import Test.Hspec (describe, hspec, it, shouldBe) import Options import TestHelpers main = hspec $ do describe "When passing option combinations" $ do it "should print a message saying no package is specified when no argument is supplied" $ shellifyWithArgs "" `shouldReturnSubstring` "without any packages specified" it "should complain if no package is specified" $ shellifyWithArgs "nipkgs#cowsay" `shouldReturnSubstring` "without any packages specified" it "should show help text when requested" $ do shellifyWithArgs "-h" `shouldReturnSubstring` "USAGE:" shellifyWithArgs "--help" `shouldReturnSubstring` "USAGE:" it "should not support -p with shell" $ do shellifyWithArgs "shell -p cowsay" `shouldBe` Left "-p not supported with new style commands" shellifyWithArgs "shell nixpkgs#python --packages foo nixpkgs#cowsay" `shouldBe` Left "--packages not supported with new style commands" it "should allow a simple command to be specified with a package" $ theOptions "-p python --command cowsay" `shouldBe` Right def{packages=["python"], command=Just "cowsay"} it "should allow a simple command to be specified before a package" $ theOptions "--run cowsay -p python" `shouldBe` Right def{packages=["python"], command=Just "cowsay"} it "should allow a simple command to be specified before and after a package" $ theOptions "-p cowsay --command cowsay -p python" `shouldBe` Right def{packages=[ "cowsay", "python" ], command=Just "cowsay"} it "Should fail if command has no argument" $ do shellifyWithArgs "--command -p python" `shouldReturnSubstring` "Argument missing to switch" shellifyWithArgs "--command" `shouldReturnSubstring` "Argument missing to switch" it "should be able to specify one program to install after other arguments" $ "foo -p python" `shouldResultInPackages` [ "python" ] it "should support multiple packages passed to -p" $ "-p python cowsay" `shouldResultInPackages` [ "cowsay", "python" ] it "should only accept packages up to the next switch" $ "-p python --arg x 2" `shouldResultInPackages` [ "python" ] it "should support multiple adjacent -p switches" $ "-p python -p cowsay" `shouldResultInPackages` [ "python", "cowsay" ] it "should support separated -p switches" $ "-p cowsay --foo -p python" `shouldResultInPackages` [ "cowsay", "python" ] it "should support long switches" $ "--packages cowsay" `shouldResultInPackages` [ "cowsay" ] it "should support new shell commands" $ theOptions "shell nixpkgs#python nixpkgs#cowsay" `shouldBe` Right def{packages=[ "nixpkgs#python", "nixpkgs#cowsay" ], generateFlake=True} describe "when two buildInputs are required from two sources" $ shellifyWithArgs "--with-flake shell foo#cowsay nixpkgs#python" `shouldReturnShellAndFlakeTextDefinedBy` "inputs-from-know-and-unknown-sources" describe "when using 2 simple buildInputs from one source" $ shellifyWithArgs "shell --with-flake python cowsay" `shouldReturnShellAndFlakeTextDefinedBy` "two-nixpkgs-inputs" describe "when pulling from 2 different known sources" $ shellifyWithArgs "shell nixpkgs#python blender-bin#blender_3_5" `shouldReturnShellAndFlakeTextDefinedBy` "inputs-from-different-registries" describe "when working with 2 nixkgs buildInputs" $ shellifyWithArgs "shell nixpkgs#python nixpkgs#cowsay" `shouldReturnShellTextDefinedBy` "two-nixpkgs-inputs" describe "when working with multiple repos for known and unknown sources" $ shellifyWithArgs "shell nixpkgs#python foo#cowsay" `shouldReturnShellTextDefinedBy` "multiple-repository-sources" describe "when a command is specified" $ shellifyWithArgs "-p python -p cowsay --command cowsay" `shouldReturnShellTextDefinedBy` "two-build-inputs-and-command"