{-| A control structure used to combine heterogenous types with delayed effects. -}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Control.Monad.Shade
  ( Shade()
  , shade
  , hide
  , shadow
  , transfer
  ) where

import Control.Monad

-- | A shade consists of a hidden value and an image of that value. The hidden
-- values are stored in a context and cannot be accessed directly.
data Shade m b = forall a . Shade (m a) (a -> b)

-- | 'fmap' applies a function to the result of the projected value inside the
-- values original context.
instance Functor (Shade m) where
  f `fmap` Shade m p = Shade m (f . p)

-- | 'pure' is the identity projection of the original value stored in a pure
-- context.
-- @a '<*>' b@ combines the contexts of the hidden values and applies the shadow
-- of @b@ value onto the shadow of @a@.
instance Applicative m => Applicative (Shade m) where
  pure x = Shade (pure x) id
  Shade m0 p0 <*> Shade m1 p1
    = Shade ((,) <$> m0 <*> m1)
    $ \(a0, a1) -> p0 a0 (p1 a1)

-- | @m '>>=' f@ applies @f@ to the projected value inside the original context
-- of @m@. The result is the a shade which becomes the source object in the
-- result. This resut is nested twice inside the same context, and these are
-- joined together.
instance Monad m => Monad (Shade m) where
  return = pure
  Shade m0 p0 >>= f = Shade (join m) id
      m = shadow . f . p0 <$> m0

-- | 'mempty' is simply the shadow and source of the neutral element of the
-- stored value.
-- 'mappend' combines the contexts of two shadows and mappends their stored
-- values.
instance (Applicative m, Monoid b) => Monoid (Shade m b) where
  mempty = pure mempty
  mappend a b = mappend <$> a <*> b

-- | The projection of the hidden value (the "shadow").
shadow :: Functor m => Shade m b -> m b
shadow (Shade a p) = p <$> a

class MonadShade m where
  -- | Insert a contextual value and its projection into a shade.
  shade :: c a -> (a -> b) -> m c b
  -- | Changed the context of a hidden value. The first argument must be
  -- universally quantified since no assumptions may be made as to what value is
  -- stored inside the shade.
  transfer :: MonadShade m => (forall a . c0 a -> c1 a) -> m c0 t -> m c1 t

-- | Hide a boxed value inside a shade with the identity as projection.
hide :: MonadShade m => c a -> m c a
hide a = shade a id

instance MonadShade Shade where
  shade = Shade
  transfer f (Shade m t) = Shade (f m) t