cabal-version: 1.24 name: semigroupoids category: Control, Comonads version: 6.0.1 x-revision: 1 license: BSD2 license-file: LICENSE author: Edward A. Kmett maintainer: Edward A. Kmett stability: provisional homepage: bug-reports: copyright: Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Edward A. Kmett tested-with: GHC == 8.0.2 , GHC == 8.2.2 , GHC == 8.4.4 , GHC == 8.6.5 , GHC == 8.8.4 , GHC == 8.10.7 , GHC == 9.0.2 , GHC == 9.2.7 , GHC == 9.4.4 , GHC == 9.6.1 build-type: Simple synopsis: Semigroupoids: Category sans id extra-source-files: .gitignore .vim.custom README.markdown CHANGELOG.markdown img/ extra-doc-files: img/classes.svg description: Provides a wide array of (semi)groupoids and operations for working with them. . A 'Semigroupoid' is a 'Category' without the requirement of identity arrows for every object in the category. . A 'Category' is any 'Semigroupoid' for which the Yoneda lemma holds. . When working with comonads you often have the @\<*\>@ portion of an @Applicative@, but not the @pure@. This was captured in Uustalu and Vene's \"Essence of Dataflow Programming\" in the form of the @ComonadZip@ class in the days before @Applicative@. Apply provides a weaker invariant, but for the comonads used for data flow programming (found in the streams package), this invariant is preserved. Applicative function composition forms a semigroupoid. . Similarly many structures are nearly a comonad, but not quite, for instance lists provide a reasonable 'extend' operation in the form of 'tails', but do not always contain a value. . We describe the relationships between the type classes defined in this package and those from `base` (and some from `contravariant`) in the diagram below. Thick-bordered nodes correspond to type classes defined in this package; thin-bordered ones correspond to type classes from elsewhere. Solid edges indicate a subclass relationship that actually exists; dashed edges indicate a subclass relationship that /should/ exist, but currently doesn't. . <> . Apply, Bind, and Extend (not shown) give rise the Static, Kleisli and Cokleisli semigroupoids respectively. . This lets us remove many of the restrictions from various monad transformers as in many cases the binding operation or @\<*\>@ operation does not require them. . Finally, to work with these weaker structures it is beneficial to have containers that can provide stronger guarantees about their contents, so versions of 'Traversable' and 'Foldable' that can be folded with just a 'Semigroup' are added. source-repository head type: git location: git:// flag containers description: You can disable the use of the `containers` package using `-f-containers`. . Disabing this is an unsupported configuration, but it may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. default: True manual: True flag contravariant description: You can disable the use of the `contravariant` package using `-f-contravariant`. . Disabling this is an unsupported configuration, but it may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. . If disabled we will not supply instances of `Contravariant` . default: True manual: True flag distributive description: You can disable the use of the `distributive` package using `-f-distributive`. . Disabling this is an unsupported configuration, but it may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. . If disabled we will not supply instances of `Distributive` . default: True manual: True flag comonad description: You can disable the use of the `comonad` package using `-f-comonad`. . Disabling this is an unsupported configuration, but it may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. . If disabled we will not supply instances of `Comonad` . default: True manual: True flag tagged description: You can disable the use of the `tagged` package using `-f-tagged`. . Disabling this is an unsupported configuration, but it may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. default: True manual: True flag unordered-containers description: You can disable the use of the `unordered-containers` package (and also its dependency `hashable`) using `-f-unordered-containers`. . Disabling this is an unsupported configuration, but it may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. default: True manual: True library build-depends: base >= 4.9 && < 5, base-orphans >= 0.8.4 && < 1, bifunctors >= 5.6 && < 6, template-haskell >= 0.2.11, transformers >= 0.5 && < 0.7, transformers-compat >= 0.6 && < 0.8 if !impl(ghc >= 9.6) build-depends: foldable1-classes-compat >= 0.1 && < 0.2 -- On GHC-9.6&base-4.18 we require recent enough transformers and containers -- with Foldable1 instances. if impl(ghc >= 9.6) build-depends: transformers >= if flag(containers) build-depends: containers >= 0.6.7 if flag(containers) build-depends: containers >= && < 0.8 if flag(contravariant) build-depends: contravariant >= 1.5.3 && < 2 if flag(distributive) build-depends: distributive >= 0.5.2 && < 1 if flag(comonad) build-depends: comonad >= 5.0.8 && < 6 if flag(tagged) build-depends: tagged >= 0.8.7 && < 1 if flag(unordered-containers) build-depends: hashable >= && < 1.6, unordered-containers >= && < 0.3 hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Data.Bifunctor.Apply Data.Functor.Alt Data.Functor.Apply Data.Functor.Bind Data.Functor.Bind.Class Data.Functor.Bind.Trans Data.Functor.Extend Data.Functor.Plus Data.Groupoid Data.Isomorphism Data.Semigroup.Bifoldable Data.Semigroup.Bitraversable Data.Semigroup.Foldable Data.Semigroup.Foldable.Class Data.Semigroup.Traversable Data.Semigroup.Traversable.Class Data.Semigroupoid Data.Semigroupoid.Categorical Data.Semigroupoid.Dual Data.Semigroupoid.Ob Data.Semigroupoid.Static Data.Traversable.Instances Semigroupoids.Do other-modules: Semigroupoids.Internal if impl(ghc >= 8.6) || flag(contravariant) exposed-modules: Data.Functor.Contravariant.Conclude Data.Functor.Contravariant.Decide Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divise ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-warnings-deprecations -Wno-trustworthy-safe if impl(ghc >= 9.0) -- these flags may abort compilation with GHC-8.10 -- ghc-options: -Winferred-safe-imports -Wmissing-safe-haskell-mode default-language: Haskell2010