theory "isoiec-9798-3_cert_auto" imports "ESPLogic" begin role isoiec_9798_3_1_A where "isoiec_9798_3_1_A = [ Send ''leak_A'' ( sN ''TNA'' ) , Recv ''text_1'' <| sMV ''Text1'', sMV ''Text2'' |> , Send ''1'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text2'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_1_sig_1'', sN ''TNA'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text1'' |> ( sPK ''A'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_1_B where "isoiec_9798_3_1_B = [ Recv ''1'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text2'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_1_sig_1'', sMV ''TNA'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text1'' |> ( PAsymPK ( sMV ''A'' ) ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_2_A where "isoiec_9798_3_2_A = [ Recv ''1'' <| sMV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''text_2'' <| sMV ''Text2'', sMV ''Text3'' |> , Send ''2'' <| sAV ''A'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''Text3'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_2_sig_2'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''Text2'' |> ( sPK ''A'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_2_B where "isoiec_9798_3_2_B = [ Recv ''text_1'' ( sMV ''Text1'' ) , Send ''1'' <| sAV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''2'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text3'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_2_sig_2'', sMV ''Ra'', sN ''Rb'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text2'' |> ( sPK ''A'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_3_A where "isoiec_9798_3_3_A = [ Send ''leak_A'' ( sN ''TNA'' ) , Recv ''text_1'' <| sMV ''Text1'', sMV ''Text2'' |> , Send ''1'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text2'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_3_sig_1'', sN ''TNA'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text1'' |> ( sPK ''A'' ) |> , Recv ''2'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text4'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_3_sig_2'', sMV ''TNB'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text3'' |> ( sPK ''B'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_3_B where "isoiec_9798_3_3_B = [ Send ''leak_B'' ( sN ''TNB'' ) , Recv ''1'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text2'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_3_sig_1'', sMV ''TNA'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text1'' |> ( PAsymPK ( sMV ''A'' ) ) |> , Recv ''text_2'' <| sMV ''Text3'', sMV ''Text4'' |> , Send ''2'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text4'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_3_sig_2'', sN ''TNB'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''Text3'' |> ( sPK ''B'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_4_A where "isoiec_9798_3_4_A = [ Recv ''1'' <| sMV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''RB'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''text_2'' <| sMV ''Text2'', sMV ''Text3'' |> , Send ''2'' <| sAV ''A'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''Text3'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_4_sig_1'', sN ''RA'', sMV ''RB'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''Text2'' |> ( sPK ''A'' ) |> , Recv ''3'' <| sMV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text5'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_4_sig_2'', sMV ''RB'', sN ''RA'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text4'' |> ( PAsymPK ( sMV ''B'' ) ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_4_B where "isoiec_9798_3_4_B = [ Recv ''text_1'' ( sMV ''Text1'' ) , Send ''1'' <| sAV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sN ''RB'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''2'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text3'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_4_sig_1'', sMV ''RA'', sN ''RB'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text2'' |> ( sPK ''A'' ) |> , Recv ''text_3'' <| sMV ''Text4'', sMV ''Text5'' |> , Send ''3'' <| sAV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text5'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_4_sig_2'', sN ''RB'', sMV ''RA'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text4'' |> ( sPK ''B'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_5_A where "isoiec_9798_3_5_A = [ Recv ''text_1'' ( sMV ''Text1'' ) , Send ''1'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sN ''RA'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''2'' <| sAV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''RB'', sMV ''Text2'' |> , Recv ''3'' <| sAV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text6'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_5_sig_1'', sMV ''RB'', sN ''RA'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text5'' |> ( sPK ''B'' ) |> , Recv ''text_4'' <| sMV ''Text3'', sMV ''Text4'' |> , Send ''4'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text4'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_5_sig_2'', sN ''RA'', sMV ''RB'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text3'' |> ( sPK ''A'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_5_B where "isoiec_9798_3_5_B = [ Recv ''1'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''RA'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''text_2'' ( sMV ''Text2'' ) , Send ''2'' <| sAV ''B'', sMV ''A'', sN ''RB'', sMV ''Text2'' |> , Recv ''text_3'' <| sMV ''Text5'', sMV ''Text6'' |> , Send ''3'' <| sAV ''B'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''Text6'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_5_sig_1'', sN ''RB'', sMV ''RA'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''Text5'' |> ( sPK ''B'' ) |> , Recv ''4'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text4'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_5_sig_2'', sMV ''RA'', sN ''RB'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text3'' |> ( PAsymPK ( sMV ''A'' ) ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A where "isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A = [ Recv ''text_1'' ( sMV ''Text1'' ) , Send ''1'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''2'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''Text3'', sMV ''TokenBA'' |> , Recv ''text_3'' ( sMV ''Text4'' ) , Send ''3'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''T'', sN ''Rpa'', sMV ''Rb'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text4'' |> , Recv ''4'' <| sAV ''T'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text7'', sAV ''A'', sPK ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''pkB'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_4_1'', sN ''Rpa'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''pkB'', sMV ''Text6'' |> ( sPK ''T'' ), sMV ''TokenTA_for_B'' |> , Send ''check_4_out'' ( PEnc <| sC ''check_4'', sMV ''TokenBA'' |> ( sN ''check_nonce_4'' ) ) , Recv ''check_4_in'' ( PEnc <| sC ''check_4'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_2'', sAV ''B'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''Rb'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text2'' |> ( sMV ''pkB'' ) |> ( sN ''check_nonce_4'' ) ) , Recv ''text_5'' <| sMV ''Text8'', sMV ''Text9'' |> , Send ''5'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text9'', sAV ''T'', sMV ''TokenTA_for_B'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_5'', sMV ''Rb'', sN ''Ra'', sAV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text8'' |> ( sPK ''A'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B where "isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B = [ Recv ''1'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Ra'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''text_2'' <| sMV ''Text2'', sMV ''Text3'' |> , Send ''2'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Ra'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''Text3'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_2'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Ra'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''Text2'' |> ( sPK ''B'' ) |> , Recv ''5'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text9'', sMV ''T'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_4_2'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''pkA'', sMV ''Text5'' |> ( PAsymPK ( sMV ''T'' ) ), PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_5'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''Ra'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''Text8'' |> ( sMV ''pkA'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T where "isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T = [ Recv ''3'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''T'', sMV ''Rpa'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''Text4'' |> , Recv ''text_4'' <| sMV ''Text5'', sMV ''Text6'', sMV ''Text7'' |> , Send ''4'' <| sAV ''T'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''Text7'', sMV ''A'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''A'' ), sMV ''B'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''B'' ), PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_4_1'', sMV ''Rpa'', sMV ''B'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''B'' ), sMV ''Text6'' |> ( sPK ''T'' ), PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_4_2'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''A'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''A'' ), sMV ''Text5'' |> ( sPK ''T'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A where "isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A = [ Recv ''text_1'' ( sMV ''Text1'' ) , Send ''1'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''2'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''Text3'', sMV ''TokenBA'' |> , Recv ''text_3'' ( sMV ''Text4'' ) , Send ''3'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''T'', sN ''Rpa'', sMV ''Rb'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text4'' |> , Recv ''4'' <| sAV ''T'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text7'', sAV ''A'', sPK ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''pkB'', sMV ''TokenTA'' |> , Send ''check_4_out'' ( PEnc <| sC ''check_4'', sMV ''TokenTA'', sMV ''TokenBA'' |> ( sN ''check_nonce_4'' ) ) , Recv ''check_4_in'' ( PEnc <| sC ''check_4'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', sN ''Rpa'', sMV ''Rb'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''pkA'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''pkB'', sMV ''Text5'' |> ( sPK ''T'' ), PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', sAV ''B'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''Rb'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text2'' |> ( sMV ''pkB'' ) |> ( sN ''check_nonce_4'' ) ) , Recv ''text_5'' <| sMV ''Text8'', sMV ''Text9'' |> , Send ''5'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sN ''Rpa'', sMV ''Text9'', sAV ''T'', sMV ''TokenTA'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_5'', sMV ''Rb'', sN ''Ra'', sAV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text8'' |> ( sPK ''A'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B where "isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B = [ Recv ''1'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Ra'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''text_2'' <| sMV ''Text2'', sMV ''Text3'' |> , Send ''2'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Ra'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''Text3'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Ra'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''Text2'' |> ( sPK ''B'' ) |> , Recv ''5'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Rpa'', sMV ''Text9'', sMV ''T'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', sMV ''Rpa'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''pkA'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''pkB'', sMV ''Text5'' |> ( PAsymPK ( sMV ''T'' ) ), PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_5'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''Ra'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''Text8'' |> ( sMV ''pkA'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T where "isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T = [ Recv ''3'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''T'', sMV ''Rpa'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''Text4'' |> , Recv ''text_4'' <| sMV ''Text5'', sMV ''Text7'' |> , Send ''4'' <| sAV ''T'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''Text7'', sMV ''A'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''A'' ), sMV ''B'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''B'' ), PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', sMV ''Rpa'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''A'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''A'' ), sMV ''B'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''B'' ), sMV ''Text5'' |> ( sPK ''T'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A where "isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A = [ Recv ''1'' <| sMV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''text_2'' ( sMV ''Text2'' ) , Send ''2'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''T'', sN ''Rpa'', sMV ''Rb'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''Text2'' |> , Recv ''3'' <| sAV ''T'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text5'', sAV ''A'', sPK ''A'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''pkB'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_3_1'', sN ''Rpa'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''pkB'', sMV ''Text4'' |> ( sPK ''T'' ), sMV ''TokenTA_for_B'' |> , Recv ''text_4'' <| sMV ''Text6'', sMV ''Text7'' |> , Send ''4'' <| sAV ''A'', sMV ''B'', sN ''Rpa'', sMV ''Text7'', sAV ''T'', sMV ''TokenTA_for_B'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_4'', sMV ''Rb'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text6'' |> ( sPK ''A'' ) |> , Recv ''5'' <| sAV ''A'', sMV ''B'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''Text9'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_5'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''Rb'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''Text8'' |> ( sMV ''pkB'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B where "isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B = [ Recv ''text_1'' ( sMV ''Text1'' ) , Send ''1'' <| sAV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''4'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Rpa'', sMV ''Text9'', sMV ''T'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_3_2'', sN ''Rb'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''pkA'', sMV ''Text3'' |> ( PAsymPK ( sMV ''T'' ) ), PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_4'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''Ra'', sAV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text6'' |> ( sMV ''pkA'' ) |> , Recv ''text_5'' <| sMV ''Text8'', sMV ''Text9'' |> , Send ''5'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Ra'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''Text9'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_5'', sMV ''Ra'', sN ''Rb'', sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text8'' |> ( sPK ''B'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T where "isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T = [ Recv ''2'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''T'', sMV ''Rpa'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''Text2'' |> , Recv ''text_3'' <| sMV ''Text3'', sMV ''Text4'', sMV ''Text5'' |> , Send ''3'' <| sAV ''T'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''Text5'', sMV ''A'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''A'' ), sMV ''B'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''B'' ), PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_3_1'', sMV ''Rpa'', sMV ''B'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''B'' ), sMV ''Text4'' |> ( sPK ''T'' ), PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_3_2'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''A'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''A'' ), sMV ''Text3'' |> ( sPK ''T'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A where "isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A = [ Recv ''1'' <| sMV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''text_2'' ( sMV ''Text2'' ) , Send ''2'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''T'', sN ''Rpa'', sMV ''Rb'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''Text2'' |> , Recv ''3'' <| sAV ''T'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text5'', sAV ''A'', sPK ''A'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''pkB'', sMV ''TokenTA'' |> , Send ''check_3_out'' ( PEnc <| sC ''check_4'', sMV ''TokenTA'' |> ( sN ''check_nonce_4'' ) ) , Recv ''check_3_in'' ( PEnc <| sC ''check_4'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', sN ''Rpa'', sMV ''Rb'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''pkA'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''pkB'', sMV ''Text3'' |> ( sPK ''T'' ) |> ( sN ''check_nonce_4'' ) ) , Recv ''text_4'' <| sMV ''Text6'', sMV ''Text7'' |> , Send ''4'' <| sAV ''A'', sMV ''B'', sN ''Rpa'', sMV ''Text7'', sAV ''T'', sMV ''TokenTA'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_4'', sMV ''Rb'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text6'' |> ( sPK ''A'' ) |> , Recv ''5'' <| sAV ''A'', sMV ''B'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''Text9'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_5'', sN ''Ra'', sMV ''Rb'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''Text8'' |> ( sMV ''pkB'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B where "isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B = [ Recv ''text_1'' ( sMV ''Text1'' ) , Send ''1'' <| sAV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''Text1'' |> , Recv ''4'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Rpa'', sMV ''Text9'', sMV ''T'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', sMV ''Rpa'', sN ''Rb'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''pkA'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''pkB'', sMV ''Text3'' |> ( PAsymPK ( sMV ''T'' ) ), PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_4'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''Ra'', sAV ''B'', sAV ''A'', sMV ''Text6'' |> ( sMV ''pkA'' ) |> , Recv ''text_5'' <| sMV ''Text8'', sMV ''Text9'' |> , Send ''5'' <| sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Ra'', sN ''Rb'', sMV ''Text9'', PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_5'', sMV ''Ra'', sN ''Rb'', sAV ''A'', sAV ''B'', sMV ''Text8'' |> ( sPK ''B'' ) |> ]" role isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T where "isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T = [ Recv ''2'' <| sMV ''A'', sAV ''T'', sMV ''Rpa'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''B'', sMV ''Text2'' |> , Recv ''text_3'' <| sMV ''Text3'', sMV ''Text5'' |> , Send ''3'' <| sAV ''T'', sMV ''A'', sMV ''Text5'', sMV ''A'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''A'' ), sMV ''B'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''B'' ), PSign <| sC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', sMV ''Rpa'', sMV ''Rb'', sMV ''A'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''A'' ), sMV ''B'', PAsymPK ( sMV ''B'' ), sMV ''Text3'' |> ( sPK ''T'' ) |> ]" protocol isoiec_9798_3 where "isoiec_9798_3 = { isoiec_9798_3_1_A, isoiec_9798_3_1_B, isoiec_9798_3_2_A, isoiec_9798_3_2_B, isoiec_9798_3_3_A, isoiec_9798_3_3_B, isoiec_9798_3_4_A, isoiec_9798_3_4_B, isoiec_9798_3_5_A, isoiec_9798_3_5_B, isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B, isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T, isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T, isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B, isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T, isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B, isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T }" locale restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state = isoiec_9798_3_state type_invariant isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing for isoiec_9798_3 where "isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing = mk_typing [ ((isoiec_9798_3_1_B, ''A''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_1_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_3_B, ''A''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_3_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_B, ''A''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B, ''A''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T, ''A''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, ''A''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T, ''A''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T, ''A''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T, ''A''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_2_A, ''B''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_2_A_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_A, ''B''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_A_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T, ''B''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T, ''B''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, ''B''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T, ''B''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''B''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T, ''B''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_B, ''RA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_B_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_B, ''RA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_A, ''RB''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_A_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_A, ''RB''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_A_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_2_B, ''Ra''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_2_B_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B, ''Ra''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, ''Ra''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B, ''Ra''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B, ''Ra''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_2_A, ''Rb''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_2_A_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, ''Rb''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T, ''Rb''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''Rb''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T, ''Rb''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, ''Rb''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T, ''Rb''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''Rb''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T, ''Rb''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T, ''Rpa''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, ''Rpa''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T, ''Rpa''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B, ''Rpa''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T, ''Rpa''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B, ''Rpa''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T, ''Rpa''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B, ''T''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, ''T''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B, ''T''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B, ''T''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_1_B, ''TNA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_1_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_3_B, ''TNA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_3_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_3_A, ''TNB''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_3_A_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_1_A, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_1_A_text_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_1_B, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_1_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_2_A, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_2_A_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_2_B, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_2_B_text_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_3_A, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_3_A_text_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_3_B, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_3_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_A, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_A_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_B, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_B_text_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_A, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_A_text_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_B, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_text_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_text_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_text_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B, ''Text1''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_text_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_1_A, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_1_A_text_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_1_B, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_1_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_2_A, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_2_A_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_2_B, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_2_B_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_3_A, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_3_A_text_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_3_B, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_3_B_1)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_A, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_A_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_B, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_B_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_A, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_A_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_B, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_B_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_check_4_in)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_check_4_in)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T, ''Text2''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_2_A, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_2_A_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_2_B, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_2_B_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_3_A, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_3_A_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_3_B, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_3_B_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_A, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_A_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_B, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_B_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_A, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_A_text_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_B, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_text_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_check_3_in)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T, ''Text3''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_text_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_3_A, ''Text4''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_3_A_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_3_B, ''Text4''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_3_B_text_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_A, ''Text4''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_A_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_B, ''Text4''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_B_text_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_A, ''Text4''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_A_text_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_B, ''Text4''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, ''Text4''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_text_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T, ''Text4''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''Text4''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_text_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T, ''Text4''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, ''Text4''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T, ''Text4''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_text_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_A, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_A_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_4_B, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_4_B_text_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_A, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_A_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_B, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_B_text_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_text_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_check_4_in)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_text_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_text_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T, ''Text5''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_text_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_A, ''Text6''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_A_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_5_B, ''Text6''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_5_B_text_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, ''Text6''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T, ''Text6''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_text_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, ''Text6''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_text_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B, ''Text6''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''Text6''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_text_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B, ''Text6''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, ''Text7''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T, ''Text7''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_text_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''Text7''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T, ''Text7''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_text_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, ''Text7''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_text_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''Text7''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_text_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, ''Text8''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_text_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B, ''Text8''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''Text8''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_text_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, ''Text8''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, ''Text8''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B, ''Text8''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_text_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''Text8''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B, ''Text8''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_text_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, ''Text9''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_text_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B, ''Text9''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''Text9''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_text_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, ''Text9''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, ''Text9''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B, ''Text9''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''Text9''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B, ''Text9''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, ''TokenBA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''TokenBA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_2)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''TokenTA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''TokenTA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, ''TokenTA_for_B''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, ''TokenTA_for_B''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B, ''pkA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''pkA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_check_4_in)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, ''pkA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B, ''pkA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''pkA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_check_3_in)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B, ''pkA''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A, ''pkB''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A, ''pkB''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_4)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B, ''pkB''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A, ''pkB''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A, ''pkB''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_3)) , ((isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B, ''pkB''), (KnownT isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4)) ]" sublocale isoiec_9798_3_state < isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state proof - have "(t,r,s) : approx isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing" proof(cases rule: reachable_in_approxI_ext [OF isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing.monoTyp, completeness_cases_rule]) case (isoiec_9798_3_1_A_text_1_Text1 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_1_A_text_1_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_1_B_1_A t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_1_B_1_TNA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_1_B_1_Text1 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_1_B_1_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_2_A_1_B t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_2_A_1_Rb t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_2_A_1_Text1 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_2_A_text_2_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_2_A_text_2_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_2_B_2_Ra t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_2_B_2_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_2_B_2_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_A_text_1_Text1 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_A_text_1_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_A_2_TNB t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_A_2_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_A_2_Text4 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_B_1_A t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_B_1_TNA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_B_1_Text1 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_B_1_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_B_text_2_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_B_text_2_Text4 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_A_1_B t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_A_1_RB t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_A_1_Text1 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_A_text_2_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_A_text_2_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_A_3_Text4 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_A_3_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_B_2_RA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_B_2_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_B_2_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_B_text_3_Text4 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_B_text_3_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_A_2_RB t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_A_2_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_A_3_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_A_3_Text6 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_A_text_4_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_A_text_4_Text4 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_B_1_A t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_B_1_RA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_B_1_Text1 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_B_text_3_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_B_text_3_Text6 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_B_4_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_B_4_Text4 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_2_Rb t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_2_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_2_TokenBA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_4_Text6 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_4_Text7 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_4_TokenTA_for_B t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_4_pkB t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_check_4_in_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''check_4'', {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |} ( inv(s(MV ''pkB'' tid0)) ) |} ( LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ) ") qed (insert facts, ((fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits))+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_text_5_Text8 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_text_5_Text9 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_1_A t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_1_Ra t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_1_Text1 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_text_2_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_text_2_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_5_T t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_5_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_5_Text8 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_5_Text9 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_5_pkA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_3_A t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_3_B t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_3_Rb t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_3_Rpa t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_3_Text4 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_text_4_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_text_4_Text6 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_text_4_Text7 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_2_Rb t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_2_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_2_TokenBA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_4_Text7 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_4_TokenTA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_4_pkB t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_check_4_in_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''check_4'', {| {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) |}, {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |} ( inv(s(MV ''pkB'' tid0)) ) |} ( LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ) ") qed (insert facts, ((fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits))+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_check_4_in_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''check_4'', {| {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) |}, {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |} ( inv(s(MV ''pkB'' tid0)) ) |} ( LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ) ") qed (insert facts, ((fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits))+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_check_4_in_pkA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''check_4'', {| {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) |}, {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |} ( inv(s(MV ''pkB'' tid0)) ) |} ( LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ) ") qed (insert facts, ((fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits))+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_text_5_Text8 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_text_5_Text9 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_1_A t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_1_Ra t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_1_Text1 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_text_2_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_text_2_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5_Rpa t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5_T t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5_Text8 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5_Text9 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5_pkA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5_pkB t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_3_A t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_3_B t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_3_Rb t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_3_Rpa t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_3_Text4 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_text_4_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_text_4_Text7 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_1_B t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_1_Rb t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_1_Text1 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_3_Text4 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_3_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_3_TokenTA_for_B t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_3_pkB t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_text_4_Text6 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_text_4_Text7 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_5_Text8 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_5_Text9 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4_Ra t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4_Rpa t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4_T t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4_Text6 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4_Text9 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4_pkA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_text_5_Text8 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_2_A t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_2_B t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_2_Rb t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_2_Rpa t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_2_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_text_3_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_text_3_Text4 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_text_3_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_1_B t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_1_Rb t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_1_Text1 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_3_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_3_TokenTA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_3_pkB t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_check_3_in_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''check_4'', {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) |} ( LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ) ") qed (insert facts, ((fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits))+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_check_3_in_pkA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''check_4'', {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) |} ( LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ) ") qed (insert facts, ((fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits))+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_text_4_Text6 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_text_4_Text7 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_5_Text8 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_5_Text9 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4_Ra t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4_Rpa t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4_T t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4_Text6 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4_Text9 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4_pkA t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4_pkB t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_text_5_Text8 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_2_A t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_2_B t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_2_Rb t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_2_Rpa t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_2_Text2 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_text_3_Text3 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_text_3_Text5 t r s tid0) note facts = this then interpret state: isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s by unfold_locales auto show ?case using facts by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed thus "isoiec_9798_3_composed_typing_state t r s" by unfold_locales auto qed text{* Prove secrecy of long-term keys. *} context isoiec_9798_3_state begin (* This rule is unsafe in general, but OK here, as we are only reasoning about static compromise. *) lemma static_longterm_key_reveal[dest!]: "predOrd t (LKR a) e ==> RLKR a : reveals t" by (auto intro: compr_predOrdI) lemma longterm_private_key_secrecy: assumes facts: "SK m : knows t" "RLKR m ~: reveals t" shows "False" using facts by (sources "SK m") lemma longterm_sym_ud_key_secrecy: assumes facts: "K m1 m2 : knows t" "RLKR m1 ~: reveals t" "RLKR m2 ~: reveals t" shows "False" using facts by (sources "K m1 m2") lemma longterm_sym_bd_key_secrecy: assumes facts: "Kbd m1 m2 : knows t" "RLKR m1 ~: reveals t" "RLKR m2 ~: reveals t" "m1 : Agent" "m2 : Agent" shows "False" proof - from facts have "KShr (agents {m1, m2}) : knows t" by (auto simp: Kbd_def) thus ?thesis using facts proof (sources "KShr (agents {m1, m2})") qed (auto simp: agents_def Agent_def) qed lemmas ltk_secrecy = longterm_sym_ud_key_secrecy longterm_sym_ud_key_secrecy[OF in_knows_predOrd1] longterm_sym_bd_key_secrecy longterm_sym_bd_key_secrecy[OF in_knows_predOrd1] longterm_private_key_secrecy longterm_private_key_secrecy[OF in_knows_predOrd1] end lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_1_B_non_injective_agreement: assumes facts: "roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_1_B" "RLKR(s(MV ''A'' tid0)) ~: reveals t" "( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_1_B_1 ) : steps t" shows "(? tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_1_A & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_1_A_1 ) : steps t & {| s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''B'' tid1), LN ''TNA'' tid1, s(MV ''Text1'' tid1) |} = {| s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''TNA'' tid0), s(MV ''Text1'' tid0) |})" proof - note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_1_sig_1'', s(MV ''TNA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''Text1'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''A'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_1_A_1_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_2_B_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_2_B & RLKR(s(AV ''A'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_2_B_2 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_2_A & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_2_A_2 ) : steps t & {| s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(MV ''B'' tid1), LN ''Ra'' tid1, s(MV ''Rb'' tid1), s(MV ''Text2'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''Ra'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_2_sig_2'', s(MV ''Ra'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''A'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_2_A_2_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_3_A_non_injective_agreement: assumes facts: "roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_3_A" "RLKR(s(AV ''B'' tid0)) ~: reveals t" "( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_3_A_2 ) : steps t" shows "(? tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_3_B & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_3_B_2 ) : steps t & {| s(MV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''B'' tid1), LN ''TNB'' tid1, s(MV ''Text3'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''TNB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |})" proof - note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_3_sig_2'', s(MV ''TNB'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''B'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_B_2_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_3_B_non_injective_agreement: assumes facts: "roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_3_B" "RLKR(s(MV ''A'' tid0)) ~: reveals t" "( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_3_B_1 ) : steps t" shows "(? tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_3_A & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_3_A_1 ) : steps t & {| s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''B'' tid1), LN ''TNA'' tid1, s(MV ''Text1'' tid1) |} = {| s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''TNA'' tid0), s(MV ''Text1'' tid0) |})" proof - note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_3_sig_1'', s(MV ''TNA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''Text1'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''A'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_3_A_1_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_4_A_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_4_A & RLKR(s(AV ''A'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & RLKR(s(MV ''B'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_4_A_3 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_4_B & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_4_B_3 ) : steps t & {| s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''B'' tid1), s(MV ''RA'' tid1), LN ''RB'' tid1, s(MV ''Text2'' tid1), s(MV ''Text4'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), LN ''RA'' tid0, s(MV ''RB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0), s(MV ''Text4'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_4_sig_2'', s(MV ''RB'' tid0), LN ''RA'' tid0, s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text4'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''B'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_B_3_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_4_sig_1'', LN ''RA'' tid0, LN ''RB'' tid1, s(AV ''B'' tid1), s(MV ''Text2'' tid1) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''A'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_A_2_enc tid2) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_4_B_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_4_B & RLKR(s(AV ''A'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_4_B_2 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_4_A & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_4_A_2 ) : steps t & {| s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(MV ''B'' tid1), LN ''RA'' tid1, s(MV ''RB'' tid1), s(MV ''Text2'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''RA'' tid0), LN ''RB'' tid0, s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_4_sig_1'', s(MV ''RA'' tid0), LN ''RB'' tid0, s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''A'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_4_A_2_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_5_A_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_5_A & RLKR(s(AV ''B'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_5_A_3 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_5_B & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_5_B_3 ) : steps t & {| s(MV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''B'' tid1), s(MV ''RA'' tid1), LN ''RB'' tid1, s(MV ''Text5'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''RA'' tid0, s(MV ''RB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_5_sig_1'', s(MV ''RB'' tid0), LN ''RA'' tid0, s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''B'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_B_3_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_5_B_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_5_B & RLKR(s(AV ''B'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & RLKR(s(MV ''A'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_5_B_4 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_5_A & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_5_A_4 ) : steps t & {| s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''B'' tid1), LN ''RA'' tid1, s(MV ''RB'' tid1), s(MV ''Text3'' tid1), s(MV ''Text5'' tid1) |} = {| s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''RA'' tid0), LN ''RB'' tid0, s(MV ''Text3'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_5_sig_2'', s(MV ''RA'' tid0), LN ''RB'' tid0, s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''A'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_A_4_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_5_sig_1'', LN ''RB'' tid0, LN ''RA'' tid1, s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(MV ''Text5'' tid1) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''B'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_5_B_3_enc tid2) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A & RLKR(s(AV ''B'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & RLKR(s(AV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_5 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_2 ) : steps t & {| s(MV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''B'' tid1), s(MV ''Ra'' tid1), LN ''Rb'' tid1, s(MV ''Text2'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''check_4'', {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |} ( inv(s(MV ''pkB'' tid0)) ) |} ( LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ") qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_check_4_out_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |} ( inv(s(MV ''pkB'' tid0)) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_4_1'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text6'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_4_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_2_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B & RLKR(s(MV ''A'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & RLKR(s(MV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_5 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_5 ) : steps t & {| s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''B'' tid1), LN ''Ra'' tid1, s(MV ''Rb'' tid1), s(MV ''Text8'' tid1) |} = {| s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''Ra'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''Text8'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_4_2'', LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_4_enc_1 tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_5'', LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''Ra'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text8'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''A'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_5_enc tid2) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_injective_agreement_T: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A & RLKR(s(AV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_6_1_A_5 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_4 ) : steps t & {| s(MV ''B'' tid1), s(AV ''T'' tid1), s(MV ''Rpa'' tid1), PK ( s(MV ''B'' tid1) ), s(MV ''Text6'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(AV ''T'' tid0), LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text6'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_4_1'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text6'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_4_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_injective_agreement_T: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B & RLKR(s(MV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_6_1_B_5 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_4 ) : steps t & {| s(MV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''T'' tid1), s(MV ''Rb'' tid1), PK ( s(MV ''A'' tid1) ), s(MV ''Text5'' tid1) |} = {| s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''T'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_1_sig_4_2'', LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_1_T_4_enc_1 tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A & RLKR(s(AV ''B'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & RLKR(s(AV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_5 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_2 ) : steps t & {| s(MV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''B'' tid1), s(MV ''Ra'' tid1), LN ''Rb'' tid1, s(MV ''Text2'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''check_4'', {| {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) |}, {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |} ( inv(s(MV ''pkB'' tid0)) ) |} ( LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ") qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_check_4_out_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |} ( inv(s(MV ''pkB'' tid0)) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_4_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_2_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B & RLKR(s(MV ''A'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & RLKR(s(MV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_5 ) : steps t & {| s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''B'' tid1), LN ''Ra'' tid1, s(MV ''Rb'' tid1), s(MV ''Text8'' tid1) |} = {| s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''Ra'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''Text8'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', s(MV ''Rpa'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_4_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_5'', LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''Ra'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text8'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''A'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_5_enc tid2) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_injective_agreement_T: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A & RLKR(s(AV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_5 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_4 ) : steps t & {| s(MV ''A'' tid1), s(MV ''B'' tid1), s(AV ''T'' tid1), s(MV ''Rpa'' tid1), s(MV ''Rb'' tid1), PK ( s(MV ''A'' tid1) ), PK ( s(MV ''B'' tid1) ), s(MV ''Text5'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(AV ''T'' tid0), LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''check_4'', {| {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) |}, {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_2'', s(AV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text2'' tid0) |} ( inv(s(MV ''pkB'' tid0)) ) |} ( LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ") qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_A_check_4_out_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_4_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_injective_agreement_T: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B & RLKR(s(MV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_6_2_B_5 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_4 ) : steps t & {| s(MV ''A'' tid1), s(MV ''B'' tid1), s(AV ''T'' tid1), s(MV ''Rpa'' tid1), s(MV ''Rb'' tid1), PK ( s(MV ''A'' tid1) ), PK ( s(MV ''B'' tid1) ), s(MV ''Text5'' tid1) |} = {| s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''T'' tid0), s(MV ''Rpa'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_6_opt_2_sig_4'', s(MV ''Rpa'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text5'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_6_2_T_4_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A & RLKR(s(AV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & RLKR(s(MV ''B'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_5 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_5 ) : steps t & {| s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''B'' tid1), s(MV ''Ra'' tid1), LN ''Rb'' tid1, s(MV ''Text8'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(MV ''Text8'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_3_1'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text4'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_3_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_5'', LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''Text8'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''B'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_5_enc tid2) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B & RLKR(s(AV ''A'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & RLKR(s(MV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_4 ) : steps t & {| s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(MV ''B'' tid1), LN ''Ra'' tid1, s(MV ''Rb'' tid1), s(MV ''Text6'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''Ra'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''Text6'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_3_2'', LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_3_enc_1 tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_4'', LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''Ra'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text6'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''A'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_4_enc tid2) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_injective_agreement_T: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A & RLKR(s(AV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_7_1_A_3 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_3 ) : steps t & {| s(MV ''B'' tid1), s(AV ''T'' tid1), s(MV ''Rpa'' tid1), PK ( s(MV ''B'' tid1) ), s(MV ''Text4'' tid1) |} = {| s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(AV ''T'' tid0), LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text4'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_3_1'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text4'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_3_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_injective_agreement_T: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B & RLKR(s(MV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_7_1_B_4 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_3 ) : steps t & {| s(MV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''T'' tid1), s(MV ''Rb'' tid1), PK ( s(MV ''A'' tid1) ), s(MV ''Text3'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''T'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_1_sig_3_2'', LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_1_T_3_enc_1 tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A & RLKR(s(AV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & RLKR(s(MV ''B'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_5 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_5 ) : steps t & {| s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(AV ''B'' tid1), s(MV ''Ra'' tid1), LN ''Rb'' tid1, s(MV ''Text8'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(MV ''Text8'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''check_4'', {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) |} ( LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ") qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_check_3_out_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_3_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_5'', LN ''Ra'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''Text8'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''B'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_5_enc tid2) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_injective_agreement: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B & RLKR(s(AV ''A'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & RLKR(s(MV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_4 ) : steps t & {| s(AV ''A'' tid1), s(MV ''B'' tid1), LN ''Ra'' tid1, s(MV ''Rb'' tid1), s(MV ''Text6'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''Ra'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''Text6'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', s(MV ''Rpa'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_3_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_4'', LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''Ra'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''Text6'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''A'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_4_enc tid2) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_injective_agreement_T: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A & RLKR(s(AV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_4 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_3 ) : steps t & {| s(MV ''A'' tid1), s(MV ''B'' tid1), s(AV ''T'' tid1), s(MV ''Rpa'' tid1), s(MV ''Rb'' tid1), PK ( s(MV ''A'' tid1) ), PK ( s(MV ''B'' tid1) ), s(MV ''Text3'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(AV ''T'' tid0), LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''check_4'', {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |}, Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) |} ( LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " LN ''check_nonce_4'' tid0 ") qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_A_check_3_out_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', LN ''Rpa'' tid0, s(MV ''Rb'' tid0), s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(AV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_3_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed lemma (in restricted_isoiec_9798_3_state) isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_injective_agreement_T: "let prems = (% tid0. roleMap r tid0 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B & RLKR(s(MV ''T'' tid0)) ~: reveals t & ( tid0, isoiec_9798_3_7_2_B_4 ) : steps t); concs = (% tid0 tid1. roleMap r tid1 = Some isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T & ( tid1, isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_3 ) : steps t & {| s(MV ''A'' tid1), s(MV ''B'' tid1), s(AV ''T'' tid1), s(MV ''Rpa'' tid1), s(MV ''Rb'' tid1), PK ( s(MV ''A'' tid1) ), PK ( s(MV ''B'' tid1) ), s(MV ''Text3'' tid1) |} = {| s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''T'' tid0), s(MV ''Rpa'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |}) in ? f. inj_on f (Collect prems) & (! i. prems i --> concs i (f i))" (is "let prems = ?prems; concs = ?concs in ?P prems concs") proof - { fix tid0 tid1 assume facts: "?prems tid0" have " ? tid1. ?concs tid0 tid1" proof - note_unified facts = facts note_prefix_closed facts = facts thus ?thesis proof(sources! " Enc {| LC ''isoiec_9798_3_7_opt_2_sig_3'', s(MV ''Rpa'' tid0), LN ''Rb'' tid0, s(AV ''A'' tid0), s(MV ''pkA'' tid0), s(AV ''B'' tid0), s(MV ''pkB'' tid0), s(MV ''Text3'' tid0) |} ( SK ( s(MV ''T'' tid0) ) ) ") case fake note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce dest!: ltk_secrecy) next case (isoiec_9798_3_7_2_T_3_enc tid1) note_unified facts = this facts thus ?thesis by (fastforce intro: event_predOrdI split: if_splits) qed (insert facts, fastforce+)? qed } note niagree = this { fix i1 i2 j assume "?concs i1 j & ?concs i2 j" note_unified facts = this have "i1 = i2" using facts by simp } note conc_inj = this show ?thesis by (fast intro!: iagree_to_niagree elim!: niagree conc_inj) qed end