![Haskell CI](https://github.com/standardsemiconductor/serialport/workflows/Haskell%20CI/badge.svg) [![Hackage][hackage-badge]][hackage] [![Hackage Dependencies][hackage-deps-badge]][hackage-deps] Objectives ========== * Cross platform: at least Linux, Windows and Mac OS. Tests ===== Setup ----- * [Arduino Leonardo](http://arduino.cc/en/Main/arduinoBoardLeonardo) + [Sparkfun FTDI breakout board](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/718). * Connections: TX, RX and GND Prepare Arduino --------------- * Upload arduino code using Arduino IDE or avrdude Prepare haskell test program ---------------------------- * Configure cabal to build the tests: cabal configure --enable-tests. * Build: cabal build Running the tests ----------------- * Run the tests: cabal test --test-options="/dev/ttyACM0 /dev/ttyUSB0" [hackage]: [hackage-badge]: [hackage-deps-badge]: [hackage-deps]: