module Text.CSL.Parser (readCSLFile, parseCSL, parseCSL',
parseLocale, localizeCSL)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Text.CSL.Style hiding (parseNames)
import Text.CSL.Util (toRead, findFile)
import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory)
import Control.Applicative hiding (many, Const)
import qualified Text.XML as X
import Data.Default
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead)
import Text.XML.Cursor
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Text.Pandoc.UTF8 (fromStringLazy)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (fetchItem)
import Text.CSL.Data (getLocale)
parseCSL :: String -> Style
parseCSL = parseCSL' . fromStringLazy
parseLocale :: String -> IO Locale
parseLocale locale =
parseLocaleElement . fromDocument . X.parseLBS_ def <$> getLocale locale
localizeCSL :: Maybe String -> Style -> IO Style
localizeCSL mbLocale s = do
let locale = fromMaybe (styleDefaultLocale s) mbLocale
l <- parseLocale locale
return s { styleLocale = mergeLocales locale l (styleLocale s) }
readCSLFile :: Maybe String -> FilePath -> IO Style
readCSLFile mbLocale src = do
csldir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "csl"
mbSrc <- findFile [".", csldir] src
fetchRes <- fetchItem Nothing (fromMaybe src mbSrc)
f <- case fetchRes of
Left err -> E.throwIO err
Right (rawbs, _) -> return $ L.fromChunks [rawbs]
let cur = fromDocument $ X.parseLBS_ def f
let linkCur = cur $/ get "style" &/ get "info" &/ get "link"
let parent' = concatMap (stringAttr "independent-parent") linkCur
when (parent' == src) $ do
error $ "Dependent CSL style " ++ src ++ " specifies itself as parent."
case parent' of
"" -> localizeCSL mbLocale $ parseCSLCursor cur
y -> do
let mbLocale' = case stringAttr "default-locale" cur of
"" -> mbLocale
x -> Just x
readCSLFile mbLocale' y
parseCSL' :: L.ByteString -> Style
parseCSL' = parseCSLCursor . fromDocument . X.parseLBS_ def
parseCSLCursor :: Cursor -> Style
parseCSLCursor cur =
Style{ styleVersion = version
, styleClass = class_
, styleInfo = Just info
, styleDefaultLocale = defaultLocale
, styleLocale = locales
, styleAbbrevs = Abbreviations M.empty
, csOptions = filter (\(k,_) -> k `notElem`
"default-locale"]) $ parseOptions cur
, csMacros = macros
, citation = fromMaybe (Citation [] [] Layout{ layFormat = emptyFormatting
, layDelim = ""
, elements = [] }) $ listToMaybe $
cur $/ get "citation" &| parseCitation
, biblio = listToMaybe $ cur $/ get "bibliography" &| parseBiblio
where version = unpack . T.concat $ cur $| laxAttribute "version"
class_ = unpack . T.concat $ cur $| laxAttribute "class"
defaultLocale = case cur $| laxAttribute "default-locale" of
(x:_) -> unpack x
[] -> "en-US"
author = case (cur $// get "info" &/ get "author") of
(x:_) -> CSAuthor (x $/ get "name" &/ string)
(x $/ get "email" &/ string)
(x $/ get "uri" &/ string)
_ -> CSAuthor "" "" ""
info = CSInfo
{ csiTitle = cur $/ get "info" &/ get "title" &/ string
, csiAuthor = author
, csiCategories = []
, csiId = cur $/ get "info" &/ get "id" &/ string
, csiUpdated = cur $/ get "info" &/ get "updated" &/ string
locales = cur $/ get "locale" &| parseLocaleElement
macros = cur $/ get "macro" &| parseMacroMap
get :: Text -> Axis
get name =
element (X.Name name (Just "") Nothing)
string :: Cursor -> String
string = unpack . T.concat . content
attrWithDefault :: Read a => Text -> a -> Cursor -> a
attrWithDefault t d cur =
case safeRead (toRead $ stringAttr t cur) of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> d
stringAttr :: Text -> Cursor -> String
stringAttr t cur =
case node cur of
X.NodeElement e ->
case M.lookup (X.Name t Nothing Nothing)
(X.elementAttributes e) of
Just x -> unpack x
Nothing -> ""
_ -> ""
parseCslTerm :: Cursor -> CslTerm
parseCslTerm cur =
let body = unpack $ T.dropAround (`elem` " \t\r\n") $
T.concat $ cur $/ content
in CT
{ cslTerm = stringAttr "name" cur
, termForm = attrWithDefault "form" Long cur
, termGender = attrWithDefault "gender" Neuter cur
, termGenderForm = attrWithDefault "gender-form" Neuter cur
, termSingular = if null body
then cur $/ get "single" &/ string
else body
, termPlural = if null body
then cur $/ get "multiple" &/ string
else body
, termMatch = stringAttr "match" cur
parseLocaleElement :: Cursor -> Locale
parseLocaleElement cur = Locale
{ localeVersion = unpack $ T.concat version
, localeLang = unpack $ T.concat lang
, localeOptions = concat $ cur $/ get "style-options" &| parseOptions
, localeTerms = terms
, localeDate = concat $ cur $/ get "date" &| parseElement
where version = cur $| laxAttribute "version"
lang = cur $| laxAttribute "lang"
terms = cur $/ get "terms" &/ get "term" &| parseCslTerm
parseElement :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseElement cur =
case node cur of
X.NodeElement e ->
case X.nameLocalName $ X.elementName e of
"term" -> parseTerm cur
"text" -> parseText cur
"choose" -> parseChoose cur
"group" -> parseGroup cur
"label" -> parseLabel cur
"number" -> parseNumber cur
"substitute" -> parseSubstitute cur
"names" -> parseNames cur
"date" -> parseDate cur
_ -> []
_ -> []
getFormatting :: Cursor -> Formatting
getFormatting cur =
prefix = stringAttr "prefix" cur
, suffix = stringAttr "suffix" cur
, fontFamily = stringAttr "font-family" cur
, fontStyle = stringAttr "font-style" cur
, fontVariant = stringAttr "font-variant" cur
, fontWeight = stringAttr "font-weight" cur
, textDecoration = stringAttr "text-decoration" cur
, verticalAlign = stringAttr "vertical-align" cur
, textCase = stringAttr "text-case" cur
, display = stringAttr "display" cur
, quotes = if attrWithDefault "quotes" False cur
then NativeQuote
else NoQuote
, stripPeriods = attrWithDefault "strip-periods" False cur
, noCase = attrWithDefault "no-case" False cur
, noDecor = attrWithDefault "no-decor" False cur
parseDate :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseDate cur = [Date (words variable) form format delim parts partsAttr]
where variable = stringAttr "variable" cur
form = case stringAttr "form" cur of
"text" -> TextDate
"numeric" -> NumericDate
_ -> NoFormDate
format = getFormatting cur
delim = stringAttr "delimiter" cur
parts = cur $/ get "date-part" &| parseDatePart
partsAttr = stringAttr "date-parts" cur
parseDatePart :: Cursor -> DatePart
parseDatePart cur =
DatePart { dpName = stringAttr "name" cur
, dpForm = case stringAttr "form" cur of
"" -> "long"
x -> x
, dpRangeDelim = case stringAttr "range-delimiter" cur of
"" -> "-"
x -> x
, dpFormatting = getFormatting cur
parseNames :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseNames cur = [Names (words variable) names formatting delim others]
where variable = stringAttr "variable" cur
formatting = getFormatting cur
delim = stringAttr "delimiter" cur
elts = cur $/ parseName
names = case rights elts of
[] -> [Name NotSet emptyFormatting [] [] []]
xs -> xs
others = lefts elts
parseName :: Cursor -> [Either Element Name]
parseName cur =
case node cur of
X.NodeElement e ->
case X.nameLocalName $ X.elementName e of
"name" -> [Right $ Name (attrWithDefault "form" NotSet cur)
format (nameAttrs e) delim nameParts]
"label" -> [Right $ NameLabel (attrWithDefault "form" Long cur)
format plural]
"et-al" -> [Right $ EtAl format $ stringAttr "term" cur]
_ -> map Left $ parseElement cur
_ -> map Left $ parseElement cur
where format = getFormatting cur
plural = attrWithDefault "plural" Contextual cur
delim = stringAttr "delimiter" cur
nameParts = cur $/ get "name-part" &| parseNamePart
nameAttrs x = [(T.unpack n, T.unpack v) |
(X.Name n _ _, v) <- M.toList (X.elementAttributes x),
n `elem` nameAttrKeys]
nameAttrKeys = [ "et-al-min"
, "et-al-use-first"
, "et-al-subsequent-min"
, "et-al-subsequent-use-first"
, "et-al-use-last"
, "delimiter-precedes-et-al"
, "and"
, "delimiter-precedes-last"
, "sort-separator"
, "initialize"
, "initialize-with"
, "name-as-sort-order" ]
parseNamePart :: Cursor -> NamePart
parseNamePart cur = NamePart s format
where format = getFormatting cur
s = stringAttr "name" cur
parseSubstitute :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseSubstitute cur = [Substitute (cur $/ parseElement)]
parseTerm :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseTerm cur =
let termForm' = attrWithDefault "form" Long cur
formatting = getFormatting cur
plural = attrWithDefault "plural" True cur
name = stringAttr "name" cur
in [Term name termForm' formatting plural]
parseText :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseText cur =
let term = stringAttr "term" cur
variable = stringAttr "variable" cur
macro = stringAttr "macro" cur
value = stringAttr "value" cur
delim = stringAttr "delimiter" cur
formatting = getFormatting cur
plural = attrWithDefault "plural" True cur
textForm = attrWithDefault "form" Long cur
in if not (null term)
then [Term term textForm formatting plural]
else if not (null macro)
then [Macro macro formatting]
else if not (null variable)
then [Variable (words variable) textForm formatting delim]
else if not (null value)
then [Const value formatting]
else []
parseChoose :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseChoose cur =
let ifPart = cur $/ get "if" &| parseIf
elseIfPart = cur $/ get "else-if" &| parseIf
elsePart = cur $/ get "else" &/ parseElement
in [Choose (head ifPart) elseIfPart elsePart]
parseIf :: Cursor -> IfThen
parseIf cur = IfThen cond mat elts
where cond = Condition {
isType = go "type"
, isSet = go "variable"
, isNumeric = go "is-numeric"
, isUncertainDate = go "is-uncertain-date"
, isPosition = go "position"
, disambiguation = go "disambiguate"
, isLocator = go "locator"
mat = attrWithDefault "match" All cur
elts = cur $/ parseElement
go x = words $ stringAttr x cur
parseLabel :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseLabel cur = [Label variable form formatting plural]
where variable = stringAttr "variable" cur
form = attrWithDefault "form" Long cur
formatting = getFormatting cur
plural = attrWithDefault "plural" Contextual cur
parseNumber :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseNumber cur = [Number variable numForm formatting]
where variable = stringAttr "variable" cur
numForm = attrWithDefault "form" Numeric cur
formatting = getFormatting cur
parseGroup :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseGroup cur =
let elts = cur $/ parseElement
delim = stringAttr "delimiter" cur
formatting = getFormatting cur
in [Group formatting delim elts]
parseMacroMap :: Cursor -> MacroMap
parseMacroMap cur = (name, elts)
where name = cur $| stringAttr "name"
elts = cur $/ parseElement
parseCitation :: Cursor -> Citation
parseCitation cur = Citation{ citOptions = parseOptions cur
, citSort = concat $ cur $/ get "sort" &| parseSort
, citLayout = case cur $/ get "layout" &| parseLayout of
(x:_) -> x
[] -> Layout
{ layFormat = emptyFormatting
, layDelim = ""
, elements = [] }
parseSort :: Cursor -> [Sort]
parseSort cur = concat $ cur $/ get "key" &| parseKey
parseKey :: Cursor -> [Sort]
parseKey cur =
case stringAttr "variable" cur of
"" ->
case stringAttr "macro" cur of
"" -> []
x -> [SortMacro x sorting (attrWithDefault "names-min" 0 cur)
(attrWithDefault "names-use-first" 0 cur)
(stringAttr "names-use-last" cur)]
x -> [SortVariable x sorting]
where sorting = case stringAttr "sort" cur of
"descending" -> Descending ""
_ -> Ascending ""
parseBiblio :: Cursor -> Bibliography
parseBiblio cur =
bibOptions = parseOptions cur,
bibSort = concat $ cur $/ get "sort" &| parseSort,
bibLayout = case cur $/ get "layout" &| parseLayout of
(x:_) -> x
[] -> Layout
{ layFormat = emptyFormatting
, layDelim = ""
, elements = [] }
parseOptions :: Cursor -> [Option]
parseOptions cur =
case node cur of
X.NodeElement e ->
[(T.unpack n, T.unpack v) |
(X.Name n _ _, v) <- M.toList (X.elementAttributes e)]
_ -> []
parseLayout :: Cursor -> Layout
parseLayout cur =
{ layFormat = getFormatting cur
, layDelim = stringAttr "delimiter" cur
, elements = cur $/ parseElement