{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, ViewPatterns #-} module Test.Docs(main) where import Development.Shake import Development.Shake.FilePath import System.Directory import Test.Type import Control.Monad import Data.Char import General.Extra import Data.List.Extra import Data.Maybe import System.Info import Data.Version.Extra -- Older versions of Haddock garbage the --@ markup and have ambiguity errors brokenHaddock = compilerVersion < makeVersion [8] main = shakeTest_ (unless brokenHaddock . noTest) $ do let index = "dist/doc/html/shake/index.html" let config = "dist/setup-config" want ["Success.txt"] let needSource = need =<< getDirectoryFiles "." (map (root ) ["src/Development/Shake.hs","src/Development/Shake//*.hs","src/Development/Ninja/*.hs","src/General//*.hs"]) config %> \_ -> do need $ map (root ) ["shake.cabal","Setup.hs"] -- Make Cabal and Stack play nicely path <- getEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH" liftIO $ createDirectoryRecursive "dist" dist <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath "dist" -- make sure it works even if we cwd cmd_ (RemEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH") (Cwd root) "runhaskell Setup.hs configure" ["--builddir=" ++ dist,"--user"] -- package-db is very sensitive, see #267 -- note that the reverse ensures the behaviour is consistent between the flags and the env variable ["--package-db=" ++ x | x <- maybe [] (reverse . filter (`notElem` [".",""]) . splitSearchPath) path] -- Paths_shake is only created by "Setup build" (which we want to skip), and required by "Setup haddock", so we fake it copyFile' (root "src/Paths.hs") "dist/build/autogen/Paths_shake.hs" copyFile' (root "src/Paths.hs") "dist/build/shake/autogen/Paths_shake.hs" writeFile' "dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h" "" writeFile' "dist/build/shake/autogen/cabal_macros.h" "" trackAllow ["dist//*"] index %> \_ -> do need $ config : map (root ) ["shake.cabal","Setup.hs","README.md","CHANGES.txt"] needSource trackAllow ["dist//*"] dist <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath "dist" cmd (Cwd root) "runhaskell Setup.hs haddock" ["--builddir=" ++ dist] "Part_*.hs" %> \out -> do need [root "src/Test/Docs.hs"] -- so much of the generator is in this module let noR = filter (/= '\r') src <- if "_md" `isSuffixOf` takeBaseName out then fmap (findCodeMarkdown . lines . noR) $ readFile' $ root "docs/" ++ drop 5 (reverse (drop 3 $ reverse $ takeBaseName out)) ++ ".md" else fmap (findCodeHaddock . noR) $ readFile' $ "dist/doc/html/shake/" ++ replace "_" "-" (drop 5 $ takeBaseName out) ++ ".html" let (imports,rest) = partition ("import " `isPrefixOf`) $ showCode src writeFileChanged out $ unlines $ ["{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, RankNTypes, ExtendedDefaultRules, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}" ,"{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, ScopedTypeVariables, ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}" ,"{-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-}" ,"module " ++ takeBaseName out ++ "() where" ,"import Control.Applicative" ,"import Control.Concurrent" ,"import Control.Exception" ,"import Control.Monad" ,"import Data.ByteString(ByteString)" ,"import Data.Char" ,"import Data.Data" ,"import Data.Dynamic" ,"import Data.List.Extra" ,"import System.Time.Extra" ,"import Data.Maybe" ,"import Data.Monoid" ,"import Development.Shake hiding ((*>),trackAllow)" ,"import Development.Shake.Classes" ,"import Development.Shake.Rule hiding (trackAllow)" ,"import Development.Shake.Util" ,"import Development.Shake.FilePath" ,"import System.Console.GetOpt" ,"import System.Directory(setCurrentDirectory)" ,"import qualified System.Directory" ,"import System.Environment(lookupEnv, getEnvironment)" ,"import System.Process" ,"import System.Exit" ,"import Control.Applicative" ,"import Control.Monad.IO.Class" ,"import System.IO"] ++ ["import " ++ replace "_" "." (drop 5 $ takeBaseName out) | not $ "_md.hs" `isSuffixOf` out] ++ imports ++ ["(==>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool" ,"(==>) = undefined" ,"(<==) = ()" ,"infix 1 ==>" ,"infix 0 ===" ,"(===) :: a -> a -> b" ,"(===) = undefined" ,"forAll f = f undefined" ,"remaining = 1.1" ,"done = 1.1" ,"time_elapsed = 1.1" ,"old = \"\"" ,"new = \"\"" ,"myfile = \"\"" ,"inputs = [\"\"]" ,"files = [\"\"]" ,"input = \"\"" ,"output = \"\"" ,"opts = shakeOptions" ,"result = undefined :: IO (Maybe (Rules ()))" ,"launchMissiles = undefined :: Bool -> IO ()" ,"myVariable = ()" ,"instance Eq (OptDescr a)" ,"(foo,bar,baz) = undefined" ,"(p1,p2) = (0.0, 0.0)" ,"(r1,r2) = (return () :: Rules(), return () :: Rules())" ,"xs = []" ,"ys = []" ,"os = [\"file.o\"]" ,"out = \"\"" ,"str1 = \"\"" ,"str2 = \"\"" ,"def = undefined" ,"var = undefined" ,"str = \"\""] ++ rest "Files.lst" %> \out -> do need [root "src/Test/Docs.hs"] -- so much of the generator is in this module need [index] filesHs <- getDirectoryFiles "dist/doc/html/shake" ["Development-*.html"] filesMd <- getDirectoryFiles (root "docs") ["*.md"] writeFileChanged out $ unlines $ ["Part_" ++ replace "-" "_" (takeBaseName x) | x <- filesHs, not $ any (`isSuffixOf` x) ["-Classes.html", "-FilePath.html"]] ++ ["Part_" ++ takeBaseName x ++ "_md" | x <- filesMd, takeBaseName x `notElem` ["Developing","Model"]] let needModules = do mods <- readFileLines "Files.lst"; need [m <.> "hs" | m <- mods]; return mods "Main.hs" %> \out -> do mods <- needModules writeFileLines out $ ["module Main(main) where"] ++ ["import " ++ m | m <- mods] ++ ["main = return ()"] "Success.txt" %> \out -> do putNormal . ("Checking documentation for:\n" ++) =<< readFile' "Files.lst" needModules need ["Main.hs"] trackAllow ["dist//*"] needSource cmd_ "ghc -fno-code -ignore-package=hashmap " ["-idist/build/autogen","-i" ++ root "src","Main.hs"] writeFile' out "" --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FIND THE CODE newtype Code = Code [String] deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) findCodeHaddock :: String -> [Code] findCodeHaddock src = [ Code $ unindent $ lines $ innerText x | tag <- ["code","pre"] , x <- insideTag tag src , let bad = nubOrd (insideTag "em" x) \\ italics , if null bad then True else error $ "Bad italics, " ++ show bad] findCodeMarkdown :: [String] -> [Code] findCodeMarkdown (x:xs) | indented x && not (isBlank x) = let (a,b) = span (\x -> indented x || isBlank x) (x:xs) in Code (dropWhileEnd isBlank $ unindent a) : findCodeMarkdown b where indented x = length (takeWhile isSpace x) >= 4 findCodeMarkdown (x:xs) = map (Code . return) (evens $ splitOn "`" x) ++ findCodeMarkdown xs where evens (x:y:xs) = y : evens xs evens _ = [] findCodeMarkdown [] = [] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RENDER THE CODE showCode :: [Code] -> [String] showCode = concat . zipWith f [1..] . nubOrd where f i (Code x) | "#" `isPrefixOf` concat x = [] | all whitelist x = [] | otherwise = showStmt i $ filter (not . isBlank . dropComment) $ fixCmd $ map undefDots x fixCmd :: [String] -> [String] fixCmd xs | all ("cmd_ " `isPrefixOf`) xs = xs ++ ["return () :: IO () "] | otherwise = map (replace "Stdout out" "Stdout (out :: String)" . replace "Stderr err" "Stderr (err :: String)") xs -- | Replace ... with undefined (don't use undefined with cmd; two ...'s should become one replacement) undefDots :: String -> String undefDots x | Just x <- stripSuffix "..." x, Just (x,_) <- stripInfix "..." x = x ++ new | otherwise = replace "..." new x where new = if words x `disjoint` ["cmd","cmd_","Development.Shake.cmd","Development.Shake.cmd_"] then "undefined" else "[\"\"]" showStmt :: Int -> [String] -> [String] showStmt i [] = [] showStmt i xs | isDecl $ unlines xs = map f xs where f x = if fst (word1 x) `elem` dupes then "_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ x else x showStmt i (x:xs) | fst (word1 x) `elem` types = ["type Code_" ++ show i ++ " = " ++ x] showStmt i [x] | length (words x) <= 2 = ["code_" ++ show i ++ " = (" ++ x ++ ")"] -- deal with operators and sections showStmt i xs | all isPredicate xs, length xs > 1 = zipWith (\j x -> "code_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ show j ++ " = " ++ x) [1..] xs showStmt i xs = ("code_" ++ show i ++ " = do") : map (" " ++) xs ++ [" undefined" | isBindStmt $ last xs] isPredicate :: String -> Bool isPredicate x = not $ disjoint (words x) ["==","?=="] isBindStmt :: String -> Bool isBindStmt x = "let " `isPrefixOf` x || " <- " `isInfixOf` x isDecl :: String -> Bool isDecl x | fst (word1 x) `elem` ["import","infix","instance","newtype"] = True isDecl (words -> name:"::":_) | all isAlphaNum name = True -- foo :: Type Signature isDecl x | "=" `elem` takeWhile (`notElem` ["let","where"]) (words $ takeWhile (/= '{') x) = True -- foo arg1 arg2 = an implementation isDecl _ = False --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TEXT MANIPULATION -- | Is a string empty or whitespace isBlank :: String -> Bool isBlank = all isSpace -- | If all lines are indented by at least n spaces, then trim n spaces from each line unindent :: [String] -> [String] unindent xs = map (drop n) xs where n = minimum $ 1000 : map (length . takeWhile (== ' ')) (filter (not . isBlank) xs) -- | Remove line comments from the end of lines dropComment :: String -> String dropComment = fst . breakOn "--" -- | Find all pieces of text inside a given tag insideTag :: String -> String -> [String] insideTag tag = map (fst . breakOn ("")) . drop 1 . splitOn ("<" ++ tag ++ ">") -- | Given some HTML, find the raw text innerText :: String -> String innerText ('<':xs) = innerText $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '>') xs innerText ('&':xs) | Just xs <- stripPrefix "quot;" xs = '\"' : innerText xs | Just xs <- stripPrefix "lt;" xs = '<' : innerText xs | Just xs <- stripPrefix "gt;" xs = '>' : innerText xs | Just xs <- stripPrefix "amp;" xs = '&' : innerText xs innerText (x:xs) = x : innerText xs innerText [] = [] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DATA SECTION -- | Only the following identifiers can appear in italic code blocks in Haddock -- (otherwise it's a common markup mistake) italics :: [String] italics = words "command-name file-name N" -- | Identifiers that indicate the fragment is a type types :: [String] types = words $ "MVar IO String FilePath Maybe [String] Char ExitCode Change " ++ "Action Resource Rebuild FilePattern Development.Shake.FilePattern " ++ "Lint Verbosity Rules CmdOption Int Double " ++ "NFData Binary Hashable Eq Typeable Show Applicative " ++ "CmdResult ByteString ProcessHandle Rule Monad Monoid Data TypeRep " ++ "BuiltinRun BuiltinLint" -- | Duplicated identifiers which require renaming dupes :: [String] dupes = words "main progressSimple rules" isFilePath :: String -> Bool isFilePath x = "C:\\" `isPrefixOf` x || (all validChar x && ("foo/" `isPrefixOf` x || takeExtension x `elem` exts)) where validChar x = isAlphaNum x || x `elem` "_./*" exts = words $ ".txt .hi .hs .o .exe .tar .cpp .cfg .dep .out .deps .m .h .c .html .zip " ++ ".js .json .trace .database .src .sh .bat .ninja .rot13 .version .digits .prof .md" isCmdFlag :: String -> Bool isCmdFlag "+RTS" = True isCmdFlag x = length a `elem` [1,2] && all (\x -> isAlphaNum x || x `elem` "-=/_[]") b where (a,b) = span (== '-') x isCmdFlags :: String -> Bool isCmdFlags = all (\x -> let y = fromMaybe x $ stripSuffix "," x in isCmdFlag y || isArg y) . words where isArg = all (\x -> isUpper x || x == '=') isEnvVar :: String -> Bool isEnvVar x | Just x <- stripPrefix "$" x = all validChar x | Just x <- stripPrefix "%" x, Just x <- stripSuffix "%" x = all validChar x | otherwise = False where validChar x = isAlpha x || x == '_' isProgram :: String -> Bool isProgram (words -> x:xs) = x `elem` programs && all (\x -> isCmdFlag x || isFilePath x || all isAlpha x || x == "&&") xs where programs = words "excel gcc cl make ghc ghci cabal distcc build tar git fsatrace ninja touch pwd runhaskell rot13 main shake stack rm cat sed sh apt-get build-multiple" -- | Should a fragment be whitelisted and not checked whitelist :: String -> Bool whitelist x | null x || isFilePath x || isCmdFlags x || isEnvVar x || isProgram x = True whitelist x | elem x $ words $ "newtype do a q m c x value key os contents clean _make " ++ ".. /. // \\ //* dir/*/* dir " ++ "ConstraintKinds TemplateHaskell GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving DeriveDataTypeable TypeFamilies SetConsoleTitle " ++ "Data.List System.Directory Development.Shake.FilePath run " ++ "NoProgress Error src about://tracing " ++ ".make/i586-linux-gcc/output build " ++ "/usr/special /usr/special/userbinary " ++ "Hidden extension xterm main opts result flagValues argValues " ++ "HEADERS_DIR /path/to/dir CFLAGS let linkFlags temp code out err " ++ "_shake _shake/build manual chrome://tracing/ compdb " ++ "docs/manual foo.* _build _build/run depfile 0.000s " ++ "@ndm_haskell file-name .PHONY filepath trim base stack extra #include " ++ "*> BuiltinRun BuiltinLint RuleResult" = True whitelist x = x `elem` ["[Foo.hi, Foo.o]" ,"shake-progress" ,"type instance" ,"1m25s (15%)" ,"3m12s (82%)" ,"getPkgVersion $ GhcPkgVersion \"shake\"" ,"ghc --make MyBuildSystem -threaded -rtsopts \"-with-rtsopts=-I0 -qg -qb\"" ,"# command-name (for file-name)" ,"build rules" ,"actions" ,"shakeFiles=\"_build\"" ,"#include \"" ,"pattern %> actions = (pattern ?==) ?> actions" -- because it overlaps ,"buildDir = \"_build\"" ,"#!/bin/sh" ,"shake-build-system" ,"\"_build\" x -<.> \"o\"" ,"[item1,item2,item2]" ,"$(LitE . StringL . loc_filename <$> location)" ,"-d[ FILE], --debug[=FILE]" ,"-r[ FILE], --report[=FILE], --profile[=FILE]" ]