{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, PatternGuards, NamedFieldPuns, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {- This module stores the meta-data so its very important its always accurate We can't rely on getting any exceptions or termination at the end, so we'd better write out a journal We store a series of records, and if they contain twice as many records as needed, we compress -} module Development.Shake.Storage( withStorage ) where import General.Binary import General.Base import General.Concurrent import Development.Shake.Types import General.Timing import Control.Arrow import Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad import Control.Concurrent import Data.Binary.Get import Data.Binary.Put import Data.Time import Data.Char import Development.Shake.Classes import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import Data.List import Numeric import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS8 type Map = Map.HashMap -- Increment every time the on-disk format/semantics change, -- @x@ is for the users version number databaseVersion :: String -> String -- THINGS I WANT TO DO ON THE NEXT CHANGE -- * Change filepaths to store a 1 byte prefix saying 8bit ASCII or UTF8 -- * Duration and Time should be stored as number of 1/10000th seconds Int32 databaseVersion x = "SHAKE-DATABASE-10-" ++ s ++ "\r\n" where s = tail $ init $ show x -- call show, then take off the leading/trailing quotes -- ensures we do not get \r or \n in the user portion withStorage :: (Show w, Show k, Show v, Eq w, Eq k, Hashable k ,Binary w, BinaryWith w k, BinaryWith w v) => ShakeOptions -- ^ Storage options -> (String -> IO ()) -- ^ Logging function -> w -- ^ Witness -> (Map k v -> (k -> v -> IO ()) -> IO a) -- ^ Execute -> IO a withStorage ShakeOptions{shakeVerbosity,shakeOutput,shakeVersion,shakeFlush,shakeFiles,shakeStorageLog} diagnostic witness act = do let dbfile = shakeFiles <.> "database" bupfile = shakeFiles <.> "bup" createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory shakeFiles -- complete a partially failed compress b <- doesFileExist bupfile when b $ do unexpected "Backup file exists, restoring over the previous file\n" diagnostic $ "Backup file move to original" E.catch (removeFile dbfile) (\(e :: SomeException) -> return ()) renameFile bupfile dbfile addTiming "Database read" withBinaryFile dbfile ReadWriteMode $ \h -> do n <- hFileSize h diagnostic $ "Reading file of size " ++ show n src <- LBS.hGet h $ fromInteger n if not $ ver `LBS.isPrefixOf` src then do unless (LBS.null src) $ do let limit x = let (a,b) = splitAt 200 x in a ++ (if null b then "" else "...") let disp = map (\x -> if isPrint x && isAscii x then x else '?') . takeWhile (`notElem` "\r\n") outputErr $ unlines ["Error when reading Shake database - invalid version stamp detected:" ," File: " ++ dbfile ," Expected: " ++ disp (LBS.unpack ver) ," Found: " ++ disp (limit $ LBS.unpack src) ,"All rules will be rebuilt"] continue h Map.empty else -- make sure you are not handling exceptions from inside join $ handleJust (\e -> if asyncException e then Nothing else Just e) (\err -> do msg <- showException err outputErr $ unlines $ ("Error when reading Shake database " ++ dbfile) : map (" "++) (lines msg) ++ ["All files will be rebuilt"] when shakeStorageLog $ do hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0 i <- hFileSize h bs <- LBS.hGet h $ fromInteger i let cor = shakeFiles <.> "corrupt" LBS.writeFile cor bs unexpected $ "Backup of corrupted file stored at " ++ cor ++ ", " ++ show i ++ " bytes\n" -- exitFailure -- should never happen without external corruption -- add back to check during random testing return $ continue h Map.empty) $ case readChunks $ LBS.drop (LBS.length ver) src of ([], slop) -> do when (LBS.length slop > 0) $ unexpected $ "Last " ++ show slop ++ " bytes do not form a whole record\n" diagnostic $ "Read 0 chunks, plus " ++ show slop ++ " slop" return $ continue h Map.empty (w:xs, slopRaw) -> do let slop = fromIntegral $ LBS.length slopRaw when (slop > 0) $ unexpected $ "Last " ++ show slop ++ " bytes do not form a whole record\n" diagnostic $ "Read " ++ show (length xs + 1) ++ " chunks, plus " ++ show slop ++ " slop" let ws = decode w f mp (k, v) = Map.insert k v mp ents = map (runGet $ getWith ws) xs mp = foldl' f Map.empty ents when (shakeVerbosity == Diagnostic) $ do let raw x = "[len " ++ show (LBS.length x) ++ "] " ++ concat [['0' | length c == 1] ++ c | x <- LBS8.unpack x, let c = showHex x ""] let pretty (Left x) = "FAILURE: " ++ show (x :: SomeException) pretty (Right x) = x diagnostic $ "Witnesses " ++ raw w forM_ (zip3 [1..] xs ents) $ \(i,x,ent) -> do x2 <- try $ evaluate $ let s = show ent in rnf s `seq` s diagnostic $ "Chunk " ++ show i ++ " " ++ raw x ++ " " ++ pretty x2 diagnostic $ "Slop " ++ raw slopRaw diagnostic $ "Found " ++ show (Map.size mp) ++ " real entries" -- if mp is null, continue will reset it, so no need to clean up if Map.null mp || (ws == witness && Map.size mp * 2 > length xs - 2) then do -- make sure we reset to before the slop when (not (Map.null mp) && slop /= 0) $ do diagnostic $ "Dropping last " ++ show slop ++ " bytes of database (incomplete)" now <- hFileSize h hSetFileSize h $ now - slop hSeek h AbsoluteSeek $ now - slop hFlush h diagnostic $ "Drop complete" return $ continue h mp else do addTiming "Database compression" unexpected "Compressing database\n" diagnostic "Compressing database" hClose h -- two hClose are fine return $ do renameFile dbfile bupfile withBinaryFile dbfile ReadWriteMode $ \h -> do reset h mp removeFile bupfile diagnostic "Compression complete" continue h mp where unexpected x = when shakeStorageLog $ do t <- getCurrentTime appendFile (shakeFiles <.> "storage") $ "\n[" ++ show t ++ "]: " ++ x outputErr x = do when (shakeVerbosity >= Quiet) $ shakeOutput Quiet x unexpected x ver = LBS.pack $ databaseVersion shakeVersion writeChunk h s = do diagnostic $ "Writing chunk " ++ show (LBS.length s) LBS.hPut h $ toChunk s reset h mp = do diagnostic $ "Resetting database to " ++ show (Map.size mp) ++ " elements" hSetFileSize h 0 hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0 LBS.hPut h ver writeChunk h $ encode witness mapM_ (writeChunk h . runPut . putWith witness) $ Map.toList mp hFlush h diagnostic "Flush" -- continuation (since if we do a compress, h changes) continue h mp = do when (Map.null mp) $ reset h mp -- might as well, no data to lose, and need to ensure a good witness table -- also lets us recover in the case of corruption flushThread shakeFlush h $ \out -> do addTiming "With database" act mp $ \k v -> out $ toChunk $ runPut $ putWith witness (k, v) -- We avoid calling flush too often on SSD drives, as that can be slow -- Make sure all exceptions happen on the caller, so we don't have to move exceptions back -- Make sure we only write on one thread, otherwise async exceptions can cause partial writes flushThread :: Maybe Double -> Handle -> ((LBS.ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO a) -> IO a flushThread flush h act = do chan <- newChan -- operations to perform on the file kick <- newEmptyMVar -- kicked whenever something is written died <- newBarrier -- has the writing thread finished flusher <- case flush of Nothing -> return Nothing Just flush -> fmap Just $ forkIO $ forever $ do takeMVar kick threadDelay $ ceiling $ flush * 1000000 tryTakeMVar kick writeChan chan $ hFlush h >> return True root <- myThreadId writer <- forkIO $ handle (\(e :: SomeException) -> signalBarrier died () >> throwTo root e) $ -- only one thread ever writes, ensuring only the final write can be torn whileM $ join $ readChan chan (act $ \s -> do evaluate $ LBS.length s -- ensure exceptions occur on this thread writeChan chan $ LBS.hPut h s >> tryPutMVar kick () >> return True) `finally` do maybe (return ()) killThread flusher writeChan chan $ signalBarrier died () >> return False waitBarrier died -- Return the amount of junk at the end, along with all the chunk readChunks :: LBS.ByteString -> ([LBS.ByteString], LBS.ByteString) readChunks x | Just (n, x) <- grab 4 x , Just (y, x) <- grab (fromIntegral (decode n :: Word32)) x = first (y :) $ readChunks x | otherwise = ([], x) where grab i x | LBS.length a == i = Just (a, b) | otherwise = Nothing where (a,b) = LBS.splitAt i x toChunk :: LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString toChunk x = n `LBS.append` x where n = encode (fromIntegral $ LBS.length x :: Word32) -- Some exceptions may have an error message which is itself an exception, -- make sure you show them properly showException :: SomeException -> IO String showException err = do let msg = show err E.catch (evaluate $ rnf msg `seq` msg) (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return "Unknown exception (error while showing error message)") -- | Is the exception asyncronous, not a "coding error" that should be ignored asyncException :: SomeException -> Bool asyncException e | Just (_ :: AsyncException) <- fromException e = True | Just (_ :: ExitCode) <- fromException e = True | otherwise = False