{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module CS.JsonDotNet ( classCsForAPI
                     , classCsForAPIWith
                     , apiCsForAPI
                     , apiCsForAPIWith
                     , enumCsForAPI
                     , enumCsForAPIWith
                     , converterCsForAPI
                     , converterCsForAPIWith

                     , GenerateCsConfig(..)
                     , def
                     ) where

import Prelude hiding (concat, lines, unlines)
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Lens
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack)
import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower)
import Data.List (intercalate, concat)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text as T (Text, unpack, pack)
import Language.Haskell.Exts
import Servant.Foreign
import Text.Heredoc

import CS.Common (CSharp, getEndpoints)

data GenerateCsConfig
    = GenerateCsConfig { namespace :: String
                       , classtemplate :: GenerateCsConfig -> IO String
                       , apitemplate ::  forall api.
                                         (HasForeign CSharp Text api,
                                          GenerateList Text (Foreign Text api))
                                         => GenerateCsConfig
                                     -> Proxy api
                                     -> IO String
                       , enumtemplate :: GenerateCsConfig -> IO String
                       , convtemplate :: GenerateCsConfig -> IO String
                       , sources :: [FilePath]

def :: GenerateCsConfig
def = GenerateCsConfig { namespace = "ServantClientAPI"
                       , classtemplate = defClassTemplate
                       , apitemplate = defAPITemplate
                       , enumtemplate = defEnumTemplate
                       , convtemplate = defConvTemplate
                       , sources = []

isDatatypeDecl :: Decl -> Bool
isDatatypeDecl (DataDecl _ DataType _ _ _ [qcon] _) = True
isDatatypeDecl _ = False

data FieldType = TInt
               | TString
               | TDay
               | TUTCTime
               | TEnum String
               | TGeneral String
               | TNewtype String FieldType
               | TList FieldType
               | TNullable FieldType

instance Show FieldType where
    show TInt = "int"
    show TString = "string"
    show TDay = "DateTime"
    show TUTCTime = "DateTime"
    show (TEnum s) = s
    show (TGeneral s) = s
    show (TNewtype s _) = s
    show (TList t) = "List<"<>show t<>">"
    show (TNullable TInt) = "int?"
    show (TNullable TString) = "string"
    show (TNullable TDay) = "DateTime?"
    show (TNullable TUTCTime) = "DateTime?"
    show (TNullable (TEnum t)) = show (TEnum t)<>"?"
    show (TNullable (TNewtype s TString)) = s
    show (TNullable (TNewtype s _)) = "Nullable<"<>s<>">"
    show (TNullable t) = "Nullable<"<>show t<>">"

showCSharpOriginalType :: FieldType -> String
showCSharpOriginalType TInt = "System.Int64"
showCSharpOriginalType TString = "System.String"
showCSharpOriginalType _ = error "don't support this type."

classTypes :: GenerateCsConfig -> IO [(String, [(String, FieldType)])]
classTypes conf = do
  enums <- fmap (map fst) $ enumTypes conf
  aliases <- usingAliases conf
  classTypesFromFiles enums aliases (sources conf)
      classTypesFromFiles :: [String] -> [(String, FieldType)] -> [FilePath]
                          -> IO [(String, [(String, FieldType)])]
      classTypesFromFiles enums aliases hss
          = return . concat =<< mapM (classTypesFromFile enums aliases) hss

      classTypesFromFile :: [String] -> [(String, FieldType)] -> FilePath
                         -> IO [(String, [(String, FieldType)])]
      classTypesFromFile enums aliases hs = do
        ParseOk (Module _ _ _ _ _ _ decls) <- parseFile hs
        let xs = filter isDatatypeDecl decls
        return $ map toClass xs
              toClass (DataDecl _ _ _ _ _ [qcon] _)
                  = toClass' qcon
              toClass' (QualConDecl _ _ _ (RecDecl (Ident name) fs))
                  = (name, map field fs)
              field ((Ident fname):[], ts)
                  = (fname, toType ts)
              toType :: Type -> FieldType
              toType (TyCon (UnQual (Ident t)))
                  = case t of
                      "String" -> TString
                      "Text" -> TString
                      "Int" -> TInt
                      "Integer" -> TInt
                      "Day" -> TDay
                      "UTCTime" -> TUTCTime
                      _ -> if t `elem` enums
                           then TEnum t
                           else maybe (TGeneral t) (TNewtype t)
                                    $ lookup t aliases
              toType (TyApp (TyCon (UnQual (Ident "Maybe"))) t)
                  = case toType t of
                      TList t -> TList t
                      t -> TNullable t
              toType (TyList t) = TList (toType t)
              toType _ = error "don't support this Type"

isEnumLikeDataDecl :: Decl -> Bool
isEnumLikeDataDecl (DataDecl _ DataType _ _ _ xs _)
    = all isEnumLikeConDecl xs
isEnumLikeDataDecl _ = False

isEnumLikeConDecl :: QualConDecl -> Bool
isEnumLikeConDecl (QualConDecl _ _ _ (ConDecl _ [])) = True
isEnumLikeConDecl _ = False

enumTypes :: GenerateCsConfig -> IO [(String, [String])]
enumTypes = enumTypesFromFiles . sources
      enumTypesFromFiles :: [FilePath] -> IO [(String, [String])]
      enumTypesFromFiles hss
          = return . concat =<< mapM enumTypesFromFile hss

      enumTypesFromFile :: FilePath -> IO [(String, [String])]
      enumTypesFromFile hs = do
        ParseOk (Module _ _ _ _ _ _ decls) <- parseFile hs
        let xs = filter isEnumLikeDataDecl decls
        return $ map toTuple xs
              conName :: QualConDecl -> String
              conName (QualConDecl _ _ _ (ConDecl (Ident name) [])) = name
              conName _ = error "invalid enum type"
              toTuple (DataDecl _ _ _ (Ident name) _ xs _)
                  = (name, map conName xs)

-- | TODO : more typeable
isNewtypeDecl :: Decl -> Bool
isNewtypeDecl (DataDecl _ NewType _ _ _ _ _) = True
isNewtypeDecl _ = False

isTypeDecl :: Decl -> Bool
isTypeDecl (TypeDecl _ _ _ _) = True
isTypeDecl _ = False

origType :: QualConDecl -> FieldType
origType (QualConDecl _ _ _ (RecDecl _ [(_, tycon)]))
    = origType' tycon

origType' :: Type -> FieldType
origType' (TyCon (UnQual (Ident t)))
    = case t of
        "String"  -> TString
        "Text"    -> TString
        "Int"     -> TInt
        "Integer" -> TInt
        t         -> error ("don't supported type. "<>t)

usingAliases :: GenerateCsConfig -> IO [(String, FieldType)]
usingAliases = usingAliasesFromFiles . sources
      usingAliasesFromFiles :: [FilePath] -> IO [(String, FieldType)]
      usingAliasesFromFiles hss
          = return . concat =<< mapM usingAliasesFromFile hss

      usingAliasesFromFile :: FilePath -> IO [(String, FieldType)]
      usingAliasesFromFile hs = do
        ParseOk (Module _ _ _ _ _ _ decls) <- parseFile hs
        let xs = filter (\d -> isNewtypeDecl d || isTypeDecl d) decls
        return $ map toTuple xs
              toTuple (DataDecl _ NewType _ (Ident name) _ [qcon] _)
                  = (name, origType qcon)
              toTuple (TypeDecl _ (Ident name) _ tycon)
                  = (name, origType' tycon)

retType :: Req Text -> String
retType = T.unpack . fromJust . view reqReturnType

uri :: Req Text -> String
uri req = T.unpack $ segmentsToText $ req^..reqUrl.path.traverse
      segmentsToText :: [Segment f] -> Text
      segmentsToText = foldr segToText ""
      segToText :: Segment f -> Text -> Text
      segToText (Segment (Static s)) ss
          = "/" <> s^._PathSegment <> ss
      segToText (Segment (Cap s)) ss
          = "/{" <> prefix <> s^.argName._PathSegment <> "}" <> ss
      prefix = "_"

methodType :: Req Text -> String
methodType = capitalize . BC.unpack . view reqMethod
      capitalize :: String -> String
      capitalize (c:cs) = toUpper c:map toLower cs

methodName :: Req Text -> String
methodName  = T.unpack . view (reqFuncName.camelCaseL)

paramDecl :: Req Text -> String
paramDecl = intercalate ", " . map help . paramInfos True
      help :: (String, String) -> String
      help (t, n) = t<>" "<>(prefix<>n)
      prefix = "_"

paramArg :: Req Text -> String
paramArg = intercalate ", " . map help . paramInfos False
      help :: (String, String) -> String
      help (_, n) = prefix<>n
      prefix = "_"

paramInfos :: Bool -> Req Text -> [(String, String)]
paramInfos b req = foldr (<>) mempty
                   $ map ($ req) [ captures
                                 , rqBody
                                 , queryparams'
      queryparams' = map (help b) . queryparams
            help True  = convToNullable *** (<>" = null")
            help False = convToNullable *** id
            -- TODO : more typeable
            convToNullable "int" = "int?"
            convToNullable "string" = "string"
            convToNullable "DateTime" = "DateTime?"
            convToNullable t = "Nullable<"<>t<>">"

queryparams :: Req Text -> [(String, String)]
queryparams req = map ((T.unpack . view argType
                        T.unpack . unPathSegment . view argName)
                      . view queryArgName)
                  $ req^..reqUrl.queryStr.traverse

captures :: Req Text -> [(String, String)]
captures req = map ((T.unpack . view argType &&& T.unpack . view argPath)
                    . captureArg)
               . filter isCapture
               $ req^.reqUrl.path

rqBody :: Req Text -> [(String, String)]
rqBody req = maybe [] (pure . (T.unpack &&& const jsonReqBodyName))
             $ req^.reqBody
      jsonReqBodyName = "obj"

requestBodyExists :: Req Text -> Bool
requestBodyExists = not . null . rqBody

classCsForAPI :: IO String
classCsForAPI = classCsForAPIWith def

classCsForAPIWith :: GenerateCsConfig -> IO String
classCsForAPIWith conf = (classtemplate conf) conf

apiCsForAPI :: (HasForeign CSharp Text api,
             GenerateList Text (Foreign Text api)) =>
            Proxy api -> IO String
apiCsForAPI = apiCsForAPIWith def

apiCsForAPIWith :: (HasForeign CSharp Text api,
                 GenerateList Text (Foreign Text api)) =>
                GenerateCsConfig -> Proxy api -> IO String
apiCsForAPIWith conf api = (apitemplate conf) conf api

enumCsForAPI :: IO String
enumCsForAPI = enumCsForAPIWith def

enumCsForAPIWith :: GenerateCsConfig -> IO String
enumCsForAPIWith conf = (enumtemplate conf) conf

converterCsForAPI :: IO String
converterCsForAPI = converterCsForAPIWith def

converterCsForAPIWith :: GenerateCsConfig -> IO String
converterCsForAPIWith conf = (convtemplate conf) conf

defClassTemplate :: GenerateCsConfig -> IO String
defClassTemplate conf = do
  uas <- usingAliases conf
  classes <- classTypes conf
  return [heredoc|
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

#region type alias
$forall (n, t) <- uas
  using ${n} = ${showCSharpOriginalType t};

namespace ${namespace conf}
    $forall (name, fields) <- classes
      #region ${name}
      public class ${name}
          $forall (fname, ftype) <- fields
            $case ftype
              $of TDay
                [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "${fname}")]
              $of TNullable TDay
                [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "${fname}")]
              $of TEnum _
                [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "${fname}")]
              $of TNullable (TEnum _)
                [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "${fname}")]
              $of TList (TEnum _)
                [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "${fname}", ItemConverterType = typeof(StringEnumConverter))]
              $of _
                [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "${fname}")]
            public ${show ftype} ${fname} { get; set; }

defAPITemplate :: (HasForeign CSharp Text api,
                GenerateList Text (Foreign Text api)) =>
               GenerateCsConfig -> Proxy api -> IO String
defAPITemplate conf api = do
  uas <- usingAliases conf
  return [heredoc|/* generated by servant-csharp */
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

#region type alias
$forall (n, t) <- uas
  using ${n} = ${showCSharpOriginalType t};

namespace ${namespace conf}
    class ServantClient : HttpClient
        public ServantClient()
            this.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

    public class API
        #region fields
        private string server;

        #region properties

        #region Constructor
        public API(string _server)
            this.server = _server;

        #region APIs
        $forall ep <- getEndpoints api
          $if retType ep /= "void"
            public async Task<${retType ep}> ${methodName ep}Async(${paramDecl ep})
            public async Task ${methodName ep}Async(${paramDecl ep})
              var client = new ServantClient();
              var queryparams = new List<string> {
                  $forall (_, qp) <- queryparams ep
                    _${qp}.HasValue ? $"_${qp}={_${qp}.Value}" : null,
              }.Where(e => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(e));
              var qp= queryparams.Count() > 0 ? $"?{string.Join("&", queryparams)}" : "";
              $if requestBodyExists ep
                #if DEBUG
                var jsonObj = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_obj, Formatting.Indented);
                var jsonObj = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_obj);
              $if requestBodyExists ep
                var res = await client.${methodType ep}Async($"{server}${uri ep}{qp}", new StringContent(jsonObj, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
                var res = await client.${methodType ep}Async($"{server}${uri ep}{qp}");
              Debug.WriteLine($">>> {res.RequestMessage}");
              $if requestBodyExists ep
              Debug.WriteLine($"<<< {(int)res.StatusCode} {res.ReasonPhrase}");
              var content = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
              Debug.WriteLine($"<<< {content}");
              $if retType ep /= "void"
                return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<${retType ep}>(content);
          public ${retType ep} ${methodName ep}(${paramDecl ep})
              $if retType ep /= "void"
                Task<${retType ep}> t = ${methodName ep}Async(${paramArg ep});
                return t.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                Task t = ${methodName ep}Async(${paramArg ep});

defEnumTemplate conf = do
  es <- enumTypes conf
  return [heredoc|/* generated by servant-csharp */
namespace ${namespace conf}
    $forall (name, cs) <- es
      #region ${name}
      public enum ${name}
          $forall c <- cs

defConvTemplate conf = do
  return [heredoc|/* generated by servant-csharp */
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;

namespace ${namespace conf}
    public class DayConverter : JsonConverter
        public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
            return objectType == typeof(DateTime);

        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            return DateTime.Parse((string)reader.Value);

        public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
            DateTime d = (DateTime)value;