{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections #-} module SelectRPMs ( Select(..), selectDefault, selectRpmsOptions, installArgs, checkSelection, rpmsToNVRAs, Existence(..), ExistNVRA, Yes(..), ExistingStrategy(..), existingStrategyOption, decideRPMs, nvraToRPM, groupOnArch, PkgMgr(..), installRPMs ) where import Control.Monad.Extra (forM_, mapMaybeM, unless, when) import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import Data.List.Extra (foldl', isInfixOf, nubOrd, nubSort, sort, #if MIN_VERSION_extra(1,7,11) groupOnKey, #endif (\\)) import Data.RPM.NVRA (NVRA(..), readNVRA, showNVRA) import Safe (headMay) import SimpleCmd (cmd_, cmdMaybe, error', sudo_, (+-+), #if MIN_VERSION_simple_cmd(0,2,7) sudoLog #endif ) import SimpleCmdArgs (Parser, flagWith', flagLongWith', many, strOptionWith, (<|>)) import SimplePrompt (yesNoDefault) import System.Directory import System.FilePath ((), (<.>)) import System.FilePath.Glob (compile, isLiteral, match) -- | The Select type specifies the subpackage selection data Select = All -- ^ all packages | Ask -- ^ interactive prompting | PkgsReq [String] -- ^ include matches [String] -- ^ except matches [String] -- ^ exclude [String] -- ^ added deriving Eq -- | default package selection selectDefault :: Select selectDefault = PkgsReq [] [] [] [] -- | optparse-applicative Parser for Select selectRpmsOptions :: Parser Select selectRpmsOptions = flagLongWith' All "all" "all subpackages [default if not installed]" <|> flagLongWith' Ask "ask" "ask for each subpackage" <|> PkgsReq <$> many (strOptionWith 'p' "package" "SUBPKG" "select subpackage (glob) matches") <*> many (strOptionWith 'e' "except" "SUBPKG" "select subpackages not matching (glob)") <*> many (strOptionWith 'x' "exclude" "SUBPKG" "deselect subpackage (glob): overrides -p and -e") <*> many (strOptionWith 'i' "include" "SUBPKG" "additional subpackage (glob) to install: overrides -x") -- | alternative CLI args option parsing to Select packages installArgs :: String -> Select installArgs cs = case words cs of ["-a"] -> All ["--all"] -> All ["-A"] -> Ask ["--ask"] -> Ask ws -> installPairs [] [] [] [] ws where installPairs :: [String] -> [String] -> [String] -> [String] -> [String] -> Select installPairs incl except excl add [] = PkgsReq incl except excl add installPairs incl except excl add (w:ws) | w `elem` ["-p","--package"] = case ws of [] -> error' "--install opts: --package missing value" (w':ws') -> checkPat w' $ installPairs (w':incl) except excl add ws' | w `elem` ["-e","--except"] = case ws of [] -> error' "--install opts: --except missing value" (w':ws') -> checkPat w' $ installPairs incl (w':except) excl add ws' | w `elem` ["-x","--exclude"] = case ws of [] -> error' "--install opts: --exclude missing value" (w':ws') -> checkPat w' $ installPairs incl except (w':excl) add ws' | w `elem` ["-i","--include"] = case ws of [] -> error' "--install opts: --include missing value" (w':ws') -> checkPat w' $ installPairs incl except excl (w':add) ws' | otherwise = error' "invalid --install opts" checkPat w' f = if null w' then error' "empty pattern!" else f -- FIXME explain if/why this is actually needed (used by koji-tool install) -- | check package Select is not empty checkSelection :: Monad m => Select -> m () checkSelection (PkgsReq ps es xs is) = forM_ (ps ++ es ++ xs ++ is) $ \s -> when (null s) $ error' "empty package pattern not allowed" checkSelection _ = return () -- | converts a list of RPM files to NVRA's, filtering out debug subpackages rpmsToNVRAs :: [String] -> [NVRA] rpmsToNVRAs = sort . map readNVRA . filter notDebugPkg -- | how to handle already installed packages: re-install, skip, or -- default update -- -- The default strategy is to select existing subpackages, otherwise all. data ExistingStrategy = ExistingNoReinstall | ExistingSkip | ExistingOnly deriving Eq existingStrategyOption :: Parser ExistingStrategy existingStrategyOption = flagWith' ExistingNoReinstall 'N' "no-reinstall" "Do not reinstall existing NVRs" <|> flagWith' ExistingSkip 'S' "skip-existing" "Ignore already installed subpackages (implies --no-reinstall)" <|> flagWith' ExistingOnly 'O' "only-existing" "Only update existing installed subpackages" -- | sets prompt default behaviour for yes/no questions data Yes = No | Yes deriving Eq -- | current state of a package NVR data Existence = ExistingNVR -- ^ NVR is already installed | ChangedNVR -- ^ NVR is different to installed package | NotInstalled -- ^ package is not currently installed deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | combines Existence state with an NVRA type ExistNVRA = (Existence, NVRA) -- FIXME determine and add missing internal deps -- | decide list of NVRs based on a Select selection (using a package prefix) decideRPMs :: Yes -- ^ prompt default choice -> Bool -- ^ enable list mode which just display the package list -> Maybe ExistingStrategy -- ^ optional existing install strategy -> Select -- ^ specifies package Select choices -> String -- ^ package set prefix: allows abbreviated Select -> [NVRA] -- ^ list of packages to select from -> IO [ExistNVRA] -- ^ returns list of selected packages decideRPMs yes listmode mstrategy select prefix nvras = do classified <- mapMaybeM installExists (filter isBinaryRpm nvras) if listmode then do case select of PkgsReq subpkgs exceptpkgs exclpkgs addpkgs -> mapM_ printInstalled $ selectRPMs prefix (subpkgs,exceptpkgs,exclpkgs,addpkgs) classified _ -> mapM_ printInstalled classified return [] else case select of All -> promptPkgs mstrategy yes classified Ask -> mapMaybeM (rpmPrompt yes) classified PkgsReq subpkgs exceptpkgs exclpkgs addpkgs -> promptPkgs mstrategy yes $ selectRPMs prefix (subpkgs,exceptpkgs,exclpkgs,addpkgs) classified where installExists :: NVRA -> IO (Maybe ExistNVRA) installExists nvra = do -- FIXME this will fail for noarch changes -- FIXME check kernel minstalled <- cmdMaybe "rpm" ["-q", rpmName nvra <.> rpmArch nvra] let existence = case minstalled of Nothing -> NotInstalled Just installed -> if showNVRA nvra `elem` lines installed then ExistingNVR else ChangedNVR return $ case mstrategy of Just ExistingSkip | existence /= NotInstalled -> Nothing Just ExistingNoReinstall | existence == ExistingNVR -> Nothing Just ExistingOnly | existence == NotInstalled -> Nothing _ -> Just (existence, nvra) -- FIXME move to submodule? selectRPMs :: String -- (subpkgs,except,exclpkgs,addpkgs) -> ([String],[String],[String],[String]) -> [ExistNVRA] -> [ExistNVRA] selectRPMs prefix (subpkgs,exceptpkgs,exclpkgs,addpkgs) rpms = let excluded = matchingRPMs prefix exclpkgs rpms included = matchingRPMs prefix addpkgs rpms matching = if null subpkgs && null exceptpkgs then defaultRPMs rpms else matchingRPMs prefix subpkgs rpms nonmatching = nonMatchingRPMs prefix exceptpkgs rpms in nubSort $ ((matching ++ nonmatching) \\ excluded) ++ included isBinaryRpm :: NVRA -> Bool isBinaryRpm = (/= "src") . rpmArch renderInstalled :: ExistNVRA -> String renderInstalled (exist, nvra) = case exist of ExistingNVR -> '=' ChangedNVR -> '^' NotInstalled -> '+' : showNVRA nvra printInstalled :: ExistNVRA -> IO () printInstalled = putStrLn . renderInstalled promptPkgs :: Maybe ExistingStrategy -> Yes -> [ExistNVRA] -> IO [ExistNVRA] promptPkgs (Just ExistingOnly) _ [] = do putStrLn "skipped" return [] promptPkgs _ _ [] = error' "no rpms found" promptPkgs _ yes classified = do mapM_ printInstalled classified ok <- prompt yes "install above" return $ if ok then classified else [] prompt :: Yes -> String -> IO Bool prompt yes str = do if yes == Yes then return True else yesNoDefault True str rpmPrompt :: Yes -> ExistNVRA -> IO (Maybe ExistNVRA) rpmPrompt yes epn = do ok <- prompt yes $ renderInstalled epn return $ if ok then Just epn else Nothing defaultRPMs :: [ExistNVRA] -> [ExistNVRA] defaultRPMs rpms = let installed = filter ((/= NotInstalled) . fst) rpms in if null installed then rpms else installed matchingRPMs :: String -> [String] -> [ExistNVRA] -> [ExistNVRA] matchingRPMs prefix subpkgs rpms = nubSort . mconcat $ flip map (nubOrd subpkgs) $ \ pkgpat -> case getMatches pkgpat of [] -> if headMay pkgpat /= Just '*' then case getMatches (prefix ++ '-' : pkgpat) of [] -> error' $ "no subpackage match for " ++ pkgpat result -> result else error' $ "no subpackage match for " ++ pkgpat result -> result where getMatches :: String -> [ExistNVRA] getMatches pkgpat = filter (match (compile pkgpat) . rpmName . snd) rpms nonMatchingRPMs :: String -> [String] -> [ExistNVRA] -> [ExistNVRA] nonMatchingRPMs _ [] _ = [] nonMatchingRPMs prefix subpkgs rpms = -- FIXME somehow determine unused excludes nubSort $ foldl' (exclude (nubOrd subpkgs)) [] rpms where rpmnames = map (rpmName . snd) rpms exclude :: [String] -> [ExistNVRA] -> ExistNVRA -> [ExistNVRA] exclude [] acc rpm = acc ++ [rpm] exclude (pat:pats) acc rpm = if checkMatch (rpmName (snd rpm)) then acc else exclude pats acc rpm where checkMatch :: String -> Bool checkMatch rpmname = let comppat = compile pat in if isLiteral comppat then pat == rpmname || pat `notElem` rpmnames && (prefix ++ '-' : pat) == rpmname else match comppat rpmname notDebugPkg :: String -> Bool notDebugPkg p = not ("-debuginfo-" `isInfixOf` p || "-debugsource-" `isInfixOf` p) -- | whether a package needs to be reinstalled or installed data InstallType = ReInstall | Install -- | package manager data PkgMgr = DNF3 | DNF5 | RPM | OSTREE deriving Eq -- FIXME support options per build: install ibus imsettings -i plasma -- (or don't error if multiple packages) -- | do installation of packages installRPMs :: Bool -- ^ dry-run -> Bool -- ^ debug output -> Maybe PkgMgr -- ^ optional specify package manager -> Yes -- ^ prompt default choice -> [(FilePath,[ExistNVRA])] -- ^ list of rpms to install with path -> IO () installRPMs _ _ _ _ [] = return () installRPMs dryrun debug mmgr yes classifieds = do case installTypes (concatMap zipDir classifieds) of ([],is) -> doInstall Install is (ris,is) -> do doInstall ReInstall (ris ++ is) -- include any new deps doInstall Install is -- install any non-deps where zipDir :: (FilePath,[ExistNVRA]) -> [(FilePath,ExistNVRA)] zipDir (dir, rpms) = map (dir,) rpms installTypes :: [(FilePath,ExistNVRA)] -> ([(FilePath,NVRA)],[(FilePath,NVRA)]) installTypes = partitionEithers . map partExist where partExist :: (FilePath,ExistNVRA) -> Either (FilePath,NVRA) (FilePath,NVRA) partExist (d,(e,n)) = (if e == ExistingNVR then Left else Right) (d,n) doInstall :: InstallType -> [(FilePath,NVRA)] -> IO () doInstall inst dirpkgs = unless (null dirpkgs) $ do mgr <- case mmgr of Just m -> return m Nothing -> do ostree <- doesDirectoryExist "/sysroot/ostree" if ostree then return OSTREE else do mdnf5 <- findExecutable "dnf5" return $ maybe DNF3 (const DNF5) mdnf5 let pkgmgr = case mgr of DNF3 -> "dnf-3" DNF5 -> "dnf5" RPM -> "rpm" OSTREE -> "rpm-ostree" com = case inst of ReInstall -> reinstallCommand mgr Install -> installCommand mgr in if dryrun then mapM_ putStrLn $ ("would" +-+ unwords (pkgmgr : com) ++ ":") : map showRpmFile dirpkgs else do when debug $ mapM_ (putStrLn . showRpmFile) dirpkgs (case mgr of OSTREE -> cmd_ _ -> if debug then sudoLog else sudo_) pkgmgr $ com ++ map showRpmFile dirpkgs ++ ["--assumeyes" | yes == Yes && mgr `elem` [DNF3,DNF5]] reinstallCommand :: PkgMgr -> [String] reinstallCommand mgr = case mgr of DNF3 -> ["reinstall"] DNF5 -> ["reinstall"] RPM -> ["-Uvh","--replacepkgs"] OSTREE -> ["install"] installCommand :: PkgMgr -> [String] installCommand mgr = case mgr of DNF3 -> ["localinstall"] DNF5 -> ["install"] RPM -> ["-ivh"] OSTREE -> ["install"] -- FIXME replace with export from rpm-nvr (once released) -- | render a NVRA as rpm file nvraToRPM :: NVRA -> FilePath nvraToRPM nvra = showNVRA nvra <.> "rpm" -- | render path and NVRA are rpm filepath showRpmFile :: (FilePath,NVRA) -> FilePath showRpmFile (dir,nvra) = dir nvraToRPM nvra -- | group rpms by arch (subdirs) groupOnArch :: FilePath -- ^ prefix directory (eg "RPMS") -> [ExistNVRA] -> [(FilePath,[ExistNVRA])] groupOnArch dir = groupOnKey (\(_,p) -> dir rpmArch p) #if !MIN_VERSION_extra(1,7,11) groupOnKey :: Eq k => (a -> k) -> [a] -> [(k, [a])] groupOnKey _ [] = [] groupOnKey f (x:xs) = (fx, x:yes) : groupOnKey f no where fx = f x (yes, no) = span (\y -> fx == f y) xs #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_simple_cmd(0,2,7) sudoLog :: String -- ^ command -> [String] -- ^ arguments -> IO () sudoLog = sudo_ #endif