{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Lazyfoo.Lesson19 (main) where import Prelude hiding (any, mapM_) import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad hiding (mapM_) import Data.Foldable import Data.Int import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Foreign.C.Types import Linear import Linear.Affine import SDL (($=)) import qualified SDL import qualified Data.Vector as V import Paths_sdl2 (getDataFileName) screenWidth, screenHeight :: CInt (screenWidth, screenHeight) = (640, 480) joystickDeadZone :: Int16 joystickDeadZone = 8000 data Texture = Texture SDL.Texture (V2 CInt) loadTexture :: SDL.Renderer -> FilePath -> IO Texture loadTexture r filePath = do surface <- getDataFileName filePath >>= SDL.loadBMP size <- SDL.surfaceDimensions surface format <- SDL.surfaceFormat surface key <- SDL.mapRGB format (V3 0 maxBound maxBound) SDL.surfaceColorKey surface $= Just key t <- SDL.createTextureFromSurface r surface SDL.freeSurface surface return (Texture t size) renderTexture :: SDL.Renderer -> Texture -> Point V2 CInt -> Maybe (SDL.Rectangle CInt) -> Maybe CDouble -> Maybe (Point V2 CInt) -> Maybe (V2 Bool) -> IO () renderTexture r (Texture t size) xy clip theta center flips = let dstSize = maybe size (\(SDL.Rectangle _ size') -> size') clip in SDL.copyEx r t clip (Just (SDL.Rectangle xy dstSize)) (fromMaybe 0 theta) center (fromMaybe (pure False) flips) textureSize :: Texture -> V2 CInt textureSize (Texture _ sz) = sz getJoystick :: IO (SDL.Joystick) getJoystick = do joysticks <- SDL.availableJoysticks joystick <- if V.length joysticks == 0 then error "No joysticks connected!" else return (joysticks V.! 0) SDL.openJoystick joystick main :: IO () main = do SDL.initialize [SDL.InitVideo, SDL.InitJoystick] SDL.HintRenderScaleQuality $= SDL.ScaleLinear do renderQuality <- SDL.get SDL.HintRenderScaleQuality when (renderQuality /= SDL.ScaleLinear) $ putStrLn "Warning: Linear texture filtering not enabled!" window <- SDL.createWindow "SDL Tutorial" SDL.defaultWindow {SDL.windowInitialSize = V2 screenWidth screenHeight} SDL.showWindow window renderer <- SDL.createRenderer window (-1) (SDL.RendererConfig { SDL.rendererType = SDL.AcceleratedVSyncRenderer , SDL.rendererTargetTexture = False }) SDL.rendererDrawColor renderer $= V4 maxBound maxBound maxBound maxBound arrowTexture <- loadTexture renderer "examples/lazyfoo/arrow.bmp" joystick <- getJoystick joystickID <- SDL.getJoystickID joystick let loop (xDir', yDir') = do let collectEvents = do e <- SDL.pollEvent case e of Nothing -> return [] Just e' -> (e' :) <$> collectEvents events <- collectEvents let (Any quit, Last newDir) = foldMap (\case SDL.QuitEvent -> (Any True, mempty) SDL.KeyboardEvent e -> if | SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion e == SDL.Pressed -> let scancode = SDL.keysymScancode (SDL.keyboardEventKeysym e) in if | scancode == SDL.ScancodeEscape -> (Any True, mempty) | otherwise -> mempty | otherwise -> mempty SDL.JoyAxisEvent e -> if | SDL.joyAxisEventWhich e == joystickID -> (\x -> (mempty, Last $ Just x)) $ case SDL.joyAxisEventAxis e of 0 -> if | SDL.joyAxisEventValue e < -joystickDeadZone -> (-1, yDir') | SDL.joyAxisEventValue e > joystickDeadZone -> (1, yDir') | otherwise -> (0, yDir') 1 -> if | SDL.joyAxisEventValue e < -joystickDeadZone -> (xDir', -1) | SDL.joyAxisEventValue e > joystickDeadZone -> (xDir', 1) | otherwise -> (xDir', 0) _ -> (xDir', yDir') | otherwise -> mempty _ -> mempty) $ map SDL.eventPayload events SDL.rendererDrawColor renderer $= V4 maxBound maxBound maxBound maxBound SDL.clear renderer let dir@(xDir, yDir) = fromMaybe (xDir', yDir') newDir phi = if xDir == 0 && yDir == 0 then 0 else (atan2 yDir xDir) * (180.0 / pi) renderTexture renderer arrowTexture (P (fmap (`div` 2) (V2 screenWidth screenHeight) - fmap (`div` 2) (textureSize arrowTexture))) Nothing (Just phi) Nothing Nothing SDL.present renderer unless quit $ loop dir loop (0, 0) SDL.closeJoystick joystick SDL.destroyRenderer renderer SDL.destroyWindow window SDL.quit