{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, PatternGuards #-}
module Text.CSL.Util
  ( safeRead
  , readNum
  , (<^>)
  , capitalize
  , camelize
  , isPunct
  , last'
  , init'
  , words'
  , trim
  , triml
  , trimr
  , parseBool
  , parseString
  , parseInt
  , mb
  , (.#?)
  , (.#:)
  , onBlocks
  , titlecase
  , unTitlecase
  , protectCase
  , splitStrWhen
  , proc
  , proc'
  , procM
  , query
  , betterThan
  , readable
  , toShow
  , toRead
  , inlinesToString
  , headInline
  , lastInline
  , tailInline
  , initInline
  , tailFirstInlineStr
  , toCapital
  , mapHeadInline
  , tr'
  , findFile
  ) where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper, isLower, isUpper, isPunctuation)
import qualified Data.Traversable
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead, stringify)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk)
import Text.Pandoc
import Data.List.Split (wordsBy)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mempty)
import Data.Generics ( Typeable, Data, everywhere, everywhereM, mkM,
                       everywhere', everything, mkT, mkQ )
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import qualified Debug.Trace

readNum :: String -> Int
readNum s = case reads s of
              [(x,"")] -> x
              _        -> 0

-- | Conjoin strings, avoiding repeated punctuation.
(<^>) :: String -> String -> String
[] <^> sb         = sb
sa <^> []         = sa
sa <^> (s:xs)
  | s `elem` puncts && last sa `elem` puncts = sa ++ xs
  where puncts = ";:,. "
sa <^> sb         = sa ++ sb

capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize [] = []
capitalize (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs

isPunct :: Char -> Bool
isPunct c = c `elem` ".;?!"

camelize :: String -> String
camelize ('-':y:ys) = toUpper y : camelize ys
camelize ('_':y:ys) = toUpper y : camelize ys
camelize     (y:ys) =         y : camelize ys
camelize      _     = []

last' :: [a] -> [a]
last' [] = []
last' xs = [last xs]

init' :: [a] -> [a]
init' [] = []
init' xs = init xs

-- | Like words, but doesn't break on nonbreaking spaces etc.
words' :: String -> [String]
words' = wordsBy (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')

-- | Remove leading and trailing space (including newlines) from string.
trim :: String -> String
trim = triml . trimr

triml :: String -> String
triml = dropWhile (`elem` " \r\n\t")

trimr :: String -> String
trimr = reverse . triml . reverse

-- | Parse JSON Boolean or Number as Bool.
parseBool :: Value -> Parser Bool
parseBool (Bool b)   = return b
parseBool (Number n) = case fromJSON (Number n) of
                            Success (0 :: Int) -> return False
                            Success _          -> return True
                            Error e            -> fail $ "Could not read boolean: " ++ e
parseBool _          = fail "Could not read boolean"

-- | Parse JSON value as String.
parseString :: Value -> Parser String
parseString (String s) = return $ T.unpack s
parseString (Number n) = case fromJSON (Number n) of
                            Success (x :: Int) -> return $ show x
                            Error _ -> case fromJSON (Number n) of
                                            Success (x :: Double) -> return $ show x
                                            Error e -> fail $ "Could not read string: " ++ e
parseString (Bool b)   = return $ map toLower $ show b
parseString v@(Array _)= inlinesToString `fmap` parseJSON v
parseString v          = fail $ "Could not read as string: " ++ show v

-- | Parse JSON value as Int.
parseInt :: Value -> Parser Int
parseInt (String s) = case safeRead (T.unpack s) of
                            Just n  -> return n
                            Nothing -> fail "Could not read Int"
parseInt (Number n) = case fromJSON (Number n) of
                            Success (x :: Int) -> return x
                            Error e -> fail $ "Could not read string: " ++ e
parseInt _          = fail "Could not read string"

mb :: Monad m => (b -> m a) -> (Maybe b -> m (Maybe a))
mb  = Data.Traversable.mapM

-- | Parse as a string (even if the value is a number).
(.#?) :: Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe String)
x .#? y = (x .:? y) >>= mb parseString

(.#:) :: Object -> Text -> Parser String
x .#: y = (x .: y) >>= parseString

onBlocks :: ([Inline] -> [Inline]) -> [Block] -> [Block]
onBlocks f bs = walk f' bs
  where f' (Para ils)  = Para (f ils)
        f' (Plain ils) = Plain (f ils)
        f' x           = x

hasLowercaseWord :: [Inline] -> Bool
hasLowercaseWord = any startsWithLowercase . splitStrWhen isPunctuation
  where startsWithLowercase (Str (x:_)) = isLower x
        startsWithLowercase _           = False

splitUpStr :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
splitUpStr = splitStrWhen (\c -> isPunctuation c || c == '\160')

unTitlecase :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
unTitlecase zs = evalState (caseTransform untc zs) SentenceBoundary
  where untc w = do
          st <- get
          case (w, st) of
               (y, NoBoundary) -> return y
               (Str (x:xs), WordBoundary) | isUpper x ->
                 return $ Str (toLower x : xs)
               (Str (x:xs), SentenceBoundary) | isLower x ->
                 return $ Str (toUpper x : xs)
               (Span ("",[],[]) xs, _) | hasLowercaseWord xs ->
                 return $ Span ("",["nocase"],[]) xs
               _ -> return w

protectCase :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
protectCase zs = evalState (caseTransform protect zs) SentenceBoundary
  where protect (Span ("",[],[]) xs)
          | hasLowercaseWord xs = do
            st <- get
            case st of
                 NoBoundary -> return $ Span ("",[],[]) xs
                 _          -> return $ Span ("",["nocase"],[]) xs
        protect x = return x

titlecase :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
titlecase zs = evalState (caseTransform tc zs) SentenceBoundary
  where tc (Str (x:xs)) = do
          st <- get
          return $ case st of
                        WordBoundary -> if isShortWord (x:xs)
                                           then Str (x:xs)
                                                -- or? map toLower (x:xs)
                                           else Str (toUpper x : xs)
                        SentenceBoundary -> Str (toUpper x : xs)
                        _ -> Str (x:xs)
        tc (Span ("",["nocase"],[]) xs) = return $ Span ("",["nocase"],[]) xs
        tc x = return x
        isShortWord  s = map toLower s `elem`

data CaseTransformState = WordBoundary | SentenceBoundary | NoBoundary

caseTransform :: (Inline -> State CaseTransformState Inline) -> [Inline]
              -> State CaseTransformState [Inline]
caseTransform xform = fmap reverse . foldM go [] . splitUpStr
  where go acc Space        = do
               modify (\st ->
                 case st of
                      SentenceBoundary -> SentenceBoundary
                      _                ->
                          case acc of
                                (Str [x]:_)
                                  | x `elem` "?!:"   -> SentenceBoundary
                                _                    -> WordBoundary)
               return $ Space : acc
        go acc LineBreak = do
               put WordBoundary
               return $ Space : acc
        go acc (Str [c])
          | c `elem` "-\2013\2014\160" = do
               put WordBoundary
               return $ Str [c] : acc
          | isPunctuation c = do
               -- leave state unchanged
               return $ Str [c] : acc
        go acc (Str []) = return acc
        go acc (Str xs) = do
               res <- xform (Str xs)
               put NoBoundary
               return $ res : acc
        go acc (Span ("",classes,[]) xs)
          | null classes || classes == ["nocase"] = do
               res <- xform (Span ("",classes,[]) xs)
               put NoBoundary
               return $ res : acc
        go acc (Quoted qt xs)    = (:acc) <$> (Quoted qt <$> caseTransform xform xs)
        go acc (Emph xs)         = (:acc) <$> (Emph <$> caseTransform xform xs)
        go acc (Strong xs)       = (:acc) <$> (Strong <$> caseTransform xform xs)
        go acc (Link xs t)       = (:acc) <$> (Link <$> caseTransform xform xs <*> pure t)
        go acc (Image _ xs t)    = (:acc) <$> (Link <$> caseTransform xform xs <*> pure t)
        go acc (Span attr xs)    = (:acc) <$> (Span attr <$> caseTransform xform xs)
        go acc x                 = return $ x : acc

splitStrWhen :: (Char -> Bool) -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
splitStrWhen _ [] = []
splitStrWhen p (Str xs : ys) = go xs ++ splitStrWhen p ys
  where go [] = []
        go s = case break p s of
                     ([],[])     -> []
                     (zs,[])     -> [Str zs]
                     ([],(w:ws)) -> Str [w] : go ws
                     (zs,(w:ws)) -> Str zs : Str [w] : go ws
splitStrWhen p (x : ys) = x : splitStrWhen p ys

-- | A generic processing function.
proc :: (Typeable a, Data b) => (a -> a) -> b -> b
proc f = everywhere (mkT f)

-- | A generic processing function: process a data structure in
-- top-down manner.
proc' :: (Typeable a, Data b) => (a -> a) -> b -> b
proc' f = everywhere' (mkT f)

-- | A generic monadic processing function.
procM :: (Monad m, Typeable a, Data b) => (a -> m a) -> b -> m b
procM f = everywhereM (mkM f)

-- | A generic query function.
query :: (Typeable a, Data b, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> b -> m
query f = everything mappend (mempty `mkQ` f)

betterThan :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
betterThan [] b = b
betterThan a  _ = a

readable :: (Read a, Show b) => (String -> a, b -> String)
readable =  (read . toRead, toShow . show)

toShow :: String -> String
toShow = foldr g [] . f
    where g    x xs  = if isUpper x then '-' : toLower x : xs else x : xs
          f (  x:xs) = toLower x : xs
          f       [] = []

toRead :: String -> String
toRead    []  = []
toRead (s:ss) = toUpper s : camel ss
      camel x
          | '-':y:ys <- x = toUpper y : camel ys
          | '_':y:ys <- x = toUpper y : camel ys
          |     y:ys <- x =         y : camel ys
          | otherwise     = []

inlinesToString :: [Inline] -> String
inlinesToString = stringify

headInline :: [Inline] -> String
headInline = take 1 . stringify

lastInline :: [Inline] -> String
lastInline xs = case stringify xs of
                      [] -> []
                      ys -> [last ys]

initInline :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
initInline [] = []
initInline (i:[])
    | Str          s <- i = return $ Str         (init'       s)
    | Emph        is <- i = return $ Emph        (initInline is)
    | Strong      is <- i = return $ Strong      (initInline is)
    | Superscript is <- i = return $ Superscript (initInline is)
    | Subscript   is <- i = return $ Subscript   (initInline is)
    | Quoted q    is <- i = return $ Quoted q    (initInline is)
    | SmallCaps   is <- i = return $ SmallCaps   (initInline is)
    | Strikeout   is <- i = return $ Strikeout   (initInline is)
    | Link      is t <- i = return $ Link        (initInline is) t
    | Span at     is <- i = return $ Span at     (initInline is)
    | otherwise           = []
initInline (i:xs) = i : initInline xs

tailInline :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
tailInline (Space:xs) = xs
tailInline xs         = removeEmpty $ tailFirstInlineStr xs
  where removeEmpty   = dropWhile (== Str "")

tailFirstInlineStr :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
tailFirstInlineStr = mapHeadInline (drop 1)

toCapital :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
toCapital ils@(Span (_,["nocase"],_) _:_) = ils
toCapital ils = mapHeadInline capitalize ils

mapHeadInline :: (String -> String) -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
mapHeadInline _ [] = []
mapHeadInline f (i:xs)
    | Str         [] <- i =                      mapHeadInline f xs
    | Str          s <- i = Str         (f                s)   : xs
    | Emph        is <- i = Emph        (mapHeadInline f is)   : xs
    | Strong      is <- i = Strong      (mapHeadInline f is)   : xs
    | Superscript is <- i = Superscript (mapHeadInline f is)   : xs
    | Subscript   is <- i = Subscript   (mapHeadInline f is)   : xs
    | Quoted q    is <- i = Quoted q    (mapHeadInline f is)   : xs
    | SmallCaps   is <- i = SmallCaps   (mapHeadInline f is)   : xs
    | Strikeout   is <- i = Strikeout   (mapHeadInline f is)   : xs
    | Link      is t <- i = Link        (mapHeadInline f is) t : xs
    | Span     at is <- i = Span at     (mapHeadInline f is)   : xs
    | otherwise           = i : xs

tr' :: Show a => String -> a -> a
tr' note' x = Debug.Trace.trace (note' ++ ": " ++ show x) x

findFile :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findFile [] _ = return Nothing
findFile (p:ps) f = do
  exists <- doesFileExist (p </> f)
  if exists
     then return $ Just (p </> f)
     else findFile ps f