* Fixed incomplete pattern errors for `FastQueue` and `BSeq`.
* Fixed fold order for `BSeq`.
* Added a small test suite.
* Added `Semigroup`, `Monoid`, `Eq`, `Ord`, `Show`, `Show1`,
and `Read` instances for all the sequences.
* Added a `fromList` method.
* Made all method implementations reasonably efficient (to the
extent possible for each structure). The defaults led to some
operations being too slow to allow the test suite to complete.
* Fixed a strictness bug in `viewl` for `FastQueue` that caused its
amortized bounds to degrade under persistence.
* Made folds and traversals for `FastQueue` respect the worst-case
bounds for each element pulled.
* Made `fmap` for `FastQueue` stop mapping over the schedule.
* Arranged for GHC to be able to unpack `FastQueue`, though that
will not immediately improve `FastCatQueue`.
0.9.7: Added binary tree sequence datastructure
0.9.6: Fixed bug in Functor for FastQueue which causes it be not O(1)
0.9.5: Added traversable instances (thanks dolio!)
0.9.4: More fixing docs
0.9.3: Fix docs
0.9.2: Fix error in cabal file
0.9.1: Error in git repo
0.9.0: Initial version