Name: scholdoc-types Version: 0.1.3 x-revision: 1 Synopsis: Scholdoc fork of pandoc-types Description: This package is a fork of @pandoc-types@ intended to support the development of Scholdoc. It includes some non-trivial extensions to the Pandoc types and builder functions that are not easily implemented by depending on and extending the @pandoc-types@ modules. . This package is currently up to date with @pandoc-types@ version 1.12.4 . For descriptions of the original @pandoc-types@ package, please visit Homepage: License: GPL License-file: COPYING Author: Tim T.Y. Lin Maintainer: Bug-Reports: Copyright: (c) 2014 Tim T.Y. Lin, (c) 2006-2014 John MacFarlane Category: Text Build-type: Simple Cabal-version: >=1.6 Source-repository head type: git location: git:// Library Exposed-modules: Text.Pandoc.Definition Text.Pandoc.Generic Text.Pandoc.Walk Text.Pandoc.Builder Text.Pandoc.JSON Build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, containers >= 0.3, syb >= 0.1 && < 0.5, ghc-prim >= 0.2, bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.11, aeson >= 0.6.2 && < 0.8, deepseq-generics >= 0.1 && < 0.2