{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.Semiring.Generic -- Copyright : (C) 2018 chessai -- License : MIT (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : chessai -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- This module provides generic deriving tools for semirings and rings for -- product-like structures. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.Semiring.Generic ( GSemiring(..) , gzero , gone , gplus , gtimes , gfromNatural , GRing(..) , gnegate , GenericSemiring(..) ) where import Data.Semiring import GHC.Generics import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Prelude hiding (Num(..)) -- | An Identity-style wrapper with a 'Generic' interface -- to be used with '-XDerivingVia'. newtype GenericSemiring a = GenericSemiring a instance (Generic a, GSemiring (Rep a)) => Semiring (GenericSemiring a) where zero = GenericSemiring gzero one = GenericSemiring gone plus (GenericSemiring x) (GenericSemiring y) = GenericSemiring (gplus x y) times (GenericSemiring x) (GenericSemiring y) = GenericSemiring (gtimes x y) fromNatural x = GenericSemiring (gfromNatural x) {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Generics --------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Generic 'Semiring' class, used to implement 'plus', 'times', 'zero', -- and 'one' for product-like types implementing 'Generic'. class GSemiring f where {-# MINIMAL gplus', gzero', gtimes', gone', gfromNatural' #-} gzero' :: f a gone' :: f a gplus' :: f a -> f a -> f a gtimes' :: f a -> f a -> f a gfromNatural' :: Natural -> f a -- | Generic 'Ring' class, used to implement 'negate' for product-like -- types implementing 'Generic'. class GRing f where {-# MINIMAL gnegate' #-} gnegate' :: f a -> f a -- | Generically generate a 'Semiring' 'zero' for any product-like type -- implementing 'Generic'. -- -- It is only defined for product types. -- -- @ -- 'gplus' 'gzero' a = a = 'gplus' a 'gzero' -- @ gzero :: (Generic a, GSemiring (Rep a)) => a gzero = to gzero' -- | Generically generate a 'Semiring' 'one' for any product-like type -- implementing 'Generic'. -- -- It is only defined for product types. -- -- @ -- 'gtimes' 'gone' a = a = 'gtimes' a 'gone' -- @ gone :: (Generic a, GSemiring (Rep a)) => a gone = to gone' -- | Generically generate a 'Semiring' 'plus' operation for any type -- implementing 'Generic'. It is only defined for product types. -- -- @ -- 'gplus' a b = 'gplus' b a -- @ gplus :: (Generic a, GSemiring (Rep a)) => a -> a -> a gplus x y = to $ from x `gplus'` from y -- | Generically generate a 'Semiring' 'times' operation for any type -- implementing 'Generic'. It is only defined for product types. -- -- @ -- 'gtimes' a ('gtimes' b c) = 'gtimes' ('gtimes' a b) c -- 'gtimes' a 'gzero' = 'gzero' = 'gtimes' 'gzero' a -- @ gtimes :: (Generic a, GSemiring (Rep a)) => a -> a -> a gtimes x y = to $ from x `gtimes'` from y -- | Generically generate a 'Semiring' 'fromNatural' for any product-like type -- implementing 'Generic'. -- -- It is only defined for product types. gfromNatural :: (Generic a, GSemiring (Rep a)) => Natural -> a gfromNatural = to . gfromNatural' -- | Generically generate a 'Ring' 'negate' operation for any type -- implementing 'Generic'. It is only defined for product types. -- -- @ -- 'gplus' a ('gnegate' a) = 'zero' -- @ gnegate :: (Generic a, GRing (Rep a)) => a -> a gnegate x = to $ gnegate' $ from x instance GSemiring U1 where gzero' = U1 gone' = U1 gplus' _ _ = U1 gtimes' _ _ = U1 gfromNatural' _ = U1 instance GRing U1 where gnegate' _ = U1 instance (GSemiring a, GSemiring b) => GSemiring (a :*: b) where gzero' = gzero' :*: gzero' gone' = gone' :*: gone' gplus' (a :*: b) (c :*: d) = gplus' a c :*: gplus' b d gtimes' (a :*: b) (c :*: d) = gtimes' a c :*: gtimes' b d gfromNatural' n = gfromNatural' n :*: gfromNatural' n instance (GRing a, GRing b) => GRing (a :*: b) where gnegate' (a :*: b) = gnegate' a :*: gnegate' b instance (GSemiring a) => GSemiring (M1 i c a) where gzero' = M1 gzero' gone' = M1 gone' gplus' (M1 x) (M1 y) = M1 $ gplus' x y gtimes' (M1 x) (M1 y) = M1 $ gtimes' x y gfromNatural' = M1 . gfromNatural' instance (GRing a) => GRing (M1 i c a) where gnegate' (M1 x) = M1 $ gnegate' x instance (Semiring a) => GSemiring (K1 i a) where gzero' = K1 zero gone' = K1 one gplus' (K1 x) (K1 y) = K1 $ plus x y gtimes' (K1 x) (K1 y) = K1 $ times x y gfromNatural' = K1 . fromNatural instance (Ring a) => GRing (K1 i a) where gnegate' (K1 x) = K1 $ negate x