{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{- |
Module      : Data.ShadowBox.Internal
Description : Detect collissions with multiple items at the same time by keeping a world model
Copyright   : Plow Technologies LLC
License     : MIT License

Maintainer  : Scott Murphy

Normal collision detection proceeds by checking one model against another,  one at a time.

If you are dealing with a discretized grid you can simulataneously check collissions against
all models simultaneously by projecting your models into a Binary grid.
Then by looking for an empty intersection set, collissions are avoided and a new world is returned.

Algorithmic complexity is determined by the grid size only.

the theory is to create a Shadow model, that is a rectangular projection into bits.

Then you position that projection onto a World, which is a 2d bit array.

| -}
module Data.ShadowBox.Internal  where

import Prelude (($),Int,Bool (..),(&&),(||),maybe,(==),otherwise,(-),(+),(<),(>),(>=),(<=)
                ,show,Either (..))

import Data.Array.BitArray (BitArray,(!))
import qualified Data.Array.BitArray as BitArray
import Data.Monoid

-- | Primary use Function
-- addModelToWorld can be used with a model to create a world that can have more models consistently added to it
addModelToWorld :: Int -> Int -> ShadowModel -> World -> Either String World
addModelToWorld x y sm w = addPatchToWorld <$> makePatchable x y sm w

-- | Shadow Models are the shapes that are inserted into a world at an origin
newtype ShadowModel  = ShadowModel {_unshadowModel :: BitArray (Int,Int)}

-- |Pretty Print a ShadowBox
showShadowBoxModel :: ShadowModel -> String
showShadowBoxModel (ShadowModel m) = mconcat $ convertDirectly
    ((_,_),(maxX,maxY)) = BitArray.bounds m

    convertDirectly = [convertToChar x y (m!(x,y)) | x <-[0..maxX] , y <- [0.. maxY]]

    convertToChar _ y c = case c of
                             True -> " " <> "X" <> " " <> finish
                             False -> " " <> "_" <> " " <> finish
            |y == maxY = "\n" 
            |otherwise = ""

-- | Build a  rectangle shadow of a given width and height
-- Enter the width and height in bits
shadowRect :: Int -> Int -> ShadowModel
shadowRect width height = ShadowModel $ BitArray.fill ((0,0), (width - 1, height -1) ) True

-- World

-- | PRetty Print the World into a String
showWorld :: World -> String
showWorld (World m) = mconcat $ convertDirectly
    ((_,_),(maxX,maxY)) = BitArray.bounds m

    convertDirectly = [convertToChar x y (m!(x,y)) | x <-[0..maxX] , y <- [0.. maxY]]

    convertToChar _ y c = case c of
                             True -> " " <> "X" <> " " <> finish
                             False -> " " <> "_" <> " " <> finish
            |y == maxY = "\n" 
            |otherwise = ""

-- | World shadows are either created empty or are built up by inserting shadows
-- into them.  They are correct by construction because these are the only way to build them
newtype World = World { _unWorldShadow :: BitArray (Int,Int)}

-- | Read Value directly from World
(!?) :: World -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe Bool
val !?  ix = ba BitArray.!? ix
    (World ba) = val

-- | Build a world with no shadows
-- The width and height are in pixel length
emptyWorld :: Int -> Int -> World
emptyWorld width height = World $ BitArray.fill ((0,0), (width - 1 ,height -1 ) ) False

-- | overlapping
-- if any bit is 1 inff both worlds, an intersection is reported as true
data Patchable = Patchable {
            _ix :: {-# UNPACK  #-} !Int
         ,  _iy :: {-# UNPACK  #-}!Int
         ,  _shadow :: ShadowModel
         ,  _world  :: World}

-- | Make a patchable world, grouping world and model together
-- This runs all the boundary tests so that patches can be applied quickly

makePatchable :: Int -> Int -> ShadowModel -> World -> Either String Patchable
makePatchable xOrig yOrig s@(ShadowModel sm) w@(World world) = makePatchableFinal
    upperXBoundOfTranslation = shadowX + xOrig

    upperYBoundOfTranslation = shadowY + yOrig

    ((_,_) , (shadowX,shadowY)) = BitArray.bounds sm

    ((_,_) , (maxWorldX,maxWorldY)) = BitArray.bounds world
    width = maxWorldX + 1
    height = maxWorldY + 1

    overlap = const  ( BitArray.or $ transformedWorld ) <$> boundsCheck

      | (Right True) == overlap = Left "Overlap found or out of bounds"
      | otherwise = overlap

    makePatchableFinal = (const $ Patchable xOrig yOrig s w) <$> eoverlap 

    transformedWorld = BitArray.ixmap ((0,0),(shadowX,shadowY)) transform twobitArray
    forceOverlapError = trueIdx
    transform i@(x',y') = maybe forceOverlapError readWorldValue ( world BitArray.!?  (xOrig  + x' , yOrig  + y') )
       readWorldValue val =  if     val && (sm!i)
                             then   trueIdx
                             else   falseIdx

          | (upperXBoundOfTranslation > width) || (upperYBoundOfTranslation > height) = Left $ "bounds exceeded upperX:" <> (show upperXBoundOfTranslation) <> " width:" <> (show width) <>
                                                                                                   "bounds exceeded upperY:" <> (show upperYBoundOfTranslation) <> " height:" <> (show height)

          | (width <= 0) || (height <= 0) = Left "Max World must be greater than zero in both dimensions"
          | (xOrig < 0) || (yOrig < 0) = Left "Shadow coordinates must be greater than zero"
          | (xOrig > width) || (yOrig > height) = Left $ "x-origin must be less than " <> (show width) <> " y-origin less than " <> (show height)
          | otherwise = Right ()

-- | place a shadow model at a given position, assumes the model is represented in a square matrix
-- the matrix that is projected is actually just [0,1], it uses it as an intermediate while reading
-- values out of sm.  This allows us to control a true or false value without having to convert to a
-- list

addPatchToWorld  :: Patchable
     -> World
addPatchToWorld (Patchable x y (ShadowModel sm) (World world)) = assembleWorld
    ((_,_) , (shadowX,shadowY)) = BitArray.bounds sm
    ((_,_),(width,height)) = BitArray.bounds world

    upperXBoundOfTranslation = (shadowX + x)

    upperYBoundOfTranslation = shadowY + y        

    transform i = maybe (readWorldValue i) readShadowValue (sm BitArray.!?  (translate i) )

    assembleWorld = (World $ BitArray.ixmap ((0,0), (width, height)) transform twobitArray)

    translate (xFromWorld,yFromWorld)
      |(xFromWorld <=   upperXBoundOfTranslation ) && (xFromWorld >= x) &&
       (yFromWorld <=  upperYBoundOfTranslation ) && (yFromWorld >= y) = (xFromWorld - x, yFromWorld - y)
      | otherwise = (shadowX + 1, shadowY + 1)-- force the bounds to be violated and return nothing

    readShadowValue val = if val
                             then trueIdx
                             else falseIdx

    readWorldValue i = if world!i
                       then trueIdx
                       else falseIdx

-- Patch util functions
-- | return 'True' index in 'twobitArray'
trueIdx :: (Int,Int)
trueIdx = (0,0)

-- | return 'False' index in 'twobitArray'
falseIdx:: (Int,Int)
falseIdx = (0,1)

-- | The index mapping in bit array makes fora  common pattern to convert from one array into another
-- using an intermediate structure and exploiting the fact that each array can only be True or false.
-- ixmap can be used to project one array onto another. 
twobitArray :: BitArray (Int, Int)
twobitArray = BitArray.array (trueIdx,falseIdx) [(trueIdx, True), (falseIdx,False)]