------- * Support `swagger2-2.4` 1.1.7 ----- * Support servant-0.15 - support for 'Stream' and 'StreamBody' combinators - orphan 'ToSchema (SourceT m a)' instance * Fix BodyTypes to work with generalized ReqBody' [#88](https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-swagger/pull/88) 1.1.6 ----- * Fixes: * `validateEveryToJSON` now prints validation errors * Notes: * GHC-8.6 compatible release 1.1.5 ----- * Notes: * `servant-0.13` compatible release * Drops compatibility with previous `servant` versions. 1.1.4 ----- * Notes: * `servant-0.12` compatible release --- * Notes: * GHC-8.2 compatible release 1.1.3 --- * Notes: * `servant-0.11` compatible release --- * Notes: * `servant-0.10` compatible release 1.1.2 --- * Minor fixes: * Support for aeson-1, insert-ordered-containers-0.2 * CaptureAll instance 1.1.1 --- * Minor fixes: * Fix `unused-imports` and `unused-foralls` warnings; * Fix tests to match `swagger2-2.1.1` (add `example` property for `UTCTime` schema). 1.1 --- * Breaking changes: * Requires `swagger2 >= 2.1` * Requires `servant >= 0.5` * Notes: * GHC-8.0 compatible release 1.0.3 --- * Fixes: * Improve compile-time performance of `BodyTypes` even further (see [18e0d95](https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-swagger/commit/18e0d95ef6fe9076dd9621cb515d8d1a189f71d3))! 1.0.2 --- * Minor changes: * Add GHC 7.8 support (see [#26](https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-swagger/pull/26)). * Fixes: * Improve compile-time performance of `BodyTypes` (see [#25](https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-swagger/issues/25)). 1.0.1 --- * Fixes: * Stop using `Data.Swagger.Internal`; * Documentation fixes (links to examples). 1.0 --- * Major changes (see [#24](https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-swagger/pull/24)): * Switch to `swagger2-2.*`; * Add automatic `ToJSON`/`ToSchema` validation tests; * Add great documentation; * Export some type-level functions for servant API. * Minor changes: * Rework Todo API example; * Stop exporting `ToResponseHeader`, `AllAccept` and `AllToResponseHeader` (see [bd50db4](https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-swagger/commit/bd50db48ca6a106e4366560ded70932d409de1e2)); * Change maintainer, update authors/copyrights (see [1a62681](https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-swagger/commit/1a6268101dc826a92c42e832e402e251c0d32147)); * Include changelog and example files into `extra-source-files`. 0.1.2 --- * Fixes: * Fix default spec for `ReqBody` param to be required (see [#22](https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-swagger/issues/22)); * Set version bounds for `swagger2`. 0.1.1 --- * Fixes: * Fix `subOperations` to filter endpoints also by method (see [#18](https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-swagger/issues/18)); * Fix response schema in `ToSwagger` instance for `Header` (see [b59e557](https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-swagger/commit/b59e557a05bc2669332c52b397879e7598747b82)). 0.1 --- * Major changes * Use `swagger2` for data model (see [#9](https://github.com/dmjio/servant-swagger/pull/9)); this changes almost everything.