module Shaker.Cabal.CabalInfoTest where import Control.Monad.Reader import System.Directory import Shaker.Action.Compile import Shaker.Action.Standard import Shaker.Type import Shaker.CommonTest import Test.HUnit import Shaker.Cabal.CabalInfo import DynFlags( DynFlags, packageFlags, importPaths ,PackageFlag (ExposePackage) , defaultDynFlags ) testParseCabalConfig :: Assertion testParseCabalConfig = runTestOnDirectory "testsuite/tests/resources/cabalTest" $ do shIn <- defaultCabalInput let cplInps@(cplLib:cplExe:[]) = compileInputs shIn length cplInps == 2 @? "Should have two compile input, one executable and one library, got "++ show ( length cplInps) all (`elem` cfSourceDirs cplLib) ["dist/build/autogen","src"] @? "source dir should have src and dist/build/autogen, got " ++ show (cfSourceDirs cplLib) cfCommandLineFlags cplLib == ["-hide-all-packages", "-Wall"] @? "command line flags should be -Wall, got " ++ show ( cfCommandLineFlags cplLib) cfTargetFiles cplLib == ["CabalTest"] @? "targetFiles should be CabalTest, got "++ show ( cfTargetFiles cplLib) cfTargetFiles cplExe == ["src/Main.hs"] @? "targetFiles should be src/Main.hs, got "++ show ( cfTargetFiles cplExe) let dFlags = cfDynFlags cplExe defaultDynFlags all (`elem` importPaths dFlags) ["dist/build/autogen","src"] @? "importPaths should be contains src and dist/build/autogen, got "++ show (importPaths dFlags) (ExposePackage "ghc") `elem` packageFlags dFlags @? "Expected : ExposePackage ghc. No show instance so figure it yourself... (/me being lazy)" let (ListenerInput (_:srcLib:[]) _) = listenerInput shIn dir srcLib == "src" @? "Expected : src, got " ++ show srcLib testConditionalFlag :: Assertion testConditionalFlag = runTestOnDirectory "testsuite/tests/resources/cabalTest" $ do shIn <- testShakerInput let (_:cplExe:[]) = compileInputs shIn let packageList = packageFlags $ cfDynFlags cplExe defaultDynFlags all (`elem` packageList) [ExposePackage "mtl",ExposePackage "bytestring-mmap"] @? "mtl and bytestring-mmap should be exposed package, got "++ (show $ map showExposed packageList) not ( (ExposePackage "shaker") `elem` packageList ) @? "shaker should not be present as exposed package" showExposed :: PackageFlag -> String showExposed (ExposePackage str) = str showExposed _ = "" testInvalidMainShouldBeExcluded :: Assertion testInvalidMainShouldBeExcluded = runTestOnDirectory "testsuite/tests/resources/invalidMain" $ do shIn <- defaultCabalInput let (cplExe:[]) = compileInputs shIn cfTargetFiles cplExe == ["src/Main.hs"] @? "since tests/Main.hs is invalid, should have only src/Main.hs, got " ++ show (cfTargetFiles cplExe) testCompileWithLocalSource :: Assertion testCompileWithLocalSource = runTestOnDirectory "testsuite/tests/resources/noSourceConfig" $ do shIn <- defaultCabalInput runReaderT runCompile shIn ex <- doesFileExist "dist/shakerTarget/Main.o" runReaderT runClean shIn ex2 <- doesFileExist "dist/shakerTarget/Main.o" ex && not ex2 @? "file main should exist and be cleaned" testProjectCabalContentWithLocalSource :: Assertion testProjectCabalContentWithLocalSource = runTestOnDirectory "testsuite/tests/resources/noSourceConfig" $ do shIn <- defaultCabalInput let cplInps@(cplInp:_) = compileInputs shIn length cplInps == 1 @? "Should have one compile input, got "++ show (length cplInps) let targs = cfTargetFiles cplInp targs == ["./noHsSource.hs"] @? "Expected [\"./noHsSource.hs\"] got " ++ show cplInp