module Text.TeXMath.Writers.TeX (writeTeX, writeTeXWith, addLaTeXEnvironment ) where
import Text.TeXMath.Types
import Text.TeXMath.Unicode.ToTeX (getTeXMath)
import Text.TeXMath.Unicode.ToUnicode (fromUnicode)
import qualified Text.TeXMath.Shared as S
import Data.Generics (everywhere, mkT)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), Applicative)
import Control.Monad (when, unless, foldM_)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, runReader, Reader, asks, local)
import Control.Monad.Writer( MonadWriter, WriterT,
execWriterT, tell, censor)
import Text.TeXMath.TeX
writeTeX :: [Exp] -> String
writeTeX = writeTeXWith defaultEnv
addLaTeXEnvironment :: DisplayType -> String -> String
addLaTeXEnvironment dt math =
case dt of
DisplayInline -> "\\(" ++ math ++ "\\)"
DisplayBlock -> "\\[" ++ math ++ "\\]"
writeTeXWith :: Env -> [Exp] -> String
writeTeXWith env es = drop 1 . init . flip renderTeX "" . Grouped $
runExpr env $
mapM_ writeExp (removeOuterGroup es)
runExpr :: Env -> Math () -> [TeX]
runExpr e m = flip runReader (MathState e False) $ execWriterT (runTeXMath m)
data MathState = MathState{ mathEnv :: Env
, mathConvertible :: Bool
} deriving Show
setConvertible :: MathState -> MathState
setConvertible s = s{ mathConvertible = True }
newtype Math a = Math {runTeXMath :: WriterT [TeX] (Reader MathState) a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader MathState
, MonadWriter [TeX])
getTeXMathM :: String -> Math [TeX]
getTeXMathM s = getTeXMath s <$> asks mathEnv
tellGroup :: Math () -> Math ()
tellGroup = censor ((:[]) . Grouped)
tellGenFrac :: String -> String -> Math ()
tellGenFrac open close =
tell [ ControlSeq "\\genfrac"
, Grouped [Literal open]
, Grouped [Literal close]
, Grouped [Literal "0pt"]
, Grouped [] ]
writeBinom :: String -> Exp -> Exp -> Math ()
writeBinom cmd x y = do
env <- asks mathEnv
if "amsmath" `elem` env
then do
case cmd of
"\\choose" -> tell [ControlSeq "\\binom"]
"\\brack" -> tellGenFrac "[" "]"
"\\brace" -> tellGenFrac "\\{" "\\}"
"\\bangle" -> tellGenFrac "\\langle" "\\rangle"
_ -> fail "writeBinom: unknown cmd"
tellGroup $ writeExp x
tellGroup $ writeExp y
else tellGroup $ do
writeExp x
tell [ControlSeq cmd]
writeExp y
writeExp :: Exp -> Math ()
writeExp (ENumber s) = tell =<< getTeXMathM s
writeExp (EGrouped es) = tellGroup (mapM_ writeExp es)
writeExp (EDelimited "(" ")" [Right (EFraction NoLineFrac x y)]) =
writeBinom "\\choose" x y
writeExp (EDelimited "[" "]" [Right (EFraction NoLineFrac x y)]) = do
writeBinom "\\brack" x y
writeExp (EDelimited "{" "}" [Right (EFraction NoLineFrac x y)]) = do
writeBinom "\\brace" x y
writeExp (EDelimited "\x27E8" "\x27E9" [Right (EFraction NoLineFrac x y)]) = do
writeBinom "\\bangle" x y
writeExp (EDelimited open close [Right (EFraction NoLineFrac x y)]) = do
writeExp (EDelimited open close [Right (EArray [AlignCenter]
writeExp (EDelimited open close [Right (EArray aligns rows)]) = do
env <- asks mathEnv
case ("amsmath" `elem` env, open, close) of
(True, "{", "") | aligns == [AlignDefault, AlignDefault] ->
table "cases" [] rows
(True, "(", ")") | all (== AlignCenter) aligns ->
table "pmatrix" [] rows
(True, "[", "]") | all (== AlignCenter) aligns ->
table "bmatrix" [] rows
(True, "{", "}") | all (== AlignCenter) aligns ->
table "Bmatrix" [] rows
(True, "\x2223", "\x2223") | all (== AlignCenter) aligns ->
table "vmatrix" [] rows
(True, "\x2225", "\x2225") | all (== AlignCenter) aligns ->
table "Vmatrix" [] rows
_ -> do
writeDelim DLeft open
writeExp (EArray aligns rows)
writeDelim DRight close
writeExp (EDelimited open close es) = do
writeDelim DLeft open
mapM_ (either (writeDelim DMiddle) writeExp) es
writeDelim DRight close
writeExp (EIdentifier s) = do
math <- getTeXMathM s
case math of
[] -> return ()
[t] -> tell [t]
ts -> tell [Grouped ts]
writeExp o@(EMathOperator s) = do
math <- getTeXMathM s
case S.getOperator o of
Just op -> tell [op]
Nothing -> do
tell [ControlSeq "\\operatorname"]
asks mathConvertible >>= flip when (tell [Token '*'])
tell [Grouped math]
writeExp (ESymbol Ord [c])
| c `elem` ['\x2061'..'\x2064'] = return ()
writeExp (ESymbol t s) = do
when (t == Bin || t == Rel) $ tell [Space]
tell =<< getTeXMathM s
when (t == Bin || t == Rel) $ tell [Space]
writeExp (ESpace width) = do
env <- asks mathEnv
tell [ControlSeq $ getSpaceCommand ("amsmath" `elem` env) width]
writeExp (EFraction fractype e1 e2) = do
let cmd = case fractype of
NormalFrac -> "\\frac"
DisplayFrac -> "\\dfrac"
InlineFrac -> "\\tfrac"
NoLineFrac -> "\\binom"
tell [ControlSeq cmd]
tellGroup (writeExp e1)
tellGroup (writeExp e2)
writeExp (ESub b e1) = do
(if isFancy b then tellGroup else id) $ writeExp b
tell [Token '_']
tellGroup (writeExp e1)
writeExp (ESuper b e1) = do
(if isFancy b then tellGroup else id) $ writeExp b
tell [Token '^']
tellGroup (writeExp e1)
writeExp (ESubsup b e1 e2) = do
(if isFancy b then tellGroup else id) $ writeExp b
tell [Token '_']
tellGroup (writeExp e1)
tell [Token '^']
tellGroup (writeExp e2)
writeExp (EOver convertible b e1) =
writeScript Over convertible b e1
writeExp (EUnder convertible b e1) =
writeScript Under convertible b e1
writeExp (EUnderover convertible b e1@(ESymbol Accent _) e2) =
writeExp (EUnder convertible (EOver False b e2) e1)
writeExp (EUnderover convertible b e1 e2@(ESymbol Accent _)) =
writeExp (EOver convertible (EUnder False b e1) e2)
writeExp (EUnderover convertible b e1 e2)
| isOperator b = do
(if isFancy b then tellGroup else id) $
(if convertible then local setConvertible else id) $ writeExp b
unless convertible $ tell [ControlSeq "\\limits"]
tell [Token '_']
tellGroup (checkSubstack e1)
tell [Token '^']
tellGroup (checkSubstack e2)
| otherwise = writeExp (EUnder convertible (EOver convertible b e2) e1)
writeExp (ESqrt e) = do
tell [ControlSeq "\\sqrt"]
tellGroup (writeExp e)
writeExp (ERoot i e) = do
tell [ControlSeq "\\sqrt"]
tell [Token '[']
writeExp i
tell [Token ']']
tellGroup (writeExp e)
writeExp (EPhantom e) = do
tell [ControlSeq "\\phantom"]
tellGroup (writeExp e)
writeExp (EBoxed e) = do
env <- asks mathEnv
if "amsmath" `elem` env
then do
tell [ControlSeq "\\boxed"]
tellGroup (writeExp e)
else writeExp e
writeExp (EScaled size e)
| case e of
(ESymbol Open _) -> True
(ESymbol Close _) -> True
_ -> False = do
case S.getScalerCommand size of
Just s -> tell [ControlSeq s]
Nothing -> return ()
writeExp e
| otherwise = writeExp e
writeExp (EText ttype s) = do
let txtcmd = getTextCommand ttype
case map escapeLaTeX s of
[] -> return ()
xs -> tell $ txtcmd (Grouped xs)
writeExp (EStyled ttype es) = do
txtcmd <- (flip S.getLaTeXTextCommand ttype) <$> asks mathEnv
tell [ControlSeq txtcmd]
tellGroup (mapM_ writeExp $ everywhere (mkT (fromUnicode ttype)) es)
writeExp (EArray [AlignRight, AlignLeft] rows) = do
env <- asks mathEnv
if "amsmath" `elem` env
then table "aligned" [] rows
else table "array" [AlignRight, AlignLeft] rows
writeExp (EArray aligns rows) = do
env <- asks mathEnv
if "amsmath" `elem` env && all (== AlignCenter) aligns
then table "matrix" [] rows
else table "array" aligns rows
table :: String -> [Alignment] -> [ArrayLine] -> Math ()
table name aligns rows = do
tell [ControlSeq "\\begin", Grouped [Literal name]]
unless (null aligns) $
tell [Grouped [Literal columnAligns]]
tell [Token '\n']
mapM_ row rows
tell [ControlSeq "\\end", Grouped [Literal name]]
columnAligns = map alignmentToLetter aligns
alignmentToLetter AlignLeft = 'l'
alignmentToLetter AlignCenter = 'c'
alignmentToLetter AlignRight = 'r'
alignmentToLetter AlignDefault = 'l'
row :: ArrayLine -> Math ()
row [] = tell [Space, Literal "\\\\", Token '\n']
row [c] = cell c >> row []
row (c:cs) = cell c >> tell [Space, Token '&', Space] >> row cs
cell :: [Exp] -> Math ()
cell = mapM_ writeExp
data FenceType = DLeft | DMiddle | DRight
type Delim = String
writeDelim :: FenceType -> Delim -> Math ()
writeDelim fence delim = do
tex <- getTeXMathM delim
valid <- elem tex <$> delimiters
nullLim <- getTeXMathM "."
let delimCmd = if valid then tex else nullLim
tell $ case fence of
DLeft -> [ControlSeq "\\left"] ++ delimCmd ++ [Space] ++ if valid then [] else tex
DMiddle -> case valid of
True -> [Space] ++ [ControlSeq "\\middle"] ++ tex ++ [Space]
False -> tex
DRight -> [Space, ControlSeq "\\right"] ++ delimCmd ++ if valid then [] else tex
writeScript :: Position -> Bool -> Exp -> Exp -> Math ()
writeScript pos convertible b e1 = do
let diacmd = case e1 of
ESymbol Accent a -> S.getDiacriticalCommand pos a
_ -> Nothing
case diacmd of
Just cmd -> do
tell [ControlSeq cmd]
tellGroup (writeExp b)
| isOperator b -> do
(if isFancy b then tellGroup else id) $
(if convertible then local setConvertible else id) $ writeExp b
unless convertible $ tell [ControlSeq "\\limits"]
tell [Token $ case pos of { Over -> '^'; Under -> '_' }]
tellGroup (checkSubstack e1)
| otherwise -> do
case pos of
Over -> tell [ControlSeq "\\overset"]
Under -> tell [ControlSeq "\\underset"]
tellGroup (writeExp e1)
tellGroup (writeExp b)
checkSubstack :: Exp -> Math ()
checkSubstack e@(EArray [AlignCenter] rows) = do
env <- asks mathEnv
if "amsmath" `elem` env
then do
tell [ControlSeq "\\substack"]
tellGroup $ foldM_ (\first r -> do
if first
then return ()
else tell [Space, Literal "\\\\", Space]
mapM_ (mapM_ writeExp . removeOuterGroup) r
return False) True rows
else writeExp e
checkSubstack e = writeExp e
getSpaceCommand :: Bool -> Rational -> String
getSpaceCommand amsmath width =
case floor (width * 18) :: Int of
3 -> "\\!"
0 -> ""
3 -> "\\,"
4 -> "\\ "
5 -> "\\;"
18 -> "\\quad"
36 -> "\\qquad"
n -> if amsmath
then "\\mspace{" ++ show n ++ "mu}"
else "{\\mskip " ++ show n ++ "mu}"
getTextCommand :: TextType -> TeX -> [TeX]
getTextCommand tt x =
case tt of
TextNormal -> [ControlSeq "\\text", x]
TextItalic -> [ControlSeq "\\textit", x]
TextBold -> [ControlSeq "\\textbf", x]
TextMonospace -> [ControlSeq "\\texttt", x]
TextBoldItalic -> [ControlSeq "\\textit",
Grouped [ControlSeq "\\textbf", x]]
TextSansSerif -> [ControlSeq "\\textsf", x]
TextSansSerifBold -> [ControlSeq "\\textbf",
Grouped [ControlSeq "\\textsf", x]]
TextSansSerifItalic -> [ControlSeq "\\textit",
Grouped [ControlSeq "\\textsf", x]]
TextSansSerifBoldItalic -> [ControlSeq "\\textbf",
Grouped [ControlSeq "\\textit",
Grouped [ControlSeq "\\textsf", x]]]
_ -> [ControlSeq "\\text", x]
delimiters :: Math [[TeX]]
delimiters = do
env <- asks mathEnv
let commands' = [ ".", "(", ")", "[", "]", "|", "\x2016", "{", "}"
, "\x2309", "\x2308", "\x2329", "\x232A"
, "\x230B", "\x230A", "\x231C", "\x231D"]
return $ filter (not . null) (map (flip getTeXMath env) commands')
isFancy :: Exp -> Bool
isFancy (ESub _ _) = True
isFancy (ESuper _ _) = True
isFancy (ESubsup _ _ _) = True
isFancy (EOver _ _ _) = True
isFancy (EUnder _ _ _) = True
isFancy (EUnderover _ _ _ _) = True
isFancy (ESqrt _) = True
isFancy (ERoot _ _) = True
isFancy (EPhantom _) = True
isFancy _ = False
isOperator :: Exp -> Bool
isOperator (EMathOperator _) = True
isOperator (ESymbol Op _) = True
isOperator _ = False
removeOuterGroup :: [Exp] -> [Exp]
removeOuterGroup [EGrouped es] = es
removeOuterGroup es = es