module Shikensu.Utilities
    ( io
    , mapIO
    , lsequence

    , (~>)
    , (!~>)
    ) where

import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, fromJSON)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Flow
import Shikensu.Types

import qualified Data.Aeson as Json (Object, Result(..), encode)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap (lookup)
import qualified Data.List as List (unzip, zip)
import qualified Data.Tuple as Tuple (fst, snd)
import qualified Data.Text as Text (concat, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy.Text (unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as Lazy.Text (decodeUtf8)

-- IO

{-| IO Sequence helpers
io :: ([Definition] -> [IO Definition]) -> Dictionary -> IO Dictionary
io fn =
    fn .> sequence

mapIO :: (Definition -> IO Definition) -> Dictionary -> IO Dictionary
mapIO =
    fmap .> io

{-| One way to deal with multiple dictionaries.

> lsequence
>     [ ( "pages", Shikensu.list ["src/pages/**/*.html"] rootDir    )
>     , ( "js",    Shikensu.list ["src/javascript/**/*.js"] rootDir )
>     ]

From multiple IO monads to a single IO monad.
lsequence :: Monad m => [( String, m a )] -> m [( String, a )]
lsequence list =
        unzippedList =
            List.unzip list

        identifiers =
            Tuple.fst unzippedList

        dictionaries =
            Tuple.snd unzippedList
            |> sequence
            |> fmap ( identifiers)


{-| Get stuff out of the metadata.
    Returns a `Maybe`.
(~>) :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => Metadata -> Text -> Maybe a
(~>) obj key =
    HashMap.lookup key obj
        |> fmap fromJSON
        |> fmap fromJSONResult

{-| Get stuff out of the metadata.
    Does NOT return a `Maybe`, but gives an error if it isn't found.
(!~>) :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => Metadata -> Text -> a
(!~>) obj key =
    case (obj ~> key) of
        Just x  -> x
        Nothing -> error <|
            "Could not find the key `" ++ (Text.unpack key)         ++ "` " ++
            "on the metadata object `" ++ (aesonObjectToString obj) ++ "` using (!~>)"

-- Private

fromJSONResult :: ToJSON a => Json.Result a -> a
fromJSONResult result =
    case result of
        Json.Success x -> x
        Json.Error err -> error err

aesonObjectToString :: Json.Object -> String
aesonObjectToString =
    Json.encode .> Lazy.Text.decodeUtf8 .> Lazy.Text.unpack