5.2.1 ----- * Add the `toNonEmpty` method to `Foldable1`. Add `foldrM1` and `foldlM1` functions to `Data.Semigroup.Foldable` that are defined in terms of `toNonEmpty`. * Add `Apply`, `Bind`, `Foldable1`, and `Traversable1` instances for `Complex` * Add `Apply` and `Bind` instances for `HashMap` from the `unordered-containers` package (on which `semigroupoids` now depends) * Add `Semigroupoid` instances for `Tagged` and `Const` 5.2 --- * Revamp `Setup.hs` to use `cabal-doctest`. This makes it build with `Cabal-1.25`, and makes the `doctest`s work with `cabal new-build` and sandboxes. * Added instances to `Alt`, `Plus`, `Apply`, `Bind` and `Extend` for `GHC.Generics`, `Tagged` and `Proxy` where appropriate. 5.1 --- * The remaining orphan instances in `Data.Traversable.Instances` have been replaced in favor of the orphan instances from `transformers-compat-0.5`. * The documentation now states laws that instances of `Apply` are expected to uphold. * `doctest-0.11` support * Fixed compilation of tests with `stack` 5.0.1 ------- * `transformers-compat` 0.5 support * Removed some redundant constraints. * GHC 8 support ------- * `doctest` 0.10 support ------- * Bugfix for GHC 7.4. PolyKinds on 7.4 cause all sorts of haskell interface file errors. One of the #if guards that turned it off on 7.4 was missing and has been fixed. ------- * Added the CHANGELOG to the distribution so that `hackage` can link to it in the haddocks. 5 - * Absorbed `Data.Bifunctor.Apply`, `Data.Semigroup.Bifoldable` and `Data.Semigroup.Traversable` from `bifunctors`. * This caused us to pick up a dependency on `tagged`. * Exiled `Data.Semifunctor.*`, `Data.Semigroupoid.Product` and `Data.Semigroupoid.Coproduct` to `semigroupoid-extras`. * This let us open up to older versions of GHC again. * Set an explicit fixity for `-<-` and `->-`. 4.5 --- * Major changes to the API to support PolyKinds and DataKinds. This necessarily shuts off GHC <= 7.4. * Orphan instances have moved upstream into a common `base-orphans` package. 4.3.1 ----- * Added `asum1` to `Data.Semigroup.Foldable`. ------- * Support for 'ConstrainedClassMethods' is currently required for GHC HEAD. 4.3 ----- * Added missing instances for `ExceptT`. Obtain it via `transformers-compat` if need be for old `transformers` versions. * Several `Bind` and `Apply` instances now require somewhat more minimal contexts. 4.2 --- * Backported `Foldable`/`Traversable` instances from `lens` 4.1 --- * `Foldable1`/`Traversable1` for tuples 4.0.4 ----- * `contravariant` 1.0 support. 4.0.3 --- * Added flags to provide unsupported cabal sandbox build modes. 4.0.1 ----- * Fixed bitrot in the `Data.Functor.Extend` documentation. * Fixed warnings on GHC 7.8.1rc2 caused by importing `Control.Monad.Instances`. 4.0 --- * Merged in the contents of the `groupoids` and `semigroupoid-extras` packages. 3.1 --- * Added the [rectangular band](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Band_(mathematics)#Rectangular_bands) `Semigroupoid` for `(,)`. Would that make it a Bandoid? 3.0.3 ----- * Claim to be `Trustworthy` where necessary 3.0.2 ----- * Tightened the upper bounds slightly to enable PVP compliance while retaining a flexible development cycle. * Raised the upper bound on `contravariant`. 3.0.1 ----- * Removed upper bounds relative to my other packages * Refactored directory layout