-- | Internal, hairy bits of Shellmate.
module Control.Shell.Internal (
    MonadIO (..), Shell, ExitReason (..),
    shell, shell_,
    (|>), exit,
    run, run_, genericRun, runInteractive,
    withTempDirectory, withCustomTempDirectory,
    withTempFile, withCustomTempFile,
  ) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 708
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (ap)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Conc
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import Data.List (sort)
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
import qualified System.Environment as Env
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified System.Process as Proc
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified System.IO.Temp as Temp

-- | A command name plus a ProcessHandle.
data Pid = Pid {pidName :: String, pidHandle :: Proc.ProcessHandle}

-- | Monad for running shell commands. If a command fails, the entire
--   computation is aborted unless @mayFail@ is used.
newtype Shell a = Shell {
    unSh :: IO ([Pid], Result a)

data Result a = Fail !String | Next !a | Done

data ExitReason = Success | Failure !String
  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Functor Result where
  fmap f (Next x) = Next (f x)
  fmap _ (Fail x) = Fail x
  fmap _ Done     = Done

instance Monad Shell where
  fail err = Shell $ return ([], Fail err)
  return x = Shell $ return ([], Next x)
  -- | The bind operation of the Shell monad is effectively a barrier; all
  --   commands on the left hand side of a bind will complete before any
  --   command on the right hand side is attempted.
  --   To lazily stream data between two commands, use the @|>@ combinator.
  (Shell m) >>= f = Shell $ do
    (pids, x) <- m
    merr <- waitPids pids
    case (x, merr) of
      (Fail err, _) -> return ([], Fail err)
      (_, Just err) -> return ([], Fail err)
      (Next x', _)  -> unSh (f x')
      (Done, _)     -> return ([], Done)

instance MonadIO Shell where
  liftIO act = Shell $ flip Ex.catch exHandler $ do
    x <- act
    return ([], Next x)

instance Applicative Shell where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Functor Shell where
  fmap f (Shell x) = Shell (fmap (fmap (fmap f)) x)

-- | Given a list of old key-value pairs and a list of new key-value pairs,
--   returns the list of key-value pairs where the key exists in both the old
--   and the new list, and the values are different between the new and the old
--   list. The values in the returned list are taken from the old list.
--   Keys must be unique.
--   @oldValues [(a, 1), (c, 2)] [(b, 3), (c, 4)] == [(c, 2)]@
oldValues :: (Ord a, Eq a, Eq b) => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
oldValues xxs@((k1, v1):xs) yys@((k2, v2):ys)
  | k1 <  k2             = oldValues xs yys
  | k1 >  k2             = oldValues xxs ys
  | k1 == k2 && v1 /= v2 = (k1, v1) : oldValues xs ys
  | otherwise            = oldValues xs ys
oldValues _ _            = []

-- | Remove all given keys from the given key-value list. Both lists must be
--   sorted, and the keys in the key-value list must be unique.
(\\) :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
xxs@(x@(k1,_):xs) \\ kks@((k,_):ks)
  | k <  k1 = xxs \\ ks
  | k >  k1 = x:(xs \\ kks)
  | k == k1 = xs \\ ks
xs \\ _     = xs

-- | Run a Shell computation. The program's working directory and environment
--   will be restored after after the computation finishes.
shell :: Shell a -> IO (Either ExitReason a)
shell act = do
    dir <- Dir.getCurrentDirectory
    env <- sort <$> Env.getEnvironment
    (pids, res) <- unSh act
    merr <- waitPids pids
    Dir.setCurrentDirectory dir
    resetEnv env
    case merr of
      Just err -> return $ Left $ Failure err
      _        -> return $ resultToEither res
    resultToEither (Next x) = Right x
    resultToEither (Fail e) = Left (Failure e)
    resultToEither (Done)   = Left Success

    resetEnv :: [(String, String)] -> IO ()
    resetEnv old = do
      new <- sort <$> Env.getEnvironment
      mapM_ (Env.unsetEnv . fst) (new \\ old)
      mapM_ (uncurry Env.setEnv) (oldValues old new)

-- | Run a shell computation and discard its return value. If the computation
--   fails, print its error message to @stderr@ and exit.
shell_ :: Shell a -> IO ()
shell_ act = do
  res <- shell act
  case res of
    Left (Failure err) -> IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr err >> Exit.exitFailure
    _                  -> return ()

-- | Lazy counterpart to monadic bind. To stream data from a command 'a' to a
--   command 'b', do 'a |> b'.
(|>) :: Shell String -> (String -> Shell a) -> Shell a
(Shell m) |> f = Shell $ do
  (pids, x) <- m
  (pids', x') <- case x of
    Fail err -> return ([], Fail err)
    Next x'  -> unSh (f x')
    Done     -> return ([], Done)
  return (pids ++ pids', x')
infixl 1 |>

-- | Terminate a computation, successfully.
exit :: Shell a
exit = Shell $ return ([], Done)

-- | Create a temp directory in the standard system temp directory, do
--   something with it, then remove it.
withTempDirectory :: String -> (FilePath -> Shell a) -> Shell a
withTempDirectory template act = Shell $ do
    Temp.withSystemTempDirectory template act'
    act' fp = Ex.catch (unSh (act fp)) exHandler

-- | Create a temp directory in given directory, do something with it, then
--   remove it.
withCustomTempDirectory :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Shell a) -> Shell a
withCustomTempDirectory dir act = Shell $ do
    Temp.withTempDirectory dir "shellmate" act'
    act' fp = Ex.catch (unSh (act fp)) exHandler

-- | Create a temp file in the standard system temp directory, do something
--   with it, then remove it.
withTempFile :: String -> (FilePath -> IO.Handle -> Shell a) -> Shell a
withTempFile template act = Shell $ do
    Temp.withSystemTempFile template act'
    act' fp h = Ex.catch (unSh (act fp h)) exHandler

-- | Create a temp file in the standard system temp directory, do something
--   with it, then remove it.
withCustomTempFile :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO.Handle -> Shell a) -> Shell a
withCustomTempFile dir act = Shell $ do
    Temp.withTempFile dir "shellmate" act'
    act' fp h = Ex.catch (unSh (act fp h)) exHandler

-- | Perform an action that may fail without aborting the entire computation.
--   Forces serialization. If the inner computation terminates successfully,
--   the outer computation terminates as well.
try :: Shell a -> Shell (Either String a)
try (Shell act) = Shell $ do
  (pids, x) <- Ex.catch act exHandler
  merr <- waitPids pids
  case (merr, x) of
    (Just err, _) -> return ([], Next (Left err))
    (_, Next x')  -> return ([], Next (Right x'))
    (_, Fail err) -> return ([], Next (Left err))
    (_, Done)     -> return ([], Done)

-- | Wait for all processes in the given list. If a process has failed, its
--   error message is returned and the rest are killed.
waitPids :: [Pid] -> IO (Maybe String)
waitPids (p:ps) = do
  exCode <- Proc.waitForProcess (pidHandle p)
  case exCode of
    Exit.ExitFailure ec -> do
      killPids ps
      return . Just $ "Command '" ++ (pidName p) ++ "' failed with error "
                    ++" code " ++ show ec
    _ -> do
      waitPids ps
waitPids _ = do
  return Nothing

-- | Kill all processes in the list.
killPids :: [Pid] -> IO ()
killPids = mapM_ (Proc.terminateProcess . pidHandle)

-- | General exception handler; any exception causes failure.
exHandler :: Ex.SomeException -> IO ([Pid], Result a)
exHandler x = return ([], Fail $ show x)

-- | Like 'run', but echoes the command's text output to the screen instead of
--   returning it.
run_ :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> Shell ()
run_ p args stdin = do
  exCode <- liftIO $ do
    (Just inp, _, _, pid) <- runP p args Proc.CreatePipe
    IO.hPutStr inp stdin
    IO.hClose inp
    Proc.waitForProcess pid
  case exCode of
    Exit.ExitFailure ec -> fail $ "Command '" ++ p ++ "' failed with error " 
                                ++" code " ++ show ec
    _                   -> return ()

-- | Run an interactive process.
runInteractive :: FilePath -> [String] -> Shell ()
runInteractive p args = do
  exCode <- liftIO $ do
    (_, _, _, pid) <- runP p args Proc.Inherit Proc.Inherit Proc.Inherit
    Proc.waitForProcess pid
  case exCode of
    Exit.ExitFailure ec -> fail $ "Command '" ++ p ++ "' failed with error " 
                                ++" code " ++ show ec
    _                   -> return ()

-- | Execute an external command. No globbing, escaping or other external shell
--   magic is performed on either the command or arguments. The program's
--   stdout will be returned, and not echoed to the screen.
run :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> Shell String
run p args stdin = Shell $ do
  (output, _, pid) <- runHelper p args stdin Proc.Inherit
  return ([Pid p pid], Next output)

-- | Like 'run', but always succeeds and returns the program's standard
--   error stream and exit code.
genericRun :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> Shell (Int, String, String)
genericRun p args stdin = Shell $ do
  (output, Just errh, pid) <- runHelper p args stdin Proc.CreatePipe
  exCode <- Proc.waitForProcess pid
  errstr <- liftIO $ IO.hGetContents errh
  case errstr `seq` exCode of
    Exit.ExitSuccess    -> return ([], Next (0, output, errstr))
    Exit.ExitFailure ec -> return ([], Next (ec, output, errstr))

-- | Helper for 'run' and 'runWithStderr'.
runHelper :: FilePath
           -> [String]
           -> String
           -> Proc.StdStream
           -> IO (String, Maybe IO.Handle, Proc.ProcessHandle)
runHelper p args inpstr errstream = do
  (Just inp, Just out, merr, pid) <- runP p args Proc.CreatePipe
  let feed str = do
        case splitAt 4096 str of
          ([], [])      -> IO.hClose inp
          (first, str') -> IO.hPutStr inp first >> feed str'
  _ <- Conc.forkIO $ feed inpstr
  output <- IO.hGetContents out
  output `seq` return (output, merr, pid)

-- | Create a process. Helper for 'run' and friends.
runP :: String
     -> [String]
     -> Proc.StdStream
     -> Proc.StdStream
     -> Proc.StdStream
     -> IO (Maybe IO.Handle,
            Maybe IO.Handle,
            Maybe IO.Handle,
runP p args stdin stdout stderr =
    Proc.createProcess cproc
    cproc = Proc.CreateProcess {
        Proc.cmdspec      = Proc.RawCommand p args,
        Proc.cwd          = Nothing,
        Proc.env          = Nothing,
        Proc.std_in       = stdin,
        Proc.std_out      = stdout,
        Proc.std_err      = stderr,
        Proc.close_fds    = False,
#if MIN_VERSION_process(1,2,0)
        Proc.delegate_ctlc = False,
        Proc.create_group = False