{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic import Test.QuickCheck (property) import Servant.Server import Servant.API import Servant.API.NamedArgs import Servant.Client.NamedArgs import Servant.Server.NamedArgs import Servant.Client import Data.Proxy import Data.Functor.Identity import Named import Named.Internal import Data.Function ((&)) import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager(..), newManager, defaultManagerSettings) import Control.Concurrent.Async import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as W type All = [ NameCaptures , NameCaptureAlls , NameFlags , NameParams , NameMultiParams , NameHeaders ] type CaptureEndpoint = "capture" :> Capture "x" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int type CaptureAllEndpoint = "captureAll" :> CaptureAll "xs" Int :> Get '[JSON] [Int] type FlagEndpoint = "flag" :> QueryFlag "f" :> Get '[JSON] Bool type ReqParamEndpoint = "requiredParam" :> QueryParam' [Required, Strict] "r" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int type OpParamEndpoint = "optionalParam" :> QueryParam' [Optional, Strict] "o" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int type ParamsEndpoint = "params" :> QueryParams "ps" Int :> Get '[JSON] [Int] type ReqHeaderEndpoint = "requiredHeader" :> Header' [Required, Strict] "rh" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int type OpHeaderEndpoint = "optionalHeader" :> Header' [Optional, Strict] "oh" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int type TestApi = CaptureEndpoint :<|> CaptureAllEndpoint :<|> FlagEndpoint :<|> ReqParamEndpoint :<|> OpParamEndpoint :<|> ParamsEndpoint :<|> ReqHeaderEndpoint :<|> OpHeaderEndpoint unnamedServer :: Server TestApi unnamedServer = pure :<|> pure :<|> pure :<|> pure :<|> pure . def 19 :<|> pure :<|> pure :<|> pure . def 19 namedServer :: Server (Transform All TestApi) namedServer = pureI :<|> pureI :<|> pureI :<|> pureI :<|> pureM :<|> pureI :<|> pureI :<|> pureM where pureI (Arg v) = pure v pureM (ArgF mv) = maybe (pure 19) pure mv unnamedApp = serve (Proxy @TestApi) unnamedServer namedApp = serve (Proxy @(Transform All TestApi)) namedServer uCapture :<|> uCaptureAll :<|> uFlag :<|> uRParam :<|> uOParam :<|> uParams :<|> uRHeader :<|> uOHeader = client (Proxy @TestApi) nCapture :<|> nCaptureAll :<|> nFlag :<|> nRParam :<|> nOParam :<|> nParams :<|> nRHeader :<|> nOHeader = client (Proxy @(Transform All TestApi)) clientServerEq :: (Eq r) => Manager -> BaseUrl -> BaseUrl -> f a -> (f a -> ClientM r) -> (f a -> ClientM r) -> IO Bool clientServerEq man ub nb val uf nf = (runUs uf') `meq` (runUs nf') `mand` (runNs uf') `meq` (runUs nf') `mand` (runNs uf') `meq` (runNs nf') `mand` (runUs uf') `meq` (runNs nf') where unnamedServer = mkClientEnv man ub namedServer = mkClientEnv man nb runUs c = runClientM c unnamedServer runNs c = runClientM c namedServer uf' = uf val nf' = nf val l `meq` r = (==) <$> l <*> r l `mand` r = (&&) <$> l <*> r infix 4 `meq` infixr 3 `mand` withF :: forall l p f a fn fn'. (p ~ NamedF f a l, WithParam p fn fn') => f a -> fn -> fn' withF p fn = with (Param $ ArgF @_ @_ @l p) fn def :: a -> Maybe a -> a def a Nothing = a def _ (Just b) = b -- we make sure that all permutations of the named or unnamed server being -- queried by the named or unnamed clients return the same main :: IO () main = do let uh = 11008 nh = 11009 man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings us <- async $ W.run uh unnamedApp ns <- async $ W.run nh namedApp let ub = BaseUrl Http "localhost" uh "" nb = BaseUrl Http "localhost" nh "" doComp :: (Eq r) => f a -> (f a -> ClientM r) -> (f a -> ClientM r) -> IO Bool doComp = clientServerEq man ub nb ioprop = monadicIO . run hspec $ do describe "Named and unnamed equivalency (client/server)" $ do it "Capture and NamedCapture are equivalent" $ do property $ \x -> ioprop $ doComp x (uCapture . runIdentity) (nCapture . ArgF) it "CaptureAll and NamedCaptureAll are equivalent" $ do property $ \x -> ioprop $ doComp x (uCaptureAll . def []) (nCaptureAll . ArgF) it "QueryFlag and NamedFlag are equivalent" $ do property $ \x -> ioprop $ doComp x (uFlag . def False) (nFlag . ArgF) it "Required QueryParam and NamedParam are equivalent" $ do property $ \x -> ioprop $ doComp x (uRParam . runIdentity) (nRParam . ArgF) it "Optional QueryParam and NamedParam are equivalent" $ do property $ \x -> ioprop $ doComp x (uOParam) (nOParam . ArgF) it "Required QueryHeader and NamedHeader are equivalent" $ do property $ \x -> ioprop $ doComp x (uRHeader . runIdentity) (nRHeader . ArgF) it "Optional QueryHeader and NamedHeader are equivalent" $ do property $ \x -> ioprop $ doComp x (uOHeader) (nOHeader . ArgF) cancel us cancel ns