module SDL.Raw.Video ( -- * Display and Window Management createWindow, createWindowAndRenderer, createWindowFrom, destroyWindow, disableScreenSaver, enableScreenSaver, glBindTexture, glCreateContext, glDeleteContext, glExtensionSupported, glGetAttribute, glGetCurrentContext, glGetCurrentWindow, glGetDrawableSize, glGetProcAddress, glGetSwapInterval, glLoadLibrary, glMakeCurrent, glResetAttributes, glSetAttribute, glSetSwapInterval, glSwapWindow, glUnbindTexture, glUnloadLibrary, getClosestDisplayMode, getCurrentDisplayMode, getCurrentVideoDriver, getDesktopDisplayMode, getDisplayBounds, getDisplayDPI, getDisplayMode, getDisplayName, getDisplayUsableBounds, getGrabbedWindow, getNumDisplayModes, getNumVideoDisplays, getNumVideoDrivers, getVideoDriver, getWindowBordersSize, getWindowBrightness, getWindowData, getWindowDisplayIndex, getWindowDisplayMode, getWindowFlags, getWindowFromID, getWindowGammaRamp, getWindowGrab, getWindowID, getWindowMaximumSize, getWindowMinimumSize, getWindowPixelFormat, getWindowPosition, getWindowSize, getWindowSurface, getWindowTitle, hideWindow, isScreenSaverEnabled, maximizeWindow, minimizeWindow, raiseWindow, restoreWindow, setWindowBordered, setWindowBrightness, setWindowData, setWindowDisplayMode, setWindowFullscreen, setWindowGammaRamp, setWindowGrab, setWindowIcon, setWindowMaximumSize, setWindowMinimumSize, setWindowPosition, setWindowSize, setWindowTitle, showMessageBox, showSimpleMessageBox, showWindow, updateWindowSurface, updateWindowSurfaceRects, videoInit, videoQuit, -- * 2D Accelerated Rendering composeCustomBlendMode, createRenderer, createSoftwareRenderer, createTexture, createTextureFromSurface, destroyRenderer, destroyTexture, getNumRenderDrivers, getRenderDrawBlendMode, getRenderDrawColor, getRenderDriverInfo, getRenderTarget, getRenderer, getRendererInfo, getRendererOutputSize, getTextureAlphaMod, getTextureBlendMode, getTextureColorMod, lockTexture, queryTexture, renderClear, renderCopy, renderCopyEx, renderCopyExF, renderDrawLine, renderDrawLines, renderDrawPoint, renderDrawPoints, renderDrawRect, renderDrawRects, renderFillRect, renderFillRectEx, renderFillRects, renderGetClipRect, renderGetLogicalSize, renderGetScale, renderGetViewport, renderIsClipEnabled, renderPresent, renderReadPixels, renderSetClipRect, renderSetLogicalSize, renderSetScale, renderSetViewport, renderTargetSupported, setRenderDrawBlendMode, setRenderDrawColor, setRenderTarget, setTextureAlphaMod, setTextureBlendMode, setTextureColorMod, unlockTexture, updateTexture, updateYUVTexture, -- * Pixel Formats and Conversion Routines allocFormat, allocPalette, calculateGammaRamp, freeFormat, freePalette, getPixelFormatName, getRGB, getRGBA, mapRGB, mapRGBA, masksToPixelFormatEnum, pixelFormatEnumToMasks, setPaletteColors, setPixelFormatPalette, -- * Rectangle Functions enclosePoints, hasIntersection, intersectRect, intersectRectAndLine, unionRect, -- * Surface Creation and Simple Drawing blitScaled, blitSurface, convertPixels, convertSurface, convertSurfaceFormat, createRGBSurface, createRGBSurfaceFrom, fillRect, fillRects, freeSurface, getClipRect, getColorKey, getSurfaceAlphaMod, getSurfaceBlendMode, getSurfaceColorMod, loadBMP, loadBMP_RW, lockSurface, lowerBlit, lowerBlitScaled, saveBMP, saveBMP_RW, setClipRect, setColorKey, setSurfaceAlphaMod, setSurfaceBlendMode, setSurfaceColorMod, setSurfacePalette, setSurfaceRLE, unlockSurface, -- * Platform-specific Window Management getWindowWMInfo, -- * Clipboard Handling getClipboardText, hasClipboardText, setClipboardText, -- * Vulkan support functions vkLoadLibrary, vkGetVkGetInstanceProcAddr, vkUnloadLibrary, vkGetInstanceExtensions, vkCreateSurface, vkGetDrawableSize ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Word import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.Ptr import SDL.Raw.Enum import SDL.Raw.Filesystem import SDL.Raw.Types foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateWindow" createWindowFFI :: CString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> IO Window foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer" createWindowAndRendererFFI :: CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> Ptr Window -> Ptr Renderer -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateWindowFrom" createWindowFromFFI :: Ptr () -> IO Window foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_DestroyWindow" destroyWindowFFI :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_DisableScreenSaver" disableScreenSaverFFI :: IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_EnableScreenSaver" enableScreenSaverFFI :: IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_BindTexture" glBindTextureFFI :: Texture -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_CreateContext" glCreateContextFFI :: Window -> IO GLContext foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_DeleteContext" glDeleteContextFFI :: GLContext -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported" glExtensionSupportedFFI :: CString -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_GetAttribute" glGetAttributeFFI :: GLattr -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_GetCurrentContext" glGetCurrentContextFFI :: IO GLContext foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_GetCurrentWindow" glGetCurrentWindowFFI :: IO Window foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize" glGetDrawableSizeFFI :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_GetProcAddress" glGetProcAddressFFI :: CString -> IO (Ptr ()) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_GetSwapInterval" glGetSwapIntervalFFI :: IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_LoadLibrary" glLoadLibraryFFI :: CString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_MakeCurrent" glMakeCurrentFFI :: Window -> GLContext -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_ResetAttributes" glResetAttributesFFI :: IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_SetAttribute" glSetAttributeFFI :: GLattr -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval" glSetSwapIntervalFFI :: CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_SwapWindow" glSwapWindowFFI :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_UnbindTexture" glUnbindTextureFFI :: Texture -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_UnloadLibrary" glUnloadLibraryFFI :: IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode" getClosestDisplayModeFFI :: CInt -> Ptr DisplayMode -> Ptr DisplayMode -> IO (Ptr DisplayMode) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode" getCurrentDisplayModeFFI :: CInt -> Ptr DisplayMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver" getCurrentVideoDriverFFI :: IO CString foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode" getDesktopDisplayModeFFI :: CInt -> Ptr DisplayMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetDisplayBounds" getDisplayBoundsFFI :: CInt -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetDisplayDPI" getDisplayDPIFFI :: CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetDisplayMode" getDisplayModeFFI :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr DisplayMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetDisplayName" getDisplayNameFFI :: CInt -> IO CString foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds" getDisplayUsableBoundsFFI :: CInt -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetGrabbedWindow" getGrabbedWindowFFI :: IO Window foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetNumDisplayModes" getNumDisplayModesFFI :: CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays" getNumVideoDisplaysFFI :: IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetNumVideoDrivers" getNumVideoDriversFFI :: IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetVideoDriver" getVideoDriverFFI :: CInt -> IO CString foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowBordersSize" getWindowBordersSizeFFI :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowBrightness" getWindowBrightnessFFI :: Window -> IO CFloat foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowData" getWindowDataFFI :: Window -> CString -> IO (Ptr ()) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex" getWindowDisplayIndexFFI :: Window -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowDisplayMode" getWindowDisplayModeFFI :: Window -> Ptr DisplayMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowFlags" getWindowFlagsFFI :: Window -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowFromID" getWindowFromIDFFI :: Word32 -> IO Window foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowGammaRamp" getWindowGammaRampFFI :: Window -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowGrab" getWindowGrabFFI :: Window -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowID" getWindowIDFFI :: Window -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowMaximumSize" getWindowMaximumSizeFFI :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowMinimumSize" getWindowMinimumSizeFFI :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowPixelFormat" getWindowPixelFormatFFI :: Window -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowPosition" getWindowPositionFFI :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowSize" getWindowSizeFFI :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowSurface" getWindowSurfaceFFI :: Window -> IO (Ptr Surface) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowTitle" getWindowTitleFFI :: Window -> IO CString foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_HideWindow" hideWindowFFI :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_IsScreenSaverEnabled" isScreenSaverEnabledFFI :: IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_MaximizeWindow" maximizeWindowFFI :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_MinimizeWindow" minimizeWindowFFI :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RaiseWindow" raiseWindowFFI :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RestoreWindow" restoreWindowFFI :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowBordered" setWindowBorderedFFI :: Window -> Bool -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowBrightness" setWindowBrightnessFFI :: Window -> CFloat -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowData" setWindowDataFFI :: Window -> CString -> Ptr () -> IO (Ptr ()) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode" setWindowDisplayModeFFI :: Window -> Ptr DisplayMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowFullscreen" setWindowFullscreenFFI :: Window -> Word32 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowGammaRamp" setWindowGammaRampFFI :: Window -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowGrab" setWindowGrabFFI :: Window -> Bool -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowIcon" setWindowIconFFI :: Window -> Ptr Surface -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowMaximumSize" setWindowMaximumSizeFFI :: Window -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize" setWindowMinimumSizeFFI :: Window -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowPosition" setWindowPositionFFI :: Window -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowSize" setWindowSizeFFI :: Window -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowTitle" setWindowTitleFFI :: Window -> CString -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ShowMessageBox" showMessageBoxFFI :: Ptr MessageBoxData -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox" showSimpleMessageBoxFFI :: Word32 -> CString -> CString -> Window -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ShowWindow" showWindowFFI :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UpdateWindowSurface" updateWindowSurfaceFFI :: Window -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects" updateWindowSurfaceRectsFFI :: Window -> Ptr Rect -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_VideoInit" videoInitFFI :: CString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_VideoQuit" videoQuitFFI :: IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ComposeCustomBlendMode" composeCustomBlendModeFFI :: BlendFactor -> BlendFactor -> BlendOperation -> BlendFactor -> BlendFactor -> BlendOperation -> IO BlendMode foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateRenderer" createRendererFFI :: Window -> CInt -> Word32 -> IO Renderer foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateSoftwareRenderer" createSoftwareRendererFFI :: Ptr Surface -> IO Renderer foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateTexture" createTextureFFI :: Renderer -> Word32 -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO Texture foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface" createTextureFromSurfaceFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Surface -> IO Texture foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_DestroyRenderer" destroyRendererFFI :: Renderer -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_DestroyTexture" destroyTextureFFI :: Texture -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers" getNumRenderDriversFFI :: IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRenderDrawBlendMode" getRenderDrawBlendModeFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr BlendMode -> IO Int foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRenderDrawColor" getRenderDrawColorFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRenderDriverInfo" getRenderDriverInfoFFI :: CInt -> Ptr RendererInfo -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRenderTarget" getRenderTargetFFI :: Renderer -> IO Texture foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRenderer" getRendererFFI :: Window -> IO Renderer foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRendererInfo" getRendererInfoFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr RendererInfo -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRendererOutputSize" getRendererOutputSizeFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetTextureAlphaMod" getTextureAlphaModFFI :: Texture -> Ptr Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetTextureBlendMode" getTextureBlendModeFFI :: Texture -> Ptr BlendMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetTextureColorMod" getTextureColorModFFI :: Texture -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_LockTexture" lockTextureFFI :: Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_QueryTexture" queryTextureFFI :: Texture -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderClear" renderClearFFI :: Renderer -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderCopy" renderCopyFFI :: Renderer -> Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderCopyEx" renderCopyExFFI :: Renderer -> Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> CDouble -> Ptr Point -> RendererFlip -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderCopyExF" renderCopyExFFFI :: Renderer -> Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr FRect -> CDouble -> Ptr FPoint -> RendererFlip -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderDrawLine" renderDrawLineFFI :: Renderer -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderDrawLines" renderDrawLinesFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Point -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderDrawPoint" renderDrawPointFFI :: Renderer -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderDrawPoints" renderDrawPointsFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Point -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderDrawRect" renderDrawRectFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderDrawRects" renderDrawRectsFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderFillRect" renderFillRectFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "sqlhelper.c SDLHelper_RenderFillRectEx" renderFillRectExFFI :: Renderer -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderFillRects" renderFillRectsFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderGetClipRect" renderGetClipRectFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderGetLogicalSize" renderGetLogicalSizeFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderGetScale" renderGetScaleFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderGetViewport" renderGetViewportFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderIsClipEnabled" renderIsClipEnabledFFI :: Renderer -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderPresent" renderPresentFFI :: Renderer -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderReadPixels" renderReadPixelsFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> Word32 -> Ptr () -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderSetClipRect" renderSetClipRectFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize" renderSetLogicalSizeFFI :: Renderer -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderSetScale" renderSetScaleFFI :: Renderer -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderSetViewport" renderSetViewportFFI :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderTargetSupported" renderTargetSupportedFFI :: Renderer -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode" setRenderDrawBlendModeFFI :: Renderer -> BlendMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetRenderDrawColor" setRenderDrawColorFFI :: Renderer -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetRenderTarget" setRenderTargetFFI :: Renderer -> Texture -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod" setTextureAlphaModFFI :: Texture -> Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetTextureBlendMode" setTextureBlendModeFFI :: Texture -> BlendMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetTextureColorMod" setTextureColorModFFI :: Texture -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UnlockTexture" unlockTextureFFI :: Texture -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UpdateTexture" updateTextureFFI :: Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr () -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UpdateYUVTexture" updateYUVTextureFFI :: Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_AllocFormat" allocFormatFFI :: Word32 -> IO (Ptr PixelFormat) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_AllocPalette" allocPaletteFFI :: CInt -> IO (Ptr Palette) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CalculateGammaRamp" calculateGammaRampFFI :: CFloat -> Ptr Word16 -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_FreeFormat" freeFormatFFI :: Ptr PixelFormat -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_FreePalette" freePaletteFFI :: Ptr Palette -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetPixelFormatName" getPixelFormatNameFFI :: Word32 -> IO CString foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRGB" getRGBFFI :: Word32 -> Ptr PixelFormat -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRGBA" getRGBAFFI :: Word32 -> Ptr PixelFormat -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_MapRGB" mapRGBFFI :: Ptr PixelFormat -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_MapRGBA" mapRGBAFFI :: Ptr PixelFormat -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_MasksToPixelFormatEnum" masksToPixelFormatEnumFFI :: CInt -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks" pixelFormatEnumToMasksFFI :: Word32 -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetPaletteColors" setPaletteColorsFFI :: Ptr Palette -> Ptr Color -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetPixelFormatPalette" setPixelFormatPaletteFFI :: Ptr PixelFormat -> Ptr Palette -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_EnclosePoints" enclosePointsFFI :: Ptr Point -> CInt -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_HasIntersection" hasIntersectionFFI :: Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_IntersectRect" intersectRectFFI :: Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_IntersectRectAndLine" intersectRectAndLineFFI :: Ptr Rect -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UnionRect" unionRectFFI :: Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UpperBlitScaled" blitScaledFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UpperBlit" blitSurfaceFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ConvertPixels" convertPixelsFFI :: CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> Ptr () -> CInt -> Word32 -> Ptr () -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ConvertSurface" convertSurfaceFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr PixelFormat -> Word32 -> IO (Ptr Surface) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat" convertSurfaceFormatFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO (Ptr Surface) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateRGBSurface" createRGBSurfaceFFI :: Word32 -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO (Ptr Surface) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom" createRGBSurfaceFromFFI :: Ptr () -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO (Ptr Surface) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_FillRect" fillRectFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Word32 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_FillRects" fillRectsFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> CInt -> Word32 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_FreeSurface" freeSurfaceFFI :: Ptr Surface -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetClipRect" getClipRectFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetColorKey" getColorKeyFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Word32 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetSurfaceAlphaMod" getSurfaceAlphaModFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetSurfaceBlendMode" getSurfaceBlendModeFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr BlendMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetSurfaceColorMod" getSurfaceColorModFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_LoadBMP_RW" loadBMP_RWFFI :: Ptr RWops -> CInt -> IO (Ptr Surface) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_LockSurface" lockSurfaceFFI :: Ptr Surface -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_LowerBlit" lowerBlitFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_LowerBlitScaled" lowerBlitScaledFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SaveBMP_RW" saveBMP_RWFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr RWops -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetClipRect" setClipRectFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetColorKey" setColorKeyFFI :: Ptr Surface -> CInt -> Word32 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod" setSurfaceAlphaModFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode" setSurfaceBlendModeFFI :: Ptr Surface -> BlendMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetSurfaceColorMod" setSurfaceColorModFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetSurfacePalette" setSurfacePaletteFFI :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Palette -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetSurfaceRLE" setSurfaceRLEFFI :: Ptr Surface -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UnlockSurface" unlockSurfaceFFI :: Ptr Surface -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowWMInfo" getWindowWMInfoFFI :: Window -> SysWMinfo -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetClipboardText" getClipboardTextFFI :: IO CString foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_HasClipboardText" hasClipboardTextFFI :: IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetClipboardText" setClipboardTextFFI :: CString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL_vulkan.h SDL_Vulkan_LoadLibrary" vkLoadLibraryFFI :: CString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL_vulkan.h SDL_Vulkan_GetVkGetInstanceProcAddr" vkGetVkGetInstanceProcAddrFFI :: IO (FunPtr VkGetInstanceProcAddrFunc) foreign import ccall "SDL_vulkan.h SDL_Vulkan_UnloadLibrary" vkUnloadLibraryFFI :: IO () foreign import ccall "SDL_vulkan.h SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions" vkGetInstanceExtensionsFFI :: Window -> Ptr CUInt -> Ptr CString -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL_vulkan.h SDL_Vulkan_CreateSurface" vkCreateSurfaceFFI :: Window -> VkInstance -> Ptr VkSurfaceKHR -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL_vulkan.h SDL_Vulkan_GetDrawableSize" vkGetDrawableSizeFFI :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () createWindow :: MonadIO m => CString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> m Window createWindow v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 = liftIO $ createWindowFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 {-# INLINE createWindow #-} createWindowAndRenderer :: MonadIO m => CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> Ptr Window -> Ptr Renderer -> m CInt createWindowAndRenderer v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 = liftIO $ createWindowAndRendererFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 {-# INLINE createWindowAndRenderer #-} createWindowFrom :: MonadIO m => Ptr () -> m Window createWindowFrom v1 = liftIO $ createWindowFromFFI v1 {-# INLINE createWindowFrom #-} destroyWindow :: MonadIO m => Window -> m () destroyWindow v1 = liftIO $ destroyWindowFFI v1 {-# INLINE destroyWindow #-} disableScreenSaver :: MonadIO m => m () disableScreenSaver = liftIO disableScreenSaverFFI {-# INLINE disableScreenSaver #-} enableScreenSaver :: MonadIO m => m () enableScreenSaver = liftIO enableScreenSaverFFI {-# INLINE enableScreenSaver #-} glBindTexture :: MonadIO m => Texture -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> m CInt glBindTexture v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ glBindTextureFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE glBindTexture #-} glCreateContext :: MonadIO m => Window -> m GLContext glCreateContext v1 = liftIO $ glCreateContextFFI v1 {-# INLINE glCreateContext #-} glDeleteContext :: MonadIO m => GLContext -> m () glDeleteContext v1 = liftIO $ glDeleteContextFFI v1 {-# INLINE glDeleteContext #-} glExtensionSupported :: MonadIO m => CString -> m Bool glExtensionSupported v1 = liftIO $ glExtensionSupportedFFI v1 {-# INLINE glExtensionSupported #-} glGetAttribute :: MonadIO m => GLattr -> Ptr CInt -> m CInt glGetAttribute v1 v2 = liftIO $ glGetAttributeFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE glGetAttribute #-} glGetCurrentContext :: MonadIO m => m GLContext glGetCurrentContext = liftIO glGetCurrentContextFFI {-# INLINE glGetCurrentContext #-} glGetCurrentWindow :: MonadIO m => m Window glGetCurrentWindow = liftIO glGetCurrentWindowFFI {-# INLINE glGetCurrentWindow #-} glGetDrawableSize :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> m () glGetDrawableSize v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ glGetDrawableSizeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE glGetDrawableSize #-} glGetProcAddress :: MonadIO m => CString -> m (Ptr ()) glGetProcAddress v1 = liftIO $ glGetProcAddressFFI v1 {-# INLINE glGetProcAddress #-} glGetSwapInterval :: MonadIO m => m CInt glGetSwapInterval = liftIO glGetSwapIntervalFFI {-# INLINE glGetSwapInterval #-} glLoadLibrary :: MonadIO m => CString -> m CInt glLoadLibrary v1 = liftIO $ glLoadLibraryFFI v1 {-# INLINE glLoadLibrary #-} glMakeCurrent :: MonadIO m => Window -> GLContext -> m CInt glMakeCurrent v1 v2 = liftIO $ glMakeCurrentFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE glMakeCurrent #-} glResetAttributes :: MonadIO m => m () glResetAttributes = liftIO glResetAttributesFFI {-# INLINE glResetAttributes #-} glSetAttribute :: MonadIO m => GLattr -> CInt -> m CInt glSetAttribute v1 v2 = liftIO $ glSetAttributeFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE glSetAttribute #-} glSetSwapInterval :: MonadIO m => CInt -> m CInt glSetSwapInterval v1 = liftIO $ glSetSwapIntervalFFI v1 {-# INLINE glSetSwapInterval #-} glSwapWindow :: MonadIO m => Window -> m () glSwapWindow v1 = liftIO $ glSwapWindowFFI v1 {-# INLINE glSwapWindow #-} glUnbindTexture :: MonadIO m => Texture -> m CInt glUnbindTexture v1 = liftIO $ glUnbindTextureFFI v1 {-# INLINE glUnbindTexture #-} glUnloadLibrary :: MonadIO m => m () glUnloadLibrary = liftIO glUnloadLibraryFFI {-# INLINE glUnloadLibrary #-} getClosestDisplayMode :: MonadIO m => CInt -> Ptr DisplayMode -> Ptr DisplayMode -> m (Ptr DisplayMode) getClosestDisplayMode v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ getClosestDisplayModeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE getClosestDisplayMode #-} getCurrentDisplayMode :: MonadIO m => CInt -> Ptr DisplayMode -> m CInt getCurrentDisplayMode v1 v2 = liftIO $ getCurrentDisplayModeFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getCurrentDisplayMode #-} getCurrentVideoDriver :: MonadIO m => m CString getCurrentVideoDriver = liftIO getCurrentVideoDriverFFI {-# INLINE getCurrentVideoDriver #-} getDesktopDisplayMode :: MonadIO m => CInt -> Ptr DisplayMode -> m CInt getDesktopDisplayMode v1 v2 = liftIO $ getDesktopDisplayModeFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getDesktopDisplayMode #-} getDisplayBounds :: MonadIO m => CInt -> Ptr Rect -> m CInt getDisplayBounds v1 v2 = liftIO $ getDisplayBoundsFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getDisplayBounds #-} getDisplayDPI :: MonadIO m => CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> m CInt getDisplayDPI v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ getDisplayDPIFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE getDisplayDPI #-} getDisplayMode :: MonadIO m => CInt -> CInt -> Ptr DisplayMode -> m CInt getDisplayMode v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ getDisplayModeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE getDisplayMode #-} getDisplayName :: MonadIO m => CInt -> m CString getDisplayName v1 = liftIO $ getDisplayNameFFI v1 {-# INLINE getDisplayName #-} getDisplayUsableBounds :: MonadIO m => CInt -> Ptr Rect -> m CInt getDisplayUsableBounds v1 v2 = liftIO $ getDisplayUsableBoundsFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getDisplayUsableBounds #-} getGrabbedWindow :: MonadIO m => m Window getGrabbedWindow = liftIO getGrabbedWindowFFI {-# INLINE getGrabbedWindow #-} getNumDisplayModes :: MonadIO m => CInt -> m CInt getNumDisplayModes v1 = liftIO $ getNumDisplayModesFFI v1 {-# INLINE getNumDisplayModes #-} getNumVideoDisplays :: MonadIO m => m CInt getNumVideoDisplays = liftIO getNumVideoDisplaysFFI {-# INLINE getNumVideoDisplays #-} getNumVideoDrivers :: MonadIO m => m CInt getNumVideoDrivers = liftIO getNumVideoDriversFFI {-# INLINE getNumVideoDrivers #-} getVideoDriver :: MonadIO m => CInt -> m CString getVideoDriver v1 = liftIO $ getVideoDriverFFI v1 {-# INLINE getVideoDriver #-} getWindowBordersSize :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> m CInt getWindowBordersSize v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 = liftIO $ getWindowBordersSizeFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 {-# INLINE getWindowBordersSize #-} getWindowBrightness :: MonadIO m => Window -> m CFloat getWindowBrightness v1 = liftIO $ getWindowBrightnessFFI v1 {-# INLINE getWindowBrightness #-} getWindowData :: MonadIO m => Window -> CString -> m (Ptr ()) getWindowData v1 v2 = liftIO $ getWindowDataFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getWindowData #-} getWindowDisplayIndex :: MonadIO m => Window -> m CInt getWindowDisplayIndex v1 = liftIO $ getWindowDisplayIndexFFI v1 {-# INLINE getWindowDisplayIndex #-} getWindowDisplayMode :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr DisplayMode -> m CInt getWindowDisplayMode v1 v2 = liftIO $ getWindowDisplayModeFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getWindowDisplayMode #-} getWindowFlags :: MonadIO m => Window -> m Word32 getWindowFlags v1 = liftIO $ getWindowFlagsFFI v1 {-# INLINE getWindowFlags #-} getWindowFromID :: MonadIO m => Word32 -> m Window getWindowFromID v1 = liftIO $ getWindowFromIDFFI v1 {-# INLINE getWindowFromID #-} getWindowGammaRamp :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> m CInt getWindowGammaRamp v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ getWindowGammaRampFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE getWindowGammaRamp #-} getWindowGrab :: MonadIO m => Window -> m Bool getWindowGrab v1 = liftIO $ getWindowGrabFFI v1 {-# INLINE getWindowGrab #-} getWindowID :: MonadIO m => Window -> m Word32 getWindowID v1 = liftIO $ getWindowIDFFI v1 {-# INLINE getWindowID #-} getWindowMaximumSize :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> m () getWindowMaximumSize v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ getWindowMaximumSizeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE getWindowMaximumSize #-} getWindowMinimumSize :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> m () getWindowMinimumSize v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ getWindowMinimumSizeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE getWindowMinimumSize #-} getWindowPixelFormat :: MonadIO m => Window -> m Word32 getWindowPixelFormat v1 = liftIO $ getWindowPixelFormatFFI v1 {-# INLINE getWindowPixelFormat #-} getWindowPosition :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> m () getWindowPosition v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ getWindowPositionFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE getWindowPosition #-} getWindowSize :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> m () getWindowSize v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ getWindowSizeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE getWindowSize #-} getWindowSurface :: MonadIO m => Window -> m (Ptr Surface) getWindowSurface v1 = liftIO $ getWindowSurfaceFFI v1 {-# INLINE getWindowSurface #-} getWindowTitle :: MonadIO m => Window -> m CString getWindowTitle v1 = liftIO $ getWindowTitleFFI v1 {-# INLINE getWindowTitle #-} hideWindow :: MonadIO m => Window -> m () hideWindow v1 = liftIO $ hideWindowFFI v1 {-# INLINE hideWindow #-} isScreenSaverEnabled :: MonadIO m => m Bool isScreenSaverEnabled = liftIO isScreenSaverEnabledFFI {-# INLINE isScreenSaverEnabled #-} maximizeWindow :: MonadIO m => Window -> m () maximizeWindow v1 = liftIO $ maximizeWindowFFI v1 {-# INLINE maximizeWindow #-} minimizeWindow :: MonadIO m => Window -> m () minimizeWindow v1 = liftIO $ minimizeWindowFFI v1 {-# INLINE minimizeWindow #-} raiseWindow :: MonadIO m => Window -> m () raiseWindow v1 = liftIO $ raiseWindowFFI v1 {-# INLINE raiseWindow #-} restoreWindow :: MonadIO m => Window -> m () restoreWindow v1 = liftIO $ restoreWindowFFI v1 {-# INLINE restoreWindow #-} setWindowBordered :: MonadIO m => Window -> Bool -> m () setWindowBordered v1 v2 = liftIO $ setWindowBorderedFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setWindowBordered #-} setWindowBrightness :: MonadIO m => Window -> CFloat -> m CInt setWindowBrightness v1 v2 = liftIO $ setWindowBrightnessFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setWindowBrightness #-} setWindowData :: MonadIO m => Window -> CString -> Ptr () -> m (Ptr ()) setWindowData v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ setWindowDataFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE setWindowData #-} setWindowDisplayMode :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr DisplayMode -> m CInt setWindowDisplayMode v1 v2 = liftIO $ setWindowDisplayModeFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setWindowDisplayMode #-} setWindowFullscreen :: MonadIO m => Window -> Word32 -> m CInt setWindowFullscreen v1 v2 = liftIO $ setWindowFullscreenFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setWindowFullscreen #-} setWindowGammaRamp :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> m CInt setWindowGammaRamp v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ setWindowGammaRampFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE setWindowGammaRamp #-} setWindowGrab :: MonadIO m => Window -> Bool -> m () setWindowGrab v1 v2 = liftIO $ setWindowGrabFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setWindowGrab #-} setWindowIcon :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr Surface -> m () setWindowIcon v1 v2 = liftIO $ setWindowIconFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setWindowIcon #-} setWindowMaximumSize :: MonadIO m => Window -> CInt -> CInt -> m () setWindowMaximumSize v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ setWindowMaximumSizeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE setWindowMaximumSize #-} setWindowMinimumSize :: MonadIO m => Window -> CInt -> CInt -> m () setWindowMinimumSize v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ setWindowMinimumSizeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE setWindowMinimumSize #-} setWindowPosition :: MonadIO m => Window -> CInt -> CInt -> m () setWindowPosition v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ setWindowPositionFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE setWindowPosition #-} setWindowSize :: MonadIO m => Window -> CInt -> CInt -> m () setWindowSize v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ setWindowSizeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE setWindowSize #-} setWindowTitle :: MonadIO m => Window -> CString -> m () setWindowTitle v1 v2 = liftIO $ setWindowTitleFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setWindowTitle #-} showMessageBox :: MonadIO m => Ptr MessageBoxData -> Ptr CInt -> m CInt showMessageBox v1 v2 = liftIO $ showMessageBoxFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE showMessageBox #-} showSimpleMessageBox :: MonadIO m => Word32 -> CString -> CString -> Window -> m CInt showSimpleMessageBox v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ showSimpleMessageBoxFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE showSimpleMessageBox #-} showWindow :: MonadIO m => Window -> m () showWindow v1 = liftIO $ showWindowFFI v1 {-# INLINE showWindow #-} updateWindowSurface :: MonadIO m => Window -> m CInt updateWindowSurface v1 = liftIO $ updateWindowSurfaceFFI v1 {-# INLINE updateWindowSurface #-} updateWindowSurfaceRects :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr Rect -> CInt -> m CInt updateWindowSurfaceRects v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ updateWindowSurfaceRectsFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE updateWindowSurfaceRects #-} videoInit :: MonadIO m => CString -> m CInt videoInit v1 = liftIO $ videoInitFFI v1 {-# INLINE videoInit #-} videoQuit :: MonadIO m => m () videoQuit = liftIO videoQuitFFI {-# INLINE videoQuit #-} composeCustomBlendMode :: MonadIO m => BlendFactor -> BlendFactor -> BlendOperation -> BlendFactor -> BlendFactor -> BlendOperation -> m BlendMode composeCustomBlendMode v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 = liftIO $ composeCustomBlendModeFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 {-# INLINE composeCustomBlendMode #-} createRenderer :: MonadIO m => Window -> CInt -> Word32 -> m Renderer createRenderer v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ createRendererFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE createRenderer #-} createSoftwareRenderer :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> m Renderer createSoftwareRenderer v1 = liftIO $ createSoftwareRendererFFI v1 {-# INLINE createSoftwareRenderer #-} createTexture :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Word32 -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> m Texture createTexture v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 = liftIO $ createTextureFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 {-# INLINE createTexture #-} createTextureFromSurface :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Surface -> m Texture createTextureFromSurface v1 v2 = liftIO $ createTextureFromSurfaceFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE createTextureFromSurface #-} destroyRenderer :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> m () destroyRenderer v1 = liftIO $ destroyRendererFFI v1 {-# INLINE destroyRenderer #-} destroyTexture :: MonadIO m => Texture -> m () destroyTexture v1 = liftIO $ destroyTextureFFI v1 {-# INLINE destroyTexture #-} getNumRenderDrivers :: MonadIO m => m CInt getNumRenderDrivers = liftIO getNumRenderDriversFFI {-# INLINE getNumRenderDrivers #-} getRenderDrawBlendMode :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr BlendMode -> m Int getRenderDrawBlendMode v1 v2 = liftIO $ getRenderDrawBlendModeFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getRenderDrawBlendMode #-} getRenderDrawColor :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> m CInt getRenderDrawColor v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 = liftIO $ getRenderDrawColorFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 {-# INLINE getRenderDrawColor #-} getRenderDriverInfo :: MonadIO m => CInt -> Ptr RendererInfo -> m CInt getRenderDriverInfo v1 v2 = liftIO $ getRenderDriverInfoFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getRenderDriverInfo #-} getRenderTarget :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> m Texture getRenderTarget v1 = liftIO $ getRenderTargetFFI v1 {-# INLINE getRenderTarget #-} getRenderer :: MonadIO m => Window -> m Renderer getRenderer v1 = liftIO $ getRendererFFI v1 {-# INLINE getRenderer #-} getRendererInfo :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr RendererInfo -> m CInt getRendererInfo v1 v2 = liftIO $ getRendererInfoFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getRendererInfo #-} getRendererOutputSize :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> m CInt getRendererOutputSize v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ getRendererOutputSizeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE getRendererOutputSize #-} getTextureAlphaMod :: MonadIO m => Texture -> Ptr Word8 -> m CInt getTextureAlphaMod v1 v2 = liftIO $ getTextureAlphaModFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getTextureAlphaMod #-} getTextureBlendMode :: MonadIO m => Texture -> Ptr BlendMode -> m CInt getTextureBlendMode v1 v2 = liftIO $ getTextureBlendModeFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getTextureBlendMode #-} getTextureColorMod :: MonadIO m => Texture -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> m CInt getTextureColorMod v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ getTextureColorModFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE getTextureColorMod #-} lockTexture :: MonadIO m => Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr CInt -> m CInt lockTexture v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ lockTextureFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE lockTexture #-} queryTexture :: MonadIO m => Texture -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> m CInt queryTexture v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 = liftIO $ queryTextureFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 {-# INLINE queryTexture #-} renderClear :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> m CInt renderClear v1 = liftIO $ renderClearFFI v1 {-# INLINE renderClear #-} renderCopy :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> m CInt renderCopy v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ renderCopyFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE renderCopy #-} renderCopyEx :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> CDouble -> Ptr Point -> RendererFlip -> m CInt renderCopyEx v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 = liftIO $ renderCopyExFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 {-# INLINE renderCopyEx #-} renderCopyExF :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr FRect -> CDouble -> Ptr FPoint -> RendererFlip -> m CInt renderCopyExF v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 = liftIO $ renderCopyExFFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 {-# INLINE renderCopyExF #-} renderDrawLine :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> m CInt renderDrawLine v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 = liftIO $ renderDrawLineFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 {-# INLINE renderDrawLine #-} renderDrawLines :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Point -> CInt -> m CInt renderDrawLines v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ renderDrawLinesFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE renderDrawLines #-} renderDrawPoint :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> CInt -> CInt -> m CInt renderDrawPoint v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ renderDrawPointFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE renderDrawPoint #-} renderDrawPoints :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Point -> CInt -> m CInt renderDrawPoints v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ renderDrawPointsFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE renderDrawPoints #-} renderDrawRect :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> m CInt renderDrawRect v1 v2 = liftIO $ renderDrawRectFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE renderDrawRect #-} renderDrawRects :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> CInt -> m CInt renderDrawRects v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ renderDrawRectsFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE renderDrawRects #-} renderFillRectEx :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> m CInt renderFillRectEx v1 x y w h = liftIO $ renderFillRectExFFI v1 x y w h {-# INLINE renderFillRectEx #-} renderFillRect :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> m CInt renderFillRect v1 v2 = liftIO $ renderFillRectFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE renderFillRect #-} renderFillRects :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> CInt -> m CInt renderFillRects v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ renderFillRectsFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE renderFillRects #-} renderGetClipRect :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> m () renderGetClipRect v1 v2 = liftIO $ renderGetClipRectFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE renderGetClipRect #-} renderGetLogicalSize :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> m () renderGetLogicalSize v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ renderGetLogicalSizeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE renderGetLogicalSize #-} renderGetScale :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> m () renderGetScale v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ renderGetScaleFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE renderGetScale #-} renderGetViewport :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> m () renderGetViewport v1 v2 = liftIO $ renderGetViewportFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE renderGetViewport #-} renderIsClipEnabled :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> m Bool renderIsClipEnabled v1 = liftIO $ renderIsClipEnabledFFI v1 {-# INLINE renderIsClipEnabled #-} renderPresent :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> m () renderPresent v1 = liftIO $ renderPresentFFI v1 {-# INLINE renderPresent #-} renderReadPixels :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> Word32 -> Ptr () -> CInt -> m CInt renderReadPixels v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 = liftIO $ renderReadPixelsFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 {-# INLINE renderReadPixels #-} renderSetClipRect :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> m CInt renderSetClipRect v1 v2 = liftIO $ renderSetClipRectFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE renderSetClipRect #-} renderSetLogicalSize :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> CInt -> CInt -> m CInt renderSetLogicalSize v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ renderSetLogicalSizeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE renderSetLogicalSize #-} renderSetScale :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> CFloat -> CFloat -> m CInt renderSetScale v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ renderSetScaleFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE renderSetScale #-} renderSetViewport :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> m CInt renderSetViewport v1 v2 = liftIO $ renderSetViewportFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE renderSetViewport #-} renderTargetSupported :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> m Bool renderTargetSupported v1 = liftIO $ renderTargetSupportedFFI v1 {-# INLINE renderTargetSupported #-} setRenderDrawBlendMode :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> BlendMode -> m CInt setRenderDrawBlendMode v1 v2 = liftIO $ setRenderDrawBlendModeFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setRenderDrawBlendMode #-} setRenderDrawColor :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> m CInt setRenderDrawColor v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 = liftIO $ setRenderDrawColorFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 {-# INLINE setRenderDrawColor #-} setRenderTarget :: MonadIO m => Renderer -> Texture -> m CInt setRenderTarget v1 v2 = liftIO $ setRenderTargetFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setRenderTarget #-} setTextureAlphaMod :: MonadIO m => Texture -> Word8 -> m CInt setTextureAlphaMod v1 v2 = liftIO $ setTextureAlphaModFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setTextureAlphaMod #-} setTextureBlendMode :: MonadIO m => Texture -> BlendMode -> m CInt setTextureBlendMode v1 v2 = liftIO $ setTextureBlendModeFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setTextureBlendMode #-} setTextureColorMod :: MonadIO m => Texture -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> m CInt setTextureColorMod v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ setTextureColorModFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE setTextureColorMod #-} unlockTexture :: MonadIO m => Texture -> m () unlockTexture v1 = liftIO $ unlockTextureFFI v1 {-# INLINE unlockTexture #-} updateTexture :: MonadIO m => Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr () -> CInt -> m CInt updateTexture v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ updateTextureFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE updateTexture #-} updateYUVTexture :: MonadIO m => Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> m CInt updateYUVTexture v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 = liftIO $ updateYUVTextureFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 {-# INLINE updateYUVTexture #-} allocFormat :: MonadIO m => Word32 -> m (Ptr PixelFormat) allocFormat v1 = liftIO $ allocFormatFFI v1 {-# INLINE allocFormat #-} allocPalette :: MonadIO m => CInt -> m (Ptr Palette) allocPalette v1 = liftIO $ allocPaletteFFI v1 {-# INLINE allocPalette #-} calculateGammaRamp :: MonadIO m => CFloat -> Ptr Word16 -> m () calculateGammaRamp v1 v2 = liftIO $ calculateGammaRampFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE calculateGammaRamp #-} freeFormat :: MonadIO m => Ptr PixelFormat -> m () freeFormat v1 = liftIO $ freeFormatFFI v1 {-# INLINE freeFormat #-} freePalette :: MonadIO m => Ptr Palette -> m () freePalette v1 = liftIO $ freePaletteFFI v1 {-# INLINE freePalette #-} getPixelFormatName :: MonadIO m => Word32 -> m CString getPixelFormatName v1 = liftIO $ getPixelFormatNameFFI v1 {-# INLINE getPixelFormatName #-} getRGB :: MonadIO m => Word32 -> Ptr PixelFormat -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> m () getRGB v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 = liftIO $ getRGBFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 {-# INLINE getRGB #-} getRGBA :: MonadIO m => Word32 -> Ptr PixelFormat -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> m () getRGBA v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 = liftIO $ getRGBAFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 {-# INLINE getRGBA #-} mapRGB :: MonadIO m => Ptr PixelFormat -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> m Word32 mapRGB v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ mapRGBFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE mapRGB #-} mapRGBA :: MonadIO m => Ptr PixelFormat -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> m Word32 mapRGBA v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 = liftIO $ mapRGBAFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 {-# INLINE mapRGBA #-} masksToPixelFormatEnum :: MonadIO m => CInt -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> m Word32 masksToPixelFormatEnum v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 = liftIO $ masksToPixelFormatEnumFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 {-# INLINE masksToPixelFormatEnum #-} pixelFormatEnumToMasks :: MonadIO m => Word32 -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> m Bool pixelFormatEnumToMasks v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 = liftIO $ pixelFormatEnumToMasksFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 {-# INLINE pixelFormatEnumToMasks #-} setPaletteColors :: MonadIO m => Ptr Palette -> Ptr Color -> CInt -> CInt -> m CInt setPaletteColors v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ setPaletteColorsFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE setPaletteColors #-} setPixelFormatPalette :: MonadIO m => Ptr PixelFormat -> Ptr Palette -> m CInt setPixelFormatPalette v1 v2 = liftIO $ setPixelFormatPaletteFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setPixelFormatPalette #-} enclosePoints :: MonadIO m => Ptr Point -> CInt -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> m Bool enclosePoints v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ enclosePointsFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE enclosePoints #-} hasIntersection :: MonadIO m => Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> m Bool hasIntersection v1 v2 = liftIO $ hasIntersectionFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE hasIntersection #-} intersectRect :: MonadIO m => Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> m Bool intersectRect v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ intersectRectFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE intersectRect #-} intersectRectAndLine :: MonadIO m => Ptr Rect -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> m Bool intersectRectAndLine v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 = liftIO $ intersectRectAndLineFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 {-# INLINE intersectRectAndLine #-} unionRect :: MonadIO m => Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> m () unionRect v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ unionRectFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE unionRect #-} blitScaled :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> m CInt blitScaled v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ blitScaledFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE blitScaled #-} blitSurface :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> m CInt blitSurface v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ blitSurfaceFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE blitSurface #-} convertPixels :: MonadIO m => CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> Ptr () -> CInt -> Word32 -> Ptr () -> CInt -> m CInt convertPixels v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 = liftIO $ convertPixelsFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 {-# INLINE convertPixels #-} convertSurface :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr PixelFormat -> Word32 -> m (Ptr Surface) convertSurface v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ convertSurfaceFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE convertSurface #-} convertSurfaceFormat :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Word32 -> Word32 -> m (Ptr Surface) convertSurfaceFormat v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ convertSurfaceFormatFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE convertSurfaceFormat #-} createRGBSurface :: MonadIO m => Word32 -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> m (Ptr Surface) createRGBSurface v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 = liftIO $ createRGBSurfaceFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 {-# INLINE createRGBSurface #-} createRGBSurfaceFrom :: MonadIO m => Ptr () -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> m (Ptr Surface) createRGBSurfaceFrom v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 = liftIO $ createRGBSurfaceFromFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 {-# INLINE createRGBSurfaceFrom #-} fillRect :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Word32 -> m CInt fillRect v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ fillRectFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE fillRect #-} fillRects :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> CInt -> Word32 -> m CInt fillRects v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ fillRectsFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE fillRects #-} freeSurface :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> m () freeSurface v1 = liftIO $ freeSurfaceFFI v1 {-# INLINE freeSurface #-} getClipRect :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> m () getClipRect v1 v2 = liftIO $ getClipRectFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getClipRect #-} getColorKey :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr Word32 -> m CInt getColorKey v1 v2 = liftIO $ getColorKeyFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getColorKey #-} getSurfaceAlphaMod :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr Word8 -> m CInt getSurfaceAlphaMod v1 v2 = liftIO $ getSurfaceAlphaModFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getSurfaceAlphaMod #-} getSurfaceBlendMode :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr BlendMode -> m CInt getSurfaceBlendMode v1 v2 = liftIO $ getSurfaceBlendModeFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getSurfaceBlendMode #-} getSurfaceColorMod :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> m CInt getSurfaceColorMod v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ getSurfaceColorModFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE getSurfaceColorMod #-} loadBMP :: MonadIO m => CString -> m (Ptr Surface) loadBMP file = liftIO $ do rw <- withCString "rb" $ rwFromFile file loadBMP_RW rw 1 {-# INLINE loadBMP #-} loadBMP_RW :: MonadIO m => Ptr RWops -> CInt -> m (Ptr Surface) loadBMP_RW v1 v2 = liftIO $ loadBMP_RWFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE loadBMP_RW #-} lockSurface :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> m CInt lockSurface v1 = liftIO $ lockSurfaceFFI v1 {-# INLINE lockSurface #-} lowerBlit :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> m CInt lowerBlit v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ lowerBlitFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE lowerBlit #-} lowerBlitScaled :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> m CInt lowerBlitScaled v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ lowerBlitScaledFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE lowerBlitScaled #-} saveBMP :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> CString -> m CInt saveBMP surface file = liftIO $ do rw <- withCString "wb" $ rwFromFile file saveBMP_RW surface rw 1 {-# INLINE saveBMP #-} saveBMP_RW :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr RWops -> CInt -> m CInt saveBMP_RW v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ saveBMP_RWFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE saveBMP_RW #-} setClipRect :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> m Bool setClipRect v1 v2 = liftIO $ setClipRectFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setClipRect #-} setColorKey :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> CInt -> Word32 -> m CInt setColorKey v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ setColorKeyFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE setColorKey #-} setSurfaceAlphaMod :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Word8 -> m CInt setSurfaceAlphaMod v1 v2 = liftIO $ setSurfaceAlphaModFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setSurfaceAlphaMod #-} setSurfaceBlendMode :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> BlendMode -> m CInt setSurfaceBlendMode v1 v2 = liftIO $ setSurfaceBlendModeFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setSurfaceBlendMode #-} setSurfaceColorMod :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> m CInt setSurfaceColorMod v1 v2 v3 v4 = liftIO $ setSurfaceColorModFFI v1 v2 v3 v4 {-# INLINE setSurfaceColorMod #-} setSurfacePalette :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> Ptr Palette -> m CInt setSurfacePalette v1 v2 = liftIO $ setSurfacePaletteFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setSurfacePalette #-} setSurfaceRLE :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> CInt -> m CInt setSurfaceRLE v1 v2 = liftIO $ setSurfaceRLEFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE setSurfaceRLE #-} unlockSurface :: MonadIO m => Ptr Surface -> m () unlockSurface v1 = liftIO $ unlockSurfaceFFI v1 {-# INLINE unlockSurface #-} getWindowWMInfo :: MonadIO m => Window -> SysWMinfo -> m Bool getWindowWMInfo v1 v2 = liftIO $ getWindowWMInfoFFI v1 v2 {-# INLINE getWindowWMInfo #-} getClipboardText :: MonadIO m => m CString getClipboardText = liftIO getClipboardTextFFI {-# INLINE getClipboardText #-} hasClipboardText :: MonadIO m => m Bool hasClipboardText = liftIO hasClipboardTextFFI {-# INLINE hasClipboardText #-} setClipboardText :: MonadIO m => CString -> m CInt setClipboardText v1 = liftIO $ setClipboardTextFFI v1 {-# INLINE setClipboardText #-} vkLoadLibrary :: MonadIO m => CString -> m CInt vkLoadLibrary v1 = liftIO $ vkLoadLibraryFFI v1 {-# INLINE vkLoadLibrary #-} vkGetVkGetInstanceProcAddr :: MonadIO m => m (FunPtr VkGetInstanceProcAddrFunc) vkGetVkGetInstanceProcAddr = liftIO vkGetVkGetInstanceProcAddrFFI {-# INLINE vkGetVkGetInstanceProcAddr #-} vkUnloadLibrary :: MonadIO m => m () vkUnloadLibrary = liftIO vkUnloadLibraryFFI {-# INLINE vkUnloadLibrary #-} vkGetInstanceExtensions :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr CUInt -> Ptr CString -> m Bool vkGetInstanceExtensions v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ vkGetInstanceExtensionsFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE vkGetInstanceExtensions #-} vkCreateSurface :: MonadIO m => Window -> VkInstance -> Ptr VkSurfaceKHR -> m Bool vkCreateSurface v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ vkCreateSurfaceFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE vkCreateSurface #-} vkGetDrawableSize :: MonadIO m => Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> m () vkGetDrawableSize v1 v2 v3 = liftIO $ vkGetDrawableSizeFFI v1 v2 v3 {-# INLINE vkGetDrawableSize #-}