module Main where -- import Sibe import Sibe.NLP import Sibe.NaiveBayes import Text.Printf import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Debug.Trace import Data.List.Split import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Monad (when, unless) import Data.Function (on) import System.Environment main = do args <- getArgs dataset <- readFile "examples/doc-classifier-data/data-reuters" test <- readFile "examples/doc-classifier-data/data-reuters-test" classes <- map (filter (/= ' ')) . lines <$> readFile "examples/doc-classifier-data/data-classes" sws <- lines <$> readFile "examples/stopwords" let verbose = elem "-v" args || elem "--verbose" args topten = elem "-10" args || elem "--top-ten" args unless verbose $ putStrLn "use --verbose to print more information" let intClasses = [0..length classes - 1] documents = cleanDocuments . removeWords sws $ createDocuments classes dataset testDocuments = cleanDocuments $ createDocuments classes test nb = initialize documents intClasses -- top-ten topClasses = take 10 . reverse $ sortBy (compare `on` (length . snd)) (cd nb) filtered = map (\(c, ds) -> (c, take 100 ds)) topClasses filteredClasses = map fst filtered ttDocs = concatMap snd filtered ttNB = initialize ttDocs filteredClasses ttTestDocuments = filter ((`elem` filteredClasses) . c) . cleanDocuments $ createDocuments classes test ttResults = session ttTestDocuments ttNB normalResults = session testDocuments nb results = if topten then ttResults else normalResults iClasses = if topten then filteredClasses else intClasses -- results = session devTestDocuments nb when verbose . putStrLn $ "# Example of cleaned document:\n" ++ (show . text $ head documents) let showResults (c, (r, confidence)) = putStrLn (classes !! c ++ " ~ " ++ classes !! r) when verbose $ mapM_ showResults results when (verbose && not topten) . putStrLn $ "The training data is imbalanced which causes the classifier to be biased towards\n" ++ "some classes, `earn` is an example, the class alone has around 90% accuracy while\n" ++ "the rest of classes have a much lower accuracy and it's commonly seen that most inputs\n" ++ "are incorrectly classified as `earn`.\n" ++ "Try running with --top-ten to classify top 10 classes by using evenly split documents\n" let accuracies = let as = zip iClasses $ map (\c -> filter ((==c) . fst) results) iClasses av = filter (not . null . snd) as calculated = map (fst &&& accuracy . snd) av in sortBy (\(_, a) (_, b) -> b `compare` a) calculated when verbose $ mapM_ (\(c, a) -> putStrLn $ "Accuracy(" ++ classes !! c ++ ") = " ++ show a) accuracies putStrLn $ "\nAverages: " putStrLn $ "Recall = " ++ show (recall results) putStrLn $ "Precision = " ++ show (precision results) putStrLn $ "F Measure = " ++ show (fmeasure results) putStrLn $ "Accuracy = " ++ show (accuracy results) createDocuments classes content = let splitted = splitOn (replicate 10 '-' ++ "\n") content pairs = map ((head . lines) &&& (unwords . tail . lines)) splitted documents = map (\(topic, text) -> Document text (fromJust $ elemIndex topic classes)) pairs in documents