module Sibe.NaiveBayes (Document(..), NB(..), initialize, run, session, accuracy, precision, recall, fmeasure, mean, stdev, cleanText, cleanDocuments, ngram, ngramText, removeWords, removeStopwords, ) where import Sibe.Utils import Sibe.NLP import Data.List import Debug.Trace import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.List.Split import Data.Maybe import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) data NB = NB { documents :: [Document] , classes :: [(Class, Double)] , vocabulary :: Int , megadoc :: String , cd :: [(Class, [Document])] , cw :: [(Class, [(String, Int)])] , cgram :: [(Class, [(String, Int)])] } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) initialize :: [Document] -> [Class] -> NB initialize documents classes = let megadoc = concatDocs documents vocabulary = genericLength ((ordNub . words) megadoc) -- (class, prior probability) cls = zip classes (map classPrior classes) -- (class, [document]) cd = zip classes (map classDocs classes) -- (class, [(word, count)]) cw = zip classes $ map classWordsCounts classes cgram = zip classes $ map classNGramCounts classes in NB { documents = documents , classes = cls , vocabulary = vocabulary , megadoc = megadoc , cd = cd , cw = cw , cgram = cgram } where concatDocs = concatMap (\(Document text _) -> text ++ " ") classDocs x = filter ((==x) . c) documents classMegadoc = concatMap (\(Document text _) -> text ++ " ") . classDocs classWords = words . classMegadoc classNGram = concatMap (\(Document text _) -> text ++ " ") . ngram 2 . classDocs classNGramWords = words . classNGram classVocabulary = ordNub . classWords classPrior x = genericLength (classDocs x) / genericLength documents countWordInDoc d w = genericLength (filter (==w) d) wordsCount ws voc = zip voc $ map (countWordInDoc ws) voc classWordsCounts x = wordsCount (classWords x) (classVocabulary x) classNGramCounts x = wordsCount (classNGramWords x) (ordNub $ classNGramWords x) session :: [Document] -> NB -> [(Class, (Class, Double))] session docs nb = let results = map (\(Document text c) -> (c, run text nb)) docs in results run :: String -> NB -> (Class, Double) run txt (NB documents classes vocabulary megadoc cd cw cgram) = let scores = map (score . fst) classes index = argmax scores m = maximum scores in (fst (classes !! index), m) where score c = let prior = snd (fromJust $ find ((==c) . fst) classes) -- below is the formula according to Multinominal Naive Bayes, but it seems -- using a uniform prior probability seems to work better when working with imbalanced -- training datasets, instead, we help rare classes get higher scores using -- alpha = (1 - prior * ALPHA), we use ALPHA = 1 here -- in prior * product (map (prob c) (words txt)) alpha = 1 - prior in alpha * product (map (prob c) (words txt)) prob c w = let fcw = fromJust $ find ((==c) . fst) cw fcg = fromJust $ find ((==c) . fst) cgram tctM = find ((== w) . fst) (snd fcw) tct = if isJust tctM then (snd . fromJust) tctM else 0 cvoc = sum $ map snd (snd fcw) voc = vocabulary gram = find ((==w) . last . splitOn "_" . fst) (snd fcg) pg = if isJust gram then (snd . fromJust) gram else 0 -- in realToFrac (tct * pg + 1) / realToFrac (cvoc + voc) -- uncomment to enable ngrams in realToFrac (tct + 1) / realToFrac (cvoc + voc) argmax :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Int argmax x = fst $ maximumBy (\(_, a) (_, b) -> a `compare` b) (zip [0..] x) mean :: [Double] -> Double mean x = sum x / genericLength x stdev :: [Double] -> Double stdev x = let avg = mean x variance = sum (map ((^2) . subtract avg) x) / (genericLength x - 1) in sqrt variance l :: (Show a) => a -> a l a = trace (show a) a