{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Shake helpers. -- module Development.Shakers ( module Exports , (<:>) , (<->) , (<=>) , timestamp , buildFile , fakeFile , metaFile , mirrorDir , parentDir , getVar , getFlag , cmdArgs , cmdArgs_ , cmdArgsDir , cmdArgsDir_ , stack , stack_ , stackExec , stackExec_ , git , git_ , schemaApply_ , m4 , aws , rsync_ , ssh , ssh_ , sshScreen , sshScreen_ , rmirror_ , rssh , rssh_ , rsshScreen , rsshScreen_ , rdocker_ , rdockerScreen_ , docker_ , convox_ , fake , meta , preprocess , getHashedVersion , hsRules , stackRules , stackTargetRules , cabalRules , dbRules , dockerRules , shakeMain ) where import BasicPrelude as Exports hiding ((*>)) import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Char import Development.Shake as Exports import Development.Shake.FilePath import System.Directory import Text.Regex -- | Join strings with ":" -- (<:>) :: (IsString m, Monoid m) => m -> m -> m (<:>) = (<>) . (<> ":") -- | Join strings with "-" -- (<->) :: (IsString m, Monoid m) => m -> m -> m (<->) = (<>) . (<> "-") -- | Join strings with "=" -- (<=>) :: (IsString m, Monoid m) => m -> m -> m (<=>) = (<>) . (<> "=") -- | Unix timestamp. -- timestamp :: Action String timestamp = cmdArgs "date" [ "-u", "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" ] -- | File used for version change detection. -- shakeFile :: FilePath shakeFile = "Shakefile.hs" -- | Location of build supporting files. -- buildDir :: FilePath buildDir = ".build" -- | Build file path builder. -- buildFile :: FilePath -> FilePath buildFile = (buildDir ) -- | Build directory where "touch" files are kept. -- fakeDir :: FilePath fakeDir = buildFile "fake" -- | Fake file path builder. -- fakeFile :: FilePath -> FilePath fakeFile = (fakeDir ) -- | Meta directory where "virtual" files are kept. -- metaDir :: FilePath metaDir = buildFile "meta" -- | Meta file path builder. -- metaFile :: FilePath -> FilePath metaFile = (metaDir ) -- | Parent directory. -- parentDir :: Action FilePath parentDir = liftIO $ takeFileName <$> getCurrentDirectory -- | Mirror directory of current parent directory. -- mirrorDir :: Action FilePath mirrorDir = buildFile <$> parentDir -- | Wrapper around getting the environment that throws error. -- getVar :: String -> Action String getVar k = getEnv k >>= maybe (liftIO $ throwIO $ userError $ "No env: " <> k) return -- | Wrapper round getting the environment that returns a bool if env is present. -- getFlag :: String -> Action Bool getFlag k = isJust <$> getEnv k -- | Remove host env. -- remoteVar :: Action String remoteVar = getVar "REMOTE" -- | Remove right excess on string. -- rstrip :: String -> String rstrip = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse -- | Typeful command args with return string. -- cmdArgs :: String -> [String] -> Action String cmdArgs c as = rstrip . fromStdout <$> cmd c as -- | Typeful command args with no return. -- cmdArgs_ :: String -> [String] -> Action () cmdArgs_ c as = unit $ cmd c as -- | Run commands in a dir with return string. -- cmdArgsDir :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> Action String cmdArgsDir d c as = rstrip . fromStdout <$> cmd (Cwd d) c as -- | Run commands in a dir with no return. -- cmdArgsDir_ :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> Action () cmdArgsDir_ d c as = unit $ cmd (Cwd d) c as -- | Stack command without return. -- stack :: FilePath -> [String] -> Action String stack d = cmdArgsDir d "stack" -- | Stack command without return. -- stack_ :: FilePath -> [String] -> Action () stack_ d = cmdArgsDir_ d "stack" -- | Stack exec command. -- stackExec :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> Action String stackExec d cmd' as = stack d $ "exec" : cmd' : "--" : as -- | Stack exec command without return. -- stackExec_ :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> Action () stackExec_ d cmd' as = stack_ d $ "exec" : cmd' : "--" : as -- | Sylish command. -- stylish_ :: [String] -> Action () stylish_ = cmdArgs_ "stylish-haskell" -- | Lint command. -- lint_ :: [String] -> Action () lint_ = cmdArgs_ "hlint" -- | Git command in a directory. -- git :: FilePath -> [String] -> Action String git d = cmdArgsDir d "git" -- | Git command in a directory with no return. -- git_ :: FilePath -> [String] -> Action () git_ d = cmdArgsDir_ d "git" -- | Schema apply command. -- schemaApply_ :: FilePath -> [String] -> Action () schemaApply_ d = cmdArgsDir_ d "schema-apply" -- | m4 command. -- m4 :: [String] -> Action String m4 = cmdArgs "m4" -- | tar command. -- tar_ :: FilePath -> [String] -> Action () tar_ d = cmdArgsDir_ d "tar" -- | AWS command. -- aws :: [String] -> Action String aws = cmdArgs "aws" -- | Rsync command. -- rsync_ :: [String] -> Action () rsync_ = cmdArgs_ "rsync" -- | SSH command. -- ssh :: String -> [String] -> Action String ssh h as = cmdArgs "ssh" $ h : as -- | SSH command with no return. -- ssh_ :: String -> [String] -> Action () ssh_ h as = cmdArgs_ "ssh" $ h : as -- | SSH command with screen. -- sshScreen :: String -> [String] -> Action String sshScreen h as = do t <- timestamp ssh h $ "-t" : "screen" : "-S" : t : as -- | SSH command with screen no return. -- sshScreen_ :: String -> [String] -> Action () sshScreen_ h as = do t <- timestamp ssh_ h $ "-t" : "screen" : "-S" : t : as -- | Mirror directory remotely. -- rmirror_ :: Action () rmirror_ = do r <- remoteVar p <- parentDir rsync_ [ "-Laz", "--delete", buildFile p <> "/", r <:> p <> "/" ] -- | Remote SSH command. -- rssh :: [String] -> Action String rssh as = do r <- remoteVar ssh r as -- | Remote SSH screen command. -- rsshScreen :: [String] -> Action String rsshScreen as = do r <- remoteVar sshScreen r as -- | Remote SSH command with no return. -- rssh_ :: [String] -> Action () rssh_ as = do r <- remoteVar ssh_ r as -- | Remote SSH command with no return. -- rsshScreen_ :: [String] -> Action () rsshScreen_ as = do r <- remoteVar sshScreen_ r as -- | Run docker command remotely. -- rdocker_ :: [String] -> Action () rdocker_ = rssh_ . ("docker" :) -- | Run docker command remotely. -- rdockerScreen_ :: [String] -> Action () rdockerScreen_ = rsshScreen_ . ("docker" :) -- | Run docker command in mirro dir. -- docker_ :: [String] -> Action () docker_ as = do d <- mirrorDir cmdArgsDir_ d "docker" as -- | Run convox command in mirro dir. -- convox_ :: [String] -> Action () convox_ as = do d <- mirrorDir cmdArgsDir_ d "convox" as -- | Git version. -- gitVersion :: FilePath -> Action String gitVersion d = git d [ "describe", "--tags", "--abbrev=0" ] -- | Use a fake file to keep track of the last time an file-free action ran. -- fake :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> String -> ([FilePath] -> Action ()) -> Rules () fake dir pats target act = do meta target $ getDirectoryFiles dir pats >>= liftIO . getHashedShakeVersion fakeFile target %> \out -> do need [ metaFile target ] getDirectoryFiles dir pats >>= act writeFile' out mempty phony target $ need [ fakeFile target ] -- | Use a meta file to keep track of vitual content. -- meta :: FilePath -> Action String -> Rules () meta target act = metaFile target %> \out -> do alwaysRerun content <- act writeFileChanged out content -- | Preprocess a file with m4. -- preprocess :: FilePattern -> FilePath -> Action [(String, String)] -> Rules () preprocess target file macros = target %> \out -> do alwaysRerun let f k v = "-D" <> k <=> v macros' <- macros content <- m4 $ file : (uncurry f <$> macros') writeFileChanged out content -- | Build a hash version from a directory and file pattern. -- getHashedVersion :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> Action String getHashedVersion dir pats = do files <- getDirectoryFiles dir pats liftIO $ getHashedShakeVersion $ (dir ) <$> files -- | Built-in rules. -- shakeRules :: Rules () shakeRules = -- | clear -- phony "clear" $ removeFilesAfter buildDir [ "//*" ] -- | Haskell source rules -- hsRules :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> Rules () hsRules dir pats = do -- | format -- fake dir pats "format" $ \files -> do need [ ".stylish-haskell.yaml" ] stylish_ $ [ "-c", ".stylish-haskell.yaml", "-i" ] <> files -- | lint -- fake dir pats "lint" $ \files -> lint_ files -- | Stack rules. -- stackRules :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> Rules () stackRules dir pats = do -- | build -- fake dir pats "build" $ const $ stack_ dir [ "build", "--fast" ] -- | build-error -- fake dir pats "build-error" $ const $ stack_ dir [ "build", "--fast", "--ghc-options=-Werror" ] -- | build-tests -- fake dir pats "build-tests" $ const $ stack_ dir [ "build", "--fast", "--test", "--no-run-tests" ] -- | build-tests-error -- fake dir pats "build-tests-error" $ const $ stack_ dir [ "build", "--fast", "--test", "--no-run-tests", "--ghc-options=-Werror" ] -- | install -- fake dir pats "install" $ const $ stack_ dir [ "build", "--fast", "--copy-bins" ] -- | tests -- phony "tests" $ stack_ dir [ "build", "--fast", "--test" ] -- | tests-error -- phony "tests-error" $ stack_ dir [ "build", "--fast", "--test", "--ghc-options=-Werror" ] -- | ghci -- phony "ghci" $ stack_ dir [ "ghci", "--fast" ] -- | ghci-tests -- phony "ghci-tests" $ stack_ dir [ "ghci", "--fast", "--test" ] -- | clean -- phony "clean" $ do need [ "clear" ] stack_ dir [ "clean" ] -- | clobber -- phony "clobber" $ do need [ "clear" ] removeFilesAfter dir [ "//*.stack-work" ] -- | Stack rules. -- stackTargetRules :: FilePath -> String -> [FilePattern] -> Rules () stackTargetRules dir target pats = do -- | build -- fake dir pats ("build:" <> target) $ const $ stack_ dir [ "build", target, "--fast" ] -- | build-error -- fake dir pats ("build-error:" <> target) $ const $ stack_ dir [ "build", target, "--fast", "--ghc-options=-Werror" ] -- | build-tests -- fake dir pats ("build-tests:" <> target) $ const $ stack_ dir [ "build", target, "--fast", "--test", "--no-run-tests" ] -- | build-tests-error -- fake dir pats ("build-tests-error:" <> target) $ const $ stack_ dir [ "build", target, "--fast", "--test", "--no-run-tests", "--ghc-options=-Werror" ] -- | install -- fake dir pats ("install:" <> target) $ const $ stack_ dir [ "build", target, "--fast", "--copy-bins" ] -- | tests -- phony ("tests:" <> target) $ stack_ dir [ "build", target, "--fast", "--test" ] -- | tests-error -- phony ("tests-error:" <> target) $ stack_ dir [ "build", target, "--fast", "--test", "--ghc-options=-Werror" ] -- | ghci -- phony ("ghci:" <> target) $ stack_ dir [ "ghci", target, "--fast" ] -- | ghci-tests -- phony ("ghci-tests:" <> target) $ stack_ dir [ "ghci", target, "--fast", "--test" ] -- | Cabal and hackage rules. -- cabalRules :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Rules () cabalRules dir file = do -- | "gitVersion" -- meta "cabalVersion" $ gitVersion dir -- | cabal -- preprocess file (file <.> "m4") $ do need [ metaFile "cabalVersion" ] version <- gitVersion dir return [ ("VERSION", version) ] -- | publish -- phony "publish" $ do need [ file ] stack_ dir [ "upload", dir, "--no-signature" ] phony "publish-lower" $ do need [file, metaFile "cabalVersion" ] version <- gitVersion dir yaml <- fromMaybe "stack.yaml" <$> getEnv "STACK_YAML" dist <- stack dir [ "path", "--dist-dir" ] stack_ dir [ "sdist", dir, "--pvp-bounds", "lower" ] let pkg = dropExtension file hkg = pkg <-> version [sdist] <- getDirectoryFiles dist [ hkg <.> "tar.gz" ] withTempDir $ \d -> do tar_ dist [ "xzf", sdist, "-C", d ] let e = d hkg f = e file contents <- readFile' f let contents' = subRegex (mkRegex $ pkg <> " >=" <> version) contents pkg contents' `deepseq` writeFile' f contents' copyFile' yaml $ e yaml stack_ e [ "upload", e, "--no-signature" ] -- | Database rules -- dbRules :: FilePath -> Rules () dbRules dir = -- | schema:apply -- phony "schema:apply" $ schemaApply_ dir [ "--dir", "schema/migrations" ] -- | Docker rules. -- dockerRules :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> Rules () dockerRules dir pats = do -- | mirror -- phony "mirror" $ do dir' <- mirrorDir liftIO $ removeFiles dir' [ "//*" ] files <- getDirectoryFiles dir pats forM_ files $ \file -> liftIO $ do createDirectoryIfMissing True $ dropFileName (dir' file) copyFile file (dir' file) -- | docker:login -- phony "docker:login" $ do login <- aws [ "ecr", "get-login", "--region", "us-west-2" ] unit $ cmd login -- | docker:login-remote -- phony "docker:login-remote" $ do login <- aws [ "ecr", "get-login", "--region", "us-west-2" ] rssh_ [ login ] -- | Main entry point. -- shakeMain :: Rules () -> IO () shakeMain act = do version <- getHashedShakeVersion [ shakeFile ] shakeArgs shakeOptions { shakeFiles = buildDir, shakeVersion = version, shakeThreads = 0 } $ do shakeRules act