{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, CPP,
             FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses,
             TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Scion.Inspect
-- Copyright   : (c) Thomas Schilling 2008
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : nominolo@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Functionality to inspect Haskell programs.
module Scion.Inspect 
  ( typeOfResult, prettyResult
  , typeDecls, classDecls, familyDecls
  , toplevelNames
  , module Scion.Inspect.Find
  , module Scion.Inspect.TypeOf
  ) where

import Scion.Utils()
import Scion.Inspect.Find
import Scion.Inspect.TypeOf

import GHC
import Bag
import Var ( varType )
import DataCon ( dataConUserType )
import Type ( tidyType )
import VarEnv ( emptyTidyEnv )

import Data.Generics.Biplate
import Data.Generics.UniplateStr hiding ( Str (..) )
import qualified Data.Generics.Str as U 
import Outputable
import GHC.SYB.Utils

#ifdef DEBUG
--import FastString
import Test.QuickCheck()
import Test.GHC.Gen()
--import Debug.Trace
--import StaticFlags ( initStaticOpts )

typeOfResult :: SearchResult Id -> Maybe Type
typeOfResult (FoundId i) = Just $ tidyType emptyTidyEnv $ varType i
typeOfResult (FoundCon _ c) = Just $ dataConUserType c
typeOfResult _ = Nothing

prettyResult :: OutputableBndr id => SearchResult id -> SDoc
prettyResult (FoundId i) = ppr i
prettyResult (FoundName n) = ppr n
prettyResult (FoundCon _ c) = ppr c
prettyResult r = ppr r


typeDecls :: TypecheckedMod m => m -> [LTyClDecl Name]
typeDecls m | Just (grp, _, _, _, _) <- renamedSource m =
    [ t | t <- hs_tyclds grp
        , isDataDecl (unLoc t) 
            || isTypeDecl (unLoc t) 
            || isSynDecl (unLoc t) ]
    -- XXX: include families?
typeDecls _ = error "typeDecls: No renamer information available."

classDecls :: RenamedSource -> [LTyClDecl Name]
classDecls (grp, _, _, _, _) =
    [ t | t <- hs_tyclds grp
        , isClassDecl (unLoc t) ]

familyDecls :: RenamedSource -> [LTyClDecl Name]
familyDecls (grp, _, _, _, _) =
    [ t | t <- hs_tyclds grp
        , isFamilyDecl (unLoc t) ]

toplevelNames :: TypecheckedMod m => m -> [Name]
toplevelNames m | Just (grp, _imps, _exps, _doc, _hmi) <- renamedSource m =
    [ n | L _ tycld <- hs_tyclds grp
        , L _ n <- tyClDeclNames tycld
    let ValBindsOut bind_grps _sigs = hs_valds grp
    in [ n | (_, binds0) <- bind_grps
           , L _ bind <- bagToList binds0
           , n <- case bind of
                    FunBind {fun_id = L _ n} -> [n]
                    PatBind {pat_lhs = L _ p} -> pat_names p
                    _ -> []
    -- return names bound by pattern
    pat_names :: Pat Name -> [Name]
    pat_names pat = 
        [ n | Just n <- map pat_bind_name 
                          (trace (showData Renamer 2 (pat, universe pat)) (universe pat)) ]

    pat_bind_name :: Pat Name -> Maybe Name
    pat_bind_name (VarPat id) = Just id
    pat_bind_name (AsPat (L _ id) _) = Just id
    pat_bind_name _ = Nothing
toplevelNames _ = []


instance Uniplate a => Biplate a a where
  biplate = uniplate

instance Uniplate (Pat n) where
  uniplate pat = case pat of
    WildPat _         -> (Zero, \Zero -> pat)
    VarPat _          -> (Zero, \Zero -> pat)
    VarPatOut _n _     -> (Zero, \Zero -> pat) --down binds (VarPatOut n)
    LazyPat (L s p)   -> (One p, \(One p') -> LazyPat (L s p'))
    AsPat n (L s p)   -> (One p, \(One p') -> AsPat n (L s p'))
    ParPat (L s p)    -> (One p, \(One p') -> ParPat (L s p'))
    BangPat (L s p)   -> (One p, \(One p') -> BangPat (L s p'))
    ListPat ps t      -> down ps (\ps' -> ListPat ps' t)
    TuplePat ps b t   -> down ps (\ps' -> TuplePat ps' b t)
    PArrPat ps t      -> down ps (\ps' -> PArrPat ps' t)
    ConPatIn c details -> down details (ConPatIn c)
    ConPatOut dcon tvs pds binds args ty -> -- also look inside binds?
              down args (\args' -> ConPatOut dcon tvs pds binds args' ty)
    ViewPat e (L s p) t -> (One p, \(One p') -> ViewPat e (L s p') t)
    QuasiQuotePat _   -> (Zero, \Zero -> pat)
    LitPat _          -> (Zero, \Zero -> pat)
    NPat _ _ _        -> (Zero, \Zero -> pat)
    NPlusKPat _ _ _ _ -> (Zero, \Zero -> pat)
    TypePat _         -> (Zero, \Zero -> pat)
    SigPatIn (L s p) t -> (One p, \(One p') -> SigPatIn (L s p') t)
    SigPatOut (L s p) t -> (One p, \(One p') -> SigPatOut (L s p') t)
    CoPat w p t       -> (One p, \(One p') -> CoPat w p' t)

instance Biplate (HsConDetails (LPat id) (HsRecFields id (LPat id))) (Pat id) where
  biplate (PrefixCon ps) = down ps PrefixCon
  biplate (RecCon fs)    = down fs RecCon
  biplate (InfixCon (L sl l) (L sr r)) =
      (Two (One l) (One r),
      \(Two (One l') (One r')) -> InfixCon (L sl l') (L sr r'))

instance (Uniplate arg) => Biplate (HsRecFields id (Located arg)) arg where
  biplate (HsRecFields flds dotdot) =
      down flds (\flds' -> HsRecFields flds' dotdot)

instance (Uniplate arg) => Biplate (HsRecField id (Located arg)) arg where
  biplate (HsRecField lid (L sl arg) b) = 
      (One arg, \(One arg') -> HsRecField lid (L sl arg') b)

instance Biplate b a => Biplate (Bag b) a where
  biplate = uniplateOnBag biplate

--instance Biplate (HsBindLr n n) 

uniplateOnBag :: (a -> (U.Str b, U.Str b -> a))
              -> Bag a -> (U.Str b, U.Str b -> Bag a)
uniplateOnBag f bag = (as, \ns -> listToBag (bs ns))
                      where (as, bs) = uniplateOnList f (bagToList bag)

down :: Biplate from to => from -> (from -> c) -> (U.Str to, U.Str to -> c)
down b f = (ps, \ps' -> f (set ps'))
  where (ps, set) = biplate b

-- BiplateType from to = (Str to, Str to -> from)

instance Biplate b a => Biplate (Located b) a where
  biplate (L s b) = down b (L s)
instance Uniplate a => Biplate (Located a) a where
  biplate (L s a) = (One a, \(One a') -> L s a')
instance Biplate b a => Biplate [b] a where
  biplate = uniplateOnList biplate
fmap (fst . biplate) (listStr bs),
                strList . fmap (snd . biplate))
  -- biplate :: (Str a, Str a -> [b])
  -- biplate :: (Str a, Str a -> b)
instance Biplate [(Located a)] a where
  biplate las = (unLoc `fmap` listStr las,
                 zipWith (\(L s _) a -> L s a) las . strList)
instance Biplate a b => Biplate (Bag a) b where
  biplate b = (foldBag 