module Graphics.UI.SDL.Video ( -- * Display and Window Management createWindow, createWindowAndRenderer, createWindowFrom, destroyWindow, disableScreenSaver, enableScreenSaver, glBindTexture, glCreateContext, glDeleteContext, glExtensionSupported, glGetAttribute, glGetCurrentContext, glGetCurrentWindow, glGetDrawableSize, glGetProcAddress, glGetSwapInterval, glLoadLibrary, glMakeCurrent, glResetAttributes, glSetAttribute, glSetSwapInterval, glSwapWindow, glUnbindTexture, glUnloadLibrary, getClosestDisplayMode, getCurrentDisplayMode, getCurrentVideoDriver, getDesktopDisplayMode, getDisplayBounds, getDisplayMode, getDisplayName, getNumDisplayModes, getNumVideoDisplays, getNumVideoDrivers, getVideoDriver, getWindowBrightness, getWindowData, getWindowDisplayIndex, getWindowDisplayMode, getWindowFlags, getWindowFromID, getWindowGammaRamp, getWindowGrab, getWindowID, getWindowMaximumSize, getWindowMinimumSize, getWindowPixelFormat, getWindowPosition, getWindowSize, getWindowSurface, getWindowTitle, hideWindow, isScreenSaverEnabled, maximizeWindow, minimizeWindow, raiseWindow, restoreWindow, setWindowBordered, setWindowBrightness, setWindowData, setWindowDisplayMode, setWindowFullscreen, setWindowGammaRamp, setWindowGrab, setWindowIcon, setWindowMaximumSize, setWindowMinimumSize, setWindowPosition, setWindowSize, setWindowTitle, showMessageBox, showSimpleMessageBox, showWindow, updateWindowSurface, updateWindowSurfaceRects, videoInit, videoQuit, -- * 2D Accelerated Rendering createRenderer, createSoftwareRenderer, createTexture, createTextureFromSurface, destroyRenderer, destroyTexture, getNumRenderDrivers, getRenderDrawBlendMode, getRenderDrawColor, getRenderDriverInfo, getRenderTarget, getRenderer, getRendererInfo, getRendererOutputSize, getTextureAlphaMod, getTextureBlendMode, getTextureColorMod, lockTexture, queryTexture, renderClear, renderCopy, renderCopyEx, renderDrawLine, renderDrawLines, renderDrawPoint, renderDrawPoints, renderDrawRect, renderDrawRects, renderFillRect, renderFillRects, renderGetClipRect, renderGetLogicalSize, renderGetScale, renderGetViewport, renderPresent, renderReadPixels, renderSetClipRect, renderSetLogicalSize, renderSetScale, renderSetViewport, renderTargetSupported, setRenderDrawBlendMode, setRenderDrawColor, setRenderTarget, setTextureAlphaMod, setTextureBlendMode, setTextureColorMod, unlockTexture, updateTexture, updateYUVTexture, -- * Pixel Formats and Conversion Routines allocFormat, allocPalette, calculateGammaRamp, freeFormat, freePalette, getPixelFormatName, getRGB, getRGBA, mapRGB, mapRGBA, masksToPixelFormatEnum, pixelFormatEnumToMasks, setPaletteColors, setPixelFormatPalette, -- * Rectangle Functions enclosePoints, hasIntersection, intersectRect, intersectRectAndLine, unionRect, -- * Surface Creation and Simple Drawing blitScaled, blitSurface, convertPixels, convertSurface, convertSurfaceFormat, createRGBSurface, createRGBSurfaceFrom, fillRect, fillRects, freeSurface, getClipRect, getColorKey, getSurfaceAlphaMod, getSurfaceBlendMode, getSurfaceColorMod, loadBMP, loadBMP_RW, lockSurface, lowerBlit, lowerBlitScaled, saveBMP, saveBMP_RW, setClipRect, setColorKey, setSurfaceAlphaMod, setSurfaceBlendMode, setSurfaceColorMod, setSurfacePalette, setSurfaceRLE, unlockSurface, -- * Platform-specific Window Management getWindowWMInfo, -- * Clipboard Handling getClipboardText, hasClipboardText, setClipboardText ) where import Data.Word import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.Ptr import Graphics.UI.SDL.Enum import Graphics.UI.SDL.Filesystem import Graphics.UI.SDL.Types foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateWindow" createWindow :: CString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> IO Window foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer" createWindowAndRenderer :: CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> Ptr Window -> Ptr Renderer -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateWindowFrom" createWindowFrom :: Ptr () -> IO Window foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_DestroyWindow" destroyWindow :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_DisableScreenSaver" disableScreenSaver :: IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_EnableScreenSaver" enableScreenSaver :: IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_BindTexture" glBindTexture :: Texture -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_CreateContext" glCreateContext :: Window -> IO GLContext foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_DeleteContext" glDeleteContext :: GLContext -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported" glExtensionSupported :: CString -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_GetAttribute" glGetAttribute :: GLattr -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_GetCurrentContext" glGetCurrentContext :: IO GLContext foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_GetCurrentWindow" glGetCurrentWindow :: IO Window foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize" glGetDrawableSize :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_GetProcAddress" glGetProcAddress :: CString -> IO (Ptr ()) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_GetSwapInterval" glGetSwapInterval :: IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_LoadLibrary" glLoadLibrary :: CString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_MakeCurrent" glMakeCurrent :: Window -> GLContext -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_ResetAttributes" glResetAttributes :: IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_SetAttribute" glSetAttribute :: GLattr -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval" glSetSwapInterval :: CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_SwapWindow" glSwapWindow :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_UnbindTexture" glUnbindTexture :: Texture -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GL_UnloadLibrary" glUnloadLibrary :: IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode" getClosestDisplayMode :: CInt -> Ptr DisplayMode -> Ptr DisplayMode -> IO (Ptr DisplayMode) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode" getCurrentDisplayMode :: CInt -> Ptr DisplayMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver" getCurrentVideoDriver :: IO CString foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode" getDesktopDisplayMode :: CInt -> Ptr DisplayMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetDisplayBounds" getDisplayBounds :: CInt -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetDisplayMode" getDisplayMode :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr DisplayMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetDisplayName" getDisplayName :: CInt -> IO CString foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetNumDisplayModes" getNumDisplayModes :: CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays" getNumVideoDisplays :: IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetNumVideoDrivers" getNumVideoDrivers :: IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetVideoDriver" getVideoDriver :: CInt -> IO CString foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowBrightness" getWindowBrightness :: Window -> IO CFloat foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowData" getWindowData :: Window -> CString -> IO (Ptr ()) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex" getWindowDisplayIndex :: Window -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowDisplayMode" getWindowDisplayMode :: Window -> Ptr DisplayMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowFlags" getWindowFlags :: Window -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowFromID" getWindowFromID :: Word32 -> IO Window foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowGammaRamp" getWindowGammaRamp :: Window -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowGrab" getWindowGrab :: Window -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowID" getWindowID :: Window -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowMaximumSize" getWindowMaximumSize :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowMinimumSize" getWindowMinimumSize :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowPixelFormat" getWindowPixelFormat :: Window -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowPosition" getWindowPosition :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowSize" getWindowSize :: Window -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowSurface" getWindowSurface :: Window -> IO (Ptr Surface) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowTitle" getWindowTitle :: Window -> IO CString foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_HideWindow" hideWindow :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_IsScreenSaverEnabled" isScreenSaverEnabled :: IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_MaximizeWindow" maximizeWindow :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_MinimizeWindow" minimizeWindow :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RaiseWindow" raiseWindow :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RestoreWindow" restoreWindow :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowBordered" setWindowBordered :: Window -> Bool -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowBrightness" setWindowBrightness :: Window -> CFloat -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowData" setWindowData :: Window -> CString -> Ptr () -> IO (Ptr ()) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode" setWindowDisplayMode :: Window -> Ptr DisplayMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowFullscreen" setWindowFullscreen :: Window -> Word32 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowGammaRamp" setWindowGammaRamp :: Window -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> Ptr Word16 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowGrab" setWindowGrab :: Window -> Bool -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowIcon" setWindowIcon :: Window -> Ptr Surface -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowMaximumSize" setWindowMaximumSize :: Window -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize" setWindowMinimumSize :: Window -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowPosition" setWindowPosition :: Window -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowSize" setWindowSize :: Window -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetWindowTitle" setWindowTitle :: Window -> CString -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ShowMessageBox" showMessageBox :: Ptr MessageBoxData -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox" showSimpleMessageBox :: Word32 -> CString -> CString -> Window -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ShowWindow" showWindow :: Window -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UpdateWindowSurface" updateWindowSurface :: Window -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects" updateWindowSurfaceRects :: Window -> Ptr Rect -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_VideoInit" videoInit :: CString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_VideoQuit" videoQuit :: IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateRenderer" createRenderer :: Window -> CInt -> Word32 -> IO Renderer foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateSoftwareRenderer" createSoftwareRenderer :: Ptr Surface -> IO Renderer foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateTexture" createTexture :: Renderer -> Word32 -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO Texture foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface" createTextureFromSurface :: Renderer -> Ptr Surface -> IO Texture foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_DestroyRenderer" destroyRenderer :: Renderer -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_DestroyTexture" destroyTexture :: Texture -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers" getNumRenderDrivers :: IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRenderDrawBlendMode" getRenderDrawBlendMode :: Renderer -> IO Int foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRenderDrawColor" getRenderDrawColor :: Renderer -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRenderDriverInfo" getRenderDriverInfo :: CInt -> Ptr RendererInfo -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRenderTarget" getRenderTarget :: Renderer -> IO Texture foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRenderer" getRenderer :: Window -> IO Renderer foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRendererInfo" getRendererInfo :: Renderer -> Ptr RendererInfo -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRendererOutputSize" getRendererOutputSize :: Renderer -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetTextureAlphaMod" getTextureAlphaMod :: Texture -> Ptr Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetTextureBlendMode" getTextureBlendMode :: Texture -> Ptr BlendMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetTextureColorMod" getTextureColorMod :: Texture -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_LockTexture" lockTexture :: Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_QueryTexture" queryTexture :: Texture -> Word32 -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderClear" renderClear :: Renderer -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderCopy" renderCopy :: Renderer -> Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderCopyEx" renderCopyEx :: Renderer -> Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> CDouble -> Ptr Point -> RendererFlip -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderDrawLine" renderDrawLine :: Renderer -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderDrawLines" renderDrawLines :: Renderer -> Ptr Point -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderDrawPoint" renderDrawPoint :: Renderer -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderDrawPoints" renderDrawPoints :: Renderer -> Ptr Point -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderDrawRect" renderDrawRect :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderDrawRects" renderDrawRects :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderFillRect" renderFillRect :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderFillRects" renderFillRects :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderGetClipRect" renderGetClipRect :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderGetLogicalSize" renderGetLogicalSize :: Renderer -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderGetScale" renderGetScale :: Renderer -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderGetViewport" renderGetViewport :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderPresent" renderPresent :: Renderer -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderReadPixels" renderReadPixels :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> Word32 -> Ptr () -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderSetClipRect" renderSetClipRect :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize" renderSetLogicalSize :: Renderer -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderSetScale" renderSetScale :: Renderer -> CFloat -> CFloat -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderSetViewport" renderSetViewport :: Renderer -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_RenderTargetSupported" renderTargetSupported :: Renderer -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode" setRenderDrawBlendMode :: Renderer -> BlendMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetRenderDrawColor" setRenderDrawColor :: Renderer -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetRenderTarget" setRenderTarget :: Renderer -> Texture -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod" setTextureAlphaMod :: Texture -> Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetTextureBlendMode" setTextureBlendMode :: Texture -> BlendMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetTextureColorMod" setTextureColorMod :: Texture -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UnlockTexture" unlockTexture :: Texture -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UpdateTexture" updateTexture :: Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr () -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UpdateYUVTexture" updateYUVTexture :: Texture -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_AllocFormat" allocFormat :: Word32 -> IO (Ptr PixelFormat) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_AllocPalette" allocPalette :: CInt -> IO (Ptr Palette) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CalculateGammaRamp" calculateGammaRamp :: CFloat -> Ptr Word16 -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_FreeFormat" freeFormat :: Ptr PixelFormat -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_FreePalette" freePalette :: Ptr Palette -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetPixelFormatName" getPixelFormatName :: Word32 -> IO CString foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRGB" getRGB :: Word32 -> Ptr PixelFormat -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetRGBA" getRGBA :: Word32 -> Ptr PixelFormat -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_MapRGB" mapRGB :: Ptr PixelFormat -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_MapRGBA" mapRGBA :: Ptr PixelFormat -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_MasksToPixelFormatEnum" masksToPixelFormatEnum :: CInt -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO Word32 foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks" pixelFormatEnumToMasks :: Word32 -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetPaletteColors" setPaletteColors :: Ptr Palette -> Ptr Color -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetPixelFormatPalette" setPixelFormatPalette :: Ptr PixelFormat -> Ptr Palette -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_EnclosePoints" enclosePoints :: Ptr Point -> CInt -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_HasIntersection" hasIntersection :: Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_IntersectRect" intersectRect :: Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_IntersectRectAndLine" intersectRectAndLine :: Ptr Rect -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UnionRect" unionRect :: Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Rect -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UpperBlitScaled" blitScaled :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UpperBlit" blitSurface :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ConvertPixels" convertPixels :: CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> Ptr () -> CInt -> Word32 -> Ptr () -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ConvertSurface" convertSurface :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr PixelFormat -> Word32 -> IO (Ptr Surface) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat" convertSurfaceFormat :: Ptr Surface -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO (Ptr Surface) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateRGBSurface" createRGBSurface :: Word32 -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO (Ptr Surface) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom" createRGBSurfaceFrom :: Ptr () -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO (Ptr Surface) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_FillRect" fillRect :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Word32 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_FillRects" fillRects :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> CInt -> Word32 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_FreeSurface" freeSurface :: Ptr Surface -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetClipRect" getClipRect :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetColorKey" getColorKey :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Word32 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetSurfaceAlphaMod" getSurfaceAlphaMod :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetSurfaceBlendMode" getSurfaceBlendMode :: Ptr Surface -> BlendMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetSurfaceColorMod" getSurfaceColorMod :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_LoadBMP_RW" loadBMP_RW :: Ptr RWops -> CInt -> IO (Ptr Surface) foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_LockSurface" lockSurface :: Ptr Surface -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_LowerBlit" lowerBlit :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_LowerBlitScaled" lowerBlitScaled :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SaveBMP_RW" saveBMP_RW :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr RWops -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetClipRect" setClipRect :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Rect -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetColorKey" setColorKey :: Ptr Surface -> CInt -> Word32 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod" setSurfaceAlphaMod :: Ptr Surface -> Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode" setSurfaceBlendMode :: Ptr Surface -> BlendMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetSurfaceColorMod" setSurfaceColorMod :: Ptr Surface -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetSurfacePalette" setSurfacePalette :: Ptr Surface -> Ptr Palette -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetSurfaceRLE" setSurfaceRLE :: Ptr Surface -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_UnlockSurface" unlockSurface :: Ptr Surface -> IO () foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetWindowWMInfo" getWindowWMInfo :: Window -> SysWMinfo -> IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_GetClipboardText" getClipboardText :: IO CString foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_HasClipboardText" hasClipboardText :: IO Bool foreign import ccall "SDL.h SDL_SetClipboardText" setClipboardText :: CString -> IO CInt loadBMP :: CString -> IO (Ptr Surface) loadBMP file = do rw <- withCString "rb" $ rwFromFile file loadBMP_RW rw 1 saveBMP :: Ptr Surface -> CString -> IO CInt saveBMP surface file = do rw <- withCString "wb" $ rwFromFile file saveBMP_RW surface rw 1