module Text.CSL.Proc.Collapse where
import Data.Monoid (mempty, Any(..))
import Control.Arrow ( (&&&), (>>>), second )
import Data.Char
import Data.List ( groupBy, sort )
import Text.CSL.Util ( query, proc, proc', betterThan )
import Text.CSL.Eval
import Text.CSL.Proc.Disamb
import Text.CSL.Style hiding (Any)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition ( Inline (Str) )
collapseCitGroups :: Style -> [CitationGroup] -> [CitationGroup]
collapseCitGroups s
= map doCollapse
doCollapse = case getCollapseOptions s of
"year" : _ -> collapseYear s []
"year-suffix" : _ -> collapseYear s "year-suffix"
"year-suffix-ranged" : _ -> collapseYear s "year-suffix-ranged"
"citation-number" : _ -> collapseNumber
_ -> id
getCollapseOptions :: Style -> [String]
= map snd . filter ((==) "collapse" . fst) . citOptions . citation
collapseNumber :: CitationGroup -> CitationGroup
collapseNumber cg
| CG [a] f d os <- cg = mapCitationGroup process . CG [a] f d $ drop 1 os
| otherwise = mapCitationGroup process cg
hasLocator = or . query hasLocator'
hasLocator' o
| OLoc _ _ <- o = [True]
| otherwise = [False]
citNum o
| OCitNum i f <- o = [(i,f)]
| otherwise = []
numOf = foldr (\x _ -> x) (0,emptyFormatting) . query citNum
newNum = map numOf >>> (map fst >>> groupConsec) &&& map snd >>> uncurry zip
process xs = if hasLocator xs then xs else
flip concatMap (newNum xs) $
\(x,f) -> if length x > 2
then return $ Output [ OCitNum (head x) f
, OPan [Str "\x2013"]
, OCitNum (last x) f
] emptyFormatting
else map (flip OCitNum f) x
groupCites :: [(Cite, Output)] -> [(Cite, Output)]
groupCites [] = []
groupCites (x:xs) = let equal = filter ((==) (namesOf $ snd x) . namesOf . snd) xs
notequal = filter ((/=) (namesOf $ snd x) . namesOf . snd) xs
in x : equal ++ groupCites notequal
contribsQ o
| OContrib _ _ c _ _ <- o = [c]
| otherwise = []
namesOf y = case query contribsQ y of
[] -> []
(z:_) -> proc rmHashAndGivenNames z
getYearAndSuf :: Output -> Output
getYearAndSuf x
= case query getOYear x of
[] -> noOutputError
x' -> Output x' emptyFormatting
getOYear o
| OYear {} : _ <- o = [head o]
| OYearSuf {} : _ <- o = [head o]
| OLoc {} : _ <- o = [head o]
| ODel _ : OLoc {} : _ <- o = [head o]
| otherwise = []
collapseYear :: Style -> String -> CitationGroup -> CitationGroup
collapseYear s ranged (CG cs f d os) = CG cs f [] (process os)
styleYSD = getOptionVal "year-suffix-delimiter" . citOptions . citation $ s
yearSufDel = styleYSD `betterThan` (layDelim . citLayout . citation $ s)
afterCD = getOptionVal "after-collapse-delimiter" . citOptions . citation $ s
afterColDel = afterCD `betterThan` d
format [] = []
format (x:xs) = x : map getYearAndSuf xs
isRanged = case ranged of
"year-suffix-ranged" -> True
_ -> False
collapseRange = if null ranged then map (uncurry addCiteAffixes)
else collapseYearSuf isRanged yearSufDel
rmAffixes x = x {citePrefix = mempty, citeSuffix = mempty}
delim = let d' = getOptionVal "cite-group-delimiter" . citOptions . citation $ s
in if null d' then ", " else d'
collapsYS a = case a of
[] -> (emptyCite, ONull)
[x] -> rmAffixes . fst &&& uncurry addCiteAffixes $ x
_ -> (,) (rmAffixes $ fst $ head a) . flip Output emptyFormatting .
addDelim delim . collapseRange .
uncurry zip . second format . unzip $ a
doCollapse [] = []
doCollapse (x:[]) = [collapsYS x]
doCollapse (x:xs) = let (a,b) = collapsYS x
in if length x > 1
then (a, Output (b : [ODel afterColDel]) emptyFormatting) : doCollapse xs
else (a, Output (b : [ODel d ]) emptyFormatting) : doCollapse xs
contribsQ o
| OContrib _ _ c _ _ <- o = [proc' rmHashAndGivenNames c]
| otherwise = []
namesOf = query contribsQ
process = doCollapse . groupBy (\a b -> namesOf (snd a) == namesOf (snd b)) . groupCites
collapseYearSuf :: Bool -> String -> [(Cite,Output)] -> [Output]
collapseYearSuf ranged ysd = process
yearOf = concat . query getYear
getYear o
| OYear y _ _ <- o = [y]
| otherwise = []
processYS = if ranged then collapseYearSufRanged else id
process = map (flip Output emptyFormatting . getYS) . groupBy comp
checkAffix (Formatted []) = True
checkAffix _ = False
comp a b = yearOf (snd a) == yearOf (snd b) &&
checkAffix (citePrefix $ fst a) &&
checkAffix (citeSuffix $ fst a) &&
checkAffix (citePrefix $ fst b) &&
checkAffix (citeSuffix $ fst b) &&
null (citeLocator $ fst a) &&
null (citeLocator $ fst b)
getYS [] = []
getYS (x:[]) = return $ uncurry addCiteAffixes x
getYS (x:xs) = if ranged
then proc rmOYearSuf (snd x) : addDelim ysd (processYS $ (snd x) : query rmOYear (map snd xs))
else addDelim ysd $ (snd x) : (processYS $ query rmOYear (map snd xs))
rmOYearSuf o
| OYearSuf {} <- o = ONull
| otherwise = o
rmOYear o
| OYearSuf {} <- o = [o]
| otherwise = []
collapseYearSufRanged :: [Output] -> [Output]
collapseYearSufRanged = process
getOYS o
| OYearSuf s _ _ f <- o = [(if s /= [] then ord (head s) else 0, f)]
| otherwise = []
sufOf = foldr (\x _ -> x) (0,emptyFormatting) . query getOYS
newSuf = map sufOf >>> (map fst >>> groupConsec) &&& map snd >>> uncurry zip
process xs = flip concatMap (newSuf xs) $
\(x,f) -> if length x > 2
then return $ Output [ OStr [chr $ head x] f
, OPan [Str "\x2013"]
, OStr [chr $ last x] f
] emptyFormatting
else map (\y -> if y == 0 then ONull else flip OStr f . return . chr $ y) x
addCiteAffixes :: Cite -> Output -> Output
addCiteAffixes c x =
if isNumStyle [x]
then x
else Output ( addCiteAff True (citePrefix c) ++ [x] ++
addCiteAff False (citeSuffix c)) emptyFormatting
addCiteAff isprefix y =
case y of
Formatted [] -> []
Formatted ils
| isprefix -> [OPan ils, OSpace]
| otherwise -> case ils of
(Str (z:_):_)
| isAlphaNum z ||
z == '(' -> [OSpace, OPan ils]
_ -> [OPan ils]
isNumStyle :: [Output] -> Bool
isNumStyle = getAny . query ocitnum
ocitnum (OCitNum {}) = Any True
ocitnum _ = Any False
groupConsec :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
groupConsec = foldr go [] . sort
where go :: Int -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
go x [] = [[x]]
go x ((y:ys):gs) = if x + 1 == y
then ((x:y:ys):gs)
else ([x]:(y:ys):gs)
go _ ([]:_) = error "groupConsec: head of list is empty"