module Hardware.SiClock
module Hardware.SiClock
,module I2C
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.Ratio
import GHC.Stack
import System.ReadEnvVar (lookupEnv,readEnvDef)
import Hardware.SiClock.I2C as I2C
import Hardware.SiClock.Divider
type Frequency = Rational
type Divider = Rational
data Config = Config {
_I2CDevice :: FilePath
,_I2CAddress :: Word8
,_XtalFrequency :: Frequency
,_maxPLLFrequency :: Frequency
} deriving (Show,Eq)
defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = Config {
_I2CDevice = "/dev/i2c-7"
,_I2CAddress = 0x60
,_XtalFrequency = 27000000
,_maxPLLFrequency = 700000000
defaultConfigEnv :: HasCallStack => IO Config
defaultConfigEnv = do
device <- lookupEnv _SI_CLOCK_I2C_DEVICE
when (device == Nothing)
$ error "Check documentation! For example setenv SI_CLOCK_I2C_DEVICE=/dev/i2c-7."
let (Just _I2CDevice) = device
_I2CAddress <- readEnvDef _SI_CLOCK_I2C_ADDRESS (_I2CAddress defaultConfig)
_XtalFrequency <- readFractional _SI_CLOCK_XTAL_FREQUENCY _XtalFrequency
_maxPLLFrequency <- readFractional _SI_CLOCK_MAX_PLL_FREQUENCY _maxPLLFrequency
return $ Config {..}
readFractional :: String -> (Config -> Rational) -> IO Rational
readFractional name field = do
x <- readEnvDef name (floor $ field defaultConfig)
return $ x % 1
testIO :: IO ()
testIO = runSynth dumpRegisters
type Synth a = forall m. MonadIO m => SynthT Config m a
runSynth :: HasCallStack => SynthT Config IO a -> IO a
runSynth action = do
config <- defaultConfigEnv
runSynthWith config action
runSynthWith :: HasCallStack => Config -> SynthT Config IO a -> IO a
runSynthWith conf action
= runI2CWith
(_I2CDevice conf)
(_I2CAddress conf)
(\device -> runReaderT action (conf,device))
askXtalFrequency :: Synth Frequency
askXtalFrequency = asks ( _XtalFrequency . fst)
askMaxPLLFrequency :: Synth Frequency
askMaxPLLFrequency = asks ( _maxPLLFrequency . fst)
data PLL = PLL_A | PLL_B deriving (Show,Eq)
data CLK = CLK_0 | CLK_1 | CLK_2 | CLK_3 | CLK_4 | CLK_5 | CLK_6 | CLK_7
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Enum)
pllReset :: Synth ()
pllReset = writeByteData _SI_PLL_RESET 0xA0
clk0_On :: Synth ()
clk0_On = writeByteData _SI_CLK0_CONTROL 0x4f
clk0_Off :: Synth ()
clk0_Off = writeByteData _SI_CLK0_CONTROL 0x00
data DividerPair
= DividerPair {_pllDivider :: Divider,_clkDivider :: Divider}
deriving Show
setDividers :: PLL -> CLK -> Frequency -> Synth DividerPair
setDividers pll clk f = do
dividers <- defaultDividers f
setPLLDivider pll $ _pllDivider dividers
setCLKDivider clk 0 $ _clkDivider dividers
return dividers
defaultDividers :: Frequency -> Synth DividerPair
defaultDividers f = do
pllFrequency <- askMaxPLLFrequency
xtalFrequency <- askXtalFrequency
clkDivider = (floor (pllFrequency / f ) % 1)
pllDivider = f * clkDivider / xtalFrequency
return $ DividerPair {_pllDivider =pllDivider, _clkDivider =clkDivider}
setPLLDivider :: PLL -> Divider -> Synth ()
setPLLDivider p divider
= setDividerRaw p $ toDividerConf 0 divider
setPLLDivider_A :: Divider -> Synth ()
setPLLDivider_A = setPLLDivider PLL_A
setPLLDivider_B :: Divider -> Synth ()
setPLLDivider_B = setPLLDivider PLL_B
setCLKDivider :: CLK -> Word8 -> Divider -> Synth ()
setCLKDivider clk rfield divider
= setDividerRaw clk $ toDividerConf rfield divider
data CLK_Control_bits
= CLK_on
| CLK_off
| CLK_fractional
| CLK_integer
| CLK_multiPLLA
| CLK_multiPLLB
| CLK_inverted
| CLK_multi
deriving (Show,Eq)
setCLKControl :: CLK -> [CLK_Control_bits] -> Synth ()
setCLKControl clk bits
= setCLKControlRaw clk $ controlBitsToWord8 bits
setCLKControlRaw :: CLK -> Word8 -> Synth ()
setCLKControlRaw clk bits = writeByteData addr bits
addr = case clk of
CLK_0 -> 16
CLK_1 -> 17
CLK_2 -> 18
CLK_3 -> 19
CLK_4 -> 20
CLK_5 -> 21
CLK_6 -> 22
CLK_7 -> 23
controlBitsToWord8 :: [CLK_Control_bits] -> Word8
controlBitsToWord8 bits
= foldl (\b f ->b .|. bitOf f) 0 bits
bitOf f = case f of
CLK_on -> 0x00
CLK_off -> 0x80
CLK_fractional -> 0x00
CLK_integer -> 0x40
CLK_multiPLLA -> 0x00
CLK_multiPLLB -> 0x20
CLK_inverted -> 0x10
CLK_XTAL -> 0x00
CLK_CLKin -> 0x08
CLK_multi -> 0x0c
CLK_DRV2 -> 0x00
CLK_DRV4 -> 0x01
CLK_DRV6 -> 0x02
CLK_DRV8 -> 0x03
newtype DividerConf = DividerConf {unDividerConf :: ByteString}
deriving (Show,Eq)
toDividerConf :: Word8 -> Divider -> DividerConf
toDividerConf rval divider = DividerConf $ BS.pack [
pt 8 p3
, pt 0 p3
,((pt 16 p1) .&. 3) .|. rval
, pt 8 p1
, pt 0 p1
,((pt 12 p3) .&. 0xf0) .|. ((pt 16 p2) .&. 0x0f)
, pt 8 p2
, pt 0 p2
(p1,p2,p3) = dividerToPVal divider
pt :: Int -> Word32 -> Word8
pt s w = fromIntegral $ ((w `rotateR` s) .&. 0xff)
setDividerRaw :: DividerAddr hw => hw -> DividerConf -> Synth ()
setDividerRaw hw (DividerConf bs)
= writeI2CBlockData (toDividerAddr hw) bs
class DividerAddr a where
toDividerAddr :: a -> Word8
instance DividerAddr PLL where
toDividerAddr PLL_A = _SI_SYNTH_PLL_A
toDividerAddr PLL_B = _SI_SYNTH_PLL_B
instance DividerAddr CLK where
toDividerAddr clk = case clk of
CLK_0 -> 42
CLK_1 -> 50
CLK_2 -> 58
CLK_3 -> 66
CLK_4 -> 74
CLK_5 -> 82
CLK_6 -> undefined
CLK_7 -> undefined
instance DividerAddr Word8 where
toDividerAddr = id
_SI_SYNTH_PLL_A :: Word8
_SI_SYNTH_PLL_B :: Word8
_SI_PLL_RESET :: Word8