sdp-0.2.1: Simple Data Processing
Copyright(c) Andrey Mulik 2019-2021
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellSafe



SDP.IndexedM provides IndexedM and Thaw classes.



module SDP.MapM


class (LinearM m v e, BorderedM m v i, MapM m v i e) => IndexedM m v i e where Source #

Class for work with mutable indexed structures.

Minimal complete definition

fromIndexed', fromIndexedM


fromAssocs :: (i, i) -> [(i, e)] -> m v Source #

fromAssocs bnds ascs creates new structure from list of associations, without default element. Note that bnds is ascs bounds and may not match with the result bounds (not always possible).

fromAssocs' :: (i, i) -> e -> [(i, e)] -> m v Source #

fromAssocs' bnds defvalue ascs creates new structure from list of associations, with default element. Note that bnds is ascs bounds and may not match with the result bounds (not always possible).

writeM' :: v -> i -> e -> m () Source #

Warning: will be moved to SDP.MapM.MapM class in sdp-0.3

writeM map key e writes element e to key position safely (if key is out of map range, do nothing). The writeM function is intended to overwrite only existing values, so its behavior is identical for structures with both static and dynamic boundaries.

swapM' :: v -> i -> i -> m () Source #

Just swap two elements.

fromIndexed' :: Indexed v' j e => v' -> m v Source #

fromIndexed' is overloaded version of thaw.

fromIndexedM :: IndexedM m v' j e => v' -> m v Source #

fromIndexed converts one mutable structure to other.

reshaped :: IndexedM m v' j e => (i, i) -> v' -> (i -> j) -> m v Source #

reshaped creates new indexed structure from old with reshaping function.

fromAccum :: (e -> e' -> e) -> v -> [(i, e')] -> m v Source #

fromAccum f es ies create a new structure from es elements selectively updated by function f and ies associations list.

updateM' :: v -> (e -> e) -> i -> m () Source #

Warning: will be moved to SDP.MapM.MapM class in sdp-0.3

Update element by given function.


Instances details
IndexedM STM (TArray# e) Int e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.TArray


fromAssocs :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, e)] -> STM (TArray# e) Source #

fromAssocs' :: (Int, Int) -> e -> [(Int, e)] -> STM (TArray# e) Source #

writeM' :: TArray# e -> Int -> e -> STM () Source #

swapM' :: TArray# e -> Int -> Int -> STM () Source #

fromIndexed' :: Indexed v' j e => v' -> STM (TArray# e) Source #

fromIndexedM :: IndexedM STM v' j e => v' -> STM (TArray# e) Source #

reshaped :: IndexedM STM v' j e => (Int, Int) -> v' -> (Int -> j) -> STM (TArray# e) Source #

fromAccum :: (e -> e' -> e) -> TArray# e -> [(Int, e')] -> STM (TArray# e) Source #

updateM' :: TArray# e -> (e -> e) -> Int -> STM () Source #

(MonadIO io, Unboxed e) => IndexedM io (MIOBytes# io e) Int e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SBytes


fromAssocs :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, e)] -> io (MIOBytes# io e) Source #

fromAssocs' :: (Int, Int) -> e -> [(Int, e)] -> io (MIOBytes# io e) Source #

writeM' :: MIOBytes# io e -> Int -> e -> io () Source #

swapM' :: MIOBytes# io e -> Int -> Int -> io () Source #

fromIndexed' :: Indexed v' j e => v' -> io (MIOBytes# io e) Source #

fromIndexedM :: IndexedM io v' j e => v' -> io (MIOBytes# io e) Source #

reshaped :: IndexedM io v' j e => (Int, Int) -> v' -> (Int -> j) -> io (MIOBytes# io e) Source #

fromAccum :: (e -> e' -> e) -> MIOBytes# io e -> [(Int, e')] -> io (MIOBytes# io e) Source #

updateM' :: MIOBytes# io e -> (e -> e) -> Int -> io () Source #

MonadIO io => IndexedM io (MIOArray# io e) Int e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SArray


fromAssocs :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, e)] -> io (MIOArray# io e) Source #

fromAssocs' :: (Int, Int) -> e -> [(Int, e)] -> io (MIOArray# io e) Source #

writeM' :: MIOArray# io e -> Int -> e -> io () Source #

swapM' :: MIOArray# io e -> Int -> Int -> io () Source #

fromIndexed' :: Indexed v' j e => v' -> io (MIOArray# io e) Source #

fromIndexedM :: IndexedM io v' j e => v' -> io (MIOArray# io e) Source #

reshaped :: IndexedM io v' j e => (Int, Int) -> v' -> (Int -> j) -> io (MIOArray# io e) Source #

fromAccum :: (e -> e' -> e) -> MIOArray# io e -> [(Int, e')] -> io (MIOArray# io e) Source #

updateM' :: MIOArray# io e -> (e -> e) -> Int -> io () Source #

(SplitM1 m rep e, IndexedM1 m rep Int e) => IndexedM m (AnyChunks rep e) Int e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Templates.AnyChunks


fromAssocs :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, e)] -> m (AnyChunks rep e) Source #

fromAssocs' :: (Int, Int) -> e -> [(Int, e)] -> m (AnyChunks rep e) Source #

writeM' :: AnyChunks rep e -> Int -> e -> m () Source #

swapM' :: AnyChunks rep e -> Int -> Int -> m () Source #

fromIndexed' :: Indexed v' j e => v' -> m (AnyChunks rep e) Source #

fromIndexedM :: IndexedM m v' j e => v' -> m (AnyChunks rep e) Source #

reshaped :: IndexedM m v' j e => (Int, Int) -> v' -> (Int -> j) -> m (AnyChunks rep e) Source #

fromAccum :: (e -> e' -> e) -> AnyChunks rep e -> [(Int, e')] -> m (AnyChunks rep e) Source #

updateM' :: AnyChunks rep e -> (e -> e) -> Int -> m () Source #

(Index i, IndexedM1 m rep Int e) => IndexedM m (AnyBorder rep i e) i e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Templates.AnyBorder


fromAssocs :: (i, i) -> [(i, e)] -> m (AnyBorder rep i e) Source #

fromAssocs' :: (i, i) -> e -> [(i, e)] -> m (AnyBorder rep i e) Source #

writeM' :: AnyBorder rep i e -> i -> e -> m () Source #

swapM' :: AnyBorder rep i e -> i -> i -> m () Source #

fromIndexed' :: Indexed v' j e => v' -> m (AnyBorder rep i e) Source #

fromIndexedM :: IndexedM m v' j e => v' -> m (AnyBorder rep i e) Source #

reshaped :: IndexedM m v' j e => (i, i) -> v' -> (i -> j) -> m (AnyBorder rep i e) Source #

fromAccum :: (e -> e' -> e) -> AnyBorder rep i e -> [(i, e')] -> m (AnyBorder rep i e) Source #

updateM' :: AnyBorder rep i e -> (e -> e) -> i -> m () Source #

Unboxed e => IndexedM (ST s) (STBytes# s e) Int e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SBytes


fromAssocs :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, e)] -> ST s (STBytes# s e) Source #

fromAssocs' :: (Int, Int) -> e -> [(Int, e)] -> ST s (STBytes# s e) Source #

writeM' :: STBytes# s e -> Int -> e -> ST s () Source #

swapM' :: STBytes# s e -> Int -> Int -> ST s () Source #

fromIndexed' :: Indexed v' j e => v' -> ST s (STBytes# s e) Source #

fromIndexedM :: IndexedM (ST s) v' j e => v' -> ST s (STBytes# s e) Source #

reshaped :: IndexedM (ST s) v' j e => (Int, Int) -> v' -> (Int -> j) -> ST s (STBytes# s e) Source #

fromAccum :: (e -> e' -> e) -> STBytes# s e -> [(Int, e')] -> ST s (STBytes# s e) Source #

updateM' :: STBytes# s e -> (e -> e) -> Int -> ST s () Source #

IndexedM (ST s) (STArray# s e) Int e Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SArray


fromAssocs :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, e)] -> ST s (STArray# s e) Source #

fromAssocs' :: (Int, Int) -> e -> [(Int, e)] -> ST s (STArray# s e) Source #

writeM' :: STArray# s e -> Int -> e -> ST s () Source #

swapM' :: STArray# s e -> Int -> Int -> ST s () Source #

fromIndexed' :: Indexed v' j e => v' -> ST s (STArray# s e) Source #

fromIndexedM :: IndexedM (ST s) v' j e => v' -> ST s (STArray# s e) Source #

reshaped :: IndexedM (ST s) v' j e => (Int, Int) -> v' -> (Int -> j) -> ST s (STArray# s e) Source #

fromAccum :: (e -> e' -> e) -> STArray# s e -> [(Int, e')] -> ST s (STArray# s e) Source #

updateM' :: STArray# s e -> (e -> e) -> Int -> ST s () Source #

type IndexedM1 m v i e = IndexedM m (v e) i e Source #

IndexedM contraint for (Type -> Type)-kind types.

type IndexedM2 m v i e = IndexedM m (v i e) i e Source #

IndexedM contraint for (Type -> Type -> Type)-kind types.


class Monad m => Thaw m v v' | v' -> m where Source #

Service class of immutable to mutable conversions.

Minimal complete definition



thaw :: v -> m v' Source #

thaw is safe way to convert a immutable structure to a mutable. thaw should copy the old structure or ensure that it will not be used after the procedure calling.

unsafeThaw :: v -> m v' Source #

unsafeThaw is unsafe version of thaw. unsafeThaw doesn't guarantee that the structure will be copied or locked. It only guarantees that if the old structure isn't used, no error will occur.


Instances details
(Index i, Thaw m imm (rep e), Bordered1 rep Int e) => Thaw m imm (AnyBorder rep i e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Templates.AnyBorder


thaw :: imm -> m (AnyBorder rep i e) Source #

unsafeThaw :: imm -> m (AnyBorder rep i e) Source #

Thaw STM (SArray# e) (TArray# e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.TArray

(Storable e, Unboxed e) => Thaw IO (SBytes# e) (Int, Ptr e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SBytes


thaw :: SBytes# e -> IO (Int, Ptr e) Source #

unsafeThaw :: SBytes# e -> IO (Int, Ptr e) Source #

Storable e => Thaw IO (SArray# e) (Int, Ptr e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SArray


thaw :: SArray# e -> IO (Int, Ptr e) Source #

unsafeThaw :: SArray# e -> IO (Int, Ptr e) Source #

(MonadIO io, Unboxed e) => Thaw io (SBytes# e) (MIOBytes# io e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SBytes


thaw :: SBytes# e -> io (MIOBytes# io e) Source #

unsafeThaw :: SBytes# e -> io (MIOBytes# io e) Source #

MonadIO io => Thaw io (SArray# e) (MIOArray# io e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SArray


thaw :: SArray# e -> io (MIOArray# io e) Source #

unsafeThaw :: SArray# e -> io (MIOArray# io e) Source #

Thaw1 m imm mut e => Thaw m (imm e) (AnyChunks mut e) Source #

Creates one-chunk mutable stream, may be memory inefficient.

Instance details

Defined in SDP.Templates.AnyChunks


thaw :: imm e -> m (AnyChunks mut e) Source #

unsafeThaw :: imm e -> m (AnyChunks mut e) Source #

(Linear1 imm e, Thaw1 m imm mut e) => Thaw m (AnyChunks imm e) (mut e) Source #

Creates new local immutable structure and thaw it unsafely.

Instance details

Defined in SDP.Templates.AnyChunks


thaw :: AnyChunks imm e -> m (mut e) Source #

unsafeThaw :: AnyChunks imm e -> m (mut e) Source #

Thaw1 m imm mut e => Thaw m (AnyChunks imm e) (AnyChunks mut e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Templates.AnyChunks


thaw :: AnyChunks imm e -> m (AnyChunks mut e) Source #

unsafeThaw :: AnyChunks imm e -> m (AnyChunks mut e) Source #

(Index i, Thaw m (rep e) mut) => Thaw m (AnyBorder rep i e) mut Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Templates.AnyBorder


thaw :: AnyBorder rep i e -> m mut Source #

unsafeThaw :: AnyBorder rep i e -> m mut Source #

(Index i, Thaw1 m imm mut e) => Thaw m (AnyBorder imm i e) (AnyBorder mut i e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Templates.AnyBorder


thaw :: AnyBorder imm i e -> m (AnyBorder mut i e) Source #

unsafeThaw :: AnyBorder imm i e -> m (AnyBorder mut i e) Source #

Unboxed e => Thaw (ST s) (SBytes# e) (STBytes# s e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SBytes


thaw :: SBytes# e -> ST s (STBytes# s e) Source #

unsafeThaw :: SBytes# e -> ST s (STBytes# s e) Source #

Thaw (ST s) (SArray# e) (STArray# s e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SDP.Prim.SArray


thaw :: SArray# e -> ST s (STArray# s e) Source #

unsafeThaw :: SArray# e -> ST s (STArray# s e) Source #

type Thaw1 m v v' e = Thaw m (v e) (v' e) Source #

Thaw contraint for (Type -> Type)-kind types.

type Thaw2 m v v' i e = Thaw m (v i e) (v' i e) Source #

Thaw contraint for (Type -> Type -> Type)-kind types.

Rank 2 quantified constraints

GHC 8.6.1+ only

type IndexedM' m v i = forall e. IndexedM m (v e) i e Source #

IndexedM contraint for (Type -> Type)-kind types.

type IndexedM'' m v = forall i e. IndexedM m (v i e) i e Source #

IndexedM contraint for (Type -> Type -> Type)-kind types.

type Thaw' m v v' = forall e. Thaw m (v e) (v' e) Source #

Thaw contraint for (Type -> Type)-kind types.

type Thaw'' m v v' = forall i e. Thaw m (v i e) (v' i e) Source #

Thaw contraint for (Type -> Type -> Type)-kind types.