module Help where import Types import Status helpWindow :: M () helpWindow = showWindow (3,3) $ map (\l -> " " ++ l ++ " ") [ "Move: hjkl or arrow keys" , "" , "Navigate through the whitespace on your way down the scroll." , "Move over a letter to swallow it. (Punctuation is tasty too!)" , "You cannot move entirely past some swallowed letters." , "(Back up if you get stuck!)" , "" , "d: Dive to other side of scroll" , "TAB: Force screen refresh" , "Q: Quit the game" , "i: Spell inventory" , "" , "To cast a spell, swallow the spell components," , "and type the magic letter or phrase." , "" , "Scroll is a 7DRL 2015 entry! And a file pager..." , "GPL-2+ Copyright 2015 by Joey Hess " ]