{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- A class for *-semirings (pron. "star-semirings"). -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.Star ( Star(..) ) where import Data.Bool (Bool(..)) import Data.Function (id, (.), const) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Semiring -- | A -- adds one operation, 'star' to a 'Semiring', such that it follows the -- law: -- -- @'star' x = 'one' '+' x '*' 'star' x = 'one' '+' 'star' x '*' x@ -- -- Another operation, 'aplus', can be defined in terms of 'star': -- -- @'aplus' x = x '*' 'star' x@ class (Semiring a) => Star a where {-# MINIMAL star | aplus #-} star :: a -> a star a = one `plus` aplus a aplus :: a -> a aplus a = a `times` star a instance Star b => Star (a -> b) where star = (.) star aplus = (.) aplus {-# INLINE star #-} {-# INLINE aplus #-} instance Star Bool where star _ = True aplus = id {-# INLINE star #-} {-# INLINE aplus #-} instance Star () where star _ = () aplus _ = () {-# INLINE star #-} {-# INLINE aplus #-} instance Star (Proxy a) where star _ = Proxy aplus _ = Proxy {-# INLINE star #-} {-# INLINE aplus #-} instance Star Mod2 where star = const one