wgraphNew,
vcFrames = [],
vcSize = Size width height,
vcMousePos = (0, 0),
vcTool = Nothing,
vcDragging = Nothing,
vcActive = Nothing,
vcSelected = Nothing
_ <- onSizeRequest gtkLayout
(return (Requisition (round width) (round height)))
return vCanvas
nodeContainerFrame :: VCanvas -> WGraph -> G.Node -> CanvFrame
nodeContainerFrame vcanvas g = vcGetFrame vcanvas g . nodeContainerFrameNode g
vcGetFrame :: VCanvas -> WGraph -> Node -> CanvFrame
vcGetFrame vcanvas graph frameNode =
let frames = [f | f <- vcFrames vcanvas, cfFrameNode f == frameNode]
err phrase = errcats ["vcGetFrame", phrase,
"frameNode:", show frameNode,
"\nframes:", show frames,
"\ngraph:\n", show graph]
in case frames of
[frame] -> frame
[] -> err "no frame found"
(_:_:_) -> err "multiple frames found"
vcUpdateFrameAndGraph :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> WGraph -> VCanvas
vcUpdateFrameAndGraph vcanvas newFrame newGraph =
let frames = vcFrames vcanvas
frameNode = cfFrameNode newFrame
frames' =
[if cfFrameNode f == frameNode then newFrame else f | f <- frames]
in vcanvas {vcFrames = frames', vcGraph = newGraph}
vcUpdateFrame :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> VCanvas
vcUpdateFrame vcanvas newFrame =
vcUpdateFrameAndGraph vcanvas newFrame (vcGraph vcanvas)
vcDeleteFrame :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> VCanvas
vcDeleteFrame vcanvas frame =
let frames = vcFrames vcanvas
node = cfFrameNode frame
frames' = [f | f <- frames, cfFrameNode f /= node]
in vcanvas {vcFrames = frames'}
graphRenderFunctoidParts ::
Style -> Maybe Node -> Maybe Selection -> WGraph -> CanvFrame -> Render ()
graphRenderFunctoidParts style mact msel graph frame =
case cfFunctoid frame of
FunctoidFunc _ -> error "graphRenderFunctoidParts: not an edit frame"
FunctoidParts {} ->
graphRenderForest style mact msel graph
(nodeProperSimpleDescendants graph
(cfFrameNode frame))
graphRenderForest ::
Style -> Maybe Node -> Maybe Selection -> WGraph -> [G.Node] -> Render ()
graphRenderForest style mact msel graph roots =
let renderNode node = graphRenderTree style mact msel graph node False
in mapM_ renderNode roots
graphRenderTree :: Style -> Maybe Node -> Maybe Selection -> WGraph ->
G.Node -> Bool -> Render ()
graphRenderTree style mact msel graph rootNode fillBackground =
let loop :: Maybe Iolet -> G.Node -> Render ()
loop mInlet currentNode = do
(inlets, outs) <-
graphRenderNode style mact msel graph currentNode mInlet
loopWithInlets 0 inlets (sortBy adjCompareEdge outs)
loopWithInlets :: Int -> [Iolet] -> [(G.Node, WEdge)] -> Render ()
loopWithInlets _n _is [] = return ()
loopWithInlets n (i:is) (a:as) =
let (node, edge) = a in
if edge == WEdge n
then do
loop (Just i) node
loopWithInlets (n + 1) is as
loopWithInlets (n + 1) is (a:as)
loopWithInlets n [] (a:as) =
let ctx = context graph rootNode
lnode :: LayoutNode ExprNode
WSimple lnode = lab' ctx
bb = gnodeNodeBB (nodeGNode lnode)
defaultInlet =
Iolet (Geometry.Circle
(Position (bbXCenter bb) (bbYCenter bb)) 0)
in loopWithInlets n [defaultInlet] (a:as)
in do
graphStartRender style graph rootNode fillBackground
loop Nothing rootNode
graphStartRender :: Style -> WGraph -> G.Node -> Bool -> Render ()
graphStartRender style graph rootNode fillBackground = do
setAntialias AntialiasDefault
setColor (styleNormalFillColor style)
let rootCtx = context graph rootNode
WSimple lroot = lab' rootCtx
BBox x y w' h' = nodeTreeBB lroot
when fillBackground $ do { rectangle x y w' h'; fill}
setLineWidth (lineWidth style)
graphRenderNode ::
Style -> Maybe Node -> Maybe Selection -> WGraph ->
G.Node -> Maybe Iolet -> Render ([Iolet], [(G.Node, WEdge)])
graphRenderNode style mact msel graph node mInlet =
let nodeActive = mact == Just node
mode = if nodeActive
then DrawActive
else case msel of
Nothing -> DrawNormal
Just sel ->
if selNode sel /= node then DrawNormal
else case sel of
SelectionNode _ -> DrawSelectedNode
SelectionInlet {selInEdge = WEdge i} ->
DrawSelectedInlet i
SelectionOutlet {selOutEdge = WEdge o} ->
DrawSelectedOutlet o
connectInlet :: Iolet -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
connectInlet inlet tx ty = do
let Position px py = ioletCenter inlet
setColor (styleNormalEdgeColor style)
moveTo px (py + snd (vtinypad style))
lineTo tx (ty fst (vtinypad style))
ctx = context graph node
lnode :: LayoutNode ExprNode
WSimple lnode = lab' ctx
nodeBB = gnodeNodeBB (nodeGNode lnode)
xcenter = bbXCenter nodeBB
inlets = gnodeInlets (nodeGNode lnode)
outs = lsuc' ctx :: [(G.Node, WEdge)]
outs' = [(child, edge) |
(child, edge) <- outs, nodeIsSimple graph child]
deficit = length outs' length inlets
defaultInlet = Iolet (Geometry.Circle
(Position xcenter (bbYCenter nodeBB)) 0)
inlets' = if deficit > 0
then inlets ++ replicate deficit defaultInlet
else inlets
in do
draw style mode lnode
case mInlet of
Nothing -> return ()
Just inlet -> connectInlet inlet xcenter (bbTop nodeBB)
return (inlets', outs')
vcClearSelection :: VCanvas -> IO VCanvas
vcClearSelection canvas =
case vcSelected canvas of
Nothing -> return canvas
Just sel ->
let node = selectionNode sel
in do
vcInvalidateSimpleNode canvas node
return (canvas {vcSelected = Nothing})
selectionNode :: Selection -> G.Node
selectionNode sel =
case sel of
SelectionNode n -> n
SelectionInlet n _ -> n
SelectionOutlet n _ -> n
pointSelection :: WGraph -> CanvFrame -> Position -> Maybe Selection
pointSelection graph frame point =
case cfFunctoid frame of
FunctoidFunc _ -> error "graphFindFunctionPart: not an edit frame"
FunctoidParts {fpNodes = grNodes} ->
let layoutNodes = map (grExtractLayoutNode graph) grNodes
tuples = zip grNodes layoutNodes
loop :: [(G.Node, LayoutNode ExprNode)] -> Maybe Selection
loop [] = Nothing
loop (t:ts) =
let (gn, ln) = t
gnode = nodeGNode ln
inlets = gnodeInlets gnode
outlets = gnodeOutlets gnode
case pointIolet point 0 inlets of
Just i ->
Just (SelectionInlet gn (WEdge i))
Nothing ->
case pointIolet point 0 outlets of
Just o ->
Just (SelectionOutlet gn (WEdge o))
Nothing ->
if pointInGNode point gnode
Just (SelectionNode gn)
loop ts
in loop tuples
connect :: VCanvas -> G.Node -> WEdge -> G.Node -> WEdge -> IO VCanvas
connect canvas parent inlet child outlet = do
let graph = vcGraph canvas
if elem parent (reachable child graph)
then do
showErrorMessage "Sorry, this connection would create a cycle."
return canvas
else if grInletIsConnected graph parent inlet
then do
showErrorMessage $ "There is already something here; " ++
"disconnect it first."
return canvas
let graph' = grConnect graph parent inlet child outlet
in return $ canvas {vcGraph = graph'}
disconnect :: VCanvas -> G.Node -> WEdge -> G.Node -> WEdge
-> IO VCanvas
disconnect canvas parent inlet child outlet = do
let graph = vcGraph canvas
graph' = grDisconnect graph parent inlet child outlet True
return $ canvas {vcGraph = graph'}
vcFrameAddFunctoidNode ::
VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> Functoid -> Double -> Double -> IO VCanvas
vcFrameAddFunctoidNode canvas frame nodeFunc x y =
let exprNode = ENode (NSymbol (Symbol (functoidName nodeFunc))) EvalUntried
args = functoidArgNames nodeFunc
in vcFrameAddNode canvas frame exprNode args x y
vcFrameAddNode :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> ExprNode -> [String]
-> Double -> Double -> IO VCanvas
vcFrameAddNode canvas frame exprNode inletLabels x y =
case cfFunctoid frame of
FunctoidFunc _function ->
error "vcFrameAddNode: frame is not an edit frame"
fp@FunctoidParts {fpNodes = ns} ->
exprTree = T.Node exprNode []
style = styleIncreasePadding (vcStyle canvas) 10
counter = argIoletCounter inletLabels
layoutTree = treeLayout style counter exprTree
let graph = vcGraph canvas
layoutTree' = layoutTreeMoveCenterTo x y layoutTree
layoutRoot = rootLabel layoutTree'
newNode = WSimple layoutRoot
(graph', gNodeId) = grInsertNode graph newNode
frameNode = cfFrameNode frame
edge = (frameNode, gNodeId, WEdge (outdeg graph frameNode + 1))
graph'' = insEdge edge graph'
ns' = (gNodeId:ns)
fp' = fp {fpNodes = ns'}
frame' = frame {cfFunctoid = fp'}
canvas' = vcUpdateFrameAndGraph canvas frame' graph''
frameChanged canvas graph frame graph'' frame'
return canvas'
vcFrameDeleteNode :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> G.Node -> IO VCanvas
vcFrameDeleteNode canvas frame node =
graph = vcGraph canvas
frameNode = cfFrameNode frame
children = nodeAllChildren graph node
graph' = grRemoveNode graph node
graph'' = foldl (\ g child -> connectToFrame child frameNode g)
fp@FunctoidParts {fpNodes = ns} = cfFunctoid frame
fp' = fp {fpNodes = List.delete node ns}
frame' = frame {cfFunctoid = fp'}
canvas' = vcUpdateFrameAndGraph canvas frame' graph''
in do
frameChanged canvas graph frame graph'' frame'
return canvas'
vcFrameDeleteTree :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> G.Node -> IO VCanvas
vcFrameDeleteTree canvas frame rootNode =
let removeTree :: (WGraph, [G.Node]) -> G.Node -> (WGraph, [G.Node])
removeTree (g, ns) root =
let g' = grRemoveNode g root
ns' = List.delete root ns
in foldl removeTree (g', ns') (nodeAllChildren g root)
graph = vcGraph canvas
fp@FunctoidParts {fpNodes = fnodes} = cfFunctoid frame
(graph', fnodes') = removeTree (graph, fnodes) rootNode
frame' = frame {cfFunctoid = fp {fpNodes = fnodes'}}
canvas' = vcUpdateFrameAndGraph canvas frame' graph'
in do
frameChanged canvas graph frame graph' frame'
return canvas'
vcAddFrame :: VCanvas -> Functoid -> Maybe [Value] -> FrameType
-> Env -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Maybe G.Node
-> IO VCanvas
vcAddFrame canvas functoid mvalues mode prevEnv x y z mparent = do
let graph = vcGraph canvas
frameNode = nextNode graph
style = vcStyle canvas
(newFrame, tlo) = frameNewWithLayout style (Position x y) z
functoid mvalues
frameNode prevEnv mparent
inAdj = case mparent of
Nothing -> []
Just parent ->
[(WEdge (outdeg graph parent), parent)]
graph' = grAddGraph
((inAdj, frameNode, WFrame frameNode, []) & graph)
(flayoutToGraph tlo)
layoutRoots = map (+ frameNode) (flayoutToGraphRoots tlo)
outEdges = [(frameNode, root, WEdge priority) |
(priority, root) <- zip [0..] layoutRoots]
graph'' = insEdges outEdges graph'
frames = vcFrames canvas
canvas' = canvas {vcFrames = (newFrame:frames)
, vcGraph = graph''}
frameBB = cfBox newFrame
canvas'' =
atLeastSize (Size (bbRight frameBB) (bbBottom frameBB)) canvas'
vcInvalidateFrameWithParent canvas graph'' newFrame
case mode of
CallFrame -> return canvas''
EditFrame -> editFunction canvas'' newFrame
atLeastSize :: Size -> VCanvas -> VCanvas
atLeastSize minSize@(Size minW minH) canvas =
let Size w h = vcSize canvas
frames = vcFrames canvas
frames' = if canvasEditing canvas
[atLeastSizeFrame minSize (head frames)]
else frames
in canvas {vcSize = Size (max w minW) (max h minH), vcFrames = frames'}
vcInvalidateFrameWithParent :: VCanvas -> WGraph -> CanvFrame -> IO ()
vcInvalidateFrameWithParent vcanvas graph frame =
let box1 = cfBox frame
box2 =
case cfParent frame of
Just parent -> bbMerge (nodeBBox graph parent) box1
Nothing -> box1
in vcInvalidateBox vcanvas box2
vcInvalidateSimpleNode :: VCanvas -> G.Node -> IO ()
vcInvalidateSimpleNode vcanvas node =
case wlab (vcGraph vcanvas) node of
WFrame _ -> error "vcInvalidateSimpleNodeWithParent: node is not simple"
WSimple layoutNode ->
vcInvalidateBox vcanvas (gnodeNodeBB (nodeGNode layoutNode))
vcInvalidateBox :: VCanvas -> BBox -> IO ()
vcInvalidateBox vcanvas (BBox x y width height) =
let style = vcStyle vcanvas
t = lineWidth style + styleIoletRadius style
rect = bbToRect (BBox (x t) (y t)
(width + 2 * t) (height + 2 * t))
in do
win <- layoutGetDrawWindow (vcLayout vcanvas)
drawWindowInvalidateRect win rect False
frameChanged ::
VCanvas -> WGraph -> CanvFrame -> WGraph -> CanvFrame -> IO ()
frameChanged vcanvas g f g' f' =
vcInvalidateFrameWithParent vcanvas g f
vcInvalidateFrameWithParent vcanvas g' f'
drawCanvas :: VCanvas -> Rectangle -> IO ()
drawCanvas canvas cliprect = do
drawWin <- layoutGetDrawWindow (vcLayout canvas)
renderWithDrawable drawWin $ renderCanvas canvas (bbFromRect cliprect) False
renderCanvas :: VCanvas -> BBox -> Bool -> Render ()
renderCanvas canvas clipbox translateClip =
let graph = vcGraph canvas
mactive = vcActive canvas
mselected = vcSelected canvas
frames = vcFrames canvas
Size w h = vcSize canvas
style = vcStyle canvas
setClip (BBox x y width height) = do
rectangle x y width height
drawBackground = do
setColor (ColorRGB 0.4 0.4 0.4)
rectangle 0 0 w h
renderFrame frame =
case frameType frame of
EditFrame -> renderEditFrame frame
CallFrame -> renderCallFrame frame
renderEditFrame frame = do
renderFrameHeader frame
setAntialias AntialiasDefault
setColor (styleNormalFillColor style)
drawBox (Just (styleNormalFillColor style)) Nothing
(frameBodyBox frame)
graphRenderFunctoidParts style mactive mselected graph frame
renderFrameBorder frame
renderCallFrame frame = do
let frameRoot = cfRoot frame
fancyTether (nodeParent graph (cfFrameNode frame)) frame
graphRenderTree style mactive mselected graph frameRoot True
renderFrameHeader frame
renderFrameFooter frame
renderFrameBorder frame
renderFrameHeader frame = drawtb cream black black (cfHeader frame)
renderFrameFooter frame =
drawtb cream black
(if cfEvalReady frame
then lightBlue
else styleAuxColor style)
(cfFooter frame)
renderFrameBorder frame = drawBox Nothing (Just black) (cfBox frame)
drawtb bgcolor framecolor textcolor tbox =
drawTextBox (Just (styleFont style))
(Just bgcolor)
(Just framecolor)
textcolor tbox
fancyTether :: Maybe G.Node -> CanvFrame -> Render ()
fancyTether Nothing _ = return ()
fancyTether (Just parent) frame =
let pb = nodeBBox graph parent
fb = cfBox frame
side f1 f2 f3 f4 =
moveTo (f1 pb) (f2 pb)
lineTo (f1 fb) (f2 fb)
lineTo (f3 fb) (f4 fb)
lineTo (f3 pb) (f4 pb)
in do
drawBox Nothing (Just (styleTetherColor style)) pb
setColor (styleTetherColor style)
side bbLeft bbTop bbRight bbTop
side bbRight bbTop bbRight bbBottom
side bbRight bbBottom bbLeft bbBottom
side bbLeft bbBottom bbLeft bbTop
in do
when translateClip
(Cairo.translate ( (bbX clipbox)) ( (bbY clipbox)))
setClip clipbox
mapM_ renderFrame (sortBy levelOrder frames)
defaultFileSaveClipBox :: VCanvas -> BBox
defaultFileSaveClipBox canvas =
let bboxes = map cfBox (vcFrames canvas)
BBox x1 y1 w1 h1 = bbMergeList bboxes
pad = exomargin (vcStyle canvas)
in BBox (x1 pad) (y1 pad) (w1 + 2 * pad) (h1 + 2 * pad)
vcanvasNodeAt :: VCanvas -> Position -> Maybe G.Node
vcanvasNodeAt vcanvas point =
let searchFrames :: [CanvFrame] -> Maybe G.Node
searchFrames [] = Nothing
searchFrames (f:fs) =
case frameNodeAt f (vcGraph vcanvas) point of
Nothing -> searchFrames fs
Just node -> Just node
in searchFrames (vcFrames vcanvas)
vcanvasNodeRect :: VCanvas -> G.Node -> Rectangle
vcanvasNodeRect vcanvas node =
let Just (WSimple layoutNode) = lab (vcGraph vcanvas) node
in bbToRect (gnodeNodeBB (nodeGNode layoutNode))
whichFrame :: VCanvas -> Double -> Double -> Maybe CanvFrame
whichFrame vcanvas x y =
let frames = vcFrames vcanvas
inFrame position = pointInBB position . cfBox
matches = filter (inFrame (Position x y)) frames
in case matches of
[] -> Nothing
[m1] -> Just m1
(m1:_:_) ->
Just m1
editFunction :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> IO VCanvas
editFunction canvas frame =
case frameType frame of
EditFrame ->
return canvas
CallFrame ->
let FunctoidFunc function = cfFunctoid frame
parts = functionToParts function (vcGraph canvas)
(cfFrameNode frame)
frame' = frame {cfFunctoid = parts, frameType = EditFrame}
frame'' = atLeastSizeFrame (vcSize canvas) frame'
in return $ vcUpdateFrame canvas frame''
vcFrameSubframes :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> [CanvFrame]
vcFrameSubframes canvas frame =
let graph = vcGraph canvas
subframeNodes =
case frameType frame of
EditFrame -> []
CallFrame -> grTreeSubframeNodes graph (cfRoot frame)
in map (vcGetFrame canvas graph) subframeNodes
grTreeSubframeNodes :: WGraph -> G.Node -> [G.Node]
grTreeSubframeNodes g root =
nodeFrameChildren g root ++
concatMap (grTreeSubframeNodes g) (nodeSimpleChildren g root)
vcEvalDialog :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> IO VCanvas
vcEvalDialog canvas frame =
let FunctoidFunc function = cfFunctoid frame
varnames = cfVarNames frame
in if null varnames
then evalFrame canvas frame []
else let argDefault env arg =
case envLookup env arg of
Nothing -> ""
Just v -> repr v
defaults = map (argDefault (cfEnv frame)) varnames
reader :: Reader [String] [Value]
reader inputs = parseTypedInputs3 inputs varnames
(functionArgTypes function)
in do
dialog <-
createEntryDialog "Input Values" varnames defaults reader (1)
result <- runEntryDialog dialog
case result of
Nothing -> return canvas
Just values -> evalFrame canvas frame values
evalFrame :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> [Value] -> IO VCanvas
evalFrame canvas frame values = do
canvas' <- vcCloseSubframes canvas frame
let graph = vcGraph canvas'
frameNode = cfFrameNode frame
root = cfRoot frame
style = vcStyle canvas'
headerTB = cfHeader frame
(frame', tlo') = frameNewWithLayout style
(bbPosition (tbBoxBB headerTB))
(cfLevel frame)
(cfFunctoid frame) (Just values) CallFrame
(envPop (cfEnv frame))
case tlo' of
FLayoutTree _t ->
let graph' = grUpdateFLayout graph [root] tlo'
canvas'' = vcUpdateFrameAndGraph canvas' frame' graph'
frameChanged canvas' graph frame graph' frame'
return canvas''
FLayoutForest _f _b ->
error "vcEvalDialog: finishDialog: tlo is not a tree"
vcClearFrame :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> IO VCanvas
vcClearFrame canvas _frame =
showInfoMessage "Sorry" "Stub: vcClear is not yet implemented" >>
return canvas
vcCloseFrame :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> IO VCanvas
vcCloseFrame canvas frame = do
canvas' <- vcCloseSubframes canvas frame
let canvas'' = vcDeleteFrame canvas' frame
graph = vcGraph canvas''
graph' = delNodes (allDescendants graph (cfFrameNode frame)) graph
canvas''' = canvas'' {vcGraph = graph'}
vcInvalidateFrameWithParent canvas (vcGraph canvas) frame
return canvas'''
vcCloseSubframes :: VCanvas -> CanvFrame -> IO VCanvas
vcCloseSubframes canvas frame =
foldM vcCloseFrame canvas (vcFrameSubframes canvas frame)
cfContext :: CanvFrame -> ToolContext
cfContext frame =
case frameType frame of
EditFrame -> TCEditFrame frame
CallFrame -> TCCallFrame frame
canvasEditing :: VCanvas -> Bool
canvasEditing canvas =
case vcFrames canvas of
[oneFrame] -> frameType oneFrame == EditFrame
_ -> False
callFrames :: VCanvas -> String -> [CanvFrame]
callFrames canvas funcName =
let isCaller frame = functoidName (cfFunctoid frame) == funcName
in filter isCaller (vcFrames canvas)