name: sessiontypes-distributed version: 0.1.1 synopsis: Session types distributed description: This package serves as a wrapper over both the Cloud Haskell library (distributed-process) and the sessiontypes library. It provides an interpreter for evaluating session typed programs to Cloud Haskell programs and exposes several combinators for spawning sessions. homepage: license: GPL-3 license-file: LICENSE author: Ferdinand van Walree maintainer: Ferdinand van Walree copyright: 2017 Ferdinand van Walree category: Control build-type: Simple extra-source-files: ChangeLog cabal-version: >=1.10 library hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Control.Distributed.Session , Control.Distributed.Session.Debug , Control.Distributed.Session.Eval , Control.Distributed.Session.Exception , Control.Distributed.Session.Lifted , Control.Distributed.Session.Interactive , Control.Distributed.Session.Visualize , Control.Distributed.Session.Normalize , Control.Distributed.Session.Session , Control.Distributed.Session.Spawn , Control.Distributed.Session.Closure , Control.Distributed.Session.STChannel build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5 , sessiontypes >= 0.1.0 && < 0.2.0 , binary >= 0.8.3 && < 0.9.0 , bytestring >= && < 0.11 , distributed-process >= 0.7.3 && < 0.8 , distributed-static >= 0.3.8 && < 0.4 , exceptions >= 0.8.3 && < 0.9.0 , rank1dynamic >= 0.4 && < 0.5 default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite sessiontypes-distributed-spawn type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test main-is: Test/Spawn/Main.hs other-modules: Test.Program.Closure build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5 , sessiontypes-distributed , sessiontypes >= 0.1.0 && < 0.2.0 , hspec >= 2.4.4 && < 2.5 , distributed-process >= 0.7.3 && < 0.8 , network-transport-tcp >= 0.6 && < 0.7 ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite sessiontypes-distributed-lifted type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test main-is: Test/Lifted/Main.hs other-modules: Test.Program.Closure build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5 , sessiontypes-distributed , sessiontypes >= 0.1.0 && < 0.2.0 , hspec >= 2.4.4 && < 2.5 , distributed-process >= 0.7.3 && < 0.8 , network-transport-tcp >= 0.6 && < 0.7 ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N default-language: Haskell2010 source-repository head type: git location: