name: servant-scotty version: 0.1 x-revision: 1 synopsis: Generate a web service for servant 'Resource's using scotty and JSON description: Generate a web service for servant 'Resource's using scotty and JSON homepage: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Alp Mestanogullari maintainer: copyright: 2014 Zalora SEA category: Web build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 library exposed-modules: Servant.Scotty , Servant.Scotty.Arguments , Servant.Scotty.Op , Servant.Scotty.Prelude , Servant.Scotty.Response build-depends: base >=4 && <5 , http-types >= 0.8 , servant == 0.1.* , servant-response >= 0.1 , scotty >= 0.8 , text >= 0.11 , transformers >= 0.4 , aeson >= 0.7 hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall